What happened to the Mueller report?

Deep State?

QAnon? The nutjobs have taken over the Republican Party folks.

And they've installed a criminal in the White House. God Help Us

1, There is no QANON, that's bullshit. However there is a Judicial Watch.
2. Your denial of the truth only proves you can't disprove the real facts
Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week.
The pseudocon propagandists have been telling the rubes at least once a month that Mueller was wrapping up his investigation. Wishful thinking.
When Mueller actually does finish his investigation and releases his report, it will be headline news. Unless Trump shoots himself in the head. Then Mueller's report will be below the fold.

The Mueller Report will never be released. A Barr Summary of the report will be released. The dems will want to see the entire report, and Barr will tell them to pound sand.

BTW, how'd your son's situation work out? Well I hope. Back in school? The legal advice I got was, don't make a big deal over it, just call it a life lesson and move on. (The school districts have a lot of legal leeway regarding those types of issues.) You switching to the GOP? Need a MAGA hat?
So you are predicting that the truth will be hidden from the American people?
And you think that's a good thing?

The truth is that Trump was/is the victim of an illegal witch hunt started by the deep state without cause, by democrat shills as part of a coup attempt following unsuccessful attempts to use the FBI, DOJ and intel agencies to illegally spy on the Trump campaign and to elect Hillary Clinton. Hillary was the one who illegally used and paid foreign agents and Russia for the Steele Dossier.
I doubt that the real truth will make the Mueller Report. Here are videos describing what actually happened

*squawk!*The truth is that Trump is the victim of an illegal witch hunt started by the deep state*squawk!*
1, There is no QANON, that's bullshit. However there is a Judicial Watch.
2. Your denial of the truth only proves you can't disprove the real facts

And yet you ost from QAnon relentlessly.

Nwsflash...Judicial Watch is one step removed from QAnon. ISIS camps in Texas ring a bell?

1, There is no QANON, that's bullshit. However there is a Judicial Watch.
2. Your denial of the truth only proves you can't disprove the real facts

And yet you ost from QAnon relentlessly.

Nwsflash...Judicial Watch is one step removed from QAnon. ISIS camps in Texas ring a bell?


OK, you're not in reality again. Judicial watch kicks ass in court.
You can't dispute the facts unleashed in the videos.
So you have your set of facts regarding Trump, and I have mine regarding the deep state and the illegal witch hunt.

This ring a bell? ISIS in Mexico New government audit reports: Islamic terrorists are operating in Mexican border towns
It's a shame Judicial Watch has to do Congress, The FBI, and DOJ's jobs.

We would not have known how corrupt The FBI, Clinton and The DOJ were if it weren't for people like Judicial Watch and FOIA laws.

Hopefully they will able to get The FISA abuse memos etc.

God blessed Trump with everything he could have given him - looks, money and brains, and Trump has used his gifts to lie, steal, and do harm to people. Trump trampled the blessings God gave him, and spit in the eye of God and the American people.

Trump is going to jail because he's a lying criminal.

:cuckoo: ^^^^ :rolleyes-41:

Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.

The news of it coming out this week was fake news
When CNN cites an anonymous source, it's always fake news.

You would think that people would notice that pattern after a while.
Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week.
The pseudocon propagandists have been telling the rubes at least once a month that Mueller was wrapping up his investigation.

Wishful thinking.

When Mueller actually does finish his investigation and releases his report, it will be headline news. Unless Trump shoots himself in the head. Then Mueller's report will be below the fold.

He has no reason to shoot himself in the head. If Mueller had anything other than process crimes against Trump associates, we would know about it by now.
Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.

The news of it coming out this week was fake news
When CNN cites an anonymous source, it's always fake news.

You would think that people would notice that pattern after a while.

I agree 100% !:thup:

Perhaps I haven't been following the situation closely enough, but we were told that the report was coming out this week. Well.......It's Thursday and it seems that not only do we not have a report, but the media takes no interest on what happened to it.

Earlier in the week, the Cohen nonsense took stage, and I thought maybe that was the reason for the delay in spite of it's suspicious timing with Trump's meeting in Vietnam. But no dice. Still no report.

Is this something we should get used to for the remaining near two years of Trump's first term? We were held in suspense last weekend over this, and it's very similar to the promise that was made about the report coming out immediately after the midterms which as we all know, never happened.

It makes me wonder if they are going to try and stretch this out until 2020, and another promise will be made it will come out right after the presidential election.
It will be released the day after Trump leaves office whenever that may be. My personal opinion is there are no big bombshells in it and they don’t want to deal with all the time and money for this blowback.

If they do release the report it better be soon so people will forget about it before the election. But I'm with you, I think they are going to delay it as long as possible for obvious and political reasons.
Let's just say that we have a bunch of guys here who just want to discredit Mueller before the report is released even though there has been plenty of convictions and jail time handed out already...

The best Trump is coming out of this is as a gulible guy who hired a bunch of crooks to his campaign. This has to call into his judgement at a minimum...

Utter bull. How can you say he hired a bunch of criminals when most of the so-called crimes happened during the investigation or long before Trump decided to run against Hil-Liar?
Still waiting......
Any day now

Watch this board light up when it comes out
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?
Oddball, the President, Crooked Donald, IS actually crooked... the real deal... he's a man of lawlessness and has been his whole life... his cult like followers have been brainwashed, they follow the Trump Code... if Trump says, ''there is no collusion'' then the cult repeats, ''there is no collusion''....

it's mind boggling to me, to watch the robotic or zombie like, mindlessness, and very concerning...

I don't give a hoot about his politics, whether I agree or disagree with it... his never ending lying and divisiveness, is dangerous and is bringing this democratic Nation in to very dangerous territory imo.

Take your Prozac pronto you crazed loon. You know so much more than anyone else about Trumps business in th 80s? More than even the IRS.
He's a crook and he's been a crook, a con artist who's an expert in fooling, people like you...he's also a disgusting, slivering, lowly, human being with no redeeming qualities...NONE!
This is coming from the party that is celebrating passing infanticide. You cannot make this crap up.
It's already against the law in all States... the 2002 Born Alive bill covered it, plus many states have even stricter laws than the Federal Born Alive Bill that passed in 2002. The 2019 bill is redundant.

You are being yanked by the chain of your devious masters... at election time, ONCE AGAIN.

Do Democrats not mind 'executing' babies, as Trump said?
The govenor of Virginia already said, they would keep the baby comfortable. While the doctor talked to the mother about what to do with the baby. New York passed abortion up till birth and planned parenthood wants it passed in all 50 states. Don't let the facts get in the way of your bullshit. Liberals are sick.
you didnt read the link, which describes the cases where the baby has no chance of living, like when they are born with their organs outside of their body, or born without lungs etc etc etc read the link dufus instead of perpetrating and promoting LIES
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?

At CPAC Don Jr and Kevin Nunes said that they want EVERYTHING regarding the Mueller report published. They must know something good.
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.
Being that you are a Trump supporter, I wouldn't be chomping at the bit for that report. I have a strong feeling that you are not going to like it.

Actually I think we are going to enjoy it very much. It's the Democrats that are going to try to make something out of it that's not. And then!!!!!!!

Screaming .jpeg
The Mueller report has become a political strategy and not a real report at all. It seems that it's going to end the way it started.

This is laughable...the first three posts of this thread. You two idiots act like it's been released and you've read it.
This shows just how stupid Trumpanzees really are.
You must have missed the news that Mueller refuses to publicize his activities and doesn't give pressers...or Tweet.


No, we are not acting like we read it, but what we know about the investigation, we are extremely confident. Are you?

At CPAC Don Jr and Kevin Nunes said that they want EVERYTHING regarding the Mueller report published. They must know something good.

I think if it ever does come out, the only thing we will hear is redacted, redacted, redacted, redacted.

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