Zone1 what happens after death?

It was consensual. When her parents asked her what man made her pregnant she replied, It wasn't a man it was an angel. Can you imagine the look on her parents faces when she said that?
Personally I think you are on a slippery slope.
Christianity is the fastest growing religion in China. :)
Certainly not in regards to overall figures
Where out of 1400 million - only around 200 million consider themselves religious aka being religious followers.
See chart:

Rel C.png

BTW - the main reason for "proclaiming" to be Christian, is that Chinese harbor the believe, that stating being Christian helps them in regards to obtaining visas and PR's. I am living and working in China since 20 years+
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Forcefully raped a virgin? Is that your theory?
Why "raped"? in the first place?
She had consensual sex with a man - maybe Joseph, the rest all pertains to self-invented stories written by whoever.

This fellow Jesus only became kind of famous because he screwed up, the profitable religious business conducted by Jewish clerics. Since he questioned and actively opposed their religious practices and Dogmas - aka Jesus was a Jewish anarchist.
Why "raped"? in the first place?
She had consensual sex with a man - maybe Joseph, the rest all pertains to self-invented stories written by whoever.

This fellow Jesus only became kind of famous because he screwed up, the profitable religious business conducted by Jewish clerics. Since he questioned and actively opposed their religious practices and Dogmas - aka Jesus was a Jewish anarchist.
Or it's just as likely that the story is completely fabricated.


Is not literally true but contains a message in the same way the big fish story is being claimed to be a message and is claimed to be untrue.
The statement wasn't about overall numbers. It was about the fastest growing.
Nice try, but absolutely irrelevant in regards to Chinese religious folks overall - furthermore it doesn't proof that these people are factually religious Christians.
See my comment - as to why they declare to be Christians. I happen to know 5 Chinese Christians personally - and none of them got baptized, nor do they know what Bethlehem is. - I gave it a try once again, at the last Christmas party at my place.
Or it's just as likely that the story is completely fabricated.


Is not literally true but contains a message in the same way the big fish story is being claimed to be a message and is claimed to be untrue.
AFAIK - there are no Roman records (from the given time), that a Jesus was facing charges from Jewish clerics brought forward to Pilates.
As such the entire crucifixion story - has no proven merit.
The construct Jesus, pertains solely to the self-written NT (by the Roman Church from around 350 AD) based onto previous unproven accounts, written by Jews, seeking an alternative towards Judaism.

IIRC - the only "originally" recorded person is/was John the Baptist.
She had consensual sex with a man -

- aka Jesus was a Jewish anarchist.

mary was the opening chapter of the 1st century heavenly events, she did not fear the liar moses and their false personifications of a heavely origin why mary is famous to this day ...

jesus, mary, joseph and mary magdalene are a refutation of judaism the same as those that gave their lives willingly in the 1st century for the heavenly religion of antiquity administered to a&e as their request for self determination, the goal for their remission to the everlasting.
mary was the opening chapter of the 1st century heavenly events, she did not fear the liar moses and their false personifications of a heavely origin why mary is famous to this day ...

jesus, mary, joseph and mary magdalene are a refutation of judaism the same as those that gave their lives willingly in the 1st century for the heavenly religion of antiquity administered to a&e as their request for self determination, the goal for their remission to the everlasting.
Both stories - Bible & NT, were written by the same ethnicity.
An ethnic group inventing a religious belief, and 1500 years later the same ethnic group trying to revert to it's "original" message - aka refuting "manipulated" Judaism.

From 350 AD onward the Roman Church took control over the Jewish NT and "manipulated" it towards their own benefits.
And around 1200 years later - Christians tried to revert to the "original message" of the NT, thus creating Protestantism. Just as those Jews at around 30 BC, had started to create a Jewish alternative to what they viewed upon as "manipulated Judaism". - later termed Christianity.

The only difference being, that an e.g. Luther didn't need to invent a Jesus and the entire mischpoke around him, - to "refute" manipulated Christianity from the Roman church, but simply "reformed" the teachings of the Roman Church back to the Jewish NT.
Nice try, but absolutely irrelevant in regards to Chinese religious folks overall - furthermore it doesn't proof that these people are factually religious Christians.
See my comment - as to why they declare to be Christians. I happen to know 5 Chinese Christians personally - and none of them got baptized, nor do they know what Bethlehem is. - I gave it a try once again, at the last Christmas party at my place.
It was relevant to the post I was replying to.
Both stories - Bible & NT, were written by the same ethnicity.

the same factions within their respective communities those two moses and abraham appeal to both. the fanatics, crucifiers have yet to be brought to justice those commandments are their calling card.

- the religion of antiquity has its origin from the heavens and have no boundaries.

Blues Man

Quantum Physics - Consciousness:

View attachment 909723

In 2020, Penrose was awarded one half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity, a half-share also going to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.

And what does that have to do with your belief in ghosts?

FYI copying and pasting links to You tube doesn;t mean you understand the subject does it?
And what does that have to do with your belief in ghosts?

FYI copying and pasting links to You tube doesn;t mean you understand the subject does it?
What they're saying, according to them, not me, opens the possibility for consciousnesses surviving the death of the biological body (everything that we are isn't necessarily dependent upon the biological). The only way you're going to recognize reality for what it is, with respect to the existence of ghosts/spirits (non-biological-invisible-intelligent-sentient-entities) is by you, personally establishing contact with them. You're refusing to do that, hence you're deliberately like a religious fundamentalist (a close-minded bible thumper), doing this:


I could show you, exactly how to establish contact for yourself. Are you interested? No, you're not. You already told me you're not.
What they're saying, according to them, not me, opens the possibility for consciousnesses surviving the death of the biological body (everything that we are isn't necessarily dependent upon the biological). The only way you're going to recognize reality for what it is, with respect to the existence of ghosts/spirits (non-biological-invisible-intelligent-sentient-entities) is by you, personally establishing contact with them. You're refusing to do that, hence you're deliberately like a religious fundamentalist (a close-minded bible thumper), doing this:
And I actually alluded to that saying that the possibility exists that bits of the energy that exists in your mind may persist as entangled quantum phenomena but there is no reason the believe that your entire unadulterated consciousness continues to exist as it does in your mind while you are alive and that it can actually interact with the physical world as a ghost.

You are obviously not reading what I write and are merely jumping to conclusions based on your own biases as you did with your very first response to me in this thread.
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And I actually eluded to that saying that the possibility exists that bits of the energy that exists in your mind may persist as entangled quantum phenomena but there is no reason the believe that your entire unadulterated consciousness continues to exist as it does in your mind while you are alive and that it can actually interact with the physical world as a ghost.

You are obviously not reading what I write and are merely jumping to conclusions based on your own biases as you did with your very first response to me in this thread.
You can interact with these entities, they're intelligent and appear to be conscious. You're the one who is saying that survival after biological, bodily death is impossible in any meaningful way, reducing whatever survives of our memories as some type of psychic "residue" or residual, impersonal energy. I'm open to that too, however, it's odd that this psychic energy that is left of a person appears to be intelligent and answers questions, and will even move objects around (poltergeist). What you're saying might be true, and even though the psychic "residue" of the dead lingers around and seems to be intelligent and conscious, it really isn't. Sure I'm open to that possibility as well. Nonetheless, it's pretty amazing that whatever this psychic phenomena is, it exists and we can interact with it, as if it was intelligent and conscious.

Will you at least admit that maybe, it's not what you're saying and these apparent entities are actually just spirits? They are what and who they claim to be, ghosts/spirits/the dead/demons/angels. I'm open to the possibility that they are just an intelligent psychic residual energy, that isn't fully conscious and is wrong about what and who they are. I'm able to acknowledge that maybe you're correct and I'm wrong, but surprisingly you're unable to admit that maybe you're wrong about this paranormal phenomena being just "quantum/psychic residue" and it being exactly what it itself identifies as, namely, ghosts who are conscious of what and who they are. This is freaking amazing...

Ernst Senkowski, German Physicist who conducted ITC (Intrumental TransCommunication) experiments until his death in 2014:

Hans Otto Koenig - German Engineer, direct communication without a radio-sweeper in national television with Ernst Senkowski:

Both mothers admitted that the voices coming through were of their children. Psychic residue? Maybe, but it's darn interesting and why aren't more scientists investigating this?

Hans Otto Koenig in direct communication with a female entity:

Marcello Bacci - Direct radio ITC without a radio-sweeper:

Scole Experiments (attended by scientists):


Spirit forms appear on televisions:

ITC Communication, Video images, Apports (the materialization of objects), physical materializations of spirits, it's all possible and you can "trigger" and experience all of this phenomena. The easiest way to establish contact is through a radio sweeper. Those spirits are of the lower realms, low frequency spirits, who are sometimes profane, vulgar, a "motley crew" of rough spirits, but they're real, they exist, and they make their presence known. They're mostly just mischievous, not evil. Even the evil ones can't hurt you unless you let them. You can send them back to wherever they came from (I will show you how, if you choose to conduct your own research).

What exactly is the source of all of this phenomena, well, if you want to deny what these entities are saying and assume they're lying or incorrect then maybe you're correct, they're just "psychic residue". I doubt it, but maybe you're correct. I'll be generous and end there.
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You can interact with these entities, they're intelligent and appear to be conscious. You're the one who is saying that survival after biological, bodily death is impossible in any meaningful way, reducing whatever survives of our memories as some type of psychic "residue" or residual, impersonal energy. I'm open to that too, however, it's odd that this psychic energy that is left of a person appears to be intelligent and answers questions, will move objects around (poltergeist). What you're saying might be true, and even though the psychic "residue" of the dead lingers around and seems to be intelligent and conscious, it really isn't. Sure I'm open to that possibility as well. Nonetheless, it's pretty amazing that whatever this psychic phenomena is, it exists and we can interact with it, as if it was intelligent and conscious.

Will you at least admit that maybe, it's not what you're saying and these apparent entities are actually just ghosts or spirits? They are what and who they claim to be, ghosts/spirits/the dead/demons/angels. I'm open to the possibility that they are just an intelligent psychic residual energy, that isn't fully conscious and is wrong about what and who they are. I'm able to acknowledge that maybe you're correct and I'm wrong, but surprisingly you're unable to admit that maybe you're wrong about this paranormal phenomena being just "quantum/psychic residue" and it being exactly what it itself identifies as, namely, ghosts who are conscious of what and who they are. This is freaking amazing...

Ernst Senkowski, German Physicist who conducted ITC (Intrumental TransCommunication) experiments until his death in 2014:

Hans Otto Koenig - German Engineer, direct communication without a radio-sweeper in national television with Ernst Senkowski:

Both mothers admitted that the voices coming through were of their children. Psychic residue? Maybe, but it's darn interesting and why aren't more scientists investigating this?

Hans Otto Koenig in direct communication with a female entity:

Marcello Bacci - Direct radio ITC without a radio-sweeper:

Scole Experiments (attended by scientists):


ITC Communication, Video images, Apports (the materialization of objects), physical materializations of spirits, it's all possible and you can "trigger" and experience all of this phenomena. The easiest way to establish contact is through a radio sweeper. Those spirits are of the lower realms, low frequency spirits, that are sometimes profane, vulgar, a "motley crew" of rough spirits, but they're real, they exist, and they make their presence known. They're mostly just mischievous, not evil. Even the evil ones can't hurt you unless you let them. You can send them back to wherever they came from (I will show you how, if you choose to conduct your own research).

What exactly is the source of all of this phenomena, well, if you want to deny what these entities are saying and assume they're lying or incorrect then maybe you're correct, they're just "psychic residue". I doubt it, but maybe you're correct. I'll be generous and end there.

Yeah whatever you say
Yeah whatever you say
I expect that type of response from you. I'm not taking my precious time and energy to compose these posts for you necessarily. It's for others as well, not just you. Why do you have to be so arrogant? So close minded? You seem to be someone of above average intelligence, why don't you investigate this for yourself? I did and now I know. It's a shame that you want to stick your head in the sand like an ostrich. But hey, that's your prerogative. Maybe this isn't meant for you, and I don't say this condescendingly but actually respectfully. Respecting your free-will (which you probably deny since you're perhaps influenced by Sam Harris). Do and know, what you will.

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