"What Happened to the Postcard" - Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA)

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.

I'll bet the form is still only one sheet of paper long! Remember the 1040 EZ? This will be even smaller and shorter for most Americans.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.

You don’t hear democrats complain about the complicated tax code any more now than they ever have. Hack.

Only one party has waved a fucking postcard around and told simpletons that it would be simple after the GOP plan is passed.

There are European nations with practically AUTOMATED tax filing. Of course, you can’t have your fucking loopholes when you have that.

Dems want a simple tax system and a fair tax system. Stop lying.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.

I was under the impression for some doing a simple return (straight work with no investments, unemployed, disability, etc) it would be on a postcard sized return.

I tell you this much, I would bet my right arm that if it were up to Trump, not only would tax rates be even lower, but there would be a vast amount of returns which could be completed on a small sheet.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.

You'd be RIGHT N TARGET to ALSO criticize democrats......if they were in charge......but they're not....

Why not simply make your statement that the GOP SCREWED us again, and THEN wait for democrats to take over so that you can have your rightful disdain?
You don’t hear democrats complain about the complicated tax code any more now than they ever have. Hack.

Exactly, because you have zero interest in making it simpler for anybody. Somebody has to pay for your welfare state after all.

Dems want a simple tax system and a fair tax system. Stop lying.

Sure you do. That's why you constantly raise them on people, whether it's car taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, environmental taxes, fees, etc. hitting even the poorest in your states. That's why you've all been bitching about the loss of the SALT deductions, because Democrats have raised taxes so high in places like California, New Jersey, New York, Hawaii, Connecticut, etc. that their people will feel the brunt of losing that more than people in other states. You've done nothing but hike taxes through the roof for decades and now you're bitching about having to pay them.

"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
How can it be a flat tax and have multiple tiers ar the same time?
Only one party has waved a fucking postcard around and told simpletons that it would be simple after the GOP plan is passed.

Not to derail this important topic......
Let me just add that the GOP is ALSO the party that waves a Bible around......just before going to chase little girls at a mall, or have wide stances in bathrooms.

Bullshit is worse than a simple lie.
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
How can it be a flat tax and have multiple tiers ar the same time?

Pay a flat tax for income within each tier: Completely made up examples might be no taxes on income up to $20,000, 10% on income from $20,000 to $50,000, 15% on $50,000 to $150,000, 20% on $150,000+. Each bracket has a flat rate with no deductions, everyone pays the same rate on income within each bracket. I would guess that might be the basic idea. :dunno:
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard.

A tax code that simple would unquestionably cost rich folks huge sums. Super-simple tax codes do not have in them loopholes that only tax accountants and tax attorneys will find and communicate to their clients, and, in turn, defend the positions in tax court. Moreover, we all know damn well that poor and middle income folks do not engage such professionals for strategic tax planning and advocacy.

Part of why there's no super-simple tax code has to do with accountability and the polity's will to hold accountable, without regard to party, to their promises the elected and appointed office holders whom voters emplace. Another major part of the problem stems from accountability, though it's accountability of a different sort: the accountability of elected office holders to the people who most heavily support (financially) their election campaigns, non-campaign political messaging, and perqs.

The inability to "discreetly" insert loopholes and "carve outs" amid "postcard-simple" tax provisions, provisions which necessarily also are very few in number, is materially, and to an extent literally, why there will never be a "postcard-simple" tax code, unless and until enough people take umbrage over loopholes/"carve outs" and prioritize tax equity and simplicity above all else, and consequently hold legislators accountable for enacting anything other than such.
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing

Thank you.

I'd like to point out that the first link is about corporate taxes, not individual. The third link is about tax filing, not simplifying the tax code.

In general, I don't know that I've seen much in the way of Democrat or liberal politicians actually pushing tax simplification. Rhetoric is not the same thing.

It's the same from the Republican/conservative side. Sometimes we hear calls for simplifying the tax code, even a flat tax, but rarely does there seem to be any real effort to do so.

Regardless of party, most of what politicians do regarding taxes seems to be talk about change, then continue with the same old, same old. :dunno:
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing

Thank you.

I'd like to point out that the first link is about corporate taxes, not individual. The third link is about tax filing, not simplifying the tax code.

In general, I don't know that I've seen much in the way of Democrat or liberal politicians actually pushing tax simplification. Rhetoric is not the same thing.

It's the same from the Republican/conservative side. Sometimes we hear calls for simplifying the tax code, even a flat tax, but rarely does there seem to be any real effort to do so.

Regardless of party, most of what politicians do regarding taxes seems to be talk about change, then continue with the same old, same old. :dunno:

Who does a complex tax code benefit?

Answer that accurately and you will find which party works against it and which works for it.
Republican tax plan - cut taxes on an epic scale for the wealthy, and raise taxes on the poor and middle class by getting rid of the deductions they can use on their tax returns.

When was the last time Republicans did this? Every time. They've never done anything differently. And now we are seeing Lying Trump voters on television who will lose their house and other deductions and in fact pay higher taxes and find their houses harder to sell.

Welcome back to reality you idiots that, once again, believed a carpet bagger when he said "Trust me".
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
I was hoping for that as well but maybe we should take this win and hope to improve on it.

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