Zone1 what happens after death?

what's obvious - you are wired for the jew god, some prefer the heavens and liberation theology than crucifying the innocent.
Christianity's greatest attraction in its heyday was simply the fact that death was easier than life for the tortured masses. Hence the attraction to the mythical second life in the clouds. ( literally, in the clouds)

The poor of England often chose the gallows as opposed to deportation for crimes as little as stealing a crust of bread.
what's obvious - you are wired for the jew god,
No that's not correct.

Ding worships the antichrist, a false substitute counterfeit Jesus that never existed, an imaginary triune mangod that diddled a virgin to become a froward first century Jewish man who was rejected tortured and crucified as a "perfect human sacrifice" to himself to atone for the sins of "believers" in this nonsense so they can sin with impunity for life (because he loved the Roman Empire so much of course) as long as they "celebrate" his death on Sunday and worship and eat his flesh and blood in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life. Derp.

He does not worship the Jewish God, he worships a figment of his unrestrained imagination and consequently has gone quite insane finding perverted humor in his many pathetic abherations.
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No that's not correct.

Ding worships an imaginary triune mangod that diddled a virgin to ..................................?

Forcefully raped a virgin? Is that your theory?

For the Romans, the act of rape was covered under a variety of legal terms, but each of those words possessed wider definition fields than the modern word "rape." Thus while charges of seduction, attempted seduction, adultery, abduction, or ravishment all covered rape, there was no legal charge consisting solely of rape itself.
I'm talking about evolution as pertaining to the belief in Christ (and the god) and that is now on the decline. It has been since Darwin caused the need to view the bibles as not being the literal truth.

Beware of Christians who attempt to promote their own version of science, such as Peeair and the I.D.'ers who were caught redhanded trying to promote Irreducible Complexity.

Research your sources more thoroughly my friend.
Christianity is the fastest growing religion in China. :)
No that's not correct.

Ding worships the antichrist, a false substitute counterfeit Jesus that never existed, an imaginary triune mangod that diddled a virgin to become a froward first century Jewish man who was rejected tortured and crucified as a "perfect human sacrifice" to himself to atone for the sins of "believers" in this nonsense so they can sin with impunity for life (because he loved the Roman Empire so much of course) as long as they "celebrate" his death on Sunday and worship and eat his flesh and blood in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life. Derp.

He does not worship the Jewish God, he worships a figment of his unrestrained imagination and consequently has gone quite insane finding perverted humor in his many pathetic abherations.
I'm in your head.
Forcefully raped a virgin? Is that your theory?
No. According to the story some guy claiming to be the angel Gabriel came to her window in the middle of the night and told her, a 14 year old, that she was chosen to give birth to the messiah.

It was consensual. When her parents asked her what man made her pregnant she replied, It wasn't a man it was an angel. Can you imagine the look on her parents faces when she said that?

My theory is it was either some roman joker taking advantage of her purity or a temple priest who all adopted the names of angels and considered it a religious duty to pass on their holy seed.
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Christianity is the fastest growing religion in China. :)
That could be US propaganda, but in any case quite insignificant.

Are you sure you want to commend China for a rise in any religion?

China is officially an atheist state and prosperity will ensure that Christianity stands little chance of becoming a threat
That could be US propaganda, but in any case quite insignificant.

Are you sure you want to commend China for a rise in any religion?

China is officially an atheist state and prosperity will ensure that Christianity stands little chance of becoming a threat
Is that what I was doing? Or was I showing that even in an atheistic state that Christianity thrives? When man becomes satisfied he becomes proud and forgets God (America). It's the story of the OT. The good news is that when man suffers, he remembers God (China). God does his best work when man suffers. Remember that when you reach rock bottom.
- so you are with jesus and those who gave their lives in the 1st century to repudiate judaism - the liars moses their phony commandments and abraham's hereditary idolatry ... finally a sign of life.
I can do all things through Christ. Even tolerate scoffers like you, Hobelim and Donald.
How many more times do I need to explain it to you? You are selectively denying the Darwinian explanation for the continued existence of religion throughout the entirety of human history. According to you it's some grand conspiracy. According to me - and Darwin - it's because of logical reasons.
Darwinism isn't science - but an "evolutionary explanation", towards life on earth, backed and/or partially proven by science/scientists.

There has never been an "evolution" in regards to a respective religion - but e.g. the church being forced via science to amend their theories that are based onto a 3500 year old story book.
Darwinism isn't science - but an "evolutionary explanation", towards life on earth, backed and/or partially proven by science/scientists.

There has never been an "evolution" in regards to a respective religion - but e.g. the church being forced via science to amend their theories that are based onto a 3500 year old story book.
So then you think things just happen randomly for no reason at all? Because the basis for Darwinism is things don't happen randomly. That life evolved the way it did for logical reasons. So according to you there is no good reason for religion existing in every society in overwhelming numbers since the beginning of mankind. According to me the reason religion has endured since the beginning of man in overwhelming numbers is that religion provided a service that no other agency could provide and provided a functional advantage that atheism can't provide.

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