What happens after the 2020 election?

......The Democrats would have been better off challenging Trump's mental stability.....

You think he's unstable? Why?
Shh, don't let the kids hear this. Yes. Unfortunately, the Democrats are far worse.They transcend every standard way beyond anything Trump has done, I am sorry, just calling them as I see them.

Trump is not unstable. Now you can sleep better
Yes, he is. And we do deserve better. But Trump is way better that the deluded tinfoil hat wearing liberals and their cancel culture. The ones that insist on boycotting something because they didn't use the right gender pronoun, or accuse "racism" because it beats actually debating something on its merits.Trump is the lesser of two evils.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.

Do you actually think Biden could withstand three years of investigations? Lol.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.

Do you actually think Biden could withstand three years of investigations? Lol.
Shhhh dont bring up big Joe Biden, he's irrelevant . His paying millions to Ukrainian officials to call off their watchdogs on Hunter, that couldn't be construed as tampering and corruption. Because Biden Sr, coincidentally the head of committee investigating corruption and long before he announced his candidacy, would NEVER do something suspicious ever. Because the democrats say so. But when Trump investigates the Bidens, and uses political leverage, the Democrats call foul. To quote Shakespeare "methinks thou protest too much".
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What happens is the men will rise up and stop the unwise from voting


There is a sharp divide between males and females in their approval of the President’s approval. Among men, Trump has a 57% approval and 38% disapproval rating whereas among women Trump’s approval flips; he has a 38% approval and 57% majority disapproval.

We will prosper in a Republican House, Senate and Presidency providing the Republicans had any backbone.

Whenever you throw in any mix of Democrats it becomes more difficult to attain prosperity.

A Democrat House, Senate and Presidency will be a total disaster for this country. I mean like a major league disaster. Totally fucked. Major advancements towards making this country a socialist shithole.
We will prosper in a Republican House, Senate and Presidency providing the Republicans had any backbone.

Whenever you throw in any mix of Democrats it becomes more difficult to attain prosperity.

A Democrat House, Senate and Presidency will be a total disaster for this country. I mean like a major league disaster. Totally fucked. Major advancements towards making this country a socialist shithole.

But that will not last long unless the unwise is stopped from voting
This type vote difference proves

Only the crooks will get elected even if trumps slips thru and wins

Prosperity will not last long with this type voting


There is a sharp divide between males and females in their approval of the President’s approval. Among men, Trump has a 57% approval and 38% disapproval rating whereas among women Trump’s approval flips; he has a 38% approval and 57% majority disapproval.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
As long as trump doesn’t cheat I’ll accept whatever the vote is. And I’ll accept any legislation the republicans pass no questions asked. Want to cut social security 25%? Medicare? Let’s do it
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
The nation is not in chaos under President Trump, only the Democrats are in chaos.
Trump thrives on chaos. He creates chaos.
As a Trump supporter there are many people who will not talk to you.
Our country has not been this divided since the civil war.
You are pretty much agreeing with me that only the Democrats arein chaos.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
What if Bloomberg wins? He’s a smart businessman
Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden are not "moderates." They are just don't appear as far left as the other candidates but you can bet their policies would be just as radical left as Bernie's or Warren's.
BS, you do not know what you are talking about.

So would you call Barack Obama a "moderate"? The same Barack Obama who the farthest left-wing President this country has ever seen?
Obama was a moderate in today's Democratic party. Look at his policies not what others define him as. He is not conservative.

By today's standards, he would have been a "Moderate." But after he won the presidency, his policies were very far left. Given how far left the Democrats have moved since then, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden would do everything they could to stay within the good graces of the radical Democrat Party.
That is propaganda to protect Trump. They are moderates. Trump uses lies to create fear. The truth will defeat Trump.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
What if Bloomberg wins? He’s a smart businessman
If Bloomberg wins the USA and the world will be a better place.
Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden are not "moderates." They are just don't appear as far left as the other candidates but you can bet their policies would be just as radical left as Bernie's or Warren's.
BS, you do not know what you are talking about.

So would you call Barack Obama a "moderate"? The same Barack Obama who the farthest left-wing President this country has ever seen?
Obama was a moderate in today's Democratic party. Look at his policies not what others define him as. He is not conservative.

By today's standards, he would have been a "Moderate." But after he won the presidency, his policies were very far left. Given how far left the Democrats have moved since then, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden would do everything they could to stay within the good graces of the radical Democrat Party.
That is propaganda to protect Trump. They are moderates. Trump uses lies to create fear. The truth will defeat Trump.
He-he, Mr. Fudd strikes out AGAIN!
BS, you do not know what you are talking about.

So would you call Barack Obama a "moderate"? The same Barack Obama who the farthest left-wing President this country has ever seen?
Obama was a moderate in today's Democratic party. Look at his policies not what others define him as. He is not conservative.

By today's standards, he would have been a "Moderate." But after he won the presidency, his policies were very far left. Given how far left the Democrats have moved since then, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden would do everything they could to stay within the good graces of the radical Democrat Party.
That is propaganda to protect Trump. They are moderates. Trump uses lies to create fear. The truth will defeat Trump.
He-he, Mr. Fudd strikes out AGAIN!
Then you agree that the truth will defeat Trump?
So would you call Barack Obama a "moderate"? The same Barack Obama who the farthest left-wing President this country has ever seen?
Obama was a moderate in today's Democratic party. Look at his policies not what others define him as. He is not conservative.

By today's standards, he would have been a "Moderate." But after he won the presidency, his policies were very far left. Given how far left the Democrats have moved since then, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden would do everything they could to stay within the good graces of the radical Democrat Party.
That is propaganda to protect Trump. They are moderates. Trump uses lies to create fear. The truth will defeat Trump.
He-he, Mr. Fudd strikes out AGAIN!
Then you agree that the truth will defeat Trump?
No way, ya knucklehead. Trump IS the truth, he has done NOTHING wrong. You just struck out AGAIN, Mr. Fudd.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
As long as trump doesn’t cheat I’ll accept whatever the vote is. And I’ll accept any legislation the republicans pass no questions asked. Want to cut social security 25%? Medicare? Let’s do it
I do not disagree. The problem is that a minority of the USA voters support Trump but they go out and vote. The majority of USA voters do not like Trump but they are not as motivated to vote as the pro Trump voters.
That is why I post, trying to bring sense to all and to have all vote.
I am an amazing person.
Obama was a moderate in today's Democratic party. Look at his policies not what others define him as. He is not conservative.

By today's standards, he would have been a "Moderate." But after he won the presidency, his policies were very far left. Given how far left the Democrats have moved since then, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, and Biden would do everything they could to stay within the good graces of the radical Democrat Party.
That is propaganda to protect Trump. They are moderates. Trump uses lies to create fear. The truth will defeat Trump.
He-he, Mr. Fudd strikes out AGAIN!
Then you agree that the truth will defeat Trump?
No way, ya knucklehead. Trump IS the truth, he has done NOTHING wrong. You just struck out AGAIN, Mr. Fudd.
God help you if you think Trump is the truth. I may be a knucklehead for absolutely thinking Trump is the anti-Christ but he is the anti-Christ.
If you want to abandon morals and ethics to support a President that may put more money in your pocket, God help you. The common theme is God help you, because I cannot.

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