What Happened to Kanye West?

Of course the MUSLIM sees nothing wrong with what he did. If he said anything against Islam he would be beheaded
Of course the MUSLIM would disagree.Next thing he will be telling us is that in his “ religion “ they don’t behead
How many people have been killed because of things they said about your “ God?”
I don’t know. Some trick question to show that blacks are punished for things that others get away with. We both know that blacks have gotten away with unbelievable bigotry due to their skin color. The NAACP chapter president (ironically, in a role to stamp out bigotry) passed around an antisemitic meme, and blacks rallied to his defense. The black DC Councilman repeated a Farrakhan lie about Jews, and blacks and leftists rallied to his defense.

I’m just glad that finally a black person was held responsible for antisemitic comments without getting away with it because he’s black.
ahhh its a trick question LOL Or is it just a question that shouldn't be asked?
There is no reason to be rude. .. :eusa_naughty:
All I did was attempt to find a humanitarian solution to the Jewish problem.
There is no reason to be rude. .. :eusa_naughty:
All I did was attempt to find a final solution to the Jewish problem.
Gives me great pleasure to know we bother you so much. Go back to your beheadings. It’s what “ your kind “ does best 🇮🇱👍
Kanye did get a bit uppity didnt he? Time to teach him a lesson and get his mind right.

Nothing to do with being uppity, it has to do with putting the people giving him money in a bad light.

That never works out well
^^^ The above is the nasty antisemitism that businesses won’t tolerate. Would a business continue its relationship with a white racist who made some shitty remark about blacks? Then why should a business continue its relationship with a black antisemite who made a shitty remark about Jews?

By the way, Peleton is cutting ties too.

Big business moves in yet again to punish ideas. Is this your brag?
I don’t know. Some trick question to show that blacks are punished for things that others get away with. We both know that blacks have gotten away with unbelievable bigotry due to their skin color. The NAACP chapter president (ironically, in a role to stamp out bigotry) passed around an antisemitic meme, and blacks rallied to his defense. The black DC Councilman repeated a Farrakhan lie about Jews, and blacks and leftists rallied to his defense.

I’m just glad that finally a black person was held responsible for antisemitic comments without getting away with it because he’s black.

Never heard of Juan Williams? He too asked The Question That Must Not Be Asked.
That poster is another POS antisemite. He once posted that all the Jews should be rounded up and put on deserted islands.

We have an entire sub-forum devoted to racism against blacks, the country turning itself upside down to teach children that blacks are such oppressed victims, announcements that only blacks will be coming considered for specific roles, AP classes called racist, special favoritism for blacks in college admissions, Aunt Jemima syrups pulled from shelves because it might be offensive to blacks, etc., etc., but yet a company put its foot down when when one of their representatives makes a disgusting anti-Jew comment, and you have people coming out of the woodwork to object that the antisemitism wasn’t tolerated.
Sunni Man did you do that? You know very well madagascar is not deserted.
Big business moves in yet again to punish ideas. Is this your brag?
Death threats to the Jewish People is an “idea”? Was the “Final Solution” an idea?

Adios, Hitler. Find another Jew-girl to mock and taunt. I’m done.
Death threats to the Jewish People is an “idea”? Was the “Final Solution” an idea?

Adios, Hitler. Find another Jew-girl to mock and taunt. I’m done.
He was threatening to gas jews? I hadnt realized that.

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