What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say.

1 year, 63 days, 1 hour 36 minutes and 13 seconds.

The status of butthurt: As strong as ever.
Interesting. One of the biggest problems with the electoral college is that it's rigged against highly populated states such as California. Wyoming has a population of about 580,000 and is worth 3 electoral college votes. That is 1 electoral college vote for every 193,000 people.

California has a population of 39.5 million, which is 68 times more than Wyoming. This means that California should have around 200 electoral college votes, if using the same ratio as Wyoming: 68 x 3 electoral votes = 204. Instead, California only has 55 electoral college votes.

This is completely unfair and the game is rigged to give Repubs a fighting chance in every Presidential election. If California was worth 200 electoral college votes like it should be, then Repubs would never have a chance in hell of winning a Presidential election ever again.

One of the biggest problems with the electoral college is that it's rigged against highly populated states such as California.

That's a feature, not a bug.

This is completely unfair

To amend the Constitution, you need a 2/3rds vote of the House and Senate.
And then you only need to get 3/4 of the states (38) to agree.
You'd better get to work.

That has nothing to do with the Constitution, genius. There is nothing in the Constitution that says a citizen in a small state like Wyoming has 3 times the voting power as a citizen in a large state like California. Absolutely nothing.

That has nothing to do with the Constitution, genius.


Article II
Section 1

2: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

And where does it say in there that small states should have over 3 times more voting power in the House or Electoral College than large states? Again, California should have 200 electoral college votes, based on Wyoming's current electoral college representation.
You can't be that fucking stupid.

Yes, he is. He needs to sue the federal government, I’m sure he can find a leftwing lawyer that will go forward with the lawsuit so they can get laughed out of court.
Again, instead of crying and getting your panties in a wad on a message board, sue the government for real change, if they are violating the Constitution then sue them to make them follow the Constitution. Until the. You are just another poor snowflake that has nothing.

They are following the constitution, just as Justice Tanney writing in Scott V Sandford If you want change, it will take a constitutional amendment
1 year, 63 days, 1 hour 36 minutes and 13 seconds.

The status of butthurt: As strong as ever.

Back in 2016 I predicted the left's meltdown would be worse than when Bush whooped their ass twice, remember BOOOOOOOSH. It's 10 times worse with Trump because he taunts them and the media, calls them liars to their face, calls out their fake news propaganda. They can't shut the guy up. They have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at the guy and Trump just keeps pummeling them its hilarious. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Again, instead of crying and getting your panties in a wad on a message board, sue the government for real change, if they are violating the Constitution then sue them to make them follow the Constitution. Until the. You are just another poor snowflake that has nothing.

They are following the constitution, just as Justice Tanney writing in Scott V Sandford If you want change, it will take a constitutional amendment

I agree with you, I was letting the nut, who you didn’t quote, the one I was actually responding to, that he needs to take it to court If he believes the law is unconstitutional. He has a silly argument and all he does is get on this board and cry, if he wants change then he needs to go try and change it or sue the government and see what happens and see how little he actually knows.
The lack of an established process for reviewing elections points to a larger issue: The structures established by the Constitution assumed a world in which the presidency and the Electoral College were not fully absorbed into a contentious national party system. That vision has long since been replaced by one in which presidential elections are national contests over policy agendas and ideas. The text of our Constitution has never been changed to reflect this reality. Instead, the Electoral College remains the final word on who gets to be president. When it comes to the possibility that the winning side colluded with a foreign power to influence the election outcome, the Constitution doesn’t offer much in the way of a plan.

Much More: What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say.

I have only quoted the last paragraph. All the details are in the previous eleven paragraphs. The bottom line appears to be that our Constitution is not equipped to deal with such an event. Hence, a constitutional crisis.

We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
The lack of an established process for reviewing elections points to a larger issue: The structures established by the Constitution assumed a world in which the presidency and the Electoral College were not fully absorbed into a contentious national party system. That vision has long since been replaced by one in which presidential elections are national contests over policy agendas and ideas. The text of our Constitution has never been changed to reflect this reality. Instead, the Electoral College remains the final word on who gets to be president. When it comes to the possibility that the winning side colluded with a foreign power to influence the election outcome, the Constitution doesn’t offer much in the way of a plan.

Much More: What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say.

I have only quoted the last paragraph. All the details are in the previous eleven paragraphs. The bottom line appears to be that our Constitution is not equipped to deal with such an event. Hence, a constitutional crisis.

We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
And did you support Hillary that was stupid enough to lose to the worst Presidental candidate ever? Lol! Your butt hurt makes us all laugh! Idiot!
One of the biggest problems with the electoral college is that it's rigged against highly populated states such as California.

That's a feature, not a bug.

This is completely unfair

To amend the Constitution, you need a 2/3rds vote of the House and Senate.
And then you only need to get 3/4 of the states (38) to agree.
You'd better get to work.

That has nothing to do with the Constitution, genius. There is nothing in the Constitution that says a citizen in a small state like Wyoming has 3 times the voting power as a citizen in a large state like California. Absolutely nothing.

That has nothing to do with the Constitution, genius.


Article II
Section 1

2: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

And where does it say in there that small states should have over 3 times more voting power in the House or Electoral College than large states? Again, California should have 200 electoral college votes, based on Wyoming's current electoral college representation.
You can't be that fucking stupid.

He already proved you wrong.

Then thanked me :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The lack of an established process for reviewing elections points to a larger issue: The structures established by the Constitution assumed a world in which the presidency and the Electoral College were not fully absorbed into a contentious national party system. That vision has long since been replaced by one in which presidential elections are national contests over policy agendas and ideas. The text of our Constitution has never been changed to reflect this reality. Instead, the Electoral College remains the final word on who gets to be president. When it comes to the possibility that the winning side colluded with a foreign power to influence the election outcome, the Constitution doesn’t offer much in the way of a plan.

Much More: What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say.

I have only quoted the last paragraph. All the details are in the previous eleven paragraphs. The bottom line appears to be that our Constitution is not equipped to deal with such an event. Hence, a constitutional crisis.

We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
He did win the popular vote with legal voters.
And where does it say in there that small states should have over 3 times more voting power in the House or Electoral College than large states? Again, California should have 200 electoral college votes, based on Wyoming's current electoral college representation.

Another left wing butt hurt nutter, if you don’t like the laws, don’t complain and cry, do something to change it. Seriously, you can’t be that dumb.

Dummy, read my previous post. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that grants more voting power to small states vs large states. (except in the Senate)

Therefore, there is nothing to change, idiot.

Yeah, there is, California doesn’t get 200 Electoral College, write your Congressman or sue the government then you can get you 200 votes, until then nothing will change and you call me an idiot? Lol!

That doesn't require a change in law, dumb ass. It should already be happening.

And you called me names first, fucktard.

Again, instead of crying and getting your panties in a wad on a message board, sue the government for real change, if they are violating the Constitution then sue them to make them follow the Constitution. Until the. You are just another poor snowflake that has nothing.

Didn't say that either, dipshit. You did. I'm simply pointing out that California should be worth about 200 electoral college votes, based on Wyoming's electoral college representation.

You lost the debate and now you are trying to change the subject with some other bullshit distraction.
The lack of an established process for reviewing elections points to a larger issue: The structures established by the Constitution assumed a world in which the presidency and the Electoral College were not fully absorbed into a contentious national party system. That vision has long since been replaced by one in which presidential elections are national contests over policy agendas and ideas. The text of our Constitution has never been changed to reflect this reality. Instead, the Electoral College remains the final word on who gets to be president. When it comes to the possibility that the winning side colluded with a foreign power to influence the election outcome, the Constitution doesn’t offer much in the way of a plan.

Much More: What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say.

I have only quoted the last paragraph. All the details are in the previous eleven paragraphs. The bottom line appears to be that our Constitution is not equipped to deal with such an event. Hence, a constitutional crisis.

We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
And did you support Hillary that was stupid enough to lose to the worst Presidental candidate ever? Lol! Your butt hurt makes us all laugh! Idiot!

She didn't really lose. After all, California should be worth 200 electoral college votes. As I have pointed out to your unremarkable Repug goober ass several times now.
Another left wing butt hurt nutter, if you don’t like the laws, don’t complain and cry, do something to change it. Seriously, you can’t be that dumb.

Dummy, read my previous post. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that grants more voting power to small states vs large states. (except in the Senate)

Therefore, there is nothing to change, idiot.

Yeah, there is, California doesn’t get 200 Electoral College, write your Congressman or sue the government then you can get you 200 votes, until then nothing will change and you call me an idiot? Lol!

That doesn't require a change in law, dumb ass. It should already be happening.

And you called me names first, fucktard.

Again, instead of crying and getting your panties in a wad on a message board, sue the government for real change, if they are violating the Constitution then sue them to make them follow the Constitution. Until the. You are just another poor snowflake that has nothing.

Didn't say that either, dipshit. You did. I'm simply pointing out that California should be worth about 200 electoral college votes, based on Wyoming's electoral college representation.

You lost the debate and now you are trying to change the subject with some other bullshit distraction.

You’re an idiot.
We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
And did you support Hillary that was stupid enough to lose to the worst Presidental candidate ever? Lol! Your butt hurt makes us all laugh! Idiot!

She didn't really lose. After all, California should be worth 200 electoral college votes. As I have pointed out to your unremarkable Repug goober ass several times now.
We know she won in your imagination. However, reality differs.
I agree with you, I was letting the nut, who you didn’t quote, the one I was actually responding to, that he needs to take it to court If he believes the law is unconstitutional. He has a silly argument and all he does is get on this board and cry, if he wants change then he needs to go try and change it or sue the government and see what happens and see how little he actually knows.

Suing would be a waste of time, money and a burden on the taxpayers. Because of the burden of amending the constitution, purposefully made to have a very high bar, he needs to start to get national support for such a change. As the change would be advantageous to fewer states than it would harm, the odds of those states cutting off their nose to spite their face, is between slim and none, and slim just left town.

The best that can be hoped for is to eliminate the "winner take all" for a states electoral votes, as several states have already done.
The lack of an established process for reviewing elections points to a larger issue: The structures established by the Constitution assumed a world in which the presidency and the Electoral College were not fully absorbed into a contentious national party system. That vision has long since been replaced by one in which presidential elections are national contests over policy agendas and ideas. The text of our Constitution has never been changed to reflect this reality. Instead, the Electoral College remains the final word on who gets to be president. When it comes to the possibility that the winning side colluded with a foreign power to influence the election outcome, the Constitution doesn’t offer much in the way of a plan.

Much More: What Happens If The Election Was A Fraud? The Constitution Doesn’t Say.

I have only quoted the last paragraph. All the details are in the previous eleven paragraphs. The bottom line appears to be that our Constitution is not equipped to deal with such an event. Hence, a constitutional crisis.

We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
He did win the popular vote with legal voters.

Great retort, Repug goober. And of course you have evidence to show that over 3 million people illegally voted? Of course not, troll.
I agree with you, I was letting the nut, who you didn’t quote, the one I was actually responding to, that he needs to take it to court If he believes the law is unconstitutional. He has a silly argument and all he does is get on this board and cry, if he wants change then he needs to go try and change it or sue the government and see what happens and see how little he actually knows.

Suing would be a waste of time, money and a burden on the taxpayers. Because of the burden of amending the constitution, purposefully made to have a very high bar, he needs to start to get national support for such a change. As the change would be advantageous to fewer states than it would harm, the odds of those states cutting off their nose to spite their face, is between slim and none, and slim just left town.

The best that can be hoped for is to eliminate the "winner take all" for a states electoral votes, as several states have already done.
The only states that have done it are the ones that lose from the existence of the electoral college. There is little chance that small states will do likewise.
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Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
And did you support Hillary that was stupid enough to lose to the worst Presidental candidate ever? Lol! Your butt hurt makes us all laugh! Idiot!

She didn't really lose. After all, California should be worth 200 electoral college votes. As I have pointed out to your unremarkable Repug goober ass several times now.
We know she won in your imagination. However, reality differs.

And in your reality everyone is a liar except for Jeff Sessions. So no one is perfect. But at least I'm smart, which you definitely are not.
Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.

Trump already won. He needs to keep his eyes on the prize, and not let those who don't understand he beat the system at it's own game bother him.

You don't need to win the popular vote. You never did. You never will.
We argued that the Democratic nominations were complete farces and we were told that it didn’t matter, Hillary would have won even if it was fair. Don’t blame the Constitution for not having the foresight to imagine a critter as corrupt as Hillary.

Hillary is "corrupt", yet she still defeated Trump by 3 million votes. Probably a lot more than that when you factor in voter suppression.

So what does that say about how sorry Trump is that he couldn't win the popular vote against a flawed candidate like Hillary?
That tells me Hillary was too stupid to understand how our elections work.

Bill tried telling the dumb bitch she needed to visit certain states, but ignored his advice because she’s lazy.

Nope. It means Trump sucks even more. Which is why he constantly whines that he really did win the popular vote.
He did win the popular vote with legal voters.

Great retort, Repug goober. And of course you have evidence to show that over 3 million people illegally voted? Of course not, troll.
I’m going to assume you didn’t see this.....


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