What Happened with Russia, Lefties?

Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Russian lawyer in Trump Jr. meeting did not mention Clinton dirt, new email shows

Newly disclosed email sheds light on Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

My, how quickly you believe the words of the Russian lawyer, who is working for Russia's interests and against those of the US. It is truly fascinating watching what Trump has done to your brains.

based on what exactly you just said there was no evidence released, so how is it is clear to you about anything? and know that colluding isn't a crime. Look it up. so you should really understand what it is you're arguing.
"based on what exactly you just said there was no evidence released"

when I said that (the last part), I was referring to what I thought were claims of successful, institutionalized collusion in the trump circle with Russian agents. As for knowing that someone at least attempted this collusion, we have Junior's emails. As for knowing Trump had paid Russian foreign agents in his circle... that is established fact. Those were the claims I made.
based on what, post a fking link with this breaking news that absolutely no one else has.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.
based on what? I asked you for the link. you post nothing but your opinion again. again that isn't fact. he met with a russian tell me what law he broke and first prove it had anything to do with collusion and then show me where that is a crime. you gotta lotta work to do.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.

BTW, knock knock.... who's there....ya......yahoo!!!!
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Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Russian lawyer in Trump Jr. meeting did not mention Clinton dirt, new email shows

Newly disclosed email sheds light on Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

My, how quickly you believe the words of the Russian lawyer, who is working for Russia's interests and against those of the US. It is truly fascinating watching what Trump has done to your brains.

so you're drawing conclusions without evidence. wow. see the left doesn't need factual data, they just believe and therefore it is. amazing world of the idiot left. Come back to us when you come back to the country with laws.

"so your drawing conclusions without evidence."

What conclusion is that, specifically? I think maybe you aren't paying attention.

the one you're making up. you need to pay attention. this is a board and on it one proves a position with links to stories and articles and things to back up the statements. you got jack shit. how's it taste?
"based on what exactly you just said there was no evidence released"

when I said that (the last part), I was referring to what I thought were claims of successful, institutionalized collusion in the trump circle with Russian agents. As for knowing that someone at least attempted this collusion, we have Junior's emails. As for knowing Trump had paid Russian foreign agents in his circle... that is established fact. Those were the claims I made.
based on what, post a fking link with this breaking news that absolutely no one else has.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.
based on what? I asked you for the link. you post nothing but your opinion again. again that isn't fact. he met with a russian tell me what law he broke and first prove it had anything to do with collusion and then show me where that is a crime. you gotta lotta work to do.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Russian lawyer in Trump Jr. meeting did not mention Clinton dirt, new email shows

Newly disclosed email sheds light on Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

My, how quickly you believe the words of the Russian lawyer, who is working for Russia's interests and against those of the US. It is truly fascinating watching what Trump has done to your brains.

so you're drawing conclusions without evidence. wow. see the left doesn't need factual data, they just believe and therefore it is. amazing world of the idiot left. Come back to us when you come back to the country with laws.

"so your drawing conclusions without evidence."

What conclusion is that, specifically? I think maybe you aren't paying attention.

the one you're making up. you need to pay attention. this is a board and on it one proves a position with links to stories and articles and things to back up the statements. you got jack shit. how's it taste?

"the one you're making up."

Cowardly, weak answer. try again? Which claims, specifically? of course, the first thing we will do is to see if i have actually made the claims you describe, as you clearly are a bit divorced from what is actually being typed, here.
based on what, post a fking link with this breaking news that absolutely no one else has.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.
based on what? I asked you for the link. you post nothing but your opinion again. again that isn't fact. he met with a russian tell me what law he broke and first prove it had anything to do with collusion and then show me where that is a crime. you gotta lotta work to do.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then? dude too special. you believe in the tooth fairy too?

My, how quickly you believe the words of the Russian lawyer, who is working for Russia's interests and against those of the US. It is truly fascinating watching what Trump has done to your brains.

so you're drawing conclusions without evidence. wow. see the left doesn't need factual data, they just believe and therefore it is. amazing world of the idiot left. Come back to us when you come back to the country with laws.

"so your drawing conclusions without evidence."

What conclusion is that, specifically? I think maybe you aren't paying attention.

the one you're making up. you need to pay attention. this is a board and on it one proves a position with links to stories and articles and things to back up the statements. you got jack shit. how's it taste?

"the one you're making up."

Cowardly, weak answer. try again? Which claims, specifically? of course, the first thing we will do is to see if i have actually made the claims you describe, as you clearly are a bit divorced from what is actually being typed, here.

your entire bit that's what.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.
based on what? I asked you for the link. you post nothing but your opinion again. again that isn't fact. he met with a russian tell me what law he broke and first prove it had anything to do with collusion and then show me where that is a crime. you gotta lotta work to do.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then? dude too special. you believe in the tooth fairy too?
"so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then?"

I said none of what we Joe Q. Publics know for a fact necessarily describes illegal activity. I didn't say we know all there is to know, or all the investigators know. Seriously, this is like talking to a child. Have a nice day.
based on what? I asked you for the link. you post nothing but your opinion again. again that isn't fact. he met with a russian tell me what law he broke and first prove it had anything to do with collusion and then show me where that is a crime. you gotta lotta work to do.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then? dude too special. you believe in the tooth fairy too?
"so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then?"

I said none of what we Joe Q. Publics know for a fact necessarily describes illegal activity. I didn't say we know all there is to know, or all the investigators know. Seriously, this is like talking to a child. Have a nice day.
so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing. I know nothing. Me, I'd figure that after 17 months there'd be more than nothing. Even congress has done nothing. the people with the evidence. nothing. so nothing is nothing. there was a song to that. nothing for nothing means nothing. so find a crime and report it.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then? dude too special. you believe in the tooth fairy too?
"so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then?"

I said none of what we Joe Q. Publics know for a fact necessarily describes illegal activity. I didn't say we know all there is to know, or all the investigators know. Seriously, this is like talking to a child. Have a nice day.
so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing. I know nothing. Me, I'd figure that after 17 months there'd be more than nothing. Even congress has done nothing. the people with the evidence. nothing. so nothing is nothing. there was a song to that. nothing for nothing means nothing. so find a crime and report it.
"so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing."

Of course, i know something, that something being public knowledge. if you don't understand the simple facts i posted, then you are an ignorant idiot, plain and simple, and not entitled to an opinion on this topic. Literally every idiot in the world (except you, apparently) knows that Junior tried to get oppo intel from Russian agents, and trump had paid foreign agents within his inner circle . What is happening here is that you are throwing a little hissy, trying to argue against things I am not saying. You are embarrassing yourself.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then? dude too special. you believe in the tooth fairy too?
"so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then?"

I said none of what we Joe Q. Publics know for a fact necessarily describes illegal activity. I didn't say we know all there is to know, or all the investigators know. Seriously, this is like talking to a child. Have a nice day.
so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing. I know nothing. Me, I'd figure that after 17 months there'd be more than nothing. Even congress has done nothing. the people with the evidence. nothing. so nothing is nothing. there was a song to that. nothing for nothing means nothing. so find a crime and report it.
"so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing."

Of course, i know something, that something being public knowledge. if you don't understand the simple facts i posted, then you are an ignorant idiot, plain and simple, and not entitled to an opinion on this topic. Literally every idiot in the world (except you, apparently) knows that Junior tried to get oppo intel from Russian agents, and trump had paid foreign agents win his inner circle . What is happening here is that you are throwing a little hissy, trying to argue against things I am not saying. You are embarrassing yourself.
public knowledge of what? nothing. someone told you russia and you believed russia. just fking admit that you don't need evidence. my gd the usless that is a libturd. so you still got nothing. I am in no way throwing any hissy, btw, is that the left talking point recently i've seen that one this week already? I'm merely pointing out the ills of your way that you have nothing. and that you believe nothing is something and I find that hysterical. again, only in a libs world and then there is reality.
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.
Gotta love the way, "talking about Russian Adoption is really the CODE WORD for USA russian sanctions....

Just another clue....

all this could mean is a quid pro quo, between Trump and the Russians...

You give me, or get dirt on Hillary and put it out there...


I will get the sanctions removed when and if you get me elected.



who the lawyer brought with her to the meeting about, 'cough cough' adoption....an "ex FSB/ alla KGB Russian Agent... Rinat Akhmetshin.

an expert on hacking and smear campaigns too....

Now WHY IN THE WORLD would this man, be brought with her to this meeting? Why HIM of all people?

Trump Team Met Russian Accused of International Hacking Conspiracy

Rinat Akhmetshin - Wikipedia

Hacking incidents and smear campaign
According to the New York Times, Akhmetshin was accused of being involved in two hacking campaigns and reportedly had a web of Russian connections.[1][11]

In 2011, Akhmetshin was hired by Andrey Vavilov mount a media campaign in order to derail Egiazaryan's application for asylum in the United States.[12] Egiazaryan, a former State Duma member had fled Russia in 2010.[13] According to his own testimony, Akhmetshin was paid “$70,000 or $80,000” in $100 bills.[12] Akhmetshin pushed negative stories on Egiazaryan in the American and Russian press, and also helped manipulate internet search results to further promote the negative stories.[14]

Also in 2011, Akhmetshin was employed by an alliance of businessmen led by Suleiman Kerimov, a financier close to Putin who was in a commercial and political dispute with competitor Egiazaryan.[1] In early 2011 two of Egiazaryan's lawyers based in London received suspicious emails. The forensics experts they hired for analysis found that the emails contained spyware, and when they fed traceable documents into the spyware the documents were opened by computers registered at the Moscow office park of a company owned by Kerimov.[1] Scotland Yard spent more than 18 months investigating the case but in 2013 concluded that they lacked sufficient evidence to bring charges.[1] In court papers Akhmetshin stated that he was paid only by one businessman in the Kerimov alliance, but coordinated with Kerimov’s team.[1]

In a lawsuit filed in July 2015 with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, it was alleged by International Mineral Resources (IMR) that Akhmetshin had arranged the hacking of a mining company’s private records. In court papers filed with the New York Supreme Court in November 2015, lawyers for IMR, a Kazakh mining company that alleged it had been hacked, accused Akhmetshin of hacking into two computer systems and stealing sensitive and confidential materials as part of an alleged black-ops smear campaign against IMR. Akhmetshin, who was hired as an expert by a US law firm, denied hacking or asking anyone else to hack into IMR. He said he gathered research for the firm by bartering information with journalists before he was fired because of his ties to another client, the former prime minister of Kazakhstan, who was then an opposition figure in exile. The hacking accusations were later dropped and the case, which was litigated in New York and Washington, was dismissed.[15][16]
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Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.
Gotta love the way, "talking about Russian Adoption is really the CODE WORD for USA russian sanctions....

Just another clue....

all this could mean is a quid pro quo, between Trump and the Russians...

You give me, or get dirt on Hillary and put it out there...


I will get the sanctions removed when and if you get me elected.



who the lawyer brought with her to the meeting about, 'cough cough' adoption....an "ex FSB/ alla KGB Russian Agent... Rinat Akhmetshin.

an expert on hacking and smear campaigns too....

Now WHY IN THE WORLD would this man, be brought with her to this meeting? Why HIM of all people?

Trump Team Met Russian Accused of International Hacking Conspiracy

Rinat Akhmetshin - Wikipedia

Hacking incidents and smear campaign
According to the New York Times, Akhmetshin was accused of being involved in two hacking campaigns and reportedly had a web of Russian connections.[1][11]

In 2011, Akhmetshin was hired by Andrey Vavilov mount a media campaign in order to derail Egiazaryan's application for asylum in the United States.[12] Egiazaryan, a former State Duma member had fled Russia in 2010.[13] According to his own testimony, Akhmetshin was paid “$70,000 or $80,000” in $100 bills.[12] Akhmetshin pushed negative stories on Egiazaryan in the American and Russian press, and also helped manipulate internet search results to further promote the negative stories.[14]

Also in 2011, Akhmetshin was employed by an alliance of businessmen led by Suleiman Kerimov, a financier close to Putin who was in a commercial and political dispute with competitor Egiazaryan.[1] In early 2011 two of Egiazaryan's lawyers based in London received suspicious emails. The forensics experts they hired for analysis found that the emails contained spyware, and when they fed traceable documents into the spyware the documents were opened by computers registered at the Moscow office park of a company owned by Kerimov.[1] Scotland Yard spent more than 18 months investigating the case but in 2013 concluded that they lacked sufficient evidence to bring charges.[1] In court papers Akhmetshin stated that he was paid only by one businessman in the Kerimov alliance, but coordinated with Kerimov’s team.[1]

In a lawsuit filed in July 2015 with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, it was alleged by International Mineral Resources (IMR) that Akhmetshin had arranged the hacking of a mining company’s private records. In court papers filed with the New York Supreme Court in November 2015, lawyers for IMR, a Kazakh mining company that alleged it had been hacked, accused Akhmetshin of hacking into two computer systems and stealing sensitive and confidential materials as part of an alleged black-ops smear campaign against IMR. Akhmetshin, who was hired as an expert by a US law firm, denied hacking or asking anyone else to hack into IMR. He said he gathered research for the firm by bartering information with journalists before he was fired because of his ties to another client, the former prime minister of Kazakhstan, who was then an opposition figure in exile. The hacking accusations were later dropped and the case, which was litigated in New York and Washington, was dismissed.[15][16]
"all this could mean is a quid pro quo, between Trump and the Russians."

Which would be highly illegal and result in jail time for Dickhead Junior. Of course, it's not likely such a thing could ever be proven, without video or audio.
Which would be highly illegal and result in jail time for Dickhead Junior. Of course, it's not likely such a thing could ever be proven, without video or audio.

LOL, what country are you from?

Here in the United States the well connected aristocracy and their offspring don't get sentenced to jail for committing crimes, they get sentenced to highly compensated speaking engagements, multi-million dollar talking head contracts on television and lucrative deals for their bullshit books; we like to think of it as being sentenced to "community service for oligarchs", after all if we don't punish 'em they'll just keep doing it.
Which would be highly illegal and result in jail time for Dickhead Junior. Of course, it's not likely such a thing could ever be proven, without video or audio.

LOL, what country are you from?

Here in the United States the well connected aristocracy and their offspring don't get sentenced to jail for committing crimes, they get sentenced to highly compensated speaking engagements, multi-million dollar talking head contracts on television and lucrative deals for their bullshit books; we like to think of it as being sentenced to "community service for oligarchs", after all if we don't punish 'em they'll just keep doing it.
I would like to introduce you to a few jailed ex-Senators and ex-Governors who might disagree. But, point taken...
well then how is it you are so confident that there is something there if there is nothing? please explain. I bet you listen to MSM right?
I'm not comfident of much, save for the fact that members of the Trump circle clearly attempted to collude with Russians, and Trump had paid Russian agents in his inner circle. Personally, I dont see Trump himself being implicated, unless a clear, smoking gun is found.
based on what exactly you just said there was no evidence released, so how is it is clear to you about anything? and know that colluding isn't a crime. Look it up. so you should really understand what it is you're arguing.
"based on what exactly you just said there was no evidence released"

when I said that (the last part), I was referring to what I thought were claims of successful, institutionalized collusion in the trump circle with Russian agents. As for knowing that someone at least attempted this collusion, we have Junior's emails. As for knowing Trump had paid Russian foreign agents in his circle... that is established fact. Those were the claims I made.
based on what, post a fking link with this breaking news that absolutely no one else has.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.

other than pulling it out of your ass, where is the proof?

you think he had hookers pee on the bed too?
based on what, post a fking link with this breaking news that absolutely no one else has.
What breaking news is that? That Donnie Jr tried to collude with Russians to get opposition intel, and that Manafort and Page had to register and foreign agents, after having their false statements exposed? this is not breaking news. It also does not necessarily describe any illegal activity on the part of Trump or of his campaign. Settle down, big guy.
based on what? I asked you for the link. you post nothing but your opinion again. again that isn't fact. he met with a russian tell me what law he broke and first prove it had anything to do with collusion and then show me where that is a crime. you gotta lotta work to do.
"based on what? I asked you for the link."

I know, and I ignored you. You don't have to take my word for it. But you seem kind of dumb not to admit the simple facts I posted.
you posted no facts. you said he had an email and that he referred to a russia lawyer. so fking what? I asked you what the crime was, you can't answer. so you got zip bubba. and you still have zip cause nothing exists. and you know it. you are what we call desperate.
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.

ok, so why are we discussing this?
I specifically said that none of what I posted itself necessarily describes illegal activity. Dude, you are rabid. Put down the little doll you are arguing with and pay attention to what I am actually typing.
so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then? dude too special. you believe in the tooth fairy too?
"so if none of it is illegal how is it that there is something going on then?"

I said none of what we Joe Q. Publics know for a fact necessarily describes illegal activity. I didn't say we know all there is to know, or all the investigators know. Seriously, this is like talking to a child. Have a nice day.
so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing. I know nothing. Me, I'd figure that after 17 months there'd be more than nothing. Even congress has done nothing. the people with the evidence. nothing. so nothing is nothing. there was a song to that. nothing for nothing means nothing. so find a crime and report it.
"so again, you know absolutely nothing therefore you know nothing."

Of course, i know something, that something being public knowledge. if you don't understand the simple facts i posted, then you are an ignorant idiot, plain and simple, and not entitled to an opinion on this topic. Literally every idiot in the world (except you, apparently) knows that Junior tried to get oppo intel from Russian agents, and trump had paid foreign agents win his inner circle . What is happening here is that you are throwing a little hissy, trying to argue against things I am not saying. You are embarrassing yourself.
public knowledge of what? nothing. someone told you russia and you believed russia. just fking admit that you don't need evidence. my gd the usless that is a libturd. so you still got nothing. I am in no way throwing any hissy, btw, is that the left talking point recently i've seen that one this week already? I'm merely pointing out the ills of your way that you have nothing. and that you believe nothing is something and I find that hysterical. again, only in a libs world and then there is reality.

so true, thrse are the people, who STILL beleive a video caused ben ghazi and that harvey weinstein is a great guy
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.
Gotta love the way, "talking about Russian Adoption is really the CODE WORD for USA russian sanctions....

Just another clue....

all this could mean is a quid pro quo, between Trump and the Russians...

You give me, or get dirt on Hillary and put it out there...


I will get the sanctions removed when and if you get me elected.



who the lawyer brought with her to the meeting about, 'cough cough' adoption....an "ex FSB/ alla KGB Russian Agent... Rinat Akhmetshin.

an expert on hacking and smear campaigns too....

Now WHY IN THE WORLD would this man, be brought with her to this meeting? Why HIM of all people?

Trump Team Met Russian Accused of International Hacking Conspiracy

Rinat Akhmetshin - Wikipedia

Hacking incidents and smear campaign
According to the New York Times, Akhmetshin was accused of being involved in two hacking campaigns and reportedly had a web of Russian connections.[1][11]

In 2011, Akhmetshin was hired by Andrey Vavilov mount a media campaign in order to derail Egiazaryan's application for asylum in the United States.[12] Egiazaryan, a former State Duma member had fled Russia in 2010.[13] According to his own testimony, Akhmetshin was paid “$70,000 or $80,000” in $100 bills.[12] Akhmetshin pushed negative stories on Egiazaryan in the American and Russian press, and also helped manipulate internet search results to further promote the negative stories.[14]

Also in 2011, Akhmetshin was employed by an alliance of businessmen led by Suleiman Kerimov, a financier close to Putin who was in a commercial and political dispute with competitor Egiazaryan.[1] In early 2011 two of Egiazaryan's lawyers based in London received suspicious emails. The forensics experts they hired for analysis found that the emails contained spyware, and when they fed traceable documents into the spyware the documents were opened by computers registered at the Moscow office park of a company owned by Kerimov.[1] Scotland Yard spent more than 18 months investigating the case but in 2013 concluded that they lacked sufficient evidence to bring charges.[1] In court papers Akhmetshin stated that he was paid only by one businessman in the Kerimov alliance, but coordinated with Kerimov’s team.[1]

In a lawsuit filed in July 2015 with the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, it was alleged by International Mineral Resources (IMR) that Akhmetshin had arranged the hacking of a mining company’s private records. In court papers filed with the New York Supreme Court in November 2015, lawyers for IMR, a Kazakh mining company that alleged it had been hacked, accused Akhmetshin of hacking into two computer systems and stealing sensitive and confidential materials as part of an alleged black-ops smear campaign against IMR. Akhmetshin, who was hired as an expert by a US law firm, denied hacking or asking anyone else to hack into IMR. He said he gathered research for the firm by bartering information with journalists before he was fired because of his ties to another client, the former prime minister of Kazakhstan, who was then an opposition figure in exile. The hacking accusations were later dropped and the case, which was litigated in New York and Washington, was dismissed.[15][16]
"all this could mean is a quid pro quo, between Trump and the Russians."

Which would be highly illegal and result in jail time for Dickhead Junior. Of course, it's not likely such a thing could ever be proven, without video or audio.

might, did you say might? well donnie jr may have a 12 inch cock and make the brothas say dayum........
Hillary fans investigating Trump can't even come up with something silly to leak to the leftwing press, let alone anything earth shattering.

Oh wait, we have something...............THIS JUST IN..........BREAKING NEWS........

#NARRATIVEFAIL: New email shows Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer was about sanctions, not Hillary Clinton.

Sweet Baby Jesus
you're stupid--it would have been better if it were about Hillary Clinton and not Sanctions DUMBASS.

You might has well tatoo C O L L U S I O N on your forehead right now. In the middle of a fucking campaign season you don't meet with a foreign adversary to discuss sanctions with them.

You're also usurping the authority of the current adminstration which is against the LAW. Which is why Michael Flynn is currently under criminal investigation, and an indictment is imminent. You'll also see an indictment on Paul Manafort.
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller’s Inquiry Sets a Tone
Paul Manafort Expects to Be Indicted, Longtime Trump Adviser Says

Flynn, who was fired after it emerged that he lied about contacting the Russian ambassador on the same day President Barack Obama announced new sanctions against Russia, could be a damaging witness against Donald Trump and move the investigation closer to indictment or impeachment, reports claimed.
Donald Trump Impeachment: Michael Flynn Flipped On Trump, Working With FBI

So the only way FLYNN and MANAFORT avoid prosecution is to rat Trump out. It was just a few months ago that Flynn's lawyer told the Senate intelligence committee that if they made a deal to not prosecute him, "he has a story to tell."
Michael Flynn Offers to Testify Before Congress in Exchange for Immunity

This is moving much faster than Watergate ever did which took 2 years 7 months. By the time Mueller is done with all of them, Hillary Clinton is going to look like a Saint.

Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, and it didn't help he went on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt and admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation. He's just as stupid as you are--:badgrin:


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