What Happened with Russia, Lefties?

other than pulling it out of your ass, where is the proof?

you think he had hookers pee on the bed too?
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.

you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story

Establish those facts.

When you can't stop posting bullshit.

The only thing we know for sure is what is in the released email - Junior loving the idea of colluding with Russians. The rest is known only to people in that room....and perhaps those that are conducting investigation on this matter today.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.
OMG, a President working with a foreign power! :lmao:
A candidate, not yet president.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.
well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. that Russian lawyer is a Russian lobbyist, and her main topic, handed down right from the Kremlin, was the Magitsky (sp?)Act. And you can believe the Kremlin interest in the Magitsky Act's repeal has virtually nothing to do with adopting babies.

so post me the articles about this.

How helpless can you get??

Magnitsky Act - Wikipedia

The main intention of the law was to punish Russian officials who were thought to be responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky by prohibiting their entrance to the United States and their use of its banking system.

ok its the adoption law....who cares...thats what they discussed how does this prove your case?
adoption is what he said he was discussing right? so I'm confused.

Because you are too ADD to even keep up a conversation thread.

Here is a tip: he is not talking to you
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story

Establish those facts.

When you can't stop posting bullshit.

The only thing we know for sure is what is in the released email - Junior loving the idea of colluding with Russians. The rest is known only to people in that room....and perhaps those that are conducting investigation on this matter today.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

OMG, a President working with a foreign power! :lmao:
A candidate, not yet president.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story

Establish those facts.

When you can't stop posting bullshit.

The only thing we know for sure is what is in the released email - Junior loving the idea of colluding with Russians. The rest is known only to people in that room....and perhaps those that are conducting investigation on this matter today.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

A candidate, not yet president.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.
Establish those facts.

When you can't stop posting bullshit.

The only thing we know for sure is what is in the released email - Junior loving the idea of colluding with Russians. The rest is known only to people in that room....and perhaps those that are conducting investigation on this matter today.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.

You have no idea what you are saying, collusion with Russia was to COMMIT WIRE FRAUD (specifically illegal hacking), and/or break election laws (specifically foreign funding of campaign) the word collusion by itself has no legal meaning.

Since there was no law breaking by Ukranians there cannot possibly be any collusion slash conspiracy to commit that crime!
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Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.
Recieving information is not "colluding," moron. The people they met with were not employees of the Russian government.
Establish those facts.

When you can't stop posting bullshit.

The only thing we know for sure is what is in the released email - Junior loving the idea of colluding with Russians. The rest is known only to people in that room....and perhaps those that are conducting investigation on this matter today.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.

Only if that scumbag John Podesta is also prosecuted.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.

Only if that scumbag John Podesta is also prosecuted.

...was he a confessed foreign agent like Manafort?
..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.

Only if that scumbag John Podesta is also prosecuted.

...was he a confessed foreign agent like Manafort?

Exactly the same way.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.

You have no idea what you are saying, collusion with Russia was to COMMIT WIRE FRAUD (specifically illegal hacking), and/or break election laws (specifically foreign funding of campaign) the word collusion by itself has no legal meaning.

Since there was no law breaking by Ukranians there cannot possibly be any collusion slash conspiracy to commit that crime!

It's your lie, hillarybot. Just know real people can see and reject your hypocrisy.
And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.
OMG, a President working with a foreign power! :lmao:
A candidate, not yet president.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.
are you saying obummers cabinet was made up of poor people? name one. so libturdish. bumper sticker talk.
And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.
OMG, a President working with a foreign power! :lmao:
A candidate, not yet president.

A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.
For starters, Obama has been making $500M for each speech given to Goldman Sachs folks since he left office. Part of his continued love of Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs Personnel in the Barack Obama White House
Lael Brainard:
Brainard is the United States Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs in the administration of Obama.

Gregory Craig: Former White House Counsel, Recently hired by Goldman Sachs.

Thomas Donilon: Deputy National Security Adviser (despite having a career that is mostly involved with domestic politics). Donilon was a lawyer at O’Melveny and Myers and made almost $4 million representing meltdown clients including Penny Pritzker (of Chicago) and Goldman Sachs.

William C. Dudley: President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, partner and managing director at Goldman Sachs and was the firm’s chief U.S. economist for a decade.

Douglas Elmendorf: Obama Director of the Congressional Budget Office in January 2009, replaced Furman as Director of the Hamilton Project (Note that the Hamilton Project was funded by Robert Rubin and Goldman Sachs).

Rahm Emanuel: Obama Chief of Staff, on the payroll of Goldman Sachs receiving $3,000 per month from the firm to “introduce us to people", in the words of one Goldman Sachs partner at the time.

Dianna Farrell: Obama Administration: Deputy Director, National Economic Council. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Financial Analyst.

Stephen Friedman: Obama Administration: Chairman, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Board Member (Chairman 1990-94; Director 2005).

Michael Frohman: Robert Rubin’s Chief of Staff while Rubin served as Secretary of the Treasury and an Obama “head hunter” according to “Rubin Proteges Change Their Tune as They Join Obama’s Team” in the New York Times.

Anne Fudge: Appointed to Obama budget deficit reduction committee. Fudge has been the PR craftsman for some of America’s largest corporations. She sits, according to the Washington Post, as a Trustee of the Brookings Institution within which the Hamilton Project is embedded.

Jason Furman: Directed economic policy for the Obama Presidential Campaign, served as the second Director of the Hamilton Project after Peter Orszag’s departure for the Obama administration.

Mark Gallogly: Sits on the Hamilton Project’s advisory council. He is also, according to Wikipedia, currently a member of President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

Timothy Geithner: Secretary of the Treasury, former President of the New York Fed. a former managing director of Goldman Sachs.

Gary Gensler: Obama Administration: Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Partner and Co-head of Finance.

Michael Greenstone: The 4th Director of the Hamilton Project. Just as attorney Craig went from advising Obama to defending Goldman Sachs against the SEC complaint, Greenstone has used the revolving door to go from an Obama economic adviser position to one of the Goldman Sachs outlets - in this case its think tank embedded in the Brookings Institution and funded by Goldman Sachs and Robert Rubin. All 3 previous Directors of the Hamilton Project work in the Obama administration.

Robert Hormats: Obama Administration: Undersecretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs, State Department. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Group.

Neel Kashkari: Served under Treasury Secretary Paulson (a former Goldman Sachs CEO) and was kept on by Obama after his inauguration for a limited period to work on TARP oversight. Former Vice President of Goldman Sachs in San Francisco where he led Goldman’s Information Technology Security Investment Banking practice.

Karen Kornbluh: (Sometimes called "Obama’s brain") Obama Ambassador to the OECD. Was Deputy Chief of Staff to 'Mr. Goldman Sachs', Robert Rubin.

Jacob "Jack" Lew: The United States Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. According to Wikipedia, Lew sits on the Brookings-Rubin funded Hamilton Project Advisory Board. He also served with Robert Rubin in Bill Clinton’s cabinet as Director of OMB.

David Lipton: Now on Obama’s National Economic Council and the National Security Council. Lipton worked with Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner on the US response to the Asian financial crisis of the 1990’s. MergeFoundations reports that Lipton worked closely with Robert Rubin.

Emil Michael: White House Fellow. Former investment banker with Goldman Sachs.

Eric Mindich: Former chief strategy officer of New York-based Goldman Sachs, started Eton Park in 2004 with $3.5 billion, at the time one of the biggest hedge-fund launches ever. .....Hank Paulson Tipped Off The Goldman-Led "Plunge Protection Team" About Fannie Bankruptcy 7 Weeks In Advance (2007): Goldman operative Eric Mindich in the hierarchy of the Asset Managers' committee of the President's Working Group on Capital Markets, better known of course as the PPT (in 2009).

Philip Murphy: Obama Administration: Ambassador to Germany. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Head of Goldman Sachs, Frankfurt.

Barack Obama: Obama owes his career to Goldman Sachs which was not only his biggest financial contributor when he ran for the Presidency, but was also his biggest contributor when he ran for the US Senate.

Peter Orszag: Obama Budget Director. Founding director of the Hamilton Project, funded by Goldman Sachs and Robert Rubin. Wikipedia indicates that Robert Rubin, Goldman’s ex-CEO, was one of Orszag’s mentors.

Mark Patterson: Obama Administration: Chief of Staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitner. Former Goldman Sachs Title: Lobbyist 2005-2008; Vice President for Government Relations.

Mark Peterson: Chief of staff to Timothy Geithner. Goldman Sachs Vice President and lobbyist.

Steve Ratner: The shady billionaire financier who Obama appointed as his “car czar” and who resigned after it was revealed that his company, the Quadrangle Group, was apparently involved in “pay to play” for a billion dollars or so of New York State pension funds, and was under possible indictment by the New York AG and the SEC. Sits on the Advisory Council of the Goldman funded Hamilton Project.

Robert Reischauer: A member of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission from 2000-2009 and was its Vice Chair from 2001-2008. He too sits on the Hamilton Project’s advisory board.

Alice Rivlin: Obama named Alice Rivlin to his so-called Deficit Reduction Commission.

James Rubin: Son of Robert Rubin. Served as a 'headhunter' for Obama per the New York Times article, "Rubin Proteges Change Their Tune as They Join Obama’s Team".

Gene Sperling: Advisor to Timothy Geithner on bailouts. Sperling paid by Goldman Sachs for one year of consulting work.

Adam Storch: Obama Managing Executive of the Security and Exchange Commission’s Division of Enforcement. Former Vice President in the Goldman Sachs Business Intelligence Group.

Larry Summers: Obama chief economic adviser and head of the National Economic Counsel. Worked under Robert Rubin at Goldman Sachs.

John Thain: Obama Administration: Advisor to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. Former Goldman Sachs Title: President and Chief Operating Officer (1999-2003).
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.

Irrelevant if it didn't happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.
when? In your dreams?
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering..

You have a hard working, straight up, tight lipped prosecutor going after the Trump associates. He's got lots of quality help. Folks who quietly do their job, instead of leaking what they're up to.

And you can't stand it. You know the sword of Damocles hangs over Trump, and all you can do is whistle past the graveyard.
And Trump Jr, Manafort and Kushner, demonstrated they would be willing to collude with Russia. And Dotard showed that he willingly, would cover up any collusion.
when? In your dreams?

You think it makes a difference if Trump colluded with Russians about Dirt on Hillary vs colluded with Russians in violation of the Logan act
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering..

You have a hard working, straight up, tight lipped prosecutor going after the Trump associates. He's got lots of quality help. Folks who quietly do their job, instead of leaking what they're up to.

And you can't stand it. You know the sword of Damocles hangs over Trump, and all you can do is whistle past the graveyard.
Ya, DC insiders are loaded with morality.
They know it was all Bullshite, but they believe the damage to Trump has been done. They're feeling pretty over-confident they're gonna win the White House back in 4yrs. It's all about a constant degrading of Trump. A 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Democrat Fake News is gonna continue its rabid 24/7 'Anti-Trump' incitement right up till the next Election. If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth. That's what Democrats are counting on. We'll see what happens i guess.
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well actually it's based on seeing absolutely nothing. like the burgers from the left.
That's a pretty stupid standard. Why on Earth would you expect to be made aware of any of the evidence or details of this ongoing investigation? No, I reject your dishonest reason, which you have clearly contrived and reserved only for this situation. And doing so arises purely from your politics and superstitions. Notice a trend?

wait so youre saying that an investigation in washington, which leaked a made up report about trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed that obama stayed on, has no leaks?

and what congressional testimony do you have to prove this?
it's funny the belief of these idiots. they believe everything without facts. it's truly amazing I tell you. not one fking thing, not one congressperson. people who do have the evidence ain't saying shit. funny they just believe whatever the MSM says. no fking brains at all I tell you.

You are very funny dude. You’ve been watching too much Hannity.
The investigation is on going unless you know more than Mueller.
Believe everything? Actually most or all Trump supporters believed every Trump bullshit.
You believed nothing there——- when you have no evidence of no collusions.
If there are no evidence of collusions—— THEN PROVE IT.

Just one example. You believed 3 millions illegal vote when you have no single proof.
you must know more than mueller since you're questioning me. I haven't said anything more than there is nothing. now, you post something if mueller's put something out there, but to date, there is nothing. you agree or not?

I totally disagree. I asked you a question Jc. No I don’t know what is going on with Mueller investigation because it’s on going. Normally or NORMAL repeat NORMAL people will wait till the investigation is over then make an opinion. Not before.

I’m questioning YOU because you are making a conclusion that there is nothing there. How did you know that Jc? Do you know more that the Mueller investigation?
If you know that there is nothing there. Let me repeat it again. Prove it.

This is the problem listening too much of Hannity.

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