What happened to Trump's Control over Republicans?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

In the aftermath of the Speaker's ouster, former President quickly and enthusiastically threw his support behind Jim Jordan. Clearly, Jordan is a favorite of Republicans out here in flyover country, so we agreed with Trump's choice.

But in Congress, the Republicans apparently said, "No thanks."

What does this mean to the Leftist meme that "we" are all "MAGA Republicans," under Trump's control?
Actually Desantis and Nikki Haley do better against Biden than Trump.

The primaries could be interesting if Trump is just a "Stalking Horse"

In the aftermath of the Speaker's ouster, former President quickly and enthusiastically threw his support behind Jim Jordan. Clearly, Jordan is a favorite of Republicans out here in flyover country, so we agreed with Trump's choice.

But in Congress, the Republicans apparently said, "No thanks."

What does this mean to the Leftist meme that "we" are all "MAGA Republicans," under Trump's control?

It means who Trump picks loses.
Absorb that one.
You almost gotta laugh. Why do crazy lefties think that the former president controls the GOP?
They really are clueless because they let their media act as their brain. They believe everything the media writes about him. The truth is that Trump's supporters make up the majority of the Republican party and the remainder are never Trump RINOs. The RINOs have a choice. They can alienate enough voters that they destroy their own careers or they can try to mimic the stance of MAGA candidates so as to win.

Either way, the Republican party is in flux and will likely die and be replaced relatively soon.

In the aftermath of the Speaker's ouster, former President quickly and enthusiastically threw his support behind Jim Jordan. Clearly, Jordan is a favorite of Republicans out here in flyover country, so we agreed with Trump's choice.

But in Congress, the Republicans apparently said, "No thanks."

What does this mean to the Leftist meme that "we" are all "MAGA Republicans," under Trump's control?

Scalise is the next in line for Speaker. That's how it normally works. Scalise is the Majority Leader and that is who steps in when the Speaker steps down.

Gym Jordan is a pedophile enabler.
OP must have missed all the R huddled uo with the Corpse on day 1 signing EO? Or their votes over the last three years.

There are very few real R. Hope that helps.

In the aftermath of the Speaker's ouster, former President quickly and enthusiastically threw his support behind Jim Jordan. Clearly, Jordan is a favorite of Republicans out here in flyover country, so we agreed with Trump's choice.

But in Congress, the Republicans apparently said, "No thanks."

What does this mean to the Leftist meme that "we" are all "MAGA Republicans," under Trump's control?

You greatly damaged your "brand" by not distancing yourselves much further from Trump much sooner.

For many Indies and Swing-Voters outside the GOP this is almost a case of Too Little Too Late, in this context.

Still... better late than never... I guess... maybe... kinda-sorta... perhaps...

In the aftermath of the Speaker's ouster, former President quickly and enthusiastically threw his support behind Jim Jordan. Clearly, Jordan is a favorite of Republicans out here in flyover country, so we agreed with Trump's choice.

But in Congress, the Republicans apparently said, "No thanks."

What does this mean to the Leftist meme that "we" are all "MAGA Republicans," under Trump's control?

What happened to Trump's Control over Republicans?​

Since January, 2020 -- Trump has been slowly losing control of things. Dante has said all along that it would be slow and people were too emotionally and intellectually close to see things.
The day is coming when the Trump tards will lead their lord and master to the guillotine.

Just like Robespierre.
Or he'll keel over from fatness.
Trump could drop dead from a heart attack or a stroke in front of thousands at a rally, and the conspiracy theories would be blasting all over the Universe before his head hit the floor.

"The Jew space laser got 'im!"

In the aftermath of the Speaker's ouster, former President quickly and enthusiastically threw his support behind Jim Jordan. Clearly, Jordan is a favorite of Republicans out here in flyover country, so we agreed with Trump's choice.

But in Congress, the Republicans apparently said, "No thanks."

What does this mean to the Leftist meme that "we" are all "MAGA Republicans," under Trump's control?

I guess he forgot to email our marching orders...snicker snicker
You greatly damaged your "brand" by not distancing yourselves much further from Trump much sooner.

For many Indies and Swing-Voters outside the GOP this is almost a case of Too Little Too Late, in this context.

Still... better late than never... I guess... maybe... kinda-sorta... perhaps...
Not a chance in hell.

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