Zone1 what happens after death?

No, it's not logical. The greatest amount of what might be called chrisst consciousness is now in the past and now it's rapidly on the decline.

Not only did the Catholics accept Darwinian evolution, the more relevant part of it is that they threw out creation at the same time.

And then told their mindless flock that they could believe whatever they like.
It's not logical that matter has complexified? It's not logical that each stage couldn't be skipped? It's not logical that evolutionary leaps were made?

Good Lord, you must hate science. What's the highest level of education you reached?
The term paranormal does not specifically refer to life after death. And I'm not running from anything I told you my thoughts on the matter.

And I don't believe that you saw a ghost. Just like I don't believe Elvis is still alive even though people still say they see him. There would be far more evidence that ghosts exist if they really did.

And I never said I was a "strict" materialist. I can't help it if my discussion of the quantum field was beyond your understanding.
I have seen a ghost, but I never said I did. I never mentioned seeing anything other than poltergeist activity and communicating with spirits via radio-sweepers. Maybe the quantum world, or "quantum field", can produce paranormal activity, and if there is life after death, it's all connected to quantum physics. You can live in your materialist fantasy world if you want. Whatever toots your horn.
It's not logical that matter has complexified? It's not logical that each stage couldn't be skipped? It's not logical that evolutionary leaps were made?

Good Lord, you must hate science. What's the highest level of education you reached?
Christ consciousness is obviously on decline. There's no use getting snarky and rude about.

quote] The potential perpetrators included Dawson and Smith Woodward, naturally, but also Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit priest who assisted the excavation, and Martin Hinton, a volunteer who worked with Smith Woodward, among others. have come clean on being in on the Piltdown man discovery too..

We'll take him apart later if you don't apologize for promoting such a fraud!

Your Peeair didn't get Piltdown man quite right did he!
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Like I said before... Seems like you are selective in your application of science when the science doesn't suit your worldview.

There are two components to natural selection; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. If belief in a higher power (aka religion) did not provide a functional advantage then according to the Darwinian principle of natural selection it would have died out long ago.
You still fail to point out, as to where I supposedly would have been "selective" towards application of silence.

What "functional advantage" is supposedly transferred by humans to the next generation?? aside from an e.g. genetic disorder due to a genetic malfunction. And the latter isn't transferred/initiated "spiritually".
Seems like you are selective in your application of science when the science doesn't suit your worldview.

According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So natural selection confirms that religion is a behavior which led to a functional advantage. Otherwise, according to natural selection, religion would have been abandoned long ago.

"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him." ~Voltaire

God has been the best invention to unite people to work together for one cause. The second best invention to unite people to work together is freedom. Neither God nor freedom exists but for some reason it appeals to a large number of people. The only problem is that the God brand has been tainted to be anti-war. Gods were always pro-war in the past. That kind of god is dead. I don't think the freedom brand has a solid backing anymore either. I think both of these concepts have been replaced with fear of nuclear war which eliminated war for most of the world population. (Fact: There has never been a war between two countries that both own nuclear weapons.) I just don't think the fear of nuclear war works as well as the concepts of God and freedom worked in the past. We are just waiting on the third-best invention to unite people to work together. I think it is pretty clear that we don't have that invention yet. God doesn't unite people anymore. Freedom doesn't either. Voltaire was speaking at a different time when the God brand was still about war.

Mankind cannot thrive without wars. I firmly believe that. Humans reproduce and survive too well. Gods gave us war. Gods give us nothing useful anymore because all of the gods have been rebranded (minus Allah I think).

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." ~Matthew 10:34 World War 2 was fought by regular people who wanted to kill the infidels that were a threat to God's chosen people. We don't have a population that thinks like that anymore other than Islamic Theocrats.
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Blues Man

Quantum Physics - Consciousness:


In 2020, Penrose was awarded one half of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity, a half-share also going to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez for the discovery of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy.

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You still fail to point out, as to where I supposedly would have been "selective" towards application of silence.
How many more times do I need to explain it to you? You are selectively denying the Darwinian explanation for the continued existence of religion throughout the entirety of human history. According to you it's some grand conspiracy. According to me - and Darwin - it's because of logical reasons.
What "functional advantage" is supposedly transferred by humans to the next generation?? aside from an e.g. genetic disorder due to a genetic malfunction. And the latter isn't transferred/initiated "spiritually".
Peace, joy and happiness through the complexities of life. We are hardwired for God. How else do you explain the continued existence of religion? Because every argument you have made so far have been negative and says religion should have perished long ago.
Christ consciousness is obviously on decline. There's no use getting snarky and rude about.

quote] The potential perpetrators included Dawson and Smith Woodward, naturally, but also Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit priest who assisted the excavation, and Martin Hinton, a volunteer who worked with Smith Woodward, among others. have come clean on being in on the Piltdown man discovery too..

We'll take him apart later if you don't apologize for promoting such a fraud!

Your Peeair didn't get Piltdown man quite right did he!
I wouldn't bet against evolution. Each successive stage of the evolution of space and time complexified until it made the leap to the next stage. And it did so naturally and logically. So it would be odd if consciousness didn't make a leap to the next stage because every other stage of the evolution of space and time did so too before it.
"If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him." ~Voltaire

God has been the best invention to unite people to work together for one cause. The second best invention to unite people to work together is freedom. Neither God nor freedom exists but for some reason it appeals to a large number of people. The only problem is that the God brand has been tainted to be anti-war. Gods were always pro-war in the past. That kind of god is dead. I don't think the freedom brand has a solid backing anymore either. I think both of these concepts have been replaced with fear of nuclear war which eliminated war for most of the world population. (Fact: There has never been a war between two countries that both own nuclear weapons.) I just don't think the fear of nuclear war works as well as the concepts of God and freedom worked in the past. We are just waiting on the third-best invention to unite people to work together. I think it is pretty clear that we don't have that invention yet. God doesn't unite people anymore. Freedom doesn't either. Voltaire was speaking at a different time when the God brand was still about war.

Mankind cannot thrive without wars. I firmly believe that. Humans reproduce and survive too well. Gods gave us war. Gods give us nothing useful anymore because all of the gods have been rebranded (minus Allah I think).

"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword." ~Matthew 10:34 World War 2 was fought by regular people who wanted to kill the infidels that were a threat to God's chosen people. We don't have a population that thinks like that anymore other than Islamic Theocrats.
There's a lot to unpack here. But I'm glad someone has at least recognized that religion must have served a POSITIVE purpose for it to have existed for so long and in such overwhelming numbers.

I don't have time to get into all of it, but wars, like forest fires, serve a purpose. It clears out the old growth to allow for new growth.
I wouldn't bet against evolution. Each successive stage of the evolution of space and time complexified until it made the leap to the next stage. And it did so naturally and logically. So it would be odd if consciousness didn't make a leap to the next stage because every other stage of the evolution of space and time did so too before it.
I'm talking about evolution as pertaining to the belief in Christ (and the god) and that is now on the decline. It has been since Darwin caused the need to view the bibles as not being the literal truth.

Beware of Christians who attempt to promote their own version of science, such as Peeair and the I.D.'ers who were caught redhanded trying to promote Irreducible Complexity.

Research your sources more thoroughly my friend.
read the story of Lazarus
At that time a literal interpretation of Mosaic law was compulsory. If Lazarus was a friend to Jesus and was following his teachings on the law then to the establishment he would have been rendered ritually unclean and banned from society, the synagogue, etc.,. When Lazarus was losing faith in Jesus he was told by other fiends that Lazarus was dying, thinking about returning to the tomb of pharisaic beliefs and practices. Then finally they said that Lazarus was dead.

The practice of ritual purification and returning to good standing in society was that the person would spend 6 days quarantined in a windowless room, unwashed, and alone. On the 7th day they would emerge and take a ritual bath and would be declared ritually clean. and so on....

Jesus strolling by on the forth day told his friends not to worry, Lazarus was only sleeping, and then he told them to open the door to the ritual purification tomb that Lazarus was quarentined in. They said that his body would stink after four days unwashed in the desert tomb. Go figure.

Who wouldn't stink after four days of being unwashed in a windowless desert tomb...

When Jesus cried out for Lazarus to emerge and he did, a miracle!, he told his disciples to remove his grave bindings, in other words Jesus told his disciples to deprogram Lazarus.

It was as miraculous as if the Pope came out of his tomb and was seen dancing naked in the streets of Rome drinking and partying with "sinners" and "keeping company" with prostitutes.

Or as miraculous as if the people beguiled by trump suddenly awakened from their deep sleep.

Well, maybe not that miraculous...but a miracle nevertheless.
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Death is the only thing that isn't a surprise. We all know it is coming.

oh, obviously you will not be freeing your spirit beforehand ...

being a ghost is better than pushing daisies, for the retarded desert delinquents. personal wreck.

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