What Happened with Russia, Lefties?

Hilarious how The Left cries about so called Foreign Influence in our elections when......

1.) Half the ads placed with Facebook and Twitter were actually FOR CLINTON.

BTW, it is entirely legal for Facebook and Twitter to take millions in ad revenue from foreign countries.

2.) No candidate in THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD has taken more money from more FOREIGN NATIONS than Hillary Clinton.

3.) The Left cries about Foreign Influences effecting outcomes of elections, meanwhile trying FURIOUSLY to import as many FOREIGN INFLUENCES in to this NATION through Illegal Immigration specifically to influence the outcome of our elections.

You are a liar.

1. Post here where and what are those illegal Facebook ads are for Clintons.

Yes it’s not illegal for foreign countries paying ads in Facebook or television promoting their country ——— But that depends what kind of ads. Are you really this dumb? Did you even saw what the Russians ads that was placed in FB?

2. Prove where Clinton received any money from foreign countries.

3. Foreign influences by Russians helping Trump was already been proven. Sanctions was applied, kicking Russian diplomats and seized 2 Russian compound because of Russian meddling into our election.

How is illegal immigration got involved in latest election?
They know it was all Bullshite, but they believe the damage to Trump has been done. They're feeling pretty over-confident they're gonna win the White House back in 4yrs. It's all about a constant degrading of Trump. A 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Democrat Fake News is gonna continue its rabid 24/7 'Anti-Trump' incitement right up till the next Election. If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth. That's what Democrats are counting on. We'll see what happens i guess.

Sorry dude you only fake news coming is from Trump himself. Hannity and Trucker are the worst and yet he is with Hannity all the time.
Even Steve Bannon just told the whole world that Trump has only 30% of completing his first term.
Did you even realize how many bipartisan big names and other entities blasting this POTUS. A total joke and disgrace.
how is that evidence of anything? please explain what you have seen from Mueller on this topic. And where is the Congress report after the hearings? hmmm still nothing. I think they like to get stupid fks like you riled up.

You're talking about the Corporate Whore and her collaboration with the Ukrainians?

..Because self-dealing Trump and his cabinet chuck full of billionaires and goldman executives are a contrast? :rolleyes:

And last I checked Ukranians were not out there hacking our political organizations and running a massive state-side propaganda machine.

So, that makes it ok for her to collaborate with a foreign nation in an attempt to try to influence our elections? I'm shocked by your double standard...well, not really, you Hillarybots really don't believe in anything.

There is nothing in the law, or even reason, to prevent you from looking for information on campaign head's (read Manafort) activities in foreign country (read Ukraine).

Russian wire fraud and electioneering violations took place IN THE UNITED STATES.

And there's nothing in the law or even reason for you to be consistent in your outrage and condemning the actual collaboration of Clinton's campaign and the Ukraine as vigorously as you want to condemn the unproven allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia. Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

And, if laws were broken, I expect and demand prosecution and conviction of Manafort.

You have no idea what you are saying, collusion with Russia was to COMMIT WIRE FRAUD (specifically illegal hacking), and/or break election laws (specifically foreign funding of campaign) the word collusion by itself has no legal meaning.

Since there was no law breaking by Ukranians there cannot possibly be any collusion slash conspiracy to commit that crime!

You claim there was NO law breaking? No slander? Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
They know it was all Bullshite, but they believe the damage to Trump has been done. They're feeling pretty over-confident they're gonna win the White House back in 4yrs. It's all about a constant degrading of Trump. A 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Democrat Fake News is gonna continue its rabid 24/7 'Anti-Trump' incitement right up till the next Election. If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth. That's what Democrats are counting on. We'll see what happens i guess.

Sorry dude you only fake news coming is from Trump himself. Hannity and Trucker are the worst and yet he is with Hannity all the time.
Even Steve Bannon just told the whole world that Trump has only 30% of completing his first term.
Did you even realize how many bipartisan big names and other entities blasting this POTUS. A total joke and disgrace.
tucker? in your dreams, he is the fairest on tv I've ever seen. you are just scared of the truth. It is out there, he finds it and you hate him. funny.
They know it was all Bullshite, but they believe the damage to Trump has been done. They're feeling pretty over-confident they're gonna win the White House back in 4yrs. It's all about a constant degrading of Trump. A 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Democrat Fake News is gonna continue its rabid 24/7 'Anti-Trump' incitement right up till the next Election. If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth. That's what Democrats are counting on. We'll see what happens i guess.

Sorry dude you only fake news coming is from Trump himself. Hannity and Trucker are the worst and yet he is with Hannity all the time.
Even Steve Bannon just told the whole world that Trump has only 30% of completing his first term.
Did you even realize how many bipartisan big names and other entities blasting this POTUS. A total joke and disgrace.
tucker? in your dreams, he is the fairest on tv I've ever seen. you are just scared of the truth. It is out there, he finds it and you hate him. funny.

Yeah, Carlson does a good job. He's straight-up and fair.
They know it was all Bullshite, but they believe the damage to Trump has been done. They're feeling pretty over-confident they're gonna win the White House back in 4yrs. It's all about a constant degrading of Trump. A 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Democrat Fake News is gonna continue its rabid 24/7 'Anti-Trump' incitement right up till the next Election. If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth. That's what Democrats are counting on. We'll see what happens i guess.

Sorry dude you only fake news coming is from Trump himself. Hannity and Trucker are the worst and yet he is with Hannity all the time.
Even Steve Bannon just told the whole world that Trump has only 30% of completing his first term.
Did you even realize how many bipartisan big names and other entities blasting this POTUS. A total joke and disgrace.
tucker? in your dreams, he is the fairest on tv I've ever seen. you are just scared of the truth. It is out there, he finds it and you hate him. funny.

Yeah, Carlson does a good job. He's straight-up and fair.
plus he lets the loser lefts hang their own selves. it's fking hilarious to watch it nightly.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

What Happened with "Russia"

the answer :
Fact, we don't have all the facts on any Americans involved with Russia & our election. Fact, we DO have enough information to conclude that Russia tried to influence our election. we do not have enough info to show why. throwing Hillary or Obama in the mix is just confusing the issue. the issue is did Russia conclude with any Americans to alter our election. stay on point.
Fact, we don't have all the facts on any Americans involved with Russia & our election. Fact, we DO have enough information to conclude that Russia tried to influence our election. we do not have enough info to show why. throwing Hillary or Obama in the mix is just confusing the issue. the issue is did Russia conclude with any Americans to alter our election. stay on point.
fact...you got no facts. if you had facts, you wouldn't need to give your opinion, you'd provide the facts. right?
They know it was all Bullshite, but they believe the damage to Trump has been done. They're feeling pretty over-confident they're gonna win the White House back in 4yrs. It's all about a constant degrading of Trump. A 'Death by a thousand cuts' strategy.

Democrat Fake News is gonna continue its rabid 24/7 'Anti-Trump' incitement right up till the next Election. If you tell a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth. That's what Democrats are counting on. We'll see what happens i guess.

Sorry dude you only fake news coming is from Trump himself. Hannity and Trucker are the worst and yet he is with Hannity all the time.
Even Steve Bannon just told the whole world that Trump has only 30% of completing his first term.
Did you even realize how many bipartisan big names and other entities blasting this POTUS. A total joke and disgrace.
tucker? in your dreams, he is the fairest on tv I've ever seen. you are just scared of the truth. It is out there, he finds it and you hate him. funny.

This is the problem when your only source of information is Fox News. No wonder your brain is so screwed.
Fact, we don't have all the facts on any Americans involved with Russia & our election. Fact, we DO have enough information to conclude that Russia tried to influence our election. we do not have enough info to show why. throwing Hillary or Obama in the mix is just confusing the issue. the issue is did Russia conclude with any Americans to alter our election. stay on point.
fact...you got no facts. if you had facts, you wouldn't need to give your opinion, you'd provide the facts. right?

What facts are you talking about dude.

The investigation is on going. Just because Hannity and Tucker keeps telling you that there are no collusions that doesn’t mean it’s true.

If you have a proof that there are no collusions then prove it. I’m s that simple dude. Prove it.
A candidate aiding a foreign country to sway our election.

OMG your drowning, grab the life ring or are you going to drown in that weak ass lie?

She lost and she will never be POTUS!

She went down in flames, if her lard ass wasn’t so large they would have been writing her eulogy instead of her concession speech 11/9/2016...

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