Zone1 what happens after death?

At that time a literal interpretation of Mosaic law was compulsory. If Lazarus was a friend to Jesus and was following his teachings on the law then to the establishment he would have been rendered ritually unclean and banned from society, the synagogue, etc.,. When Lazarus was losing faith in Jesus he was told by other fiends that Lazarus was dying, thinking about returning to the tomb of pharisaic beliefs and practices. Then finally they said that Lazarus was dead.

The practice of ritual purification and returning to good standing in society was that the person would spend 6 days quarantined in a windowless room, unwashed, and alone. On the 7th day they would emerge and take a ritual bath and would be declared ritually clean. and so on....

Jesus strolling by on the forth day told his friends not to worry, Lazarus was only sleeping, and then he told them to open the door to the ritual purification tomb that Lazarus was quarentined in. They said that his body would stink after four days unwashed in the desert tomb. Go figure.

Who wouldn't stink after four days of being unwashed in a windowless desert tomb...

When Jesus cried out for Lazarus to emerge and he did, a miracle!, he told his disciples to remove his grave bindings, in other words Jesus told his disciples to deprogram Lazarus.

It was as miraculous as if the Pope came out of his tomb and was seen dancing naked in the streets of Rome drinking and partying with "sinners" and "keeping company" with prostitutes.

Or as miraculous as if the people beguiled by trump suddenly awakened from their deep sleep.

Well, maybe not that miraculous...but a miracle nevertheless.

Lazarus of Bethany

it was not about his appearance, it is showing that Christ can bring the dead back to life, this is the resurrection, Barabbas asks Lazaur what feels like to be dead, and his answer is, that dead is death, noting. When Barabbas died, he said I see nothing thing
And the Pope already knows this.
when a person is not saved, he or she will experience, a spiritual death, they will meet their destiny.
Read Hebrews 9: 27
I don't want or need you to validate me, where did you get that silly idea from? I'm willing to do you the favor of showing you how to confirm the existence of spirits and the paranormal for yourself. The YouTube videos were just an example of what you're going to experience. Like I said, whether you do it or not is entirely up to you.
You've been whining about me not believing you see ghosts for how many posts now?

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Lazarus of Bethany

it was not about his appearance, it is showing that Christ can bring the dead back to life, this is the resurrection, Barabbas asks Lazaur what feels like to be dead, and his answer is, that dead is death, noting. When Barabbas died, he said I see nothing thing
And the Pope already knows this.
when a person is not saved, he or she will experience, a spiritual death, they will meet their destiny.
Read Hebrews 9: 27
Why is it you believe a bunch illiterate superstitious people from the Iron Age who didn't even know the earth was round?

This site sounds pretty Catholic so far, meaning it is not Francis-esque (alleged-pope reference)
After death, you go to the Pearly Gates to meet St Peter, like Mother Theresa. Except with her, St Peter stopped her from entering in order to ask her a few questions.

However, Mother Theresa replied, "St Peter, why do I have to stand out here answering questions, when Lady Diana is already inside with a halo on her head!"

St Peter turns around, looks at Diana, then says to Mother Theresa, "That's not a halo! It's a steering wheel!"
it was not about his appearance, it is showing that Christ can bring the dead back to life, this is the resurrection,
I agree. Except that I am not sure that you realize that the subject of the dead coming back to life are the dead, accursed, who have died as a consequence of defying the Divine commands.

The resurrection was never about the resumption of a former existence like in 'the night of the living dead" crawling out of their graves. Its about entry into a new existence. There are two resurrections. The first resurrection is about leaving the tomb of false religion or the grave of worldly pursuits. The second death is about death of the body which will not harm anyone who has taken part in the first resurrection as Jesus did when he escaped the tomb of false religious beliefs and degrading practices based on the wrong way to understand the figurative language and hidden subjects of the law based on what Jesus called "the traditions of men", what is now known as the talmud, detailing how the Law was followed ever since the death of Moses who said that after his death the people will turn aside from the way he taught to follow the Law.

Remember? The Law presents a choice between a blessing and a curse, life and death.

Jesus did away with sin, death, the curse, insanity, by teaching and demonstrating the only right way to understand and comply with the divine commands that reveals the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God and fulfills the promise of LIFE for all who listen and act on it.

Eat his flesh and drink his blood; accept his teaching and do it. Life is in the blood, in the doing.
Why is it you believe a bunch illiterate superstitious people from the Iron Age who didn't even know the earth was round?
They were far more in touch with reality than people are now and by far more intelligent than anyone who went to school yet doesn't realize that they used metaphors and allegories as literary teaching devices thousands of years ago for their children to learn about the harsh realities of the world around them filled with illiterate and violent knuckle dragging barbarians.

"The wild beasts of the field."
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I agree. Except that I am not sure that you realize that the subject of the dead coming back to life are the dead, accursed, who have died as a consequence of defying the Divine commands.

The resurrection was never about the resumption of a former existence like in 'the night of the living dead" crawling out of their graves. Its about entry into a new existence. There are two resurrections. The first resurrection is about leaving the tomb of false religion or the grave of worldly pursuits. The second death is about death of the body which will not harm anyone who has taken part in the first resurrection as Jesus did when he escaped the tomb of false religious beliefs and degrading practices based on the wrong way to understand the figurative language and hidden subjects of the law based on what Jesus called "the traditions of men", what is now known as the talmud, detailing how the Law was followed ever since the death of Moses who said that after his death the people will turn aside from the way he taught to follow the Law.

Remember? The Law presents a choice between a blessing and a curse, life and death.

Jesus did away with sin, death, the curse, insanity, by teaching and demonstrating the only right way to understand and comply with the divine commands that reveals the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God and fulfills the promise of LIFE for all who listen and act on it.

Eat his flesh and drink his blood; accept his teaching and do it. Life is in the blood, in the doing.
Christ already has his chosen his people, before the foundation of the world
Read Romans 8: 29-30; Isaiah 42:1.

and by the way, this read 2 Corinthians 11: 4
This false teaching of the afterlife has been and still is a huge problem to society, that has caused much pain and suffering and abusive control through promises of paradise in death.

Nepes the word used in translation as soul actually means breath. You take ear plugs, blind folds, put on oven mits on the dog or yourself and neither can feel, hear, or see outside of one's processor (the vessel body).
Once your brain (memory processor) goes, then all memory and breath (nepes)dies and as Psalms says, no more memory in death.
What do you think the Judaic concept of Resurrection was about?
We teach Creators creation (God) Life worship, that the reward is in returning to life in a future paradise hence Olam Habah means
"world to come", other faiths teach adversary life (death worship)and opposite having "lived" (devil) worship=power of death, where we have no more breath or memory, no more creators creation(thus furthest from God). Do I have to do a Monty Python's dead parrot skit to get you to understand what death is?
Common reasoning, science, computer technology teaches us that memory and thought processes and the conveying energy all requires a processor.
Our processor brain and vessel body once gone is liken to the computer hardrive and motherboard burning out.
There's no more thought, memory until you place that back in a new fresh vessel.
The Judaic teaching of Resurrection is to be able to see and be rewarded for what your good deeds brought a more perfected (paradise) in life, not in death.
This perceived experience afterlife which was proven in labs to be the result lack of oxygen in the brain, would still require a processor and processes (everything has a process).

There still needs to be a place, a beginning, a secret you've yet to figure out yet are in a rush to claim existed in beginning of all time and in the clouds and exists in death. This is called the death cult of hades teachings and Egyptian underworld beliefs opposite the Judaic belief of world to come in resurrection back into life -
not expressed in death. That big difference is why the world has so many death worshipers murders and wars fought for their kings with promises of reward in death the kings are in no hurry to enter themselves.
All for that ignorant teaching that paradise sits in death, Ezekiel warns the false soul flying life ideology.
Psalms and elsewhere says no more rememberance or thoughts in death.
Psalms says, no more memory in death.
That would explain why people who set aside the Law of God and turn to a lifeless matzo for spiritual life or worship Jesus as a triune mangod don't seem to remember the first commandment... they are dead and the dead know nothing, even that they are cursed, right?

They have died and descended into the netherworld, hades, the realm of the dead, the accused.
You said that God does his best work when people are suffering. I prefer not suffering. If God wants me to seek suffering so I can see His glory then He is not an omniscient god. I avoid suffering. I will not suffer for God's benefit. That's actually very disgusting. At least the god you are talking about has some of the same attributes of the god in the Bible. The god you usually talk about would never seek enjoyment from the suffering of others. The god in the Bible would but I thought the god you worshipped was much better than the god in the Bible. Have you switched gods recently?
I never said God wants you to seek suffering. I said God does his best work when people are suffering. Why? Because suffering strips away their pride. Some people have to reach rock bottom before they change their ways. I'd like to say it's your lack of understanding that is hindering your progress but really it's your pride. Just remember... laughing leads to crying. So yuk it up while you can.
I never said God wants you to seek suffering. I said God does his best work when people are suffering. Why? Because suffering strips away their pride. Some people have to reach rock bottom before they change their ways. I'd like to say it's your lack of understanding that is hindering your progress but really it's your pride. Just remember... laughing leads to crying. So yuk it up while you can.
Why do you talk to me? Surely there is a good reason.

Why doesn't God talk to me? Surely there is a good reason.

You don't need to worry all that much. If God wants something from me, He can send me a message, call me, email me, knock on my door, or suck me up in a tube in the middle of the night. If God communicates to me by telling you what to tell me then I have zero respect for Him. If He doesn't exist then I have a little more respect for Him because what He has done as a non-existent being is quite impressive. If He exists then what He has done really sucks ass. All He has to do is say, "hello" to impress me. He hasn't done that yet.
Why do you talk to me? Surely there is a good reason.

Why doesn't God talk to me? Surely there is a good reason.

You don't need to worry all that much. If God wants something from me, He can send me a message, call me, email me, knock on my door, or suck me up in a tube in the middle of the night. If God communicates to me by telling you what to tell me then I have zero respect for Him. If He doesn't exist then I have a little more respect for Him because what He has done as a non-existent being is quite impressive. If He exists then what He has done really sucks ass.
The answer you seek is in the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
I see right through you.
You see nothing but the delusions of your unrestrained imagination. If scripture is true then you are not just blind, you are cursed, dead, and not just merely dead but really quite sincerely dead.
You see nothing but the delusions of your unrestrained imagination. If scripture is true then you are not just blind, you are cursed, dead, and not just merely dead but really quite sincerely dead.
I see right through you.

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