What happens after the 2020 election?

The election is pretty much over already. Trump is going to win big. If the Democrats thought differently, they wouldn't be pulling out every trick play in the book to get him off the ballot. They know.

The Democrats have bigger problems right now. How can they stop Sanders?

If I were the Dems, I would be worried about all the independent and conservative voters with nothing much to do on the primary days. Without a challenge to Trump for the GOP nomination, why not cross over that day and vote for Bernie? Many states allow un enrolled/independents to vote in either primary
Bloomberg does not have national appeal.
Where do you come up with the fact that Bloomberg does not have national appeal.
His platform is gun confiscation, open borders, health care for illegals, global warming and shutting down coal mines. That didn't even work for Hillary. Seeing Bloomie's endless campaign ads, why are so many pro Trump?

Bloomie's history is slurpee grabbing and salt shaker stealing. It may sell in New York City but has no national appeal.
Hillary received more votes than Trump. 64% of voters want stricter gun laws. He is more successful businessman than Trump. he is more ethical and moral than Trump. he does not grab women by the pussy. How can you not vote for him?
He's a gun grabber who is ignorant enough to believe in man caused global warming. He wants to bring the world's filth to our cities and support them
Bloomie is a fool. A court jester.
The only people who think Bloomberg is not a moderate are those addicted to soda and men with very small peckers. We know men with small peckers need big guns to prove their manhood.
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
Bloomberg does not have national appeal.
Neither does Trump.

That's weird, I thought he was POTUS
Trump has 40% approval and the majority are in the midwest and the south.

Trump has more non-appeal nationally than appeal.
The problem is all those who hate Trump cannot come together and agree on a candidate to beat him.
The Trump cultists are as loyal to Trump as the People's Temple cultists were to Jim Jones, the Branch Davidians to David Koresh and the Manson Family to Charles Manson.
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
Simply by putting America and Americans First unlike the Communist Democratic Party that wants to see America's Destruction
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
Simply by putting America and Americans First unlike the Communist Democratic Party that wants to see America's Destruction
You are a blind cult follower of Trump.
Trump put's Trump first. If you do not see this you are truly brainwashed. He has sold out some of our greatest institutions; FBI, CIA, many of our war heroes, our foreign service, any staff member who put's the US's needs above Donald Trump's.
You are beyond an idiot if you think Trump put's the Us's needs above his own.
He has praised institutions in Russia and North Korea. He has praised Wikileaks. While ripping many of our institutions that threaten his power.
That is not good for the USA.
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
Simply by putting America and Americans First unlike the Communist Democratic Party that wants to see America's Destruction
You are a blind cult follower of Trump.
Trump put's Trump first. If you do not see this you are truly brainwashed. He has sold out some of our greatest institutions; FBI, CIA, many of our war heroes, our foreign service, any staff member who put's the US's needs above Donald Trump's.
You are beyond an idiot if you think Trump put's the Us's needs above his own.
He has praised institutions in Russia and North Korea. He has praised Wikileaks. While ripping many of our institutions that threaten his power.
That is not good for the USA.

He's gutted the phony facade of Democracy.

This is great for the USA.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
Saved from what? Success?
Huge deficits? A slowing economy. Maybe they will actually do something about guns and healthcare. There are lots of things needing improving.
In 3 short years Trump has stopped our fall into European style globalist socialism.
No small feat!

For that alone, he deserves re-election.
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
Simply by putting America and Americans First unlike the Communist Democratic Party that wants to see America's Destruction
You are a blind cult follower of Trump.
Trump put's Trump first. If you do not see this you are truly brainwashed. He has sold out some of our greatest institutions; FBI, CIA, many of our war heroes, our foreign service, any staff member who put's the US's needs above Donald Trump's.
You are beyond an idiot if you think Trump put's the Us's needs above his own.
He has praised institutions in Russia and North Korea. He has praised Wikileaks. While ripping many of our institutions that threaten his power.
That is not good for the USA.

He's gutted the phony facade of Democracy.

This is great for the USA.
Please tell us how Trump "gutted the phony facade of Democracy".
I am sure you have specifics and were not throwing out a meaningless statement that sounded good.
After the 2020 Election Trump will serve his second term with a GOP House and Senate and will replace at least one Supreme Court Justice
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
Simply by putting America and Americans First unlike the Communist Democratic Party that wants to see America's Destruction
You are a blind cult follower of Trump.
Trump put's Trump first. If you do not see this you are truly brainwashed. He has sold out some of our greatest institutions; FBI, CIA, many of our war heroes, our foreign service, any staff member who put's the US's needs above Donald Trump's.
You are beyond an idiot if you think Trump put's the Us's needs above his own.
He has praised institutions in Russia and North Korea. He has praised Wikileaks. While ripping many of our institutions that threaten his power.
That is not good for the USA.

He's gutted the phony facade of Democracy.

This is great for the USA.
Please tell us how Trump "gutted the phony facade of Democracy".
I am sure you have specifics and were not throwing out a meaningless statement that sounded good.

Dimm captured media....
Dimm captured deep state....
.....and these are the heavy starters.
If that happens Donald Trump will go down as the most successful cult leader in history. History will forever study how he was able to con so many people to follow him and lead a country for 8 years.
Simply by putting America and Americans First unlike the Communist Democratic Party that wants to see America's Destruction
You are a blind cult follower of Trump.
Trump put's Trump first. If you do not see this you are truly brainwashed. He has sold out some of our greatest institutions; FBI, CIA, many of our war heroes, our foreign service, any staff member who put's the US's needs above Donald Trump's.
You are beyond an idiot if you think Trump put's the Us's needs above his own.
He has praised institutions in Russia and North Korea. He has praised Wikileaks. While ripping many of our institutions that threaten his power.
That is not good for the USA.

He's gutted the phony facade of Democracy.

This is great for the USA.
Please tell us how Trump "gutted the phony facade of Democracy".
I am sure you have specifics and were not throwing out a meaningless statement that sounded good.

Dimm captured media....
Dimm captured deep state....
.....and these are the heavy starters.
You are a paranoid. You are susceptible to any sort of conspiracy theory. You do not have a grasp of reality. Your mind set will limit your happiness in life. It will cause unwarranted anger and fear. Get help.

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