What Happened with Russia, Lefties?

other than pulling it out of your ass, where is the proof?

you think he had hookers pee on the bed too?
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
If you cannot tell the difference between our watchdog media and a hostile foreign power, then you are one of the dumbest people on this forum.
why is there a difference? show me the law that separates the two. I bet you don't have one. hahahahahaha you fking loser.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.
It's precious how you think Mueller's investigation is over.
It's precious how they find good news in meeting with Russians to drop sanctions in return for dirt on Hillary is good news. And I said in FebMar there was no way Trump was dumb enough to get caught doing this. And now it appears Mueller has evidence of Putin actually helping Trump.

Not that the go will ever impeach, but JFC. I can make an arugment that LBJ did what Nixon did first, but .... JFC
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.

other than pulling it out of your ass, where is the proof?

you think he had hookers pee on the bed too?
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
Are you asking me what the difference between domestic and foreign influence in our elections is? Really? Sorry man, if you can't puzzle that out yourself, that's your problem. Go waste someone else's time, like a 3rd grade teacher with more patience than I have.
other than pulling it out of your ass, where is the proof?

you think he had hookers pee on the bed too?
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
Are you asking me what the difference between domestic and foreign influence in our elections is? Really? Sorry man, if you can't puzzle that out yourself, that's your problem. Go waste someone else's time, like a 3rd grade teacher with more patience than I have.
so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? you are one sorry fk for sure. And first off, why don't you point to where there was any such foreign interference. Can you? I thought that was why we have Mueller and he hasn't said one gd damn thing yet. so you got jack shit. All we got is NBC trying to turn the election and interfering with our votes. sad.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Shhh..... don't talk about that.....

It's all about President Trump being a Misogynist now, or a something something label.


Russiagate is dead.
haha.... if you say so, Shaman. I think I will refrain from betting on your predictions, which arise solely and completely from your politics and your superstitions.
well actually it's based on seeing absolutely nothing. like the burgers from the left.
That's a pretty stupid standard. Why on Earth would you expect to be made aware of any of the evidence or details of this ongoing investigation? No, I reject your dishonest reason, which you have clearly contrived and reserved only for this situation. And doing so arises purely from your politics and superstitions. Notice a trend?

wait so youre saying that an investigation in washington, which leaked a made up report about trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed that obama stayed on, has no leaks?

and what congressional testimony do you have to prove this?
it's funny the belief of these idiots. they believe everything without facts. it's truly amazing I tell you. not one fking thing, not one congressperson. people who do have the evidence ain't saying shit. funny they just believe whatever the MSM says. no fking brains at all I tell you.

You are very funny dude. You’ve been watching too much Hannity.
The investigation is on going unless you know more than Mueller.
Believe everything? Actually most or all Trump supporters believed every Trump bullshit.
You believed nothing there——- when you have no evidence of no collusions.
If there are no evidence of collusions—— THEN PROVE IT.

Just one example. You believed 3 millions illegal vote when you have no single proof.
haha.... if you say so, Shaman. I think I will refrain from betting on your predictions, which arise solely and completely from your politics and your superstitions.
well actually it's based on seeing absolutely nothing. like the burgers from the left.
That's a pretty stupid standard. Why on Earth would you expect to be made aware of any of the evidence or details of this ongoing investigation? No, I reject your dishonest reason, which you have clearly contrived and reserved only for this situation. And doing so arises purely from your politics and superstitions. Notice a trend?

wait so youre saying that an investigation in washington, which leaked a made up report about trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed that obama stayed on, has no leaks?

and what congressional testimony do you have to prove this?
it's funny the belief of these idiots. they believe everything without facts. it's truly amazing I tell you. not one fking thing, not one congressperson. people who do have the evidence ain't saying shit. funny they just believe whatever the MSM says. no fking brains at all I tell you.

You are very funny dude. You’ve been watching too much Hannity.
The investigation is on going unless you know more than Mueller.
Believe everything? Actually most or all Trump supporters believed every Trump bullshit.
You believed nothing there——- when you have no evidence of no collusions.
If there are no evidence of collusions—— THEN PROVE IT.

Just one example. You believed 3 millions illegal vote when you have no single proof.
you must know more than mueller since you're questioning me. I haven't said anything more than there is nothing. now, you post something if mueller's put something out there, but to date, there is nothing. you agree or not?
haha.... if you say so, Shaman. I think I will refrain from betting on your predictions, which arise solely and completely from your politics and your superstitions.
well actually it's based on seeing absolutely nothing. like the burgers from the left.
That's a pretty stupid standard. Why on Earth would you expect to be made aware of any of the evidence or details of this ongoing investigation? No, I reject your dishonest reason, which you have clearly contrived and reserved only for this situation. And doing so arises purely from your politics and superstitions. Notice a trend?

wait so youre saying that an investigation in washington, which leaked a made up report about trump hiring hookers to pee on a bed that obama stayed on, has no leaks?

and what congressional testimony do you have to prove this?
it's funny the belief of these idiots. they believe everything without facts. it's truly amazing I tell you. not one fking thing, not one congressperson. people who do have the evidence ain't saying shit. funny they just believe whatever the MSM says. no fking brains at all I tell you.

You are very funny dude. You’ve been watching too much Hannity.
The investigation is on going unless you know more than Mueller.
Believe everything? Actually most or all Trump supporters believed every Trump bullshit.
You believed nothing there——- when you have no evidence of no collusions.
If there are no evidence of collusions—— THEN PROVE IT.

Just one example. You believed 3 millions illegal vote when you have no single proof.
The fact is not even a leak and the best Dems have on Trump is he gets 2 scoops of ice cream.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Yep, junior went into that room for dirt on Hillary, but then simply accepted getting played and settled to talk about adopting kids.


But here is what you don't get dummy - Trump campaign LOVING the idea of Russians providing them with materials against Hillary is the most important piece of this story. It establishes a clear intent and a will to collude.
you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have specifically discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.
Last edited:
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.
It's precious how you think Mueller's investigation is over.
It's precious how they find good news in meeting with Russians to drop sanctions in return for dirt on Hillary is good news. And I said in FebMar there was no way Trump was dumb enough to get caught doing this. And now it appears Mueller has evidence of Putin actually helping Trump.

Not that the go will ever impeach, but JFC. I can make an arugment that LBJ did what Nixon did first, but .... JFC

uh the news is rarely been right on this topic, but where is the proof about dirt on hillary?
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
Are you asking me what the difference between domestic and foreign influence in our elections is? Really? Sorry man, if you can't puzzle that out yourself, that's your problem. Go waste someone else's time, like a 3rd grade teacher with more patience than I have.
so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? you are one sorry fk for sure. And first off, why don't you point to where there was any such foreign interference. Can you? I thought that was why we have Mueller and he hasn't said one gd damn thing yet. so you got jack shit. All we got is NBC trying to turn the election and interfering with our votes. sad.
"so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? "

haha... what? You certainly do change lanes quickly, after you say something stupid and everyone makes fun of you for it.

No, I do not think that represents the influence of foreign entities on our elections. Yes, I think you are nuts.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Yep, junior went into that room for dirt on Hillary, but then simply accepted getting played and settled to talk about adopting kids.


But here is what you don't get dummy - Trump campaign LOVING the idea of Russians providing them with materials against Hillary is the most important piece of this story. It establishes a clear intent and a will to collude.
you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
Are you asking me what the difference between domestic and foreign influence in our elections is? Really? Sorry man, if you can't puzzle that out yourself, that's your problem. Go waste someone else's time, like a 3rd grade teacher with more patience than I have.
so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? you are one sorry fk for sure. And first off, why don't you point to where there was any such foreign interference. Can you? I thought that was why we have Mueller and he hasn't said one gd damn thing yet. so you got jack shit. All we got is NBC trying to turn the election and interfering with our votes. sad.
"so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? "

haha... what? You certainly do change lanes quickly, after you say something stupid and everyone makes fun of you for it.

No, I do not think that represents the influence of foreign entities on our elections. Yes, I think you are nuts.

your side is a bunch of liars

first were told illegals dont use govt resources

but now were told, we cant deport them because they grew up in our country going to our schools

schools=govt resources
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
Are you asking me what the difference between domestic and foreign influence in our elections is? Really? Sorry man, if you can't puzzle that out yourself, that's your problem. Go waste someone else's time, like a 3rd grade teacher with more patience than I have.
so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? you are one sorry fk for sure. And first off, why don't you point to where there was any such foreign interference. Can you? I thought that was why we have Mueller and he hasn't said one gd damn thing yet. so you got jack shit. All we got is NBC trying to turn the election and interfering with our votes. sad.
"so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? "

haha... what? You certainly do change lanes quickly, after you say something stupid and everyone makes fun of you for it.

No, I do not think that represents the influence of foreign entities on our elections. Yes, I think you are nuts.
why not if they are voting. see inconsistent left idiots drive me to laughing insanely loud. they are a foreign influence you stupid shit.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.
It's precious how you think Mueller's investigation is over.
It's precious how they find good news in meeting with Russians to drop sanctions in return for dirt on Hillary is good news. And I said in FebMar there was no way Trump was dumb enough to get caught doing this. And now it appears Mueller has evidence of Putin actually helping Trump.

Not that the go will ever impeach, but JFC. I can make an arugment that LBJ did what Nixon did first, but .... JFC

uh the news is rarely been right on this topic, but where is the proof about dirt on hillary?
"google and facebook it." (-:
"based on what exactly you just said there was no evidence released"

when I said that (the last part), I was referring to what I thought were claims of successful, institutionalized collusion in the trump circle with Russian agents. As for knowing that someone at least attempted this collusion, we have Junior's emails. As for knowing Trump had paid Russian foreign agents in his circle... that is established fact. Those were the claims I made.
based on what, post a fking link with this breaking news that absolutely no one else has.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.

other than pulling it out of your ass, where is the proof?

you think he had hookers pee on the bed too?
Pulling what out of my ass? Listen, I understand defending Trump from accusations. But when you people start being freakish and denying established fats, you embarrass yourselves. yes, it is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents to get opposition intel on HiIlary Clinton. If you can't accept this simple fact, you are not entitled to an opinion on any of this.
is established fact that Dickhead Junior tried to collude with Russian government agents

how is this a fact exactly? see you don't know what is a fact. all you have is an email that set up a meeting. you have nothing else. so again, you have no evidence as I've explained to you now for 24 hours.

Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Yep, junior went into that room for dirt on Hillary, but then simply accepted getting played and settled to talk about adopting kids.


But here is what you don't get dummy - Trump campaign LOVING the idea of Russians providing them with materials against Hillary is the most important piece of this story. It establishes a clear intent and a will to collude.
you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story

Establish those facts.

When you can't stop posting bullshit.

The only thing we know for sure is what is in the released email - Junior loving the idea of colluding with Russians. The rest is known only to people in that room....and perhaps those that are conducting investigation on this matter today.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Yep, junior went into that room for dirt on Hillary, but then simply accepted getting played and settled to talk about adopting kids.


But here is what you don't get dummy - Trump campaign LOVING the idea of Russians providing them with materials against Hillary is the most important piece of this story. It establishes a clear intent and a will to collude.
you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. that Russian lawyer is a Russian lobbyist, and her main topic, handed down right from the Kremlin, was the Magitsky (sp?)Act. And you can believe the Kremlin interest in the Magitsky Act's repeal has virtually nothing to do with adopting babies.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Yep, junior went into that room for dirt on Hillary, but then simply accepted getting played and settled to talk about adopting kids.


But here is what you don't get dummy - Trump campaign LOVING the idea of Russians providing them with materials against Hillary is the most important piece of this story. It establishes a clear intent and a will to collude.
you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story
"how is this a fact exactly?"

Is this a joke? what the hell is wrong with you people? It's not even a crime, what he did... yet you will still embarrass yourselves to be his good little footsoldiers. Such odd behavior.

yes, we have it in Dickhead Junior's own words, in emails he released himself, that he tried to attain opposition intelligence from Russian government agents. If you can't grasp this, you are literally one of the last people on Earth not to do so, with all of the rest being head trauma victims in comas.
and I have seen a clip of trump speaking some rather raunchy shit that was aired by NBC to directly interfere in our election. where is your anger at NBC for interfering and trying to sway a vote?
Are you asking me what the difference between domestic and foreign influence in our elections is? Really? Sorry man, if you can't puzzle that out yourself, that's your problem. Go waste someone else's time, like a 3rd grade teacher with more patience than I have.
so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? you are one sorry fk for sure. And first off, why don't you point to where there was any such foreign interference. Can you? I thought that was why we have Mueller and he hasn't said one gd damn thing yet. so you got jack shit. All we got is NBC trying to turn the election and interfering with our votes. sad.
"so you don't think illegals in our country aren't foreign interference? "

haha... what? You certainly do change lanes quickly, after you say something stupid and everyone makes fun of you for it.

No, I do not think that represents the influence of foreign entities on our elections. Yes, I think you are nuts.
why not if they are voting. see inconsistent left idiots drive me to laughing insanely loud. they are a foreign influence you stupid shit.
"why not if they are voting."

Which is illegal.... so yes, go ahead and keep complaining that something which is already illegal is "not illegal". Dickhead Junior's actions were not illegal. Russia's actions on social media were not illegal. Are you now saying they should be? Your comparison is just stupid on so many levels, and it undermines your arguments.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Yep, junior went into that room for dirt on Hillary, but then simply accepted getting played and settled to talk about adopting kids.


But here is what you don't get dummy - Trump campaign LOVING the idea of Russians providing them with materials against Hillary is the most important piece of this story. It establishes a clear intent and a will to collude.
you got any evidence other than he did just that discussed adopting kids? oh yeah nope! so stfu then.

Retard you missed the most important BOLDED part, he specifically "LOVED" the idea of colluding with Russians.

They may or may not have discussed hacked materials in that meeting, but YOU KNOW Trump campaign would jump at opportunity.

well since you dont post the facts

met with russian lawyer about dirt on hillary
she didnt have any
she had nothing to do with putin

make sure you add those in you bullshit story
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. that Russian lawyer is a Russian lobbyist, and her main topic, handed down right from the Kremlin, was the Magitsky (sp?)Act. And you can believe the Kremlin interest in the Magitsky Act's repeal has virtually nothing to do with adopting babies.

I don't know if all Trumpsters are dupes, but the ones that post here are totally clueless and pathetic.

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