"What Happened to the Postcard" - Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA)

Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing
By simpler the democrats mean just send us all your money and we will decide what you get in return.
Republican tax plan - cut taxes on an epic scale for the wealthy, and raise taxes on the poor and middle class by getting rid of the deductions they can use on their tax returns.

When was the last time Republicans did this? Every time. They've never done anything differently. And now we are seeing Lying Trump voters on television who will lose their house and other deductions and in fact pay higher taxes and find their houses harder to sell.

Welcome back to reality you idiots that, once again, believed a carpet bagger when he said "Trust me".

Actually, my friend, this tax scam MUST be paid through huge cuts to Medicare and Medicaid AND, of course, Paul Ryan's wet dream, drastic cuts in social security.
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing
By simpler the democrats mean just send us all your money and we will decide what you get in return.

Lame, tired rhetoric. So boring.
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing

Thank you.

I'd like to point out that the first link is about corporate taxes, not individual. The third link is about tax filing, not simplifying the tax code.

In general, I don't know that I've seen much in the way of Democrat or liberal politicians actually pushing tax simplification. Rhetoric is not the same thing.

It's the same from the Republican/conservative side. Sometimes we hear calls for simplifying the tax code, even a flat tax, but rarely does there seem to be any real effort to do so.

Regardless of party, most of what politicians do regarding taxes seems to be talk about change, then continue with the same old, same old. :dunno:

Who does a complex tax code benefit?

Answer that accurately and you will find which party works against it and which works for it.

While I would say that a complex tax code tends to benefit the wealthy, there are plenty of complications that at least appear to be for the benefit of the less fortunate. I certainly don't think that Republicans/conservatives consistently attempt to make the tax code more complex while Democrats/liberals consistently try to simplify the tax code.
Republican tax plan - cut taxes on an epic scale for the wealthy, and raise taxes on the poor and middle class by getting rid of the deductions they can use on their tax returns.

When was the last time Republicans did this? Every time. They've never done anything differently. And now we are seeing Lying Trump voters on television who will lose their house and other deductions and in fact pay higher taxes and find their houses harder to sell.

Welcome back to reality you idiots that, once again, believed a carpet bagger when he said "Trust me".

Actually, my friend, this tax scam MUST be paid through huge cuts to Medicare and Medicaid AND, of course, Paul Ryan's wet dream, drastic cuts in social security.

Why must those programs be cut?
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing

Thank you.

I'd like to point out that the first link is about corporate taxes, not individual. The third link is about tax filing, not simplifying the tax code.

In general, I don't know that I've seen much in the way of Democrat or liberal politicians actually pushing tax simplification. Rhetoric is not the same thing.

It's the same from the Republican/conservative side. Sometimes we hear calls for simplifying the tax code, even a flat tax, but rarely does there seem to be any real effort to do so.

Regardless of party, most of what politicians do regarding taxes seems to be talk about change, then continue with the same old, same old. :dunno:

Who does a complex tax code benefit?

Answer that accurately and you will find which party works against it and which works for it.

While I would say that a complex tax code tends to benefit the wealthy, there are plenty of complications that at least appear to be for the benefit of the less fortunate. I certainly don't think that Republicans/conservatives consistently attempt to make the tax code more complex while Democrats/liberals consistently try to simplify the tax code.

One fights to maintain complexity while claiming to want simplicity. This tax bill is evidence of that.
Republican tax plan - cut taxes on an epic scale for the wealthy, and raise taxes on the poor and middle class by getting rid of the deductions they can use on their tax returns.

When was the last time Republicans did this? Every time. They've never done anything differently. And now we are seeing Lying Trump voters on television who will lose their house and other deductions and in fact pay higher taxes and find their houses harder to sell.

Welcome back to reality you idiots that, once again, believed a carpet bagger when he said "Trust me".

Actually, my friend, this tax scam MUST be paid through huge cuts to Medicare and Medicaid AND, of course, Paul Ryan's wet dream, drastic cuts in social security.

Why must those programs be cut?

Now you are playing dumb. Too bad.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.

How about the 154 Democrats that voted against the balanced budget act of 1997, and subsequently many of them are trying to take credit for balancing the budget under Bill Clinton.

Sorry, if you voted against the bill, you can’t take credit for its success.
Republican tax plan - cut taxes on an epic scale for the wealthy, and raise taxes on the poor and middle class by getting rid of the deductions they can use on their tax returns.

When was the last time Republicans did this? Every time. They've never done anything differently. And now we are seeing Lying Trump voters on television who will lose their house and other deductions and in fact pay higher taxes and find their houses harder to sell.

Welcome back to reality you idiots that, once again, believed a carpet bagger when he said "Trust me".

Actually, my friend, this tax scam MUST be paid through huge cuts to Medicare and Medicaid AND, of course, Paul Ryan's wet dream, drastic cuts in social security.

Why must those programs be cut?

Now you are playing dumb. Too bad.

Not that the question was directed at you, but please enlighten me on why those particular programs must be cut. I'm not asking which are likely to be cut (if any will be), but why those must be.
Tax reform is a liberal priority.

Honest question: Which liberal politicians have made tax reform a priority, specifically the simplification of federal taxes? Or is it only liberal individuals who have made tax reform a priority, and if so, can you explain why you think enough liberals consider tax reform a priority to make such a general statement?

Obama. Sanders. Warren. Google it.

A Plan to Simplify the Tax Code for Businesses and Give Working Families a Better Deal

Obama wants 'a simpler tax code'

Sanders, Warren Introduce Bill to Simplify Tax Filing
By simpler the democrats mean just send us all your money and we will decide what you get in return.

Lame, tired rhetoric. So boring.
I think you meant so true. Democrats don't trust you with your money or your choices. They think some idiot like LoanLaugher knows better what I need than I do.
Now you are playing dumb. Too bad.

Unfortunately, the nitwit is NOT "playing".....he just is dumb....

Another response without an actual answer. Why must those particular programs be cut?

I'm not sure I should bother asking why a simple question, which merely wanted you to explain a claim, indicates low intelligence. I doubt I'd get a reasonable answer.

Nat was using “must” to indicate the GOP game plan. Don’t play dumb.

Would it have been too difficult to simply say that, rather than jump to an insult? I certainly haven't been insulting either of you. And I don't know nat4900 nearly well enough to assume I know what is meant in the post, rather than what is stated.
Now you are playing dumb. Too bad.

Unfortunately, the nitwit is NOT "playing".....he just is dumb....

Another response without an actual answer. Why must those particular programs be cut?

I'm not sure I should bother asking why a simple question, which merely wanted you to explain a claim, indicates low intelligence. I doubt I'd get a reasonable answer.

Nat was using “must” to indicate the GOP game plan. Don’t play dumb.

Would it have been too difficult to simply say that, rather than jump to an insult? I certainly haven't been insulting either of you. And I don't know nat4900 nearly well enough to assume I know what is meant in the post, rather than what is stated.

Fair enough. My apologies.

Of course it isn’t necessary to cut SS and Medicare. But the GOP has wanted to do that for decades and they will say that they “must be” cut because we are so deep in debt...after they increase the deficit.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
How can it be a flat tax and have multiple tiers ar the same time?

Pay a flat tax for income within each tier: Completely made up examples might be no taxes on income up to $20,000, 10% on income from $20,000 to $50,000, 15% on $50,000 to $150,000, 20% on $150,000+. Each bracket has a flat rate with no deductions, everyone pays the same rate on income within each bracket. I would guess that might be the basic idea. :dunno:
That is called a progressive tax.
Now you are playing dumb. Too bad.

Unfortunately, the nitwit is NOT "playing".....he just is dumb....

Another response without an actual answer. Why must those particular programs be cut?

I'm not sure I should bother asking why a simple question, which merely wanted you to explain a claim, indicates low intelligence. I doubt I'd get a reasonable answer.

Nat was using “must” to indicate the GOP game plan. Don’t play dumb.

Would it have been too difficult to simply say that, rather than jump to an insult? I certainly haven't been insulting either of you. And I don't know nat4900 nearly well enough to assume I know what is meant in the post, rather than what is stated.
They're both assholes. Just know that walking in and you'll be fine. As a matter of fact just assume most everyone here is an asshole until they can prove otherwise.
Republican tax plan - cut taxes on an epic scale for the wealthy, and raise taxes on the poor and middle class by getting rid of the deductions they can use on their tax returns.

When was the last time Republicans did this? Every time. They've never done anything differently. And now we are seeing Lying Trump voters on television who will lose their house and other deductions and in fact pay higher taxes and find their houses harder to sell.

Welcome back to reality you idiots that, once again, believed a carpet bagger when he said "Trust me".

Actually, my friend, this tax scam MUST be paid through huge cuts to Medicare and Medicaid AND, of course, Paul Ryan's wet dream, drastic cuts in social security.

I know, they aren't through by a swindler's mile. These people view money as either in their pockets, in the pockets of their wealthy friends, or in the pockets of defense contractors. All other uses are unnecessary and a waste of time just as 'jesus' would see it. Not the Jesus of the bible but some weird nonexistent Jesus that, like so many other things, only exist in the minds of The Hollow Men.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
How can it be a flat tax and have multiple tiers ar the same time?

Pay a flat tax for income within each tier: Completely made up examples might be no taxes on income up to $20,000, 10% on income from $20,000 to $50,000, 15% on $50,000 to $150,000, 20% on $150,000+. Each bracket has a flat rate with no deductions, everyone pays the same rate on income within each bracket. I would guess that might be the basic idea. :dunno:
You are describing a progressive tax system, not a flat tax.

I don't mind paying more taxes than most people because I have obviously benefited financially from our society much more than most. And we are a social species. But as long as the government keeps wasting my money via bullshit projects and corruption, I simply cannot advocate a tax hike.

I would rather give back to society by donating money, my skills and my time to a few local charities which are administered by people I know and trust.
"What happened to the postcard? We're going to have to carry around a billboard for tax simplification," declared Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

GOP on the verge of huge tax overhaul _ with one hiccup

He is right to ask the question. This is what the American people were promised, a tax code so simple you could file it on a postcard. What I've seen released by the Republicans may lower rates, but the code is still incredibly complicated. I don't see what's so hard about going to a flat tax, even if you want to have multiple tiers as it is now, and eliminate all deductions completely.

That said, I find it ironic to hear Democrats complain about our complicated tax code that they helped create and have for decades resisted any attempts to simplify.
How can it be a flat tax and have multiple tiers ar the same time?

Pay a flat tax for income within each tier: Completely made up examples might be no taxes on income up to $20,000, 10% on income from $20,000 to $50,000, 15% on $50,000 to $150,000, 20% on $150,000+. Each bracket has a flat rate with no deductions, everyone pays the same rate on income within each bracket. I would guess that might be the basic idea. :dunno:
That is called a progressive tax.

I was just guessing as to Don'tTazMeBro's meaning. I don't know if that is the sort of system he was talking about. :)

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