What happened to the GOP "open tent Party" Autopsy after the last election?



What happened to the GOP "open tent Party" idea after the last election? How they did an autopsy and finally realized they need to attract minorities?

The Republican Autopsy Report

The report also warns that Republicans need to mute, if not silence, anti-gay rhetoric if they are to have any chance of regaining support among voters under the age of 30.

Doesn't look like they are doing a very good job of it. Some are calling the bearded duck hunting hillbilly the new "Rosa Parks".

Phil Robertson the New Rosa Parks? GOP Candidate Says 'Duck Dynasty' Star Stands Against Christian Persecution

The guy who said blacks were "happy" working in the fields, singing and picking cotton right along side white trash.

And the whole anti gay thing. What happened with that? How many times have USMB Republicans insisted gays are welcome in their party? Guess they didn't get the memo.

Hmmm, so let's do a quick review:

Hates gays

calling this guy:


The new Rosa Parks? Could they insult blacks any worse? This has to be on purpose, right? Or is this just some weird right wing humor?
Liberals always bring up hate, sexism, racism, they got to lie about something.
Liberals always bring up hate, sexism, racism, they got to lie about something.

Lie? My link is to a Christian Site.

The hillbilly duck story is dominating the airwaves.

Oh, I'm sorry. You are just spouting talking points you recently learned. Got it.
The GOP is watching the dimdems disintegrate. They need do nothing but stand back. The current travesty with the Robertsons has the potential of tarring the democrats even more. Gays and democrats go together like tea and crumpets.

Democrats may not even know how much ill will has been building up. They really believe that the majority supports gay tantrums. They are about to get a major collision with reality.
Seems like a great strategy. Social issues are ALL democrats have, which is why they manufacture episodes and feign outrage.

Take away the social issues and it becomes a debate with:

the obamination care debacle, statism, lies, unemployment, national debt, and more statism


free market, fiscal conservativism

Easy win for the repubs.
Seems like a great strategy. Social issues are ALL democrats have, which is why they manufacture episodes and feign outrage.

Take away the social issues and it becomes a debate with:

the obamination care debacle, statism, lies, unemployment, national debt, and more statism


free market, fiscal conservativism

Easy win for the repubs.

Well of course. Easy win. Just like 2012.
This shit is getting old, republicans should have learned by now that these patriotic christian issues are nothing but a distraction and a waste. Every conservative needs to ask themselves if Barry Goldwater would have gave a shit about an issue before committing political capital to fight it because these things are ruining the GOP. Make sure regular working people can make a decent living first and then worry about where they put their tally-whackers.
Being an attractive party to minorities and women would require too many changes in their preferred policies for the GOP's rank & file to accept.
Its always a laugher watching one party, dems in this case, telling the other party how to win elections.
What happened to the GOP "open tent Party" idea after the last election? How they did an autopsy and finally realized they need to attract minorities?

The Republican Autopsy Report

The report also warns that Republicans need to mute, if not silence, anti-gay rhetoric if they are to have any chance of regaining support among voters under the age of 30.

Doesn't look like they are doing a very good job of it. Some are calling the bearded duck hunting hillbilly the new "Rosa Parks".

Phil Robertson the New Rosa Parks? GOP Candidate Says 'Duck Dynasty' Star Stands Against Christian Persecution

The guy who said blacks were "happy" working in the fields, singing and picking cotton right along side white trash.

And the whole anti gay thing. What happened with that? How many times have USMB Republicans insisted gays are welcome in their party? Guess they didn't get the memo.

Hmmm, so let's do a quick review:

Hates gays

calling this guy:


The new Rosa Parks? Could they insult blacks any worse? This has to be on purpose, right? Or is this just some weird right wing humor?

Unbelievable. This guy should be thrown UNDER the bus. Rosa Parks just didn't want to sit in the back of one after she PAID to ride it.
Seems like a great strategy. Social issues are ALL democrats have, which is why they manufacture episodes and feign outrage.

Take away the social issues and it becomes a debate with:

the obamination care debacle, statism, lies, unemployment, national debt, and more statism


free market, fiscal conservativism

Easy win for the repubs.

Well of course. Easy win. Just like 2012.

Or 2010.
What happened to the GOP "open tent Party" Autopsy after the last election?

The tent had no trough in it...so the morons went elsewhere.
What happened to the GOP "open tent Party" idea after the last election? How they did an autopsy and finally realized they need to attract minorities?

The Republican Autopsy Report

The report also warns that Republicans need to mute, if not silence, anti-gay rhetoric if they are to have any chance of regaining support among voters under the age of 30.

Doesn't look like they are doing a very good job of it. Some are calling the bearded duck hunting hillbilly the new "Rosa Parks".

Phil Robertson the New Rosa Parks? GOP Candidate Says 'Duck Dynasty' Star Stands Against Christian Persecution

The guy who said blacks were "happy" working in the fields, singing and picking cotton right along side white trash.

And the whole anti gay thing. What happened with that? How many times have USMB Republicans insisted gays are welcome in their party? Guess they didn't get the memo.

Hmmm, so let's do a quick review:

Hates gays

calling this guy:


The new Rosa Parks? Could they insult blacks any worse? This has to be on purpose, right? Or is this just some weird right wing humor?

Unbelievable. This guy should be thrown UNDER the bus. Rosa Parks just didn't want to sit in the back of one after she PAID to ride it.

Believable. This post shows exactly how intolerant you all have become. The founders would have sent you back to the crown.
Being an attractive party to minorities and women would require too many changes in their preferred policies for the GOP's rank & file to accept.

Yep, it would require the Republican Party to become a party of looters and parasites. Instead they decided they should have principles.
We reputable and mainstream GOP are busily preparing for the TeaP reactionaries' demise in the primaries next year.

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