What Happens After Death?

I understand that.

To this day I am not sure what happened.

Byut one thing I do know...I went through the dying process including the whole life passing before me, and the flaoting above my body experience (including watching that girl giving me MtM recessitation) before I followed the great light and ended up in that boring bustation-like place where I was sent back.

Now I am more than willing to accept that the whole thing was my brain trying to make sense of it all EXCEPT for the floating over my body part.

That was really fucking weird.

I watched them working on me, and my body was nowhere near where I might have expected it to be.

They'd dragged me about fifty feet up on a hill for some reason so there's no way in hell I could have known where my body was while I was unconscious.

But sure as hell I woke up (puking up water) on top of that hill.

About the only think that I came away from that was this...

We don't know jackshit about our universe.

We know some of the plumbing, but as to the whole mystery of being thing?

I do NOT think we have a clue.

I had a similar experience. I was hit by a drunk driver while trick-or-treating on Halloween when I was 13. I only remember the sound of skiding rubber on asphalt that gets louder and louder and then stops like turning off the tv...then nothing.

Then I'm looking down at myself in the back of the ambulance like I have my back against the roof of the ambulance, but I can see and take in everything at once, I don't have to shift my eyes to see everything that's going on...like I am much farther away.

I could see the paramedic working on me, cutting my clothes off, working on my head, and then...I woke up in the back of the ambulance.

The back door came open and we were in a parking lot. They had called a medivac chopper and were getting ready to airlift me to the hospital trying to save me. The next morning around 2am I was out of my bed in the ICU pulling on IV tubes trying to get to the bathroom.
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that is what I am curious about...why? Why do you give a shit so much about the neighbors? Obviously they occupy your mind.

I guess you never played a prank on someone? This has nothing to do with "giving a shit about the neighbors"
I guess you never played a prank on someone? This has nothing to do with "giving a shit about the neighbors"

I only play pranks on those I know...from friends to acquaintances. I have no use for strangers. as far as your sophomoric...no make that juvenile attempts at humor....isn't there a kid's playroom around here?

I'll buy you a Happy Meal if you STFU for a few days.

I guess you never played a prank on someone? This has nothing to do with "giving a shit about the neighbors"

I only play pranks on those I know

You don't know your own neighbors?

...from friends to acquaintances. I have no use for strangers. as far as your sophomoric...no make that juvenile attempts at humor....isn't there a kid's playroom around here?

I'll buy you a Happy Meal if you STFU for a few days.

You can take that Happy Meal and cram it up your tailpipe, you sour old twit :)
I'm new in town and those I know I like. I have no desire to shock them. If I did...

What is the point in trying to talk with you when you're just out to disagree with everything I say? None.

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