What happened to the Mueller report?

The supposed upcoming submission of the Mueller report to the AG was reported as a leak from DoJ sources, right after Barr's first day on the job. It was wishful thinking, particularly given plans for a Roger Stone trial. And unless Mueller is giving Don, Jr., a pass, due to his glaring mental deficiencies, Jr needs to sit for an interview.

Right, because we all know how on the level the DOJ is and not one an anti-trumper.
The supposed upcoming submission of the Mueller report to the AG was reported as a leak from DoJ sources, right after Barr's first day on the job. It was wishful thinking, particularly given plans for a Roger Stone trial. And unless Mueller is giving Don, Jr., a pass, due to his glaring mental deficiencies, Jr needs to sit for an interview.

Right, because we all know how on the level the DOJ is and not one an anti-trumper.
What an adorable little game you Trump cultists have rigged for yourselves. Vomit any insane claim that fizzles into your colon...and, when they don't come true, just say the rest of the world is lying, and they are true anyway.

What an intellectual poverty this is....
The supposed upcoming submission of the Mueller report to the AG was reported as a leak from DoJ sources, right after Barr's first day on the job. It was wishful thinking, particularly given plans for a Roger Stone trial. And unless Mueller is giving Don, Jr., a pass, due to his glaring mental deficiencies, Jr needs to sit for an interview.

Right, because we all know how on the level the DOJ is and not one an anti-trumper.

Trump appointed the current AG, the previous AG, the prior Acting AG, and the Deputy AG. Possibly the most corrupt action taken by the DoJ recently was waiving the Nepotism statute for Jarvanka (which was actually indefensible).
Russian "meddling" happens every election, its just that Obama and his intel agencies let it happen and used it to advantage

The Russians meddle.
The Chinese meddle.
The USA meddles.

Why was there no investigation a few years ago when Obama meddled in Netanyahu's reelection?

Why has there been ZERO talk about shoring up our cyber-defenses to prevent that paltry meddling of Russia in the 2016 election that has never been shown to have affected anything?

Why does election after election pass by and still no law requiring people to show their eligibility to vote?

Why is Russia's meager tampering OTOH a "national crisis" while on the other hand the Dems fight tooth and nail to get more illegal voters into our country?

Why is any of this only now a Washington front story just because a Republican (and an outsider) is in office?
Let's be clear.

Trump would NOT be President if it were not for the Russian meddling and the theft of the DNC emails, and disbursement of them...

and Trump's CHEATING with campaign finance laws, and not showing his tax returns like everyone else in the race had to....

The Mueller investigation has been in the forefront for a while, but there is no reason to think that is the only rout to exposing Trump's law breaking. The man thinks laws don't apply to him. He will find out just how wrong he is.

Hmmmm, Trump thinks laws don't apply to him. Kinda sounds like Hillary, the person who is proven to have colluded with Russia to change an election.

Nothing happened to her, now did it?

Keep repeating that. Somebody is bound to believe it sooner or later.

It's not too hard to believe the truth.

I guess that's what makes it so hard for your little story to gain traction.

Not a story at all. Need the links? Just ask; happy to provide.

Credible links?
Hmmmm, Trump thinks laws don't apply to him. Kinda sounds like Hillary, the person who is proven to have colluded with Russia to change an election.

Nothing happened to her, now did it?

Keep repeating that. Somebody is bound to believe it sooner or later.

It's not too hard to believe the truth.

I guess that's what makes it so hard for your little story to gain traction.

Not a story at all. Need the links? Just ask; happy to provide.

Credible links?

Americans need sunshine on Trump/Russia and the Clinton-funded dossier. Now.

Hillary Clinton used Christopher Steele’s Trump-Russia dossier that campaign paid for

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

Pick your poison.
The supposed upcoming submission of the Mueller report to the AG was reported as a leak from DoJ sources, right after Barr's first day on the job. It was wishful thinking, particularly given plans for a Roger Stone trial. And unless Mueller is giving Don, Jr., a pass, due to his glaring mental deficiencies, Jr needs to sit for an interview.

Right, because we all know how on the level the DOJ is and not one an anti-trumper.

Trump appointed the current AG, the previous AG, the prior Acting AG, and the Deputy AG. Possibly the most corrupt action taken by the DoJ recently was waiving the Nepotism statute for Jarvanka (which was actually indefensible).

If you think everyone is onboard the Trump train you are seriously kidding yourself. The DOJ heads over a half-dozen departments consisting of over 4,000 employees.
Keep repeating that. Somebody is bound to believe it sooner or later.

It's not too hard to believe the truth.

I guess that's what makes it so hard for your little story to gain traction.

Not a story at all. Need the links? Just ask; happy to provide.

Credible links?

Americans need sunshine on Trump/Russia and the Clinton-funded dossier. Now.

Hillary Clinton used Christopher Steele’s Trump-Russia dossier that campaign paid for

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

Pick your poison.

Wow. You call any of that crap credible? The first one didn't even mention Hillary. The other two seem to think Mueller's investigation is based on that dossier. That's nuts. Even though Mueller wasn't a part of it yet, there was an investigation with legal monitoring of Trump's staff communicating with Russian agents long before any dossier.
The supposed upcoming submission of the Mueller report to the AG was reported as a leak from DoJ sources, right after Barr's first day on the job. It was wishful thinking, particularly given plans for a Roger Stone trial. And unless Mueller is giving Don, Jr., a pass, due to his glaring mental deficiencies, Jr needs to sit for an interview.

Right, because we all know how on the level the DOJ is and not one an anti-trumper.

Trump appointed the current AG, the previous AG, the prior Acting AG, and the Deputy AG. Possibly the most corrupt action taken by the DoJ recently was waiving the Nepotism statute for Jarvanka (which was actually indefensible).

If you think everyone is onboard the Trump train you are seriously kidding yourself. The DOJ heads over a half-dozen departments consisting of over 4,000 employees.

All headed by Trump's chosen people.
It's Saturday morning and no Big Giant Report yet. The week's over. More fake news from the vermin left wingers again. Cohen the professional liar must have been all there was for this week's series of fake gossip.
Vermin? Really? Fuck you.

And Cohen was lying on BEHALF of your Orange Hero.
Newsflash...we are well beyond the Dossier.

MUELLER isn't even looking at that in the rearview mirror
It's Saturday morning and no Big Giant Report yet. The week's over. More fake news from the vermin left wingers again. Cohen the professional liar must have been all there was for this week's series of fake gossip.
Vermin? Really? Fuck you.

And Cohen was lying on BEHALF of your Orange Hero.

Nah, go fuck yourself; you're a proud member of the Deviant Party, chump. Or maybe your into raping stray house pets, that seems more your style. Unfortunately for you, we listened to the testimony of your Meuller's best witness', you didn't, so now you're running around posting your usual lame stupid memes. Try finding real news to source instead of just parrot your favorite degenerate faggots on everything.
Newsflash...we are well beyond the Dossier.

Who is? You? roflmao .. you're just lying and flinging more poo, hoping it all goes away, like it does every day in DNC fake news production.

Meuller is a fraud, and will end up being indicted himself, dumbass.

Wow. You call any of that crap credible? The first one didn't even mention Hillary. The other two seem to think Mueller's investigation is based on that dossier. That's nuts. Even though Mueller wasn't a part of it yet, there was an investigation with legal monitoring of Trump's staff communicating with Russian agents long before any dossier.

Attention span problems? Here is what started the conversation:

Hmmmm, Trump thinks laws don't apply to him. Kinda sounds like Hillary, the person who is proven to have colluded with Russia to change an election.

Nothing happened to her, now did it?

Keep repeating that. Somebody is bound to believe it sooner or later.
What happened to the Mueller report?

What happened to The Mueller Report? Why nothing happened to it at all! Because that is all it ever was . . . . . nothing.
  • It was NOTHING but a pipe dream for the Left to buoy their spirits through the first administration of Trump after Hildigard's cataclysmic loss------ Hillary's loss was to them like a full-steam-ahead locomotive sprinting over the finish line only to find out at the very last second at 2AM in the morning that the finish line was just a picture painted on a brick wall in what must be the largest THUD ever heard in this section of the galaxy since the last supernova went up in these parts.
  • It was NOTHING but a bluff by the Leftards hoping that the DRAMA of a "Russia Investigation" would somehow shake Trump up enough to cause him to actually do something they could then hang him for maybe hoping that there was some skeleton in his closet that would fall out because God knows all of THEM have skeletons hidden under all THEIR beds!
There IS NO Russia Investigation.

There IS NO Russian connection.

There never was any Trump collusion.


A BUTTERFLY could have beaten Hillary in 2016. We know it. THEY know it. But they just HATE to admit they lost.

View attachment 248325

That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
Russian hacking was a crime

It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.
What happened to the Mueller report?

What happened to The Mueller Report? Why nothing happened to it at all! Because that is all it ever was . . . . . nothing.
  • It was NOTHING but a pipe dream for the Left to buoy their spirits through the first administration of Trump after Hildigard's cataclysmic loss------ Hillary's loss was to them like a full-steam-ahead locomotive sprinting over the finish line only to find out at the very last second at 2AM in the morning that the finish line was just a picture painted on a brick wall in what must be the largest THUD ever heard in this section of the galaxy since the last supernova went up in these parts.
  • It was NOTHING but a bluff by the Leftards hoping that the DRAMA of a "Russia Investigation" would somehow shake Trump up enough to cause him to actually do something they could then hang him for maybe hoping that there was some skeleton in his closet that would fall out because God knows all of THEM have skeletons hidden under all THEIR beds!
There IS NO Russia Investigation.

There IS NO Russian connection.

There never was any Trump collusion.


A BUTTERFLY could have beaten Hillary in 2016. We know it. THEY know it. But they just HATE to admit they lost.

View attachment 248325

That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
Russian hacking was a crime

Got anyone arrested or in prison for that Russian hacking crime? Didn't think so.
Russian "meddling" happens every election, its just that Obama and his intel agencies let it happen and used it to advantage

How about for mishandling classified material, or an illegal server or working with foreign/Russian agents to create a fake Steele Dossier?
How about using that fake material to get FISA warrants to spy on the opposition party?
How about an "insurance policy" in case Trump won, which is a special counsel investigation based on no evidence of wrongdoing by the president, by the deep state actors in the FBI and DOJ, including wearing a wire and an attempted coup misusing the 25th Amendment?
Got anyone in prison for lying about a blow job?
What happened to the Mueller report?

What happened to The Mueller Report? Why nothing happened to it at all! Because that is all it ever was . . . . . nothing.
  • It was NOTHING but a pipe dream for the Left to buoy their spirits through the first administration of Trump after Hildigard's cataclysmic loss------ Hillary's loss was to them like a full-steam-ahead locomotive sprinting over the finish line only to find out at the very last second at 2AM in the morning that the finish line was just a picture painted on a brick wall in what must be the largest THUD ever heard in this section of the galaxy since the last supernova went up in these parts.
  • It was NOTHING but a bluff by the Leftards hoping that the DRAMA of a "Russia Investigation" would somehow shake Trump up enough to cause him to actually do something they could then hang him for maybe hoping that there was some skeleton in his closet that would fall out because God knows all of THEM have skeletons hidden under all THEIR beds!
There IS NO Russia Investigation.

There IS NO Russian connection.

There never was any Trump collusion.


A BUTTERFLY could have beaten Hillary in 2016. We know it. THEY know it. But they just HATE to admit they lost.

View attachment 248325

That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
Russian hacking was a crime

It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.

And two years later, still nothing.

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