What happened to the Firearms Forum?

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It appears that some threads from the Firearms forum and the Automotive forum have been moved to the Other forum under the main heading of Hobbies.

This sucks! This really sucks! The next thing you know we'll have a forum for the Quran.

USMB is experimenting with censorship.

Somehow, I knew the absence of it would never last.
o please....do you still get your milk in glass jars.....nooo you dont.....do you still have to worry about polio.....no you dont.....move on...stop fighting it....and the kids will help....you may get a bit of elderly abuse....just whack them hard....then bitch about how it hurts your hand....dont be a relic before your time....

In other words you want to force me into the computer revolution even if I don't want to join. Wrench turner jobs will always be around.

If you're a wrench turner it would behoove you to brush up on basic computer use.
While I've built engines I sure wish I would have had the internet for some tips. The trial and error shit can get expensive.
ahh and the joys of key punch cards....i dont even consider that the beginning of anything but a long struggle with statistics...and it won...ever battle ever war

I remember the infancy of CNC machines,of course in those they were called NC's because they ran off of punch tapes rather than computers.
That would be Computerized Numerical Controls vs. Numerical Control.
Machining has gotten a whole lot easier.
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It appears that some threads from the Firearms forum and the Automotive forum have been moved to the Other forum under the main heading of Hobbies.

This sucks! This really sucks! The next thing you know we'll have a forum for the Quran.

USMB is experimenting with censorship.

Somehow, I knew the absence of it would never last.

I wonder why none of the staff was willing to answer my question. Is this permanent? And why would they remove a forum that seemed to be quite popular?
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5 days ago I asked a simple question about the disappearance of a popular forum. Still no word from those who run this place.

Did the forum cause problems? Did some weiner staff member take matters into their own hands? Is there a point in asking for the forum to be reinstated?

If someone was so "brave" as to remove the forum, the least you could do is step up and own your actions.
okay just a ......i dont know guess....the board maintenance at 3:45 am seemed to be taking longer and longer....perhaps they are simply trying to cut down on usage or space...does that make sense....i dont do computer talk well.....

now how they decided what to take away is a good question...someone said the auto forum is gone too....seems like white men are taking a hit......*snickering* i slay me....
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