Zone1 what happens after death?

I expect that type of response from you. I'm not taking my precious time and energy to compose these posts for you necessarily. It's for others as well, not just you. Why do you have to be so arrogant? So close minded? You seem to be someone of above average intelligence, why don't you investigate this for yourself? I did and now I know. It's a shame that you want to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich. But hey, that's your prerogative. Maybe this isn't meant for you, and I don't say this condescendingly but actually respectfully. Respecting your free-will (which you probably deny since you're perhaps influenced by Sam Harris). Do and know, what you will.

And I'm not wasting my time on the proof that ghosts exist in you tube videos.

Believe whatever you want just don't expect me to validate you.

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According to me the reason religion has endured since the beginning of man in overwhelming numbers is that religion provided a service that no other agency could provide and provided a functional advantage that atheism can't provide.

The reason superstitious and irrational religions have persisted is because of the survival instinct since unbelievers, sometimes including their entire families, were killed if they didn't go along...

The majority of Muslims practice that religion because they don't want their heads chopped off..


The same thing happened during the inquisition, etc., etc., Nothing mysterious or supernatural about the functional advantage of staying alive which is not a validation of any opressive religion.

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The reason superstitious and irrational religions have persisted is because of the survival instinct since unbelievers, sometimes including their entire families, were killed if they didn't go along...

The majority of Muslims practice that religion because they don't want their heads chopped off..


The same thing happened during the inquisition, etc., etc., Nothing mysterious or supernatural about the functional advantage of staying alive which is not a validation of any opressive religion.

Your true colors come through. :clap2:
Your true colors come through. :clap2:
uh oh! Do you think that me being rational is a bad thing? Should I be afraid of the inquisitor?:auiqs.jpg:

You are such a pusillanimous prick. Are you a Trump ass kisser too? You might as well be dead....

Oh thats right! You are already dead (if scripture is true)..... You do have my condolences.
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This site sounds pretty Catholic so far, meaning it is not Francis-esque (alleged-pope reference)
“For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.”
1 Thessalonians 4:14
And I'm not wasting my time on the proof that ghosts exist in you tube videos.

Believe whatever you want just don't expect me to validate you.

I don't want or need you to validate me, where did you get that silly idea from? I'm willing to do you the favor of showing you how to confirm the existence of spirits and the paranormal for yourself. The YouTube videos were just an example of what you're going to experience. Like I said, whether you do it or not is entirely up to you.
uh oh! Do you think that me being rational is a bad thing? Should I be afraid of the inquisitor?:auiqs.jpg:

You are such a pusillanimous prick. Are you a Trump ass kisser too? You might as well be dead....

Oh thats right! You are already dead (if scripture is true)..... You do have my condolences.
I think you showing your true colors is a good thing.
What a bunch of nonsense.

No, ghosts do not exist. Come on.
Those spirit entities may not be ghosts or disembodied human beings. I've already admitted to that. All of the paranormal phenomena in the world, might be generated by ET technology. A race of beings that are thousands, perhaps even billions of years more advanced than we are technologically, would appear to us as gods. Their technology is "paranormal", "supernatural". I don't know if the beings in those videos or the ones that I personally interacted with are who they say they are, but nonetheless, I know that whatever they are, they are. They exist. I can show you how to establish contact with them.
What a bunch of nonsense.

No, ghosts do not exist. Come on.

There are dead people everywhere. (ghosts) Walking around like regular people. They can't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know that they're dead. (Like ding.)

If you listen you can hear them shrieking in agony while cutting themselves on the gravestones.
since unbelievers, sometimes including their entire families, were killed if they didn't go along ...

it comes to mind, the texas oil tycoon believes whole heartedly not just subconsciously the retribution is warranted and crucifixion is for them a proper means for their type of ends ...


as is the political landscape of their nefarious 4th century religion in practice and has always been throughout history. bing the crucifier and proud of their heritage.
Yes, but since you have no understanding, it's lost on you.
You said that God does his best work when people are suffering. I prefer not suffering. If God wants me to seek suffering so I can see His glory then He is not an omniscient god. I avoid suffering. I will not suffer for God's benefit. That's actually very disgusting. At least the god you are talking about has some of the same attributes of the god in the Bible. The god you usually talk about would never seek enjoyment from the suffering of others. The god in the Bible would but I thought the god you worshipped was much better than the god in the Bible. Have you switched gods recently?
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disembodied human beings

This reminds me of a Weird Al song.

"Just then the floating disembodied head of
Colonel Sanders started yelling
Everything you know is wrong
Black is white, up is down and short is long
And everything you thought was just so
Important doesn't matter
Everything you know is wrong
Just forget the words and sing along
All you need to understand is
Everything you know is wrong"
This reminds me of a Weird Al song.

"Just then the floating disembodied head of
Colonel Sanders started yelling
Everything you know is wrong
Black is white, up is down and short is long
And everything you thought was just so
Important doesn't matter
Everything you know is wrong
Just forget the words and sing along
All you need to understand is
Everything you know is wrong"
The world may not be what it seems on the surface. There might be more to it than what our five senses and current instruments can normally detect.
The world may not be what it seems on the surface. There might be more to it than what our five senses and current instruments can normally detect.
Might be? There absolutely is....

"All the stars, planets and galaxies that can be seen today make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is made of stuff astronomers can't see, detect or even comprehend."


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