What happened to the Mueller report?

The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

Oh it it real. It will be released in time. The funny thing is that right wingers seem to think that Russia's interference into our elections are the only thing Trump needs to be concerned with. There are lots of things that indicate that pig has broken laws and let the country down. Mueller's investigation is only one of many that can crush him.

Two years you people have been living in that bubble. Didn't you run out of oxygen yet?
Every day this place looks more like Communist China than the USA.
agreed. Look at all the little Trump cultists running around making themselves human shields for the dear leader.as rabid and mindless as they are, one would think they were compelled by law to do so.
Got a link for that claim?
Sure, or you can just scroll up to my post and read it again. It's my claim.

And Barr was nominated precisely to sequester the report. And for literally no other reason. Need a link to my post? ;)
What happened to the Mueller report?

What happened to The Mueller Report? Why nothing happened to it at all! Because that is all it ever was . . . . . nothing.
  • It was NOTHING but a pipe dream for the Left to buoy their spirits through the first administration of Trump after Hildigard's cataclysmic loss------ Hillary's loss was to them like a full-steam-ahead locomotive sprinting over the finish line only to find out at the very last second at 2AM in the morning that the finish line was just a picture painted on a brick wall in what must be the largest THUD ever heard in this section of the galaxy since the last supernova went up in these parts.
  • It was NOTHING but a bluff by the Leftards hoping that the DRAMA of a "Russia Investigation" would somehow shake Trump up enough to cause him to actually do something they could then hang him for maybe hoping that there was some skeleton in his closet that would fall out because God knows all of THEM have skeletons hidden under all THEIR beds!
There IS NO Russia Investigation.

There IS NO Russian connection.

There never was any Trump collusion.


A BUTTERFLY could have beaten Hillary in 2016. We know it. THEY know it. But they just HATE to admit they lost.

The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?
Good to hear

Am I hearing that conservatives are willing to accept the report good or bad?

I am
Are you?
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

Oh it it real. It will be released in time. The funny thing is that right wingers seem to think that Russia's interference into our elections are the only thing Trump needs to be concerned with. There are lots of things that indicate that pig has broken laws and let the country down. Mueller's investigation is only one of many that can crush him.

Two years you people have been living in that bubble. Didn't you run out of oxygen yet?

The Mueller investigation has been in the forefront for a while, but there is no reason to think that is the only rout to exposing Trump's law breaking. The man thinks laws don't apply to him. He will find out just how wrong he is.
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

Oh it it real. It will be released in time. The funny thing is that right wingers seem to think that Russia's interference into our elections are the only thing Trump needs to be concerned with. There are lots of things that indicate that pig has broken laws and let the country down. Mueller's investigation is only one of many that can crush him.

Two years you people have been living in that bubble. Didn't you run out of oxygen yet?

The Mueller investigation has been in the forefront for a while, but there is no reason to think that is the only rout to exposing Trump's law breaking. The man thinks laws don't apply to him. He will find out just how wrong he is.
Yawn.....we'll see won't we? All the dems have is a big nothingberder...
The 2020 Budget battle will be a lot more fun than what the dems think they have on Trump. Trump will win in 2020, that's all that matters.
Let’s hear from our Conservatives

Are you willing to accept Muellers findings good or bad?
Here is a possible reason why it is slow to come out, it is because of the Democrats playing their partisan crap. They are ugly human beings for doing this.

The Last Refuge

Predictable – Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings Announce Next Set of Witnesses…

Posted on February 28, 2019 by sundance


Following the transparently predictable, pre-planned and organized schedule toward Pelosi’s insufferable impeachment scheme, Chairmen Adam Schiff (HPSCI) and Elijah Cummings (WH Oversight) announce they will be calling additional Trump officials and family members for testimony.

Remember, the testimony of Michael Cohen is the cornerstone of the effort. Cohen’s testimony was organized immediately following the 2018 mid-term election. This nonsense is all sequenced by design:
Here is a possible reason why it is slow to come out, it is because of the Democrats playing their partisan crap. They are ugly human beings for doing this.

The Last Refuge

Predictable – Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings Announce Next Set of Witnesses…

Posted on February 28, 2019 by sundance


Following the transparently predictable, pre-planned and organized schedule toward Pelosi’s insufferable impeachment scheme, Chairmen Adam Schiff (HPSCI) and Elijah Cummings (WH Oversight) announce they will be calling additional Trump officials and family members for testimony.

Remember, the testimony of Michael Cohen is the cornerstone of the effort. Cohen’s testimony was organized immediately following the 2018 mid-term election. This nonsense is all sequenced by design:
What does that have to do with Muellers report?

Republicans control the release
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

Oh it it real. It will be released in time. The funny thing is that right wingers seem to think that Russia's interference into our elections are the only thing Trump needs to be concerned with. There are lots of things that indicate that pig has broken laws and let the country down. Mueller's investigation is only one of many that can crush him.

Two years you people have been living in that bubble. Didn't you run out of oxygen yet?

The Mueller investigation has been in the forefront for a while, but there is no reason to think that is the only rout to exposing Trump's law breaking. The man thinks laws don't apply to him. He will find out just how wrong he is.

Hmmmm, Trump thinks laws don't apply to him. Kinda sounds like Hillary, the person who is proven to have colluded with Russia to change an election.

Nothing happened to her, now did it?
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?
Good to hear

Am I hearing that conservatives are willing to accept the report good or bad?

I am
Are you?

Yes I am. I'm anxiously waiting to hear how a businessman with no political connections managed to get a country to change an election for his benefit and how he exactly did it.
Last edited:
What happened to the Mueller report?

What happened to The Mueller Report? Why nothing happened to it at all! Because that is all it ever was . . . . . nothing.
  • It was NOTHING but a pipe dream for the Left to buoy their spirits through the first administration of Trump after Hildigard's cataclysmic loss------ Hillary's loss was to them like a full-steam-ahead locomotive sprinting over the finish line only to find out at the very last second at 2AM in the morning that the finish line was just a picture painted on a brick wall in what must be the largest THUD ever heard in this section of the galaxy since the last supernova went up in these parts.
  • It was NOTHING but a bluff by the Leftards hoping that the DRAMA of a "Russia Investigation" would somehow shake Trump up enough to cause him to actually do something they could then hang him for maybe hoping that there was some skeleton in his closet that would fall out because God knows all of THEM have skeletons hidden under all THEIR beds!
There IS NO Russia Investigation.

There IS NO Russian connection.

There never was any Trump collusion.


A BUTTERFLY could have beaten Hillary in 2016. We know it. THEY know it. But they just HATE to admit they lost.

View attachment 248325

That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?
Good to hear

Am I hearing that conservatives are willing to accept the report good or bad?

I am
Are you?

did Putin make you flip your vote or will continue to lie to us?
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?
Good to hear

Am I hearing that conservatives are willing to accept the report good or bad?

I am
Are you?

did Putin make you flip your vote or will continue to lie to us?

Russian  dressing.jpeg
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

Oh it it real. It will be released in time. The funny thing is that right wingers seem to think that Russia's interference into our elections are the only thing Trump needs to be concerned with. There are lots of things that indicate that pig has broken laws and let the country down. Mueller's investigation is only one of many that can crush him.

Two years you people have been living in that bubble. Didn't you run out of oxygen yet?

The Mueller investigation has been in the forefront for a while, but there is no reason to think that is the only rout to exposing Trump's law breaking. The man thinks laws don't apply to him. He will find out just how wrong he is.

Hmmmm, Trump thinks laws don't apply to him. Kinda sounds like Hillary, the person who is proven to have colluded with Russia to change an election.

Nothing happened to her, now did it?

Keep repeating that. Somebody is bound to believe it sooner or later.

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