What happened to "Jobs, jobs, jobs"? I thought Trump was going to concentrate on the economy.

I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.
He's in office for only 2 week!!!! And the priorities should be to get his cabinet in place , I would think! But these idiots
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.
He's in office for only 2 week!!!! And the priorities should be to get his cabinet in place , I would think! But these idiots
It's just trolling. They are trying to see if they can get a reaction out of you...
The numbers don't lie
You do though!
Trump is the worst in history with the most people EVER out of the workforce
My fragile little snowflake...Obama left office with 95 million out of the workforce because of his policies. President Trump is fixing the mess Obama left. That's why We The People elected him...
He has been a disaster
Your trolling is transparent and pitiful. I would say "you could do better" but we all know you actually can't! :lol:

Trump railed against Obama for having 95 million people out of the workforce
Now it is Trump who is the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY
Trump railed against Obama for having 95 million people out of the workforce Now it is Trump who is the WORST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY
You're trolling is failing miserably. You weren't subtle enough snowflake. Go back to the drawing board.
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters
Interesting. You celebrated like hell when Obama did it. He started wars in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen for absolutely no reason other than to advance the cause of radical islam. And he lost more troops in Afghanistan than George W. Bush did.

I've never celebrated war....not under Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush, or Obama.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?

I watch the news fairly close, I missed that statement. Please show us your source and link to a reliable source making that quote. If you cannot...that would mean...FAKE NEWS.

Dozens of credible reports on Google. Pick one you like.

Trump's chief strategist Bannon: 'No doubt' the US will be at war with China in the next few years

Trump's closest advisor thinks there will be a war with China soon

Why didn't you also post that the comment was from his talk radio show nearly a year ago? Were he to have said it today, that would be an entirely different matter.

However, I would agree that war with China is a very real possibility. They are turning out dozens of submarines. They also have a huge submarine base hidden from the air because the only entrance is under water. As you know they control the seaports at both ends of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal. China controls the Long Beach seaport. They are also enlarging a seaport in the Bahamas adjoining a 13,000-foot runway. Long enough for any of the military aircraft in their Airforce.

They have rockets which can take out satellites. Their submarines are equipped with surface to surface rockets. Some are nuclear. They have been building one ultra-sophisticated, ultra clean coal plant per year. They have more nuclear power plants under construction and being planned than the rest of the world combined. Having observed our country, they know that they need large amounts of cheap energy.

If you do not think they are a real threat, you are living in a Progressive fantasy world. Personally, I do not think we'll go to war, they will announce that they have us by the short curlies and we'll turn over the keys. They have a population of 1.3 BILLION people. From their point of view, they could afford a loss of 500 million. That won't happen under a Trump administration. Another wimp president like petulant former President Obama and we're toast.
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!

Trump is the worst president in History with over 95 million out of the workforce
35,000 have left the workforce since Trump became President

Trump brags about 800 Carrier air conditioner jobs while 35,000 lose their jobs
When is Trump going to save the coal mining jobs he promised?

You are a joke! For eight years, you and the other far left Progressives blamed President Bush for anything. NEVER did petulant former President Obama accept the blame for ANYTHING.

Now you want to blame a president for something that took place before he even took office.

Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.
Exactly. Creating jobs. Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation. Those are an abundance of good paying jobs.

Barack Obama was an ignorant ideologue. Donald Trump is a pragmatic businessman. He recognizes that the world needs an abundance of affordable energy and that providing it creates jobs. It's the ultimate win-win.

Right. 500 coal miners replaced with 4 IT guys.
I know, right. And the person goes on with "Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation."

So who are these "someone"? And how did they get where they could design and repair and so on? Where did they get the education? Are they immigrants? Where has Trump mentioned a word about education? There are over 5 and half million jobs availible right at this very moment and people with the skills to do those jobs just aren't availible. Why not? We already know the answer.

And Republicans will say, "Oh, yea, 5 million jobs of burger flippers and part timers". when we all know those jobs go like hotcakes. "Burger flippers and part timers" is just more ignorance from an ignorant base.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?

I watch the news fairly close, I missed that statement. Please show us your source and link to a reliable source making that quote. If you cannot...that would mean...FAKE NEWS.

Dozens of credible reports on Google. Pick one you like.

Trump's chief strategist Bannon: 'No doubt' the US will be at war with China in the next few years

Trump's closest advisor thinks there will be a war with China soon

Why didn't you also post that the comment was from his talk radio show nearly a year ago? Were he to have said it today, that would be an entirely different matter.

However, I would agree that war with China is a very real possibility. They are turning out dozens of submarines. They also have a huge submarine base hidden from the air because the only entrance is under water. As you know they control the seaports at both ends of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal. China controls the Long Beach seaport. They are also enlarging a seaport in the Bahamas adjoining a 13,000-foot runway. Long enough for any of the military aircraft in their Airforce.

They have rockets which can take out satellites. Their submarines are equipped with surface to surface rockets. Some are nuclear. They have been building one ultra-sophisticated, ultra clean coal plant per year. They have more nuclear power plants under construction and being planned than the rest of the world combined. Having observed our country, they know that they need large amounts of cheap energy.

If you do not think they are a real threat, you are living in a Progressive fantasy world. Personally, I do not think we'll go to war, they will announce that they have us by the short curlies and we'll turn over the keys. They have a population of 1.3 BILLION people. From their point of view, they could afford a loss of 500 million. That won't happen under a Trump administration. Another wimp president like petulant former President Obama and we're toast.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said ‘I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. Was that true?
COMEY: There was classified material e-mail.
GOWDY: [...] Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?
COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails, thousands that were not returned.

In a later exchange with Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) Comey said Clinton wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand what information was classified and what wasn’t.

Quoting two right wing rubes as if they were honest and without an agenda. It's like saying Trump is honest.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
95 million Americans are not working, the most in history.
Thanks to Barack Obama. But don't worry buttercup - Trump is going to fix all of that! It's why We The People elected him!

Trump is the worst president in History with over 95 million out of the workforce
35,000 have left the workforce since Trump became President

Trump brags about 800 Carrier air conditioner jobs while 35,000 lose their jobs
When is Trump going to save the coal mining jobs he promised?

You are a joke! For eight years, you and the other far left Progressives blamed President Bush for anything. NEVER did petulant former President Obama accept the blame for ANYTHING.

Now you want to blame a president for something that took place before he even took office.

Every time Right wingers complain that Obama should accept blame, and we ask them what should he accept blame for, they bring up something Bush did or Bush started.

Even health care. Medical Bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy under Bush and now they have convinced themselves, those were the good old days.
'What happened to "Jobs, jobs, jobs"? I thought Trump was going to concentrate on the economy.'

He's already done more before he was even sworn in that Barry did in his 1st year in office.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?

I watch the news fairly close, I missed that statement. Please show us your source and link to a reliable source making that quote. If you cannot...that would mean...FAKE NEWS.

Dozens of credible reports on Google. Pick one you like.

Trump's chief strategist Bannon: 'No doubt' the US will be at war with China in the next few years

Trump's closest advisor thinks there will be a war with China soon

Why didn't you also post that the comment was from his talk radio show nearly a year ago? Were he to have said it today, that would be an entirely different matter.

However, I would agree that war with China is a very real possibility. They are turning out dozens of submarines. They also have a huge submarine base hidden from the air because the only entrance is under water. As you know they control the seaports at both ends of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal. China controls the Long Beach seaport. They are also enlarging a seaport in the Bahamas adjoining a 13,000-foot runway. Long enough for any of the military aircraft in their Airforce.

They have rockets which can take out satellites. Their submarines are equipped with surface to surface rockets. Some are nuclear. They have been building one ultra-sophisticated, ultra clean coal plant per year. They have more nuclear power plants under construction and being planned than the rest of the world combined. Having observed our country, they know that they need large amounts of cheap energy.

If you do not think they are a real threat, you are living in a Progressive fantasy world. Personally, I do not think we'll go to war, they will announce that they have us by the short curlies and we'll turn over the keys. They have a population of 1.3 BILLION people. From their point of view, they could afford a loss of 500 million. That won't happen under a Trump administration. Another wimp president like petulant former President Obama and we're toast.
Just one thing:

ultra-sophisticated, ultra clean coal plant

You do realize there is no such thing, right?
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters
Interesting. You celebrated like hell when Obama did it. He started wars in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen for absolutely no reason other than to advance the cause of radical islam. And he lost more troops in Afghanistan than George W. Bush did.

I've never celebrated war....not under Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush, or Obama.
You never once denounced Obama's war mongering. You defended him.
There are over 5 and half million jobs availible right at this very moment and people with the skills to do those jobs just aren't availible. Why not? We already know the answer.
Yes we do....because progressives did what they always do - destroyed the education system in America. They destroy everything they touch.
I know, right. And the person goes on with "Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation."

So who are these "someone"? And how did they get where they could design and repair and so on?
I already answered that question. Engineers. And they learned their trade just as an electrician, plumber, or CEO learns their trade.

The stuff that you find baffling astounds me.
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.

Yeah Comrade Trump fooled a lot of people in this country. No investor is going to invest money into old rusted out factories so they can LOSE money, and a Republican congress sure as hell not going to subsidize manufacturing in this country.

Trump deserves an emmy award for his performance.


We all know well who the Obama Administration identified as STUPID! That would be anyone who supported ObamaCare.

The really disheartening thing about that video is that he is completely correct. It is pathetic how people will back taxing that 'evil' company but somehow think that they are not actually taxing the consumer.

Business always passes cost onto the consumer. If the Comrade puts on a 20% tariff, you'll be paying 20% for a new Ford Truck. Making foreign auto's and other products look that much more attractive to American consumers. Then Ford starts laying off employees, because Americans are buying Toyota's.

This is why Tariff's don't work.

That is not entirely true. Targeted taxes are used all over the place and they are used to encourage certain behaviors. In your Ford example, that tariff is applied to vehicles assembled outside the country and it makes those assembled in the country more capable to compete. They simply cannot add 20% onto the cost of the product because there are ways of producing that product without adding that cost and a competitor will use that if they do not.
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters
Interesting. You celebrated like hell when Obama did it. He started wars in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen for absolutely no reason other than to advance the cause of radical islam. And he lost more troops in Afghanistan than George W. Bush did.

I've never celebrated war....not under Reagan, Bush1, Clinton, Bush, or Obama.
You never once denounced Obama's war mongering. You defended him.
Are you talking about what was left to Obama after Bush and the GOP inflamed the Middle East?
There are over 5 and half million jobs availible right at this very moment and people with the skills to do those jobs just aren't availible. Why not? We already know the answer.
Yes we do....because progressives did what they always do - destroyed the education system in America. They destroy everything they touch.
When people come from overseas to go to American schools, where are those schools they go to? Hint, not in Red States. And why do they go to those schools? Because the rest of the world considers them the best in the world. Only Republicans, who live in true welfare states call them bad schools. And to people that teach "magical creation" and "vaccines cause autism" and "the Conservative Republicans who lived in the north moved down south and that is why the south is mostly Republican today" to their children have children that can't get jobs.
I know, right. And the person goes on with "Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation."

So who are these "someone"? And how did they get where they could design and repair and so on?
I already answered that question. Engineers. And they learned their trade just as an electrician, plumber, or CEO learns their trade.

The stuff that you find baffling astounds me.
Engineers learn their "trade" just like plumbers, electricians and (OMG) CEO's????????

You are a tard. End of discussion.
...and "the Conservative Republicans who lived in the north moved down south and that is why the south is mostly Republican today" to their children have children that can't get jobs.
Snowflake...the welfare world is made up of Dumbocrats. You don't see welfare recipients voting Republican. Republicans have jobs. You can't even get your false narrative straight :lol:

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