What happens after the 2020 election?

Trump will be reelected, and Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will try to push thru a 2nd impeachment during the 2 months they have left in charge of the House.
If Trump is re-elected the second term will be determined by the make up of the Senate and the House. If the Senate and the House goes Democratic it will be crazy.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
The nation is not in chaos under President Trump, only the Democrats are in chaos.
Sanders or Warren could never win.
Bloomberg could never get the democrat nomination
Trump will win and the US will continue to prosper
There is a portion of the anti-Trumpers that will cause chaos if he wins a second term. There are far leftists that are meaner, tougher and nastier than the far righters.
When our side really gets pissed off .........they will know it........
When you elected Trump everyone knew you were pissed off. Trump is the result of a desperate, pissed off electorate.
You mean sick of the establishment whores......and Politicians.............Yup.............And now the left has created a Frankenstein Monster of the RADICAL LEFTIST...........and they don't know what to do with them.........Can't appease them............Can't reason with them..............all they can do is THROW MEAT IN THE CAGE and hope they DON'T LOSE A HAND FEEDING THEM.
the far left monsters came from the same place as Trump.
Hardly................the Tea Party was that beginning under Obama...........and Obama created the movement with his Abuse of Power........

And in those Rallies.........Riot police were not needed................How so with the Left who get violent if they see a dang red hat.

What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
The nation is not in chaos under President Trump, only the Democrats are in chaos.
Absolutely. We conservatives are enjoying life to the fullest and are NOT tired of winning. NO chaos whatsoever on OUR side.
Trump will be reelected, and Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler will try to push thru a 2nd impeachment during the 2 months they have left in charge of the House.
If Trump is re-elected the second term will be determined by the make up of the Senate and the House. If the Senate and the House goes Democratic it will be crazy.

If the Senate and the House goes Democratic it will be crazy.
after the failed impeachment, that would take a miracle
major TDS when Mr Trump wins
TDS and SDS.
Extremists on all side are the same.
Desperate people and ideologues gravitate to the extremes. I f they continue to rule the US we are in big trouble.
Sanders would be a moral version of Trump.

You need to wake up Elmer!

If the center was static for 100 years and Trump wanted to move us right, you might have a point of contention. But since FDR was elected except for a few respites by Reagan, the country has moved LEFT!

No matter how far Trump wanted to move us right, he could NEVER in his term, get us back to where we were when Eisenhower and Kennedy were in there, and we did reasonably well under them collectively.

So, if Trump is re-elected, we have been there before, and did quite well, thank you very much!

And, truth be told...………..no matter HOW HARD HE TRIES, he can't even get us back to where we were as a nation as far as right under Clinton. So stuff a sock in it! Use history as your guide, and not far left narratives!
Sanders or Warren could never win.
Bloomberg could never get the democrat nomination
Trump will win and the US will continue to prosper
There is a portion of the anti-Trumpers that will cause chaos if he wins a second term. There are far leftists that are meaner, tougher and nastier than the far righters.

I'll take that bet. You apparently have no clue.
Sanders or Warren could never win.
Bloomberg could never get the democrat nomination
Trump will win and the US will continue to prosper
There is a portion of the anti-Trumpers that will cause chaos if he wins a second term. There are far leftists that are meaner, tougher and nastier than the far righters.

Odd. I can't count all the times I've read here that it is radical whites who do all the serial killings and stuff. Leftists will loot and burn. Blacks will beat you up and take your wallet. But it is the crazy whites who will stuff you in a trunk, take you out to a deserted house in the country, and use your skin to sew themselves a new blanket or something.

You think the Left is mean, tough and nasty? They are just crazy and out of contact with reality. They throw fits of rage when they don't get their way, because up till now, they always got their way if they stomped enough.

The hardest of the core far right are very patient. They are used to not getting their way. They are strategists --- survivalists. They watch and listen and wait. They are that well-regulated militia of Geo. Washington's ever-ready to defend America from all threats without or within. You people were so reckless, arrogant, greedy and dumb, you CREATED Donald Trump. Now you bitch. You idiots are so brazen, intemperate and over-confident, you thought you could impeach a president just because you don't like him and want him off the ballot. And the Senate nicely, kindly, gently and legally put you back in your place.

The Japanese generals sat on their emperor and told him they didn't dare invade the USA because of the hard right. The hard right was armed to the teeth, then Obama and Feinstein came along and rattled cages and they got 10X more armed. And yet you idiots still keep doing it, Washington state, New York, Virginia, and they got even more backed up.

The more the Left wrangles, the more they simply reveal their true nature to more and more people losing people by attrition leading to their own eventual self-defeat.

If it ever actually comes down to hell on earth and all out war, the far leftist radical children are rank amateurs playing with a dragon they won't know how sorry they are they pissed off until it is too late.
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What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
The nation is not in chaos under President Trump, only the Democrats are in chaos.
Trump thrives on chaos. He creates chaos.
As a Trump supporter there are many people who will not talk to you.
Our country has not been this divided since the civil war.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
Buy more guns and ammo.
What happens after the 2020 election?

All dems kill themselves?
28% of population are democrats, 28% of the population are Republicans and 41% of the population are independent.
A majority of people that do not like Trump are not Democrats. There are Democrats who voted for Trump.
In the impeachment of Trump the vast number of government workers that came forward were conservatives.
You cannot get more conservative or Republican than John Bolton and John Kelley. They were the loudest voices last week saying what Trump has done is wrong. It is the Trump cult against everyone else. Trump has blown up the Republican party, he has blown up Washington and the Democrats blew them self up. Now the pieces have to come back together.
When you blow things up there is chaos. Trump's specialty is blowing things up, not putting them back together.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
Buy more guns and ammo.
Unfortunately there are people on both sides doing just that.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
bloomberg and biden two old fuckers who think they know whats best for everyone....yea they will save us...
Sanders or Warren could never win.
Bloomberg could never get the democrat nomination
Trump will win and the US will continue to prosper
There is a portion of the anti-Trumpers that will cause chaos if he wins a second term. There are far leftists that are meaner, tougher and nastier than the far righters.

Odd. I can't count all the times I've read here that it is radical whites who do all the serial killings and stuff. Leftists will loot and burn. Blacks will beat you up and take your wallet. But it is the crazy whites who will stuff you in a trunk, take you out to a deserted house in the country, and use your skin to sew themselves a new blanket or something.

You think the Left is mean, tough and nasty? They are just crazy and out of contact with reality. They throw fits of rage when they don't get their way, because up till now, they always got their way if they stomped enough.

The hardest of the core far right are very patient. They are used to not getting their way. They are strategists --- survivalists. They watch and listen and wait. They are that well-regulated militia of Geo. Washington's ever-ready to defend America from all threats without or within. You people were so reckless, arrogant, greedy and dumb, you CREATED Donald Trump. Now you bitch. You idiots are so brazen, intemperate and over-confident, you thought you could impeach a president just because you don't like him and want him off the ballot. And the Senate nicely, kindly, gently and legally put you back in your place.

The Japanese generals sat on their emperor and told him they didn't dare invade the USA because of the hard right. The hard right was armed to the teeth, then Obama and Feinstein came along and rattled cages and they got 10X more armed. And yet you idiots still keep doing it, Washington state, New York, Virginia, and they got even more backed up.

The more the Left wrangles, the more they simply reveal their true nature to more and more people losing people by attrition leading to their own eventual self-defeat.

If it ever actually comes down to hell on earth and all out war, the far leftist radical children are rank amateurs playing with a dragon they won't know how sorry they are they pissed off until it is too late.
you are delusional. The far right militias are a bunch of uneducated white dudes with very few teeth. The far left are not much better.
People who think like you are scary. But there are idiots like you on both sides. Both thinking it can come down to violence you will win.
We should take all far right and far left idiots like you, put you in a desert and go at it. If no one returns the US will be a much better place.
Trump would have the DOJ investigate the three stooges that led the house impeachment committee. Every single little misstep in their political careers, every single financial dealing, their nannies, the stains on their underwear. Put them under the same scrutiny and then see what happens...like impeachment, but in reverse.

In other words the Trump regime will use their political power to retaliate against perceived enemies, instead of take care of the nation. Typical.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
bloomberg and biden two old fuckers who think they know whats best for everyone....yea they will save us...
Trump and Sanders fill those shoes also.
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
Phazers on stun, Kirk out
What happens after the 2020 election?
My prediction is:
If a far left candidate wins the Presidency, Sanders or Warren, the nation will be in chaos.
If Trump wins the Presidency,the nation will be in chaos.
If a moderate wins the Presidency, Bloomberg, Klobuchar, Biden, the nation will be saved.
bloomberg and biden two old fuckers who think they know whats best for everyone....yea they will save us...
Trump and Sanders fill those shoes also.
yes they do.....but you already summed them up....
Trump would have the DOJ investigate the three stooges that led the house impeachment committee. Every single little misstep in their political careers, every single financial dealing, their nannies, the stains on their underwear. Put them under the same scrutiny and then see what happens...like impeachment, but in reverse.

In other words the Trump regime will use their political power to retaliate against perceived enemies, instead of take care of the nation. Typical.
Nope. I didn't mean that at all. And the poor poor Democrats that led this little attempted putsch? Why not investigate them, turn about is fair play. Why not?

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