What happened to "Jobs, jobs, jobs"? I thought Trump was going to concentrate on the economy.

Remember 2010 the republicans said if took the house their fist priority were jobs, they did everything but

Where are the jobs Republicans promised to bring in 2010? - Rocky Mount Telegram


It sure is hard to fight a Socialist President and his negative economic policies. Lest you forget, it was petulant former President Obama who set another infamous record. The only president in history to never have a single year of economic growth of more than 3% in history.
Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.
Exactly. Creating jobs. Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation. Those are an abundance of good paying jobs.

Barack Obama was an ignorant ideologue. Donald Trump is a pragmatic businessman. He recognizes that the world needs an abundance of affordable energy and that providing it creates jobs. It's the ultimate win-win.

Right. 500 coal miners replaced with 4 IT guys.
Well first of all - you need engineers to design the automation equipment. That's more than 4 jobs right there and are extremely high paying. Then you need to manufacture whatever it is the engineers design. Someone needs to set up the manufacturing line. Once that equipment is manufactured - you still need someone to design the software that will run it (systems analysts) and then others to actually code it (programmers). And of course, once all of that is done, you need people to maintain and repair all of that.

Way more than "500 jobs" right there, snowflake. Automation doesn't eliminate jobs. It shifts them. From lowering paying manual labor to higher paying jobs. Which is what you nitwit progressives are always whining about.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.

How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.

Ignorance never looked so ugly ....

Rally? why don't you share some of your vast knowledge, and tell us exactly how a handful of temporary oil field lobs are going to solve our problems.

First of all, it isn't a "handful of temporary oil field jobs". It is a group of engineers defining the most cost efficient approach to installing the pipeline. It is a group of steel workers creating pipe for the pipeline. It is a group of truck drivers transiting pipe to the build site. It is a group of people workers digging the hole and installing the pipeline. It is a group of engineers testing the installed pipeline. It is a group of people building, managing, and maintaining the pumps that move the oil. It is the truckers at the end of the pipeline moving oil over to the refineries. It is the refinery engineers, management, and maintenance crews. It is the office workers for every one of those companies. It is the McDonald's workers, and the grocery workers, and the gas station owners, and the new car salesmen. And, last but not least, it is the government workers responsible for oversight.

Your simplistic approach - while ever so cute - demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge.

Yep, it's some of those things. It was some of those things when the majority of it was built a couple of years ago too. Did you see or hear about any noticeable change in employment numbers from that? About six or eight months of work, and it will be done. The pumps are computer controlled, and designed for decades of almost maintenance free service. Why would you need trucks when the pipeline plugs directly into the refineries, and a flip of a switch or a pre-programmed computer will put it directly into the tanks or distillation towers , and then on to the ships waiting at the docks to float it to China and other foreign ports. You know all those refineries are free trade zones where they can refine the oil, and ship it out without paying a penny of tax on it, don't you? All the big refineries on the Gulf coast already upgraded a few years back to handle the volume, and with their already installed automation, a couple of guys can run an entire plant,and still have time to drink coffee and look at porn on the internet. You really think there will be new car dealerships or gas stations because of that line? That's funny. Yep, it will be a paycheck for a few hundred people for a few months, but probably not as many people as lost their jobs a few miles down the road from that Carrier facility that Trump bragged about. I'm guessing you've never seen a pipeline being built. You certainly don't know anything about what is involved in building one.

Yep - don't know a single thing about pipelines. Not a thing ... never built a single thing in my whole life. But, obviously, you have (if we discount those hamburgers, we could probably say you haven't built anything, right?)

Give me a break.

Decades of service on those "computer operated" pumps? You're probably not aware that we put pumps - little, tiny pumps - on satellites. Those pumps, costing thousands of dollars, have a projected lifespan of 5-6 years. Course, that's without maintenance.

You're probably - obviously not - aware of the State Department reports that says the pipelines will create 42,000 direct, and indirect jobs. Of those, 16,100 will be permanent jobs for the duration of the pipeline ..... thus the claim that the construction will create 26,000 jobs.

But, hey --- undoubtedly, you know SO much more than the State Department, right?
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.

Yeah Comrade Trump fooled a lot of people in this country. No investor is going to invest money into old rusted out factories so they can LOSE money, and a Republican congress sure as hell not going to subsidize manufacturing in this country.

Trump deserves an emmy award for his performance.


We all know well who the Obama Administration identified as STUPID! That would be anyone who supported ObamaCare.

everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.
Don't you get it? Coal mining jobs are being automated. Instead of coal miners, you will have IT managers.
Exactly. Creating jobs. Someone has to design, manufacture, maintain, and repair the hardware, software, and networks which comprise the automation. Those are an abundance of good paying jobs.

Barack Obama was an ignorant ideologue. Donald Trump is a pragmatic businessman. He recognizes that the world needs an abundance of affordable energy and that providing it creates jobs. It's the ultimate win-win.

Right. 500 coal miners replaced with 4 IT guys.
Well first of all - you need engineers to design the automation equipment. That's more than 4 jobs right there and are extremely high paying. Then you need to manufacture whatever it is the engineers design. Someone needs to set up the manufacturing line. Once that equipment is manufactured - you still need someone to design the software that will run it (systems analysts) and then others to actually code it (programmers). And of course, once all of that is done, you need people to maintain and repair all of that.

Way more than "500 jobs" right there, snowflake. Automation doesn't eliminate jobs. It shifts them. From lowering paying manual labor to higher paying jobs. Which is what you nitwit progressives are always whining about.

Of course. Everybody knows an automated job takes more people than the way it used to be done-------------idiot.
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.
I thought this thread was gonna be about the "shovel ready" jobs Obama promised.

Yeah, the ones he and CEO of GE, Jeffrey Immelt who was petulant former President Obama Job Czar LAUGHED ABOUT!
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.
How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.

Ignorance never looked so ugly ....

Rally? why don't you share some of your vast knowledge, and tell us exactly how a handful of temporary oil field lobs are going to solve our problems.

First of all, it isn't a "handful of temporary oil field jobs". It is a group of engineers defining the most cost efficient approach to installing the pipeline. It is a group of steel workers creating pipe for the pipeline. It is a group of truck drivers transiting pipe to the build site. It is a group of people workers digging the hole and installing the pipeline. It is a group of engineers testing the installed pipeline. It is a group of people building, managing, and maintaining the pumps that move the oil. It is the truckers at the end of the pipeline moving oil over to the refineries. It is the refinery engineers, management, and maintenance crews. It is the office workers for every one of those companies. It is the McDonald's workers, and the grocery workers, and the gas station owners, and the new car salesmen. And, last but not least, it is the government workers responsible for oversight.

Your simplistic approach - while ever so cute - demonstrates your complete lack of knowledge.

Yep, it's some of those things. It was some of those things when the majority of it was built a couple of years ago too. Did you see or hear about any noticeable change in employment numbers from that? About six or eight months of work, and it will be done. The pumps are computer controlled, and designed for decades of almost maintenance free service. Why would you need trucks when the pipeline plugs directly into the refineries, and a flip of a switch or a pre-programmed computer will put it directly into the tanks or distillation towers , and then on to the ships waiting at the docks to float it to China and other foreign ports. You know all those refineries are free trade zones where they can refine the oil, and ship it out without paying a penny of tax on it, don't you? All the big refineries on the Gulf coast already upgraded a few years back to handle the volume, and with their already installed automation, a couple of guys can run an entire plant,and still have time to drink coffee and look at porn on the internet. You really think there will be new car dealerships or gas stations because of that line? That's funny. Yep, it will be a paycheck for a few hundred people for a few months, but probably not as many people as lost their jobs a few miles down the road from that Carrier facility that Trump bragged about. I'm guessing you've never seen a pipeline being built. You certainly don't know anything about what is involved in building one.

Yep - don't know a single thing about pipelines. Not a thing ... never built a single thing in my whole life. But, obviously, you have (if we discount those hamburgers, we could probably say you haven't built anything, right?)

Give me a break.

Decades of service on those "computer operated" pumps? You're probably not aware that we put pumps - little, tiny pumps - on satellites. Those pumps, costing thousands of dollars, have a projected lifespan of 5-6 years. Course, that's without maintenance.

You're probably - obviously not - aware of the State Department reports that says the pipelines will create 42,000 direct, and indirect jobs. Of those, 16,100 will be permanent jobs for the duration of the pipeline ..... thus the claim that the construction will create 26,000 jobs.

But, hey --- undoubtedly, you know SO much more than the State Department, right?

Right, except what happened to that big employment explosion when they built the southern part of it in a few months? They going to do something different on the rest of it?
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.

Yeah Comrade Trump fooled a lot of people in this country. No investor is going to invest money into old rusted out factories so they can LOSE money, and a Republican congress sure as hell not going to subsidize manufacturing in this country.

Trump deserves an emmy award for his performance.


We all know well who the Obama Administration identified as STUPID! That would be anyone who supported ObamaCare.

The really disheartening thing about that video is that he is completely correct. It is pathetic how people will back taxing that 'evil' company but somehow think that they are not actually taxing the consumer.
This is the policies of dump!!!


What happens to all union contracts when Minimum Wage is increased? I didn't think so. As for the Minimum Wage, personally I believe it should be eliminated.

EASY Sallie May loans are what is driving up tuition costs. The college loan bubble is the next one to burst.

95 million Americans are not working, the most in history. An additional 37,000 have lost their jobs since Trump took office

Trump has done nothing as Americans are looking for work

More than a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Specifically, keeps WHAT UP?
The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) includes the trans-Alaska crude-oil pipeline, 12 pump stations, several hundred miles of feeder pipelines, and the Valdez Marine Terminal. TAPS is one of the world's largest pipeline systems. It is commonly called the Alaska pipeline, trans-Alaska pipeline, or Alyeska pipeline, (or the pipeline as referred to in Alaska), but those terms technically apply only to the 800 miles (1,287 km) of the pipeline with the diameter of 48 inches (122 cm) that conveys oil from Prudhoe Bay, to Valdez, Alaska. The crude oil pipeline is privately owned by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company.


The construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and its completion in 1977 had an immense effect on Alaska, the United States, and the rest of the world.

Construction of the pipeline caused a massive economic boom in towns up and down the pipeline route. Prior to construction, most residents in towns like Fairbanks—still recovering from the devastating 1967 Fairbanks Flood—strongly supported the pipeline.[80] By 1976, after the town's residents had endured a spike in crime, overstressed public infrastructure, and an influx of people unfamiliar with Alaska customs, 56 percent said the pipeline had changed Fairbanks for the worse.[81] The boom was even greater in Valdez, where the population jumped from 1,350 in 1974 to 6,512 by the summer of 1975 and 8,253 in 1976.[82]

This increase in population caused many adverse effects. Home prices skyrocketed—a home that sold for $40,000 in 1974 was purchased for $80,000 in 1975.[83] In Valdez, lots of land that sold for $400 in the late 1960s went for $4,000 in 1973, $8,000 in 1974, and $10,000 in 1975.[84] Home and apartment rentals were correspondingly squeezed upward by the rising prices and the demand from pipeline workers. Two-room log cabins with no plumbing rented for $500 per month.[85] One two-bedroom home in Fairbanks housed 45 pipeline workers who shared beds on a rotating schedule for $40 per week.[86] In Valdez, an apartment that rented for $286 per month in December 1974 cost $520 per month in March 1975 and $1,600 per month—plus two mandatory roommates—in April 1975. Hotel rooms were sold out as far away as Glenallen, 115 miles (185 km) north of Valdez.[87]

The skyrocketing prices were driven by the high salaries paid to pipeline workers, who were eager to spend their money.[88] The high salaries caused a corresponding demand for higher wages among non-pipeline workers in Alaska. Non-pipeline businesses often could not keep up with the demand for higher wages, and job turnover was high. Yellow cab in Fairbanks had a turnover rate of 800 percent; a nearby restaurant had a turnover rate of more than 1,000 percent.[89] Many positions were filled by high school students promoted above their experience level. To meet the demand, a Fairbanks high school ran in two shifts: one in the morning and the other in the afternoon in order to teach students who also worked eight hours per day.[90] More wages and more people meant higher demand for goods and services. Waiting in line became a fact of life in Fairbanks, and the Fairbanks McDonalds became No. 2 in the world for sales—behind only the recently opened Stockholm store.[91] Alyeska and its contractors bought in bulk from local stores, causing shortages of everything from cars to tractor parts, water softener salt, batteries and ladders.[91]

Note, unlikely to happen in the lower 48 as Alaska historically has a low population issue, there's simply not enough people in the state to fill our jobs. I've mentioned this in the past re we never have enough cops, building low income housing in my town because we needed lower wage workers, etc. Commuting to Alaska from other states isn't possible heh


Economy of Alaska
Main article: Economy of Alaska
See also: Alaska Permanent Fund

The wealth generated by Prudhoe Bay and the other fields on the North Slope since 1977 is worth more than all the fish ever caught, all the furs ever trapped, all the trees chopped down; throw in all the copper, whalebone, natural gas, tin, silver, platinum, and anything else ever extracted from Alaska too. The balance sheet of Alaskan history is simple: One Prudhoe Bay is worth more in real dollars than everything that has been dug out, cut down, caught or killed in Alaska since the beginning of time.[98]

Alaska historian Terrence Cole

Since the completion of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System in 1977, the government of the state of Alaska has been reliant on taxes paid by oil producers and shippers. Prior to 1976, Alaska's personal income tax rate was 14.5 percent—the highest in the United States.[99] The gross state product was $8 billion, and Alaskans earned $5 billion in personal income.[98] Thirty years after the pipeline began operating, the state had no personal income tax, the gross state product was $39 billion, and Alaskans earned $25 billion in personal income.[98] Alaska moved from the most heavily taxed state to the most tax-free state.[99][100]

The difference was the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System and the taxes and revenue it brought to Alaska.[98] Alyeska and the oil companies injected billions of dollars into the Alaska economy during the construction effort and the years afterward.[101] In addition, the taxes paid by those companies altered the tax structure of the state. By 1982, five years after the pipeline started transporting oil, 86.5 percent of Alaska revenue came directly from the petroleum industry.[102]

The series of taxes levied on oil production in Alaska has changed several times since 1977, but the overall form remains mostly the same.[103][104] Alaska receives royalties from oil production on state land. The state also has a property tax on oil production structures and transportation (pipeline) property—the only state property tax in Alaska. There is a special corporate income tax on petroleum companies, and the state taxes the amount of petroleum produced. This production tax is levied on the cost of oil at Pump Station 1. To calculate this tax, the state takes the market value of the oil, subtracts transportation costs (tanker and pipeline tariffs), subtracts production costs, then multiplies the resulting amount per barrel of oil produced each month. The state then takes a percentage of the dollar figure produced.[105]

Under the latest taxation system, introduced by former governor Sarah Palin in 2007 and passed by the Alaska Legislature that year, the maximum tax rate on profits is 50 percent. The rate fluctuates based on the cost of oil, with lower prices incurring lower tax rates.[104] The state also claims 12.5 percent of all oil produced in the state. This "royalty oil" is not taxed but is sold back to the oil companies, generating additional revenue.[106] At a local level, the pipeline owners pay property taxes on the portions of the pipeline and the pipeline facilities that lay within districts that impose a property tax. This property tax is based on the pipeline's value (as assessed by the state) and the local property tax rate. In the Fairbanks North Star Borough, for example, pipeline owners paid $9.2 million in property taxes—approximately 10 percent of all property taxes paid in the borough.[107]

Alaska oil production peaked in 1988.

The enormous amount of public revenue created by the pipeline provoked debates about what to do with the windfall. The record $900 million created by the Prudhoe Bay oil lease sale took place at a time when the entire state budget was less than $118 million,[99] yet the entire amount created by the sale was used up by 1975.[108] Taxes on the pipeline and oil carried by it promised to bring even more money into state coffers. To ensure that oil revenue wasn't spent as it came in, the Alaska Legislature and governor Jay Hammond proposed the creation of an Alaska Permanent Fund—a long-term savings account for the state.[109] This measure required a constitutional amendment, which was duly passed in November 1976. The amendment requires at least 25 percent of mineral extraction revenue to be deposited in the Permanent Fund.[110] On February 28, 1977, the first deposit—$734,000—was put into the Permanent Fund. That deposit and subsequent ones were invested entirely in bonds, but debates quickly arose about the style of investments and what they should be used for.[111]

In 1980, the Alaska Legislature created the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation to manage the investments of the Permanent Fund, and it passed the Permanent Fund Dividend program, which provided for annual payments to Alaskans from the interest earned by the fund. After two years of legal arguments about who should be eligible for payments, the first checks were distributed to Alaskans.[112] After peaking at more than $40 billion in 2007, the fund's value declined to approximately $26 billion as of summer 2009.[113] In addition to the Permanent Fund, the state also maintains the Constitutional Budget Reserve, a separate savings account established in 1990 after a legal dispute over pipeline tariffs generated a one-time payment of more than $1.5 billion from the oil companies.[114] The Constitutional Budget reserve is run similar to the Permanent Fund, but money from it can be withdrawn to pay for the state's annual budget, unlike the Permanent Fund.[106]
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I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.

Yeah Comrade Trump fooled a lot of people in this country. No investor is going to invest money into old rusted out factories so they can LOSE money, and a Republican congress sure as hell not going to subsidize manufacturing in this country.

Trump deserves an emmy award for his performance.


We all know well who the Obama Administration identified as STUPID! That would be anyone who supported ObamaCare.

The really disheartening thing about that video is that he is completely correct. It is pathetic how people will back taxing that 'evil' company but somehow think that they are not actually taxing the consumer.

Business always passes cost onto the consumer. If the Comrade puts on a 20% tariff, you'll be paying 20% for a new Ford Truck. Making foreign auto's and other products look that much more attractive to American consumers. Then Ford starts laying off employees, because Americans are buying Toyota's.

This is why Tariff's don't work.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.

Yep. Bannon just said we would be at war with China in a couple of years. Aren't you looking forward to that?

I watch the news fairly close, I missed that statement. Please show us your source and link to a reliable source making that quote. If you cannot...that would mean...FAKE NEWS.
everyone is going to have a job soon, wearing a military uniform with gun in hand if he keeps this up! :eek:

who knew one single man could cause complete chaos and havoc worldwide and close to a world war III in just a couple of weeks?

Don' t ya just love it? Nice to see things getting done, instead of standing around the putting green talking about it.
NO, I don't love it, it is foolish, and wreckless with other people's children and parents, and brothers and sisters

Nonsensical, as a minimum, alarmist, at best, and just plain silly, in truth.

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