What happens if the individual mandate is eliminated?

What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
Health insurance coverage is no longer mandatory at the federal level, as of January 1, 2019. Only 5 states still require you to have health insurance coverage to avoid a state tax penalty.

Carrying health insurance, is the right thing to do, even if it's just a catastrophic policy. Most people that don't carry any insurance believe that if they get seriously ill or have an accident they will take out a policy. The problem with this line of reasoning is that if you have a healthcare emergency, there is no time to shop for insurance. It typically takes 30 to 45 days to get coverage and it is not retroactive. When you're in a hospital bed and a doctor tells you that you need cardiac surgery now, are you going tell him, it will have to wait a month or so till I get some insurance. Not a good idea.

If you don't have insurance and you got to the doctor, you will pay unbelievable prices. If you have insurance and you have not meet your deductible, you pay the healthcare provider the health insurance company contracted rate, say a $1,000 but if you have no insurance, you will be bill at the top rate, say $5,000. There is a big advantage in having insurance even if you have not met your deductible.
You know your stuff. Thanks.

not so much,,,
I've had a few times I paid cash and it was less than what they charge if I had insurance,,,one was to the emergency room,,,
Hospitals policy really differ when to come to a discount. If you give them a credit card before you enter the ER, they are not likely to give you any discount on the charges. You can usually get a discount from the hospital after they bill you and you tell them you can't pay. The problem with getting a discount in advance is they don't have a clue as to what your bill might look like and they don't know how much you can pay. However, I would not count on any discount being more than what they typically get from insurers.
and that's what we pay with insurance, along with paying for insurance.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
Health insurance coverage is no longer mandatory at the federal level, as of January 1, 2019. Only 5 states still require you to have health insurance coverage to avoid a state tax penalty.

Carrying health insurance, is the right thing to do, even if it's just a catastrophic policy. Most people that don't carry any insurance believe that if they get seriously ill or have an accident they will take out a policy. The problem with this line of reasoning is that if you have a healthcare emergency, there is no time to shop for insurance. It typically takes 30 to 45 days to get coverage and it is not retroactive. When you're in a hospital bed and a doctor tells you that you need cardiac surgery now, are you going tell him, it will have to wait a month or so till I get some insurance. Not a good idea.

If you don't have insurance and you got to the doctor, you will pay unbelievable prices. If you have insurance and you have not meet your deductible, you pay the healthcare provider the health insurance company contracted rate, say a $1,000 but if you have no insurance, you will be bill at the top rate, say $5,000. There is a big advantage in having insurance even if you have not met your deductible.
You know your stuff. Thanks.

not so much,,,
I've had a few times I paid cash and it was less than what they charge if I had insurance,,,one was to the emergency room,,,
Hospitals policy really differ when to come to a discount. If you give them a credit card before you enter the ER, they are not likely to give you any discount on the charges. You can usually get a discount from the hospital after they bill you and you tell them you can't pay. The problem with getting a discount in advance is they don't have a clue as to what your bill might look like and they don't know how much you can pay. However, I would not count on any discount being more than what they typically get from insurers.

not in my case,,,my ER bill was dbl when the ins was going to cover it but when I told them I wanted to pay cash they cut it in half,,

and also when you go to the ER they dont ask for proof of payment first, at least they didnt a few months ago they came to my room and got all that later.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

Health insurance coverage is no longer mandatory at the federal level, as of January 1, 2019. Only 5 states still require you to have health insurance coverage to avoid a state tax penalty.

Carrying health insurance, is the right thing to do, even if it's just a catastrophic policy. Most people that don't carry any insurance believe that if they get seriously ill or have an accident they will take out a policy. The problem with this line of reasoning is that if you have a healthcare emergency, there is no time to shop for insurance. It typically takes 30 to 45 days to get coverage and it is not retroactive. When you're in a hospital bed and a doctor tells you that you need cardiac surgery now, are you going tell him, it will have to wait a month or so till I get some insurance. Not a good idea.

If you don't have insurance and you got to the doctor, you will pay unbelievable prices. If you have insurance and you have not meet your deductible, you pay the healthcare provider the health insurance company contracted rate, say a $1,000 but if you have no insurance, you will be bill at the top rate, say $5,000. There is a big advantage in having insurance even if you have not met your deductible.
You know your stuff. Thanks.

not so much,,,
I've had a few times I paid cash and it was less than what they charge if I had insurance,,,one was to the emergency room,,,
Hospitals policy really differ when to come to a discount. If you give them a credit card before you enter the ER, they are not likely to give you any discount on the charges. You can usually get a discount from the hospital after they bill you and you tell them you can't pay. The problem with getting a discount in advance is they don't have a clue as to what your bill might look like and they don't know how much you can pay. However, I would not count on any discount being more than what they typically get from insurers.

not in my case,,,my ER bill was dbl when the ins was going to cover it but when I told them I wanted to pay cash they cut it in half,,

and also when you go to the ER they dont ask for proof of payment first, at least they didnt a few months ago they came to my room and got all that later.
As I said, all hospitals are different. I have a friend that's the CFO at a local hospital. He told me that in the ER, a person that says they have no insurance coverage will be ask to sign an agreement to pay all charges and then will be put in an ER room for evaluation. However, the person will be examined and tested in ordered to determine the extent of injuries or illness whether or not he agrees to pay the charges. The doctor will then attempt to stabilize the patient so he or she can be discharged or transferred to another facility. He or she will be billed the full amount of the charges. If the bill is not paid, then the hospital will attempt to determine the person's financial situation, determine if they are eligible for Medicaid or any special program such as homelessness. If not, they will be offered a payment plan or a discount for full payment. If the person turns down the offer or defaults on the payment plan, the hospital will sell the account to a collection agency and write out the debt.

It you enter the ER without insurance, you will be treated the same as if you had insurance up until the point that your condition has been diagnosed and stabilized. If you are without insurance, you will be discharged or transferred to another facility. If you have insurance and the ER doctor feels you would benefit from being admitted to the hospital, you will be given the option to select admission to the hospital in lieu of discharge.
This is how this particular hospital works. Possibly other are different.

This hospital like many does not want to deal with people that are not insured because in most cases the hospital will have to write off most of the charges. This is why getting admitted to the hospital through the admissions desk, is much harder than the ER. In fact, you probably would not be admitted without proof of insurance.
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I would say that the goal of healthcare since the Rockefeller clan took it over and killed holistic medicine practices isn't to heal the patient but rather in making money treating symptoms that the AMA has caused via tainted vaccines and the poisoning of air, food, water, etc,etc. I

Wow... so you are an anti-vaxxer, too? Why am I not surprised. Is there any crazy you won't sign on to?

Realistically. Since the 1960's, life expectancy in the US has increased. It's increased more in countries with single payer, universal health care.


That curve is swinging downwards and it has nothing to do with getting access to healthcare or not. You think autism and vaccines and the number of them a child is given before the age of six has no correlation? Experts disagree......
That curve is swinging downwards and it has nothing to do with getting access to healthcare or not. You think autism and vaccines and the number of them a child is given before the age of six has no correlation? Experts disagree......

You see, this is where you get into your crazy. Experts don't think vaccines cause autism. The guy who started that bullshit was in fact expelled from the medical community.

Andrew Wakefield - Wikipedia

The number of kids who have autism hasn't gone up. What's gone up are the number of diagnoses, because doctors know what they are looking for now and have ways to test for it. Back in the old school days, we just assumed little Timmy was dumb and Sister Mary Butch hit him with a ruler if he wasn't paying attention. .

Today's teachers get extensive training in teaching kids with disabilities, and coming up with politer terms than "Retard" to describe little Timmy now.
That curve is swinging downwards and it has nothing to do with getting access to healthcare or not. You think autism and vaccines and the number of them a child is given before the age of six has no correlation? Experts disagree......

You see, this is where you get into your crazy. Experts don't think vaccines cause autism. The guy who started that bullshit was in fact expelled from the medical community.

Andrew Wakefield - Wikipedia

The number of kids who have autism hasn't gone up. What's gone up are the number of diagnoses, because doctors know what they are looking for now and have ways to test for it. Back in the old school days, we just assumed little Timmy was dumb and Sister Mary Butch hit him with a ruler if he wasn't paying attention. .

Today's teachers get extensive training in teaching kids with disabilities, and coming up with politer terms than "Retard" to describe little Timmy now.

Did you really post that with a straight face? Did you post that in the hopes that I would buy into that utter bullshit?

Seems to coincide with the numerous vaccines and the mercury based preservatives in those vaccines. I am going to trust the mothers that saw a noticeable change in their child after a round of vaccines. So, according to YOUR logic? 4,000 plus cases of autism was missed because doctors didn't have the scientific tools to properly diagnose it? I am calling "bullshit".

How the Vaccine Schedule in the U.S. Has Evolved Since the 1950s
Did you really post that with a straight face? Did you post that in the hopes that I would buy into that utter bullshit?

Again, it's not that there are any more cases, it's that we know what we are looking for now. Frankly, I think Autism is overdiagnosed.

Seems to coincide with the numerous vaccines and the mercury based preservatives in those vaccines. I am going to trust the mothers that saw a noticeable change in their child after a round of vaccines. So, according to YOUR logic? 4,000 plus cases of autism was missed because doctors didn't have the scientific tools to properly diagnose it? I am calling "bullshit".

Dude, you can't go use nutter conspiracy websites to prove your point.

Apparent new rise in autism may not reflect true prevalence

A sizable portion of the increase is probably due to rising awareness of the condition and improved systems for identifying autistic children, says lead investigator Benjamin Zablotsky, health statistician at the CDC.

The way the survey phrases and places a question about autism — asking parents whether a healthcare professional has ever told them their child has autism — may also affect prevalence estimates, he says2.

In 2011, the CDC expanded the survey question to ask about “autism spectrum disorder” in addition to “autism.” In 2014, the question asked about “autism, Asperger’s disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, or autism spectrum disorder.” The survey that year also switched the order of questions, asking parents about autism first, and then about developmental delay — the reverse of the order in previous survey

The guy who claimed that there was a link between Autism and Vaccines was expelled from the British Medical Association because he falsified his research. As a result of these lies and nutters who repeat them, we've seen diseases we thought had been eradicated come back.

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