What happened to the Mueller report?

Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.

And two years later, still nothing.
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids

All are offering information to Mueller

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say?

Most of those indictments were about what took place during the investigation, not before. Either that or what individuals did prior to Trump's run for presidency, and none of them related to any so-called collusion or fixing the elections.
You miss the point of plea bargaining

You allow them to plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information on another more important case

Who do you think that information is about?

That's what we've been trying to tell you. Mueller's plans are to threaten everybody until somebody creates lies about Trump he can use to attack Trump even though it means no laws broken.
Mueller is not that gullible
See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?
Last week it was announced that it was postponed... and would not be coming out, this week.

Mueller's office has never confirmed that it was coming out this week as the Executive /Judicial branch had leaked to the press. To me it seemed unlikely that Mueller was finished since his team just got terabytes of info to go through from the Roger Stone search warrant, and Kushner, nor crooked Donny junior had been interviewed before the grand jury yet, and the Gates sentencing had not been done yet because Gates was still cooperating with the investigators... nor has Flynn been sentenced yet, so they still have a lot to do...

Some are reporting it was postponed because of Crooked Donald's trip to Vietnam, and he wanted to be home for it... but that really makes no sense to me, because it's not like they didn't know early last week that Crooked Donald would be in Viet Nam for the summit.

You do know that the full Mueller Report that for nearly 2 years we all thought we would see, is now going to be hidden from us, don't you?

The Inquisition failed. You have destroyed many lives, you have prosecuted process crimes, but the target of your treason is unscathed.

Given the attempted coup by the Deep State and the statement from Barr that he will arrest Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok, I would say that not only did the Grand Inquisitor fail to help you overthrow the government, he actually has DAMAGED you traitor fucks by exposing the treason in the FBI and DOJ, and the treason of Barack "Robert Mugabe" Obama.
You should wait for Mueller's report before calling it a failure. Don't you think?

Why? Why should I wait for his report? McCabe plotted a coup against the government of the United States. The report from the Inquisition isn't going to change that.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada may never make his report public, you may never see it. Further, Mewler leaks EVERYTHING, if there were anything in his little report, he would have leaked it to CNN long ago.
Mueller is not that gullible

True, Mewler-Torquemada is CORRUPT, not gullible.

See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?

I would actually take the word of Manafort over Mewler - both are lying snakes, but Mewler is worse.

Oh and WHAT evidence? You HAVE no evidence, you lying fuck. All you have is slander and libel, it's all you have EVER had.
And two years later, still nothing.
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids

All are offering information to Mueller

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say?

Most of those indictments were about what took place during the investigation, not before. Either that or what individuals did prior to Trump's run for presidency, and none of them related to any so-called collusion or fixing the elections.
You miss the point of plea bargaining

You allow them to plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information on another more important case

Who do you think that information is about?

That's what we've been trying to tell you. Mueller's plans are to threaten everybody until somebody creates lies about Trump he can use to attack Trump even though it means no laws broken.
Mueller is not that gullible
See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?

When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?
I thought no one watched Fox nor listened to AM radio?
Haha, look at what Trump has done to your brain. This is the best you can do...
You should focus on YOUR brain more. Mine is fine. I wasn't quoting Trump, I was quoting all the Leftards on this forum who are forever saying that Fox is nothing.
<snip>little pathetic strawman ... playing with ... dollies.
Like I said. Whose brain is in doubt?
Lamestream media has brainwashed everyone to hate trump, else we would love Trump. But blatant right wing propaganda and concentrated Russian propaganda campaigns have zero effect on independent thinkers, which you can spot by their freakish, cultish support of trump.
Ahha. I don't love Trump. He's a bad politician. He could never make a good career of it. But I don't hate him neither. I simply see him as a refreshing switch from the usual Washington insider, a brash, bold businessman who loves his country, HATES what they're doing to it, and went there to bust up their game. And I know he's doing his job pretty well because the Left is bleating so LOUD against him!

GO! Donald, GO.

BTW, just WHERE is all this Russian propaganda? I'd LOVE for you to show us it? You jackasses keep speaking of it like it is the Goodyear Blimp yet Robert Mueller cannot uncover even a sliver of it to put in plain sight for any of us to examine!
Russian "meddling" happens every election, its just that Obama and his intel agencies let it happen and used it to advantage

The Russians meddle.
The Chinese meddle.
The USA meddles.

Why was there no investigation a few years ago when Obama meddled in Netanyahu's reelection?

Why has there been ZERO talk about shoring up our cyber-defenses to prevent that paltry meddling of Russia in the 2016 election that has never been shown to have affected anything?

Why does election after election pass by and still no law requiring people to show their eligibility to vote?

Why is Russia's meager tampering OTOH a "national crisis" while on the other hand the Dems fight tooth and nail to get more illegal voters into our country?

Why is any of this only now a Washington front story just because a Republican (and an outsider) is in office?
Let's be clear. Trump would NOT be President if it were not for the Russian meddling
NOTHING could be LESS clear, little girl. To this day not a shred of evidence has ever been shown to prove that even A SINGLE VOTE was changed! Disagree? SHOW US!
and the theft of the DNC emails, and disbursement of them...
....you mean the EXPOSURE of the crimes that the democrats were trying to hide from the voters? Why was exposing that wrong, yet all you've tried to do is the VERY SAME THING against Trump, allegedly trying to expose the secret crimes Trump used to illegally and unfairly catapult himself into office? I'm still waiting for you, Mueller or anyone to show us even one. Again, if you disagree, simply PROVE IT RIGHT HERE.
and Trump's CHEATING with campaign finance laws, and not showing his tax returns like everyone else in the race had to....
WHAAAA! WHAAAAA! Cheating? What about Obama's cheating? Hillary wrote the BOOK on cheating. That's a fact. Still waiting for the proof on Trump. Just WHEN is your boy Mueller going to SPILL HIS GUTS and tell us? What is he waiting for? And tax returns? Pleeeease. You already stole one of his returns (a crime) and it showed he was a very good boy. Go away.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime.
Really? You mean except when it's the FBI doing it busting in your door at 4AM and seizing your computer and papers like they did for Mueller? Then it is legal. It is good law enforcement. Any time you expose criminal matters that the perp was trying to conceal from the voters of America, that's not a CRIME, RW, it is REFRESHING JUSTICE.
Last week it was announced that it was postponed... and would not be coming out, this week.

Mueller's office has never confirmed that it was coming out this week as the Executive /Judicial branch had leaked to the press. To me it seemed unlikely that Mueller was finished since his team just got terabytes of info to go through from the Roger Stone search warrant, and Kushner, nor crooked Donny junior had been interviewed before the grand jury yet, and the Gates sentencing had not been done yet because Gates was still cooperating with the investigators... nor has Flynn been sentenced yet, so they still have a lot to do...

Some are reporting it was postponed because of Crooked Donald's trip to Vietnam, and he wanted to be home for it... but that really makes no sense to me, because it's not like they didn't know early last week that Crooked Donald would be in Viet Nam for the summit.

You do know that the full Mueller Report that for nearly 2 years we all thought we would see, is now going to be hidden from us, don't you?

The Inquisition failed. You have destroyed many lives, you have prosecuted process crimes, but the target of your treason is unscathed.

Given the attempted coup by the Deep State and the statement from Barr that he will arrest Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok, I would say that not only did the Grand Inquisitor fail to help you overthrow the government, he actually has DAMAGED you traitor fucks by exposing the treason in the FBI and DOJ, and the treason of Barack "Robert Mugabe" Obama.
You should wait for Mueller's report before calling it a failure. Don't you think?

Why? Why should I wait for his report? McCabe plotted a coup against the government of the United States. The report from the Inquisition isn't going to change that.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada may never make his report public, you may never see it. Further, Mewler leaks EVERYTHING, if there were anything in his little report, he would have leaked it to CNN long ago.
Wow. Excuse me for disturbing you. You can resume talking to the mailbox now.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime.
Really? You mean except when it's the FBI doing it busting in your door at 4AM and seizing your computer and papers like they did for Mueller? Then it is legal. It is good law enforcement. Any time you expose criminal matters that the perp was trying to conceal from the voters of America, that's not a CRIME, RW, it is REFRESHING JUSTICE. Just funny it took a handful of Russians to do it because we'd all grow old waiting for the DOJ to ever investigate a democrat!
That sums it up. The Mueller investigation is a charge looking for a crime.
Russian hacking was a crime
It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.
And two years later, still nothing.
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids: you mean like George Papadopoulos, 14 day sentence? You mean like Manafort, who only worked for Trump for a few months, indicted for stuff he did long before he and Trump ever met? Or maybe you mean Rick Gates, indicted for one little false statement? If we indicted Hillary on every false statement she's made, she'd serve 203 life sentences. Flynn? Same thing.

Richard Pinedo, ID theft. 6 months and home probation.
Alex van der Zwaan
: 30 days.
Michael Cohen: lessee: stuff he did before he worked for Trump, taxi business, paid off some hos who made ALLEGED charges and other chickenshit.
Roger Stone: another case of some trivial lie, this time about trying to get hold of Wikileaks. Is THAT the big crime?
Oh, then there is a sundry list of Russians known to playing loose with various scams to try to pass as Americans talking bad about Hillary in cyberspace where no one I know of even read them as if no one else was talking bad about her AND Trump, and the guys who actually did a public service by busting loose the dirty crap the DNC was trying to hide from the public's eyes. THERE was a crime actually worthy of investigation, what was revealed about the DNC.

All are offering information to Mueller
Hopefully somewhere in there will be something useful like as good recipe for borscht soup. :p
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Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids

All are offering information to Mueller

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say?

Most of those indictments were about what took place during the investigation, not before. Either that or what individuals did prior to Trump's run for presidency, and none of them related to any so-called collusion or fixing the elections.
You miss the point of plea bargaining

You allow them to plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information on another more important case

Who do you think that information is about?

That's what we've been trying to tell you. Mueller's plans are to threaten everybody until somebody creates lies about Trump he can use to attack Trump even though it means no laws broken.
Mueller is not that gullible
See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?

When you threaten people with process crimes to say what you want to hear, how can anybody be trusted in this case? When you start an investigation for no reason at all, nobody can be trusted. When there are no set limitations to the supposed crimes being investigated, nobody can be trusted.

This entire thing is an anti-Trump scam and you ask if I'll believe the outcome?

They broke the law to the extent they were facing serious jail time....hardly “process crimes”

A prosecutor if Muellers experience knows better than to accept such testimony on face value. Like you said, it is suspect
He will insist on documentation and corroborating testimony before prosecuting it
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime.
Really? You mean except when it's the FBI doing it busting in your door at 4AM and seizing your computer and papers like they did for Mueller? Then it is legal. It is good law enforcement. Any time you expose criminal matters that the perp was trying to conceal from the voters of America, that's not a CRIME, RW, it is REFRESHING JUSTICE. Just funny it took a handful of Russians to do it because we'd all grow old waiting for the DOJ to ever investigate a democrat!
Russian hacking was a crime
It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.
And two years later, still nothing.
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids: you mean like George Papadopoulos, 14 day sentence? You mean like Manafort, who only worked for Trump for a few months, indicted for stuff he did long before he and Trump ever met? Or maybe you mean Rick Gates, indicted for one little false statement? If we indicted Hillary on every false statement she's made, she'd serve 203 life sentences. Flynn? Same thing.

Richard Pinedo, ID theft. 6 months and home probation.
Alex van der Zwaan
: 30 days.
Michael Cohen: lessee: stuff he did before he worked for Trump, taxi business, paid off some hos who made ALLEGED charges and other chickenshit.
Roger Stone: another case of lying, this time about trying to get hold of Wikileaks. Is THAT the big crime?
Oh, then there is a sundry list of Russians known to playing loose with various scams to try to pass as Americans talking bad about Hillary in cyberspace where no one I know of even read them and the guys who actually did a public service by busting loose the dirty crap the DNC was trying to hide from the public's eyes. THERE was a crime worthy of investigation, what was revealed about the DNC.

All are offering information to Mueller
Hopefully somewhere in there will be something useful like as good recipe for borscht soup. :p
Flynn,Manafort, Stone, Papadapolus, Gates

All have evidence on Trump to report
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime.
Really? You mean except when it's the FBI doing it busting in your door at 4AM and seizing your computer and papers like they did for Mueller? Then it is legal. It is good law enforcement. Any time you expose criminal matters that the perp was trying to conceal from the voters of America, that's not a CRIME, RW, it is REFRESHING JUSTICE. Just funny it took a handful of Russians to do it because we'd all grow old waiting for the DOJ to ever investigate a democrat!
It's only a crime to the person(s) that did it. Trump's only crime is that he beat Hillary and is in the position of exposing the coupe that existed during DumBama.
Hacking and distributing stolen data is a crime
We are investigating whether Trump participated.
And two years later, still nothing.
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids: you mean like George Papadopoulos, 14 day sentence? You mean like Manafort, who only worked for Trump for a few months, indicted for stuff he did long before he and Trump ever met? Or maybe you mean Rick Gates, indicted for one little false statement? If we indicted Hillary on every false statement she's made, she'd serve 203 life sentences. Flynn? Same thing.

Richard Pinedo, ID theft. 6 months and home probation.
Alex van der Zwaan
: 30 days.
Michael Cohen: lessee: stuff he did before he worked for Trump, taxi business, paid off some hos who made ALLEGED charges and other chickenshit.
Roger Stone: another case of lying, this time about trying to get hold of Wikileaks. Is THAT the big crime?
Oh, then there is a sundry list of Russians known to playing loose with various scams to try to pass as Americans talking bad about Hillary in cyberspace where no one I know of even read them and the guys who actually did a public service by busting loose the dirty crap the DNC was trying to hide from the public's eyes. THERE was a crime worthy of investigation, what was revealed about the DNC.

All are offering information to Mueller
Hopefully somewhere in there will be something useful like as good recipe for borscht soup. :p
Flynn,Manafort, Stone, Papadapolus, Gates

All have evidence on Trump to report

SURE THEY DO. :spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:

You mean petty bullshit while Obama and Hillary walk scott free of high crimes and treason?
Wake me when they slap the handcuffs on Trump.
And two years later, still nothing.
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids

All are offering information to Mueller

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say?

Most of those indictments were about what took place during the investigation, not before. Either that or what individuals did prior to Trump's run for presidency, and none of them related to any so-called collusion or fixing the elections.
You miss the point of plea bargaining

You allow them to plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information on another more important case

Who do you think that information is about?

That's what we've been trying to tell you. Mueller's plans are to threaten everybody until somebody creates lies about Trump he can use to attack Trump even though it means no laws broken.
Mueller is not that gullible
See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?

I only wonder why every person even loosely connected to Trump ends up getting indicted on some petty chicken shit charge forced into a plea bargain to "cooperate" with Mueller (what is Mueller out to do?) while every person with something SERIOUS on the Clintons merely turns up STONE COLD DEAD?

Most of these charges involve lying to the FBI. Didn't Comey lay out a LONG LIST of lies Hillary made to the FBI in July 2016 on national television about SERIOUS stuff like destruction of government evidence and usurping her national post to run a private enterprise out of it for personal profit involving leaked national intelligence and a ponzi scheme of pay to play with other countries?
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What fucking bullshit.

Keep whistling past the grave yard.

You have shackled yourself to a corpse.

How do you disengage?
Multiple indictments and convictions for key Trump aids

All are offering information to Mueller

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say?

Most of those indictments were about what took place during the investigation, not before. Either that or what individuals did prior to Trump's run for presidency, and none of them related to any so-called collusion or fixing the elections.
You miss the point of plea bargaining

You allow them to plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information on another more important case

Who do you think that information is about?

That's what we've been trying to tell you. Mueller's plans are to threaten everybody until somebody creates lies about Trump he can use to attack Trump even though it means no laws broken.
Mueller is not that gullible
See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?

I only wonder why every person even loosely connected to Trump ends up getting indicted on some petty chicken shit charge forced into a plea bargain to "cooperate" with Mueller (what is Mueller out to do?) while every person with something SERIOUS on the Clintons merely turns up STONE COLD DEAD?

Most of these charges involve lying to the FBI. Didn't Comey lay out a LONG LIST of lies Hillary made to the FBI in July 2016 on national television about SERIOUS stuff like destruction of government evidence and usurping her national post to run a private enterprise out of it for personal profit involving leaked national intelligence and a ponzi scheme of pay to play with other countries?
Trump surrounded himself with crooks and thieves

Yet you claim he is the only one innocent
Most of those indictments were about what took place during the investigation, not before. Either that or what individuals did prior to Trump's run for presidency, and none of them related to any so-called collusion or fixing the elections.
You miss the point of plea bargaining

You allow them to plead guilty to lesser charges in return for information on another more important case

Who do you think that information is about?

That's what we've been trying to tell you. Mueller's plans are to threaten everybody until somebody creates lies about Trump he can use to attack Trump even though it means no laws broken.
Mueller is not that gullible
See what happened when Manafort tried to lie to him?

Every story will be cross checked against existing evidence and other reports

Don’t you want to hear what they have to say about Trump in return for a plea bargain?

Or have you already decided Trump is innocent regardless of the evidence against him?

I only wonder why every person even loosely connected to Trump ends up getting indicted on some petty chicken shit charge forced into a plea bargain to "cooperate" with Mueller (what is Mueller out to do?) while every person with something SERIOUS on the Clintons merely turns up STONE COLD DEAD?

Most of these charges involve lying to the FBI. Didn't Comey lay out a LONG LIST of lies Hillary made to the FBI in July 2016 on national television about SERIOUS stuff like destruction of government evidence and usurping her national post to run a private enterprise out of it for personal profit involving leaked national intelligence and a ponzi scheme of pay to play with other countries?
Trump surrounded himself with crooks and thieves

Yet you claim he is the only one innocent

I claim nothing. I'm asking for the proof. Was the people around Obama or Hillary ever put through the tunneling electron Mueller microscope as has been Trump? NOPE. Just because no one ever looked, I can't presume things wouldn't have been found there too. So far, Mueller has indictments of people for petty shit, much of it BEFORE Trump with convictions for 30 days and 6 months. The truly HARDCORE among us.

So . . . . your case is because Mueller found foibles on a few of them after looking up their asses with a flashlight, that TRUMP MUST BE PRESUMED GUILTY of something as well? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You really are desperate for SOMETHING, aren't you?

News flash: we are so overcome with massive, excessive laws in this country, that hardly a one of us couldn't be found guilty of some crime if we looked hard enough. It's just that they tend to look a lot HARDER when it involves a Republican.
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Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.

You've never been part of an investigation (well, maybe as a target). Interviews may become interrogations, and both can lead to a new witness who may open new avenues to investigate. As more detail is recorded, the copious notes taken by investigators are compared, leading to further questions for prior and new witnesses.

During this process subpoenas uncover documents and other tangible leads (finger prints, DNA). All of this needs to be recorded, and compared with witness statements.

Be patient, enough has been released in terms of indictments, foolish errors and comments from White House lawyers and former employees to frame the ultimate picture. When the picture is complete, all we become clear.
Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.
It was supposed to come out " shortly after the election"...I'd say we're well past "shortly".

How long did it take you to compute that math?

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