What happened to "Jobs, jobs, jobs"? I thought Trump was going to concentrate on the economy.

everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?

I watch the news fairly close, I missed that statement. Please show us your source and link to a reliable source making that quote. If you cannot...that would mean...FAKE NEWS.

Dozens of credible reports on Google. Pick one you like.

Trump's chief strategist Bannon: 'No doubt' the US will be at war with China in the next few years

Trump's closest advisor thinks there will be a war with China soon
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters

Nonsensical, as a minimum, alarmist, at best, and just plain silly, in truth.
Trump's closest advisor thinks there will be a war with China soon
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.

Oh goodie. Will that be a war where nobody gets killed, and we don't spend billions of dollars? I don't like the other kind.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.

Oh goodie. Will that be a war where nobody gets killed, and we don't spend billions of dollars? I don't like the other kind.
So, sit it out .. like you have always done.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.

Oh goodie. Will that be a war where nobody gets killed, and we don't spend billions of dollars? I don't like the other kind.
So, sit it out .. like you have always done.

Easy for you to send someone's kid to die for a stupid reason,isn't it.
Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.

Oh goodie. Will that be a war where nobody gets killed, and we don't spend billions of dollars? I don't like the other kind.
So, sit it out .. like you have always done.

Easy for you to send someone's kid to die for a stupid reason,isn't it.

You may think it is stupid - I choose to disagree. But, hey, just let that kid die because you were unwilling to step up to your responsibility.
Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.

Oh goodie. Will that be a war where nobody gets killed, and we don't spend billions of dollars? I don't like the other kind.
So, sit it out .. like you have always done.

Easy for you to send someone's kid to die for a stupid reason,isn't it.

You may think it is stupid - I choose to disagree. But, hey, just let that kid die because you were unwilling to step up to your responsibility.

The president's chief adviser is talking about going to war, and you don't even know why, but you are happy to send kids to die. Disgusting.
Actually, what he said was "we are going to war in the South China Sea." ---- hardly the harbinger of doom you wish it to be.

Oh goodie. Will that be a war where nobody gets killed, and we don't spend billions of dollars? I don't like the other kind.
So, sit it out .. like you have always done.

Easy for you to send someone's kid to die for a stupid reason,isn't it.

You may think it is stupid - I choose to disagree. But, hey, just let that kid die because you were unwilling to step up to your responsibility.

The president's chief adviser is talking about going to war, and you don't even know why, but you are happy to send kids to die. Disgusting.

As a matter of fact, I am exactly sure why he said what he said. You, on the other hand, have chosen to misconstrue Bannon's words and, more importantly, his intent. Your intentional lie was intended to mislead, not inform.
(CNN)Rex Tillerson, who was sworn in as US Secretary of State Wednesday, takes responsibility for US policy in one of the world's biggest flashpoints: the South China Sea.

President Donald Trump says the former Exxon CEO will bring "a clear-eyed focus to foreign affairs."
He'll need it.
The contested waters are a crucial shipping route and home a messy territorial dispute that pits multiple countries against each other.
Tensions have ratcheted up since 2014 as China has turned sandbars into islands, equipping them with airfields, ports and weapons systems and warned US warships and aircraft to stay away from them.
Adding fuel to this heady mix, the Trump administration looks set to take a much more confrontational stance toward China than its predecessor.
During his confirmation hearing, Tillerson said China should be blocked from accessing the artificial islands it's built, setting the stage for a potential showdown.
Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.
Exactly. Creating jobs. Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation. Those are an abundance of good paying jobs.

Barack Obama was an ignorant ideologue. Donald Trump is a pragmatic businessman. He recognizes that the world needs an abundance of affordable energy and that providing it creates jobs. It's the ultimate win-win.

Right. 500 coal miners replaced with 4 IT guys.
Well first of all - you need engineers to design the automation equipment. That's more than 4 jobs right there and are extremely high paying. Then you need to manufacture whatever it is the engineers design. Someone needs to set up the manufacturing line. Once that equipment is manufactured - you still need someone to design the software that will run it (systems analysts) and then others to actually code it (programmers). And of course, once all of that is done, you need people to maintain and repair all of that.

Way more than "500 jobs" right there, snowflake. Automation doesn't eliminate jobs. It shifts them. From lowering paying manual labor to higher paying jobs. Which is what you nitwit progressives are always whining about.

Of course. Everybody knows an automated job takes more people than the way it used to be done-------------idiot.
I just broke it down for you. Watching you flail around like the nitwit you are and respond with the highly intelligent "everybody knows" is hilarious. You look like a fool (because you are a fool). Thanks for playing junior. Run along now. The adults need to talk.
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!

Trump is the worst president in History with over 95 million out of the workforce
35,000 have left the workforce since Trump became President

Trump brags about 800 Carrier air conditioner jobs while 35,000 lose their jobs
When is Trump going to save the coal mining jobs he promised?
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!

Trump is the worst president in History with over 95 million out of the workforce
35,000 have left the workforce since Trump became President

Trump brags about 800 Carrier air conditioner jobs while 35,000 lose their jobs
When is Trump going to save the coal mining jobs he promised?
Oh please....your pitiful and transparent baiting is fooling nobody wrongwinger. We The People elected President Trump. I know you wanted to see the collapse of the United States - but it just didn't happen. Barack Obama ran out of time before he could finish the job.

Now...as for you.....

everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?
LMAO!!! Tell me something my dear - just before Donald Trump was sworn in - were progressives required to take some king of special "Chicken Little" training? You people keep proclaiming that President Trump has the world on the brink of WWIII, yet all of you are incapable of articulating why. Every nation in the world is thrilled that Barack Obama is gone and Trump is in.

Our allies (Israel, England, etc.) hated Barack Obama. Our enemies (Russia, Iran, etc.) laughed at him. Literally laughed at him. Publicly. Our allies are now thrilled that Donald Trump is president and our enemies respect us again.
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters
Interesting. You celebrated like hell when Obama did it. He started wars in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen for absolutely no reason other than to advance the cause of radical islam. And he lost more troops in Afghanistan than George W. Bush did.
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!

Trump is the worst president in History with over 95 million out of the workforce
35,000 have left the workforce since Trump became President

Trump brags about 800 Carrier air conditioner jobs while 35,000 lose their jobs
When is Trump going to save the coal mining jobs he promised?
Oh please....your pitiful and transparent baiting is fooling nobody wrongwinger. We The People elected President Trump. I know you wanted to see the collapse of the United States - but it just didn't happen. Barack Obama ran out of time before he could finish the job.

Now...as for you.....

View attachment 110184

The numbers don't lie
Trump is the worst in history with the most people EVER out of the workforce

He has been a disaster
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.
You somehow omitted the overriding theme of the Trump promises which he seems to have gotten exactly right and your post seems to confirm..."we are going to win so much you are going to be sick of it"
The numbers don't lie
You do though!
Trump is the worst in history with the most people EVER out of the workforce
My fragile little snowflake...Obama left office with 95 million out of the workforce because of his policies. President Trump is fixing the mess Obama left. That's why We The People elected him...
He has been a disaster
Your trolling is transparent and pitiful. I would say "you could do better" but we all know you actually can't! :lol:

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