What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

It was really only a small, loud, percentage of the left that wanted gun control at all.
For instance, I'm left-of-center, but I believe strongly in the right to bear arms.
Of course, not EVERY liberal wants more gun control - but of those that do want more gun control, the vast majority are liberal.
Gun control group gives Obama an ?F? - TheHill.com

But the Brady Campaign, a leading advocacy group for stricter gun laws, said Obama actually has done little to clamp down on firearms since being elected. Instead, the president has signed into law two bills that favored gun-rights supporters.

Obama has relaxed gun laws more than any president in modern history.
And yet, His past statements and stated positions indicate that He -clearly- supports increased controls, including bans, on guns -- but, neither He nor His liberal political allies pursue these goals.

obama has this uncanny ability to sidestep things. He's a slight of hand artist. He will get his agenda push through nd leave no finger prints.

Look to the small arms treaty that the U.N. is trying to serve us.
It was really only a small, loud, percentage of the left that wanted gun control at all.
For instance, I'm left-of-center, but I believe strongly in the right to bear arms.
Of course, not EVERY liberal wants more gun control - but of those that do want more gun control, the vast majority are liberal.

OK, that is true. It's just generally a small, loud percentage of the population.

And they've pretty much been told to shut the hell up by folks like me :).
It is a bigger issue with the NRA than it is with Liberals. As the OP notes, it is barely on the radar with liberals today
That's not exactly what I said - the OP addresses a larger question as to WHY it is NOW 'barely on the radar witj liberals today'.

It was always a much larger issue with the right than it was with the left

"Protect 2nd Amendment rights" always had a high position on the Conservative platform

"Take away 2nd Amendment rights" never appears on a Liberal platform
It is a bigger issue with the NRA than it is with Liberals. As the OP notes, it is barely on the radar with liberals today
That's not exactly what I said - the OP addresses a larger question as to WHY it is NOW 'barely on the radar witj liberals today'.
When has it been on the radar for liberals?
All thru the 90s, with some resurgence in 2004 when the AWB ban came up for renewal.

That, and just about any liberal politicial has a position that there should be more gun control of some sort, even bans on certain weapons.

Others come out and state directly that there is no right to own a gun.
Liberals quit pushing for gun control when they got rich and found out how much fun it is to go to bird farms in the country during their vacations and blast pheasant.
That's not exactly what I said - the OP addresses a larger question as to WHY it is NOW 'barely on the radar witj liberals today'.
When has it been on the radar for liberals?
All thru the 90s, with some resurgence in 2004 when the AWB ban came up for renewal.

That, and just about any liberal politicial has a position that there should be more gun control of some sort, even bans on certain weapons.

Others come out and state directly that there is no right to own a gun.

Really? As a gun owning liberal, I don't recall these things you speak of...do you have some links to the Democrat platform statements on this?
Really? As a gun owning liberal, I don't recall these things you speak of...do you have some links to the Democrat platform statements on this?
We're discussing liberals, not Democrats...
Do you -really- need me to link to statements from liberals regarding expanding restrictions on the right to arms?
Show me a recent one if you think it is a strawman
The strawman is -your- choice of words.

The discussion isn't liberals wanting to necessarily "take away 2A rights", the discussion is about liberals wanting to place further restriction on 2A rights.

So... stating that "Take away 2nd Amendment rights" never appears on a Liberal platform" is a strawman, because that's not the point of contention.
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They do it all the time. They pull the old, "The 2nd amendment indicates only MILITIA, not your average Jo citizen..." or they argue that we shouldn't be allowed to privately own weapons which are anywhere near the calibre of those owned by our law enforcement and army.

The whole point of the second amendment was to allow the citizenry to be as well armed as the army, so they could defend themselves from it, if need be.
Liberals quit pushing for gun control when they got rich and found out how much fun it is to go to bird farms in the country during their vacations and blast pheasant.

Or, as in Shotgun Cheney's case, the occasional hunting partner.
"Repeal the 2nd amendment"

"Fifteen unambiguous words are all that would be required to quell the American-as-apple-pie cycle of gun violence that has now tearfully enshrined Virginia Tech in the record book of mass murder. Here are the 15 words that would deliver a mortal wound to our bang-bang culture of death: "The second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed."
Repeal the Second Amendment - Walter Shapiro - Salon.com

"The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is evidence that, while the founding fathers were brilliant men, they could have used an editor.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

If the founders had limited themselves to the final 14 words, the amendment would have been an unambiguous declaration of the right to possess firearms. But they didn’t and it isn’t. The amendment was intended to protect the authority of the states to organize militias. The inartful wording has left the amendment open to public debate for more than 200 years. But in its last major decision on gun rights, in 1939, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously found that that was the correct interpretation."
Vox Pop: Repeal the 2nd Amendment

"How about rewriting it to say guns belong within a militia and not for individuals. Then states can issue licenses for guns for hunting, nothing more. If folks don't use them for hunting, check them out and check them back in, than they shouldn't have them. There are too many accidents and far too many killings."
Should We Repeal the Second Amendment? - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

"The right to bear arms made sense in the 18th Century to provide for the common defense and afford citizens a guarantee against the encroachment of absolute monarchs. But today we don't rely on a militia to defend the country, and tyranny would involve a monopoly of media, not muskets. Born as a bulwark of democracy, the Second Amendment is the last refuge of gun fundamentalists and their well-financed lobbyists indifferent to the tragedies their liberal gun laws produce. Who will be the first politician to stand up and shout: ``Repeal!'' (The Miami Herald)
It's Time To Repeal The Second Amendment
Some of us beleive in the right and duty of rebellion

"...In transgressing the law of nature, the offender declares himself to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity, which is that measure God has set to the actions of men, for their mutual security; and so he becomes dangerous to mankind, the tye, which is to secure them from injury and violence, being slighted and broken by him. Which being a trespass against the whole species, and the peace and safety of it, provided for by the law of nature, every man upon this score, by the right he hath to preserve mankind in general, may restrain, or where it is necessary, destroy things noxious to them, and so may bring such evil on any one, who hath transgressed that law, as may make him repent the doing of it, and thereby deter him, and by his example others, from doing the like mischief. And in the case, and upon this ground, EVERY MAN HATH A RIGHT TO PUNISH THE OFFENDER, AND BE EXECUTIONER OF THE LAW OF NATURE."

-- John Locke; from Second Treatise on Civil Government

Originalist Manifesto: Laws of Nature and Nature's God
"Northern Illinois University is another example of how individuals do not have an inalieinable right given to them by their creator to bear arms.
There are two ways to amendment the US Constitution and repeal the Second Amendment..."
Repeal the Second Amendment (2) | GroundReport

"So it is with the Harvard Crimson's much-much-lambasted "Pulling the Trigger," an unsigned editorial that makes the case for repealing the Second Amendment. "
The American Spectator : Repeal the Second Amendment?

"Repeal Second Amendment, Analyst Advises By Nathan Burchfiel CNSNews.com Staff Writer June 12, 2007

(CNSNews.com) - The Second Amendment guarantees the right of an individual to own guns and for that reason should be repealed, according to a legal affairs analyst who opposes gun ownership.

"Wittes, who said he has "no particular enthusiasm for the idea of a gun culture," said that rather than try to limit gun ownership through regulation that potentially violates the Second Amendment, opponents of gun ownership should set their sights on repealing the amendment altogether. "
Repeal Second Amendment, Analyst Advises
Liberals moved to big cities where we have control. Connies want to shoot it out..fine.

Have at it.

40,000 Americans die of gun shot wounds every year.

Roughly the same number of deaths in auto accidents.
How many die from diet related coronary heart disease or diabetes, or alcohol related diseases?

The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay...
What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

At one point, they pushed it rather strongly. Nowadays its hardly ever brought up.

If the anti-gun crowd is so right, if their argument is so sound – why pull back from the issue?

For proper gun control you need the right grip and proper trigger control.

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