Trumpism costs the GOP in a crucial election, again

Trump Threatens To Go After Comcast, NBC For ‘Treason’ If He Gets Reelected

Former President Donald Trump spent his Sunday night threatening Comcast and NBC, saying if he gets a second term in the White House he would investigate the independent media outlets for “treason” and make them “pay a big price.”

“Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC … should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,’” Trump wrote on his favorite bootleg social media platform Truth Social.

“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” Trump added. “The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!”

Gym Jordan is conducting a clown show in search of government weaponization while Trump is screaming he'll do it.......again.......from the roof tops.
Because that's what the Federation of American Losers wants to hear.
What do you question?

I'm a republican.

MAGA doesn't represent anything.

Republican populism is a contradiction.

To the extent that they are articulated, they're garbage.

Since 1989, 3 GOP administrations have added negative 2 million to the 47 million private payroll jobs added. They've averaged annual real gdp growth of 1.7%.

This is because they've been too busy policing wombs and hating immigrants to formulate effective policy.
1. I question this as an example. Also you calling Nikki a sellout.
"I suspect Trump's national polling numbers hide a state level vulnerability" (no links, just typing shit)

2. MAGA represents Trump's policies. I can list his "promises kept" if you need to refresh your memory.

3. Republican "populism" wins elections, like 2016, "conservatism" loses elections. See #2 above.

4. So which of Trump's "promises kept" are you calling "garbage"?

5. If you look at Trump's unemployment rate before covid it was "full employment". Since 1989 about 3-million US factories were moved to China, by both parties. Now China is kicking our ass with BRICs and "belts and roads" initiatives. China is in Cuba. Russia is in Ukraine. Biden is hiding in his basement. The dollar is about to crash, entitlements are going insolvent, and you have no plan what to do. You just whine.

6. We do agree that Republicans need to drop the abortion issue, it belongs to each state, period. I want LEGAL immigration, not open borders. Trump and the other candidates will deport all illegals. Good.
Also you calling Nikki a sellout

Ivy League populist=bullshit

"I suspect Trump's national polling numbers hide a state level vulnerability" (no links, just typing shit)

He's at 50% nationally with Republicans, but in purple NH, he trails Biden by 12.

Significant Portion of New Hampshire Republicans Say They Wouldn’t Vote for Trump in 2024 Matchup against Biden | National Review

I can list his "promises kept" if you need to refresh your memory.

Let me give you some idea of

A) how bullshit that list is

B) how credulous you are

Your link is to a promo page for Sean Hannity, which links to Sean Hannity reposting a fluff piece from Paul Bedard. Who submitted a verbatim list from the Grifty WH.

3. Republican "populism" wins elections, like 2016

That was a fluke

conservatism" loses elections. See #2 above.

won in another fluke in 2000, then was reelected.

So which of Trump's "promises kept" are you calling "garbage"?

Glad you asked....

For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year

This is hilarious on levels you cannot understand, but you should be able to grasp that it never happened.

5. If you look at Trump's unemployment rate before covid

He inherited it from Obama
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So you insist...

But why, then, are MAGA candidates dropping like flies?

I'm gonna step out on a limb here and suggest it is because they are, quite clearly, "the village idiots".

Here's a sketch of the losing candidate in the NH race.

People when voting can be so full of their views/beliefs that they screw themselves over. Americans in many areas put their head into the sand when told truths. They then believe the people who they identify with as they were cultivated who tell them the other side person is no good. So, if the so called MAGA candidates go by the wayside, then when the worse happens, it will be totally on your side.
People when voting can be so full of their views/beliefs that they screw themselves over. Americans in many areas put their head into the sand when told truths. They then believe the people who they identify with as they were cultivated who tell them the other side person is no good. So, if the so called MAGA candidates go by the wayside, then when the worse happens, it will be totally on your side.
That made no sense, but thanks for sharing.
Ivy League populist=bullshit

He's at 50% nationally with Republicans, but in purple NH, he trails Biden by 12.
Significant Portion of New Hampshire Republicans Say They Wouldn’t Vote for Trump in 2024 Matchup against Biden | National Review

Let me give you some idea of
A) how bullshit that list is
B) how credulous you are

Your link is to a promo page for Sean Hannity, which links to Sean Hannity reposting a fluff piece from Paul Bedard. Who submitted a verbatim list from the Grifty WH.

That was a fluke won in another fluke in 2000, then was reelected.

Glad you asked....
For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year

This is hilarious on levels you cannot understand, but you should be able to grasp that it never happened.

He inherited it from Obama
1. Nikki Haley was a popular and very successful governor in SC. No labels unless proven.

2. Trump lost NH in 2020, no big deal. Don't need it. Hope NH is enjoying Biden's presidency. (see EC map below)

3. So you have no rebuttal for any of Trump's list of "Promises kept"? Here is another version:

4. 2016 was a "fluke"? I love watching this rerun of "Trump Can't Win", Enjoy!

5. Glad you pointed out that Republican bullshit "dogma" that cutting taxes pays for itself. Total bullshit. Trump's tax cut was supposed to get GDP to 5%, it didn't, what it did do is add to the DEBT.

6. Trump's and Obama's unemployment rates were both artificially low since the FED had interest rates near zero, i.e. "free money".



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No labels unless proven.

Nikki went to Brown. It's Ivy League.

3. So you have no rebuttal for any of Trump's list of "Promises kept"?

other than that it is demonstrably bogus?


4. 2016 was a "fluke"?


5. Glad you pointed out that Republican bullshit "dogma" that cutting taxes pays for itself. Total bullshit

How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hicksters?

6. Trump's and Obama's unemployment rates were both artificially low

Nikki went to Brown. It's Ivy League.
other than that it is demonstrably bogus?
How many votes have you cast for Supply Side Hicksters?
1. You point to her college 30 years or so ago, and I point to her current record as governor. I win.
2. Which promises kept are demonstrably bogus"? List them if you can.
3. 2016 was a solid "win". Hillary was unpopular, no matter how much smoke the MSM blew up asses, just like Biden now.
4. Its always a "lesser of evils" vote. Always.
1. You point to her college 30 years or so ago, and I point to her current record as governor. I win.
2. Which promises kept are demonstrably bogus"? List them if you can.
3. 2016 was a solid "win". Hillary was unpopular, no matter how much smoke the MSM blew up asses, just like Biden now.
4. Its always a "lesser of evils" vote. Always.
1. Believe what you want. She is an Ivy League's bullshit.

2. Why don't you first acknowledge that what you've been told is correct?

3. If Hillary was "unpopular" what does that make the guy with 3 million FEWER votes?

1. Believe what you want. She is an Ivy League's bullshit.
2. Why don't you first acknowledge that what you've been told is correct?
3. If Hillary was "unpopular" what does that make the guy with 3 million FEWER votes?
1. Pols are chameleons, whatever it takes to win baby. Look at abortion, Pence is a 15-week pro-lifer now.
2. I acknowledge that these "promises kept" are correct.
3. Only electoral votes count. Trump won the votes that matter. How many of those 3m votes were bogus?
4. How many supply siders have I voted for? Many. So what? My age starts with a 7 and I have 6 great grandchildren.
5. Biden is the worst president I have seen by far.
  • Funny
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1. Pols are chameleons, whatever it takes to win baby. Look at abortion, Pence is a 15-week pro-lifer now.
2. I acknowledge that these "promises kept" are correct.
3. Only electoral votes count. Trump won the votes that matter. How many of those 3m votes were bogus?
4. How many supply siders have I voted for? Many. So what? My age starts with a 7 and I have 6 great grandchildren.
5. Biden is the worst president I have seen by far.
1. Acknowledge that I was correct
2. Acknowledge that GDP never hit 3% for a calendar year under Grifty, then go ahead and find these "promises" in your list of nearly 300 entirely bullshit claims.
3. Grifty won by a fluke, as I said.
4. Then you've cast a lot of dumbass votes and shouldn't be telling anyone else what to do.
5. You're a moron. Your opinion is irrelevant.
  • Informative
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