What happened to TRUE bi-partanship?

The borders were also open while Trumpybear was president.

Trumpybear's border emergency was declared at a time when illegal immigration was at it's lowest point in 50 years. The faithful trumpy-goobers, gobbled it up like they gobbled up the lies about our election integrity.
Illegals were sent back to Mexico under Trump, Xiden reinstated the "catch and release" policy, duh.
The Fascist left that now runs the cult that is the DNC, refuses to do anything that is remotely close to bipartisan…they don’t believe in it, they used the nuclear option to destroy compromise, priory it gay filibhstered any judicial nominee after judicial nominees of Bush…first time in history that stuff like that had ever happened

now they want to go nuclear on all legislation
Illegals were sent back to Mexico under Trump, Xiden reinstated the "catch and release" policy, duh.
Trumpybear never closed the border and illegal immigrant never stopped under the "Don" either.

Biden is fighting to maintain some of the Trumpyrules too.

Back in the 80's, President Regan (republican) and Tip O'Neal (democrat & majority whip) would leave contentiousness outside the the capitol steps and socialize, and have lunch together frequently. We lost that, and I miss that. I know it sounds pat, but...united we stand, divided we fall.

Bipartisanship died an agonizing death Mary. Invoking Reagan and O'Neill was solid.
Btw - This is a pretty good read if you've not already.

Nope. All being thrown into cities. None have been tested for the Chink flu either.
You're either lying or misinformed... Which one is it? Are you accusing reports like the one below as being fabricated lies? (Please say yes so I can embarrass you again by proving you wrong)

Trumpybear never closed the border and illegal immigrant never stopped under the "Don" either.

Biden is fighting to maintain some of the Trumpyrules too.
Trump closed the border, if an illegal was caught he was sent back to Mexico, Trump built a wall to make it easier to catch illegals.
Xiden opened the border, if Xiden catches an illegal he is released into the US.
See the difference?
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Back in the 80's, President Regan (republican) and Tip O'Neal (democrat & majority whip) would leave contentiousness outside the the capitol steps and socialize, and have lunch together frequently. We lost that, and I miss that. I know it sounds pat, but...united we stand, divided we fall.
40 years of leftism has destroyed pretty much everything.
Back in the 80's, President Regan (republican) and Tip O'Neal (democrat & majority whip) would leave contentiousness outside the the capitol steps and socialize, and have lunch together frequently. We lost that, and I miss that. I know it sounds pat, but...united we stand, divided we fall.
Secede, or Suck AIDS-Laced Seed

Divided we will stand, and the Pinko State Union will collapse.
However you slice it, this political rancor isn't doing any of us any favors. I have My own incites on how this evolved. (It involves foreign intervention). Take a breather and refrain from blaming the "other". Just STOP. We NEVER where at each others throats like this before. Offer a handshake. Just stop playing the hate game.
A Handshake That Leads to Handcuffs

No matter how you elevate it into an imaginary virtue, what you really want is for the rest of us to surrender. But freedom comes only with independence.
You’ve been brainwashed to think the Left wants open borders just like your wingnut opponents have been brainwashed to think all on the right are racist. I know many on the left that support border security. Obama did a lot for border security. Certainly not open borders. Wake up, you’ve fallen deep in their trap. Don’t be a puppet
The numbers don’t lie. How did we end up with over 20 million illegals( probably more like 40 million) over the past 40 years? Don’t feed us big businesss wanted them and Reagan swore them in bullshit. I lived through it so I know what happened.
Bullshit. You are an America-hating commie.
haha, because you say so?! wow, great point genius. If I called you a singled celled organism from Uranus does that make it true? Is this the game you are wanting to play?
The numbers don’t lie. How did we end up with over 20 million illegals( probably more like 40 million) over the past 40 years? Don’t feed us big businesss wanted them and Reagan swore them in bullshit. I lived through it so I know what happened.
You don't think business and Reagan and just the simple nature of our world had any effect?! it was just all purely the democrats fault? You expect anybody to actually take the BS seriously?
Trump closed the border, if an illegal was caught he was sent back to Mexico, Trump built a wall to make it easier to catch illegals.
Xiden opened the border, if Xiden catches an illegal he is released into the US.
See the difference?

No he didn't. Illegals were still coming. We already had a wall. Trump declare the border an emergency when crossing were at a 50 year low. His fans were okay with it because he told them it was an emergency. By declaring an emergency he was allowed to access powers reserved for an emergency involving the continuance of Government. (Neither party really give a shit about this because both parties use those power in nonessential ways) Thus he was able to repurposed money earmarked by Congress for the military to refurbish and add a little to the border wall.

Most illegals caught today are being sent back under title 42.
No he didn't. Illegals were still coming. We already had a wall. Trump declare the border an emergency when crossing were at a 50 year low. His fans were okay with it because he told them it was an emergency. By declaring an emergency he was allowed to access powers reserved for an emergency involving the continuance of Government. (Neither party really give a shit about this because both parties use those power in nonessential ways) Thus he was able to repurposed money earmarked by Congress for the military to refurbish and add a little to the border wall. Most illegals caught today are being sent back under title 42.
1. Under Trump caravans of illegals were coming as being sent by the drug cartels, and being sent back across the border to Mexico to wait for their hearing. See post-61 link.

2. Crossings were NOT at a 50-year low for Trump, See graph below. The high line is Xiden's, the low lines are Trump's, when illegals know that the border is closed, they stay home, except in 20-19 when the Cartels sent caravans up to help their drug traffic.

3. True, Trump declared an emergency to build the border wall and repurpose DOD funds. Trump had the border solved. Xiden has it totally fucked up. What a stupid POS Xiden is.

4. STOP LYING. Most illegals are NOT being sent back, most are being sent around the US.

Scoop: Biden administration expelled just 13% of migrant families in past week. Stef W. Kight. Migrants stand next to the border wall in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Photo: John Moore/Getty Images. The Biden administration kept a Trump-era policy known as "Title 42" as a tool to quickly turn back adults and families who illegally cross the southern ...

5. If you can't find a link to prove WTF you type, don't bother typing, I will call you out for LYING.

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