What happened to "Jobs, jobs, jobs"? I thought Trump was going to concentrate on the economy.

95 million Americans are not working, the most in history. An additional 37,000 have lost their jobs since Trump took office

Trump has done nothing as Americans are looking for work
With 95 million Americans out of work, Trump just ignores them
Remember 2010 the republicans said if took the house their fist priority were jobs, they did everything but

Where are the jobs Republicans promised to bring in 2010? - Rocky Mount Telegram
Those jobs are in the empty coal mines, the abandoned auto and steel factories and the deserted oil fields. Trump is getting them shovel ready. Hold on to your hat 'cause we're gonna Make America Great Again.
Yea? Who's gonna buy that crap?

Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

Steel Manufacturing Could Use More Sensing and Analysis | Sensors

Automated Car Production

Oh there's going to be a lot of "Make America Great" again jobs. But only if you look like this:


What the fuck is wrong with you guys????

Trump isn't bringing back jobs that don't exist. You need education not empty promises.
With 95 million Americans out of work, Trump just ignores them
Considering there is only 320 million Americans in the whole country, it should be more than 95 million.

You have children, the retired, the disabled, people in school, housewives or househusbands, rich people who don't need to work. Just all those people have to add up to at least 95 million.

But who expects them to work, that's crazy.

On the other hand, there's over 5.5 million jobs unfilled because people don't have the skills.
On the other hand, there's over 5.5 million jobs unfilled because people don't have the skills.
Not surprising considering how progressives have destroyed education nation wide. At the public school level - a bunch of greedy, selfish unions have chewed up the education budget for themselves. At the same time, a bunch of greedy, selfish administrators have turned the curriculum into an attempt at indoctrinating students.

At the college level - progressive morons have told students they don't have to take final exams if the candidate they voted for lost. They are told to instead go color in coloring books, play with play-doh, and hold "cry-ins". It's tough to develop "skills" skipping exams in favor of coloring in books and playing with play-doh like a toddler.

This is what the LWNJ ideology produces. An ignorant, dependent, failed populace.
Remember 2010 the republicans said if took the house their fist priority were jobs, they did everything but
Those jobs are in the empty coal mines, the abandoned auto and steel factories and the deserted oil fields. Trump is getting them shovel ready. Hold on to your hat 'cause we're gonna Make America Great Again.
Yea? Who's gonna buy that crap?
Bwahahahahaha! Who is going to buy that "crap" called energy? Gee....I don't know rdean....all of mankind.
Remember 2010 the republicans said if took the house their fist priority were jobs, they did everything but
Those jobs are in the empty coal mines, the abandoned auto and steel factories and the deserted oil fields. Trump is getting them shovel ready. Hold on to your hat 'cause we're gonna Make America Great Again.
Yea? Who's gonna buy that crap?
Bwahahahahaha! Who is going to buy that "crap" called energy? Gee....I don't know rdean....all of mankind.
Read post 43 and check out those links numbnuts.
Pretty sure this OP is gonna hate Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do. He or she cares much more about hating Donald Trump than they care about Americans. He or she is consumed with irrational hate. It is what it is.
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!
Read post 43, learn something, and then come back a little smarter and a whole lot less stupid.
Oh I did, buttercup. That's the post that had me laughing so hard at you. Anyone who says about energy "who is going to buy that crap" just cannot be taken seriously.
I think Trump is sincere in trying to bring American Jobs back. I really do believe that. But the OP will never acknowledge that. He or she is just too caught up in irrational hate. He or she hates Trump, more than they love America.
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!
Read post 43, learn something, and then come back a little smarter and a whole lot less stupid.
Oh I did, buttercup. That's the post that had me laughing so hard at you. Anyone who says about energy "who is going to buy that crap" just cannot be taken seriously.
Let's try it again sweetheart:

Robotics, driverless tech are taking over mining jobs

This industry is adopting self-driving trucks, automated loaders and automated drilling and tunnel-boring systems. It is also testing fully autonomous long-distance trains, which carry materials from the mine to a port, according to the report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Winnipeg, Canada.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration, in a recent report, put the number of workers at coal mines at 74,900 in 2014. Overall, coal employment fell 6.8% from the prior year.

West Virginia had the largest decline in the average number of employees in 2014, the government notes, "declining by 1,951 employees (9.6%), despite only a small reduction (0.5%) in statewide total coal production.


Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.

You can have all the energy in the world, but if it doesn't employ people, then why is it so good? Don't you think people are worth employing?
I think Trump is sincere in trying to bring American Jobs back. I really do believe that. But the OP will never acknowledge that. He or she is just too caught up in irrational hate. He or she hates Trump, more than they love America.
I feel sorry for the fool Trump lies to who believes what he is saying without bothering to investigate whether Trump is being reasonable, whether he's lying, whether he can do what he claims. Especially if it goes against reason and facts.
Take a course of Economics 101 at your Community College and it won't be such a mystery.

OK. But how will oil from our already drilled wells being sold over seas help us? The oil companies gonna cut you in on a percentage?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.

How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.

Ignorance never looked so ugly ....

Rally? why don't you share some of your vast knowledge, and tell us exactly how a handful of temporary oil field lobs are going to solve our problems.

First of all, it isn't a "handful of temporary oil field jobs". It is a group of engineers defining the most cost efficient approach to installing the pipeline. It is a group of steel workers creating pipe for the pipeline. It is a group of truck drivers transiting pipe to the build site. It is a group of people workers digging the hole and installing the pipeline. It is a group of engineers testing the installed pipeline. It is a group of people building, managing, and maintaining the pumps that move the oil. It is the truckers at the end of the pipeline moving oil over to the refineries. It is the refinery engineers, management, and maintenance crews. It is the office workers for every one of those companies. It is the McDonald's workers, and the grocery workers, and the gas station owners, and the new car salesmen. And, last but not least, it is the government workers responsible for oversight.

Your simplistic approach - while ever so cute - demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge.
OK. But how will oil from our already drilled wells being sold over seas help us? The oil companies gonna cut you in on a percentage?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.

How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.

Ignorance never looked so ugly ....

Rally? why don't you share some of your vast knowledge, and tell us exactly how a handful of temporary oil field lobs are going to solve our problems.

First of all, it isn't a "handful of temporary oil field jobs". It is a group of engineers defining the most cost efficient approach to installing the pipeline. It is a group of steel workers creating pipe for the pipeline. It is a group of truck drivers transiting pipe to the build site. It is a group of people workers digging the hole and installing the pipeline. It is a group of engineers testing the installed pipeline. It is a group of people building, managing, and maintaining the pumps that move the oil. It is the truckers at the end of the pipeline moving oil over to the refineries. It is the refinery engineers, management, and maintenance crews. It is the office workers for every one of those companies. It is the McDonald's workers, and the grocery workers, and the gas station owners, and the new car salesmen. And, last but not least, it is the government workers responsible for oversight.

Your simplistic approach - while ever so cute - demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge.

Yep, it's some of those things. It was some of those things when the majority of it was built a couple of years ago too. Did you see or hear about any noticeable change in employment numbers from that? About six or eight months of work, and it will be done. The pumps are computer controlled, and designed for decades of almost maintenance free service. Why would you need trucks when the pipeline plugs directly into the refineries, and a flip of a switch or a pre-programmed computer will put it directly into the tanks or distillation towers , and then on to the ships waiting at the docks to float it to China and other foreign ports. You know all those refineries are free trade zones where they can refine the oil, and ship it out without paying a penny of tax on it, don't you? All the big refineries on the Gulf coast already upgraded a few years back to handle the volume, and with their already installed automation, a couple of guys can run an entire plant,and still have time to drink coffee and look at porn on the internet. You really think there will be new car dealerships or gas stations because of that line? That's funny. Yep, it will be a paycheck for a few hundred people for a few months, but probably not as many people as lost their jobs a few miles down the road from that Carrier facility that Trump bragged about. I'm guessing you've never seen a pipeline being built. You certainly don't know anything about what is involved in building one.
You can have all the energy in the world, but if it doesn't employ people, then why is it so good? Don't you think people are worth employing?
Because energy is necessary to sustain life, genius. Even if didn't employ one single person, it's still critical to survival. It heats homes. It provide power to computers that run the world.
Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.
Exactly. Creating jobs. Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation. Those are an abundance of good paying jobs.

Barack Obama was an ignorant ideologue. Donald Trump is a pragmatic businessman. He recognizes that the world needs an abundance of affordable energy and that providing it creates jobs. It's the ultimate win-win.
Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.
Exactly. Creating jobs. Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation. Those are an abundance of good paying jobs.

Barack Obama was an ignorant ideologue. Donald Trump is a pragmatic businessman. He recognizes that the world needs an abundance of affordable energy and that providing it creates jobs. It's the ultimate win-win.

Right. 500 coal miners replaced with 4 IT guys.

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