What happens if the individual mandate is eliminated?

What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
That $200,000 bill isnt just for your car accident but for the 20 illegal aliens who have visited and demanded service without paying a dime. Someone had to fork over the bill, it is just convenient that you a paying customer gets the shaft. Want lower costs, then round up the diseased mother fuckers and send them back to where they belong...

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants


A lot of undocumented workers pay taxes...

Sorry but you are going to use brown people as a reason to kill Grandma...

Any excuse...
A better question is : How can a car accident be capable of generating a $200,000 hospital bill? Why are we, the patients, disconnected from the actual cost of medical services? If your car breaks down, you know exactly what it costs to replace the tires, transmission, etc....but with health care it's all a fucking mystery? No, it's a corrupt system thanks to government intervention.

No, it's a corrupt system because of Corporate Greed.

Every other country doesn't worry about this, they have universal health care and if you get into an accident, you get taken care of.

We insanely link health care to the ability to work, it's why 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical issues, and 75% of those had insurance when the crisis started.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
That $200,000 bill isnt just for your car accident but for the 20 illegal aliens who have visited and demanded service without paying a dime. Someone had to fork over the bill, it is just convenient that you a paying customer gets the shaft. Want lower costs, then round up the diseased mother fuckers and send them back to where they belong...

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants


A lot of undocumented workers pay taxes...

Sorry but you are going to use brown people as a reason to kill Grandma...

Any excuse...

Are all "undocumented" workers brown?
Ummm, is this the same mandate that was eliminated months ago
Correct. A bad idea from the start. Biggest mistake of Obama's political career.
But, if the current administration is against the mandate which gets big support from idiots like you.

The administration should announce that anyone who chooses to noty buy insurance and has a medical emergency they cannot pay for the government will not help you. If your emergency is life threatening, you die.

If you make people accountable for themself and to not depend on the government and the governments money, you announce no mandate but no help from the government.
Oh good. Then we need you buy your own food or you die. Be accountable.
Pay your own rent.
Buy your own food.
Pay taxes.
Is not that the basis of a conservative philosophy? Why should the government pay for that?
Seems to be y our philosophy!
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

The best thing to do would be to make people sign a wavier when they turn down health insurance so that anything that happens to them they cannot pay cash for or have the credit for ERs and hospitals can refuse to do to them.
As hard as that sounds, that is what has to happen without an insurance mandate. Many who do not want a mandate do not think about what happens to those who choose to opt out and have a medical cost.
If the patient is treated and does not pay, we all end up paying for it through higher medical costs or taxes.
That is why I support the mandate. It makes dead beats be responsible for themself.

Anchor babies and their healthcare costs along with that of their parents soon followed by the chain migration plays a huge part in healthcare costs and they do not pay a dime as the child is covered by medi-care even though it never paid into the system and then because the parents are also indigent and can't pay? Who ends up footing the bill?. Why would I participate in a system that requires me to pay for dead weight that abuses the citizenship clause? If I pay as I go. If I get cancer, I will forgo the treatment because it's not like living among morons like you is something to be valued. I pay my own way through life and with that comes risks. It's little commie fuckwads like you that desire a nanny state. I blame it on the fact that your testicles never dropped.
Dale, Dale, Dale. You pathetic piece of manure. I am saying that your fellow US citizens who do not want a nanny state or a health insurance mandate, decide to not buy insurance and cannot afford doctors do not expect the nanny state to step in and help you.
I am not talking immigrants, I am talking the reality of your philosophy.
Your philosophy is you do not want anyone to have to buy health insurance. If your brother decides not to, cannot afford a life saving medical procedure. His buddies do not have the money to help him. The nanny state does not step in and he dies. Simple as that.
You talked all around that but you do not have the balls to say it.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

The best thing to do would be to make people sign a wavier when they turn down health insurance so that anything that happens to them they cannot pay cash for or have the credit for ERs and hospitals can refuse to do to them.
As hard as that sounds, that is what has to happen without an insurance mandate. Many who do not want a mandate do not think about what happens to those who choose to opt out and have a medical cost.
If the patient is treated and does not pay, we all end up paying for it through higher medical costs or taxes.
That is why I support the mandate. It makes dead beats be responsible for themself.

Anchor babies and their healthcare costs along with that of their parents soon followed by the chain migration plays a huge part in healthcare costs and they do not pay a dime as the child is covered by medi-care even though it never paid into the system and then because the parents are also indigent and can't pay? Who ends up footing the bill?. Why would I participate in a system that requires me to pay for dead weight that abuses the citizenship clause? If I pay as I go. If I get cancer, I will forgo the treatment because it's not like living among morons like you is something to be valued. I pay my own way through life and with that comes risks. It's little commie fuckwads like you that desire a nanny state. I blame it on the fact that your testicles never dropped.
Dale, Dale, Dale. You pathetic piece of manure. I am saying that your fellow US citizens who do not want a nanny state or a health insurance mandate, decide to not buy insurance and cannot afford doctors do not expect the nanny state to step in and help you.
I am not talking immigrants, I am talking the reality of your philosophy.
Your philosophy is you do not want anyone to have to buy health insurance. If your brother decides not to, cannot afford a life saving medical procedure. His buddies do not have the money to help him. The nanny state does not step in and he dies. Simple as that.
You talked all around that but you do not have the balls to say it.

I would say that the goal of healthcare since the Rockefeller clan took it over and killed holistic medicine practices isn't to heal the patient but rather in making money treating symptoms that the AMA has caused via tainted vaccines and the poisoning of air, food, water, etc,etc. I stand by my statement that if I can't pay my own way and I die? It's a major win for me because we are living in Freaksville laboring for paper script notes with ever declining value and soon even our labor will be replaced with A.I and robotics. Then we have the commie freaks, fags, trans-gendered pedophile contingent pushing their agenda......sickening and perverse, just the way you like it.

You are so fucking ignorant and so full of this entitlement delusion like you are owed a giving. You are a pathetic excuse for a man....stupid, lazy and with a case of the "gimme's"....."I want, I need, I am entitled, you owe me" bullshit. You are worse than a spoiled child that pitches a fit in the grocery store because he was denied a candy bar.

In summation, go fuck yourself or grow a pair.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

We go back to the bad old days ... primary care at the ER ... at tax-payer's expense ... the singularly most expensive way to administer health care ... see Zander post #2 ...
how's it any different? isn't the lack of healthcare always at the tax payers expense. people who don't work still get money. right? how does that work? tax payer expense? you all crack me up on your lack of logic.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
That $200,000 bill isnt just for your car accident but for the 20 illegal aliens who have visited and demanded service without paying a dime. Someone had to fork over the bill, it is just convenient that you a paying customer gets the shaft. Want lower costs, then round up the diseased mother fuckers and send them back to where they belong...

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants


A lot of undocumented workers pay taxes...

Sorry but you are going to use brown people as a reason to kill Grandma...

Any excuse...

Consumption taxes? Big fucking deal. They receive more in entitlements and benefits than what they contribute by a factor of a thousand. Kill grandma? Death panels and rationing healthcare is a leftard thing, dumb ass.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
That $200,000 bill isnt just for your car accident but for the 20 illegal aliens who have visited and demanded service without paying a dime. Someone had to fork over the bill, it is just convenient that you a paying customer gets the shaft. Want lower costs, then round up the diseased mother fuckers and send them back to where they belong...

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants


A lot of undocumented workers pay taxes...

Sorry but you are going to use brown people as a reason to kill Grandma...

Any excuse...
no they don't? how do they pay taxes without a social security card? or tax Id? please enlighten me. Are you saying they submit a form 1040? Come on man, tell me you're not.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
That $200,000 bill isnt just for your car accident but for the 20 illegal aliens who have visited and demanded service without paying a dime. Someone had to fork over the bill, it is just convenient that you a paying customer gets the shaft. Want lower costs, then round up the diseased mother fuckers and send them back to where they belong...

How American Citizens Finance $18.5 Billion In Health Care For Unauthorized Immigrants


A lot of undocumented workers pay taxes...

Sorry but you are going to use brown people as a reason to kill Grandma...

Any excuse...

Consumption taxes? Big fucking deal. They receive more in entitlements and benefits than what they contribute by a factor of a thousand. Kill grandma? Death panels and rationing healthcare is a leftard thing, dumb ass.
he wants us to believe they fill out a 1040!!! too fking funny.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

We go back to the bad old days ... primary care at the ER ... at tax-payer's expense ... the singularly most expensive way to administer health care ... see Zander post #2 ...
how's it any different? isn't the lack of healthcare always at the tax payers expense. people who don't work still get money. right? how does that work? tax payer expense? you all crack me up on your lack of logic.

Well ... who do you think pays for it? ... the guy comes in unconscious, needs emergency neurosurgery, three weeks on life support, four months aphasia ... now we find out he was homeless, not a penny to his name ... who pays the hospital? ...
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

We go back to the bad old days ... primary care at the ER ... at tax-payer's expense ... the singularly most expensive way to administer health care ... see Zander post #2 ...
how's it any different? isn't the lack of healthcare always at the tax payers expense. people who don't work still get money. right? how does that work? tax payer expense? you all crack me up on your lack of logic.

Well ... who do you think pays for it? ... the guy comes in unconscious, needs emergency neurosurgery, three weeks on life support, four months aphasia ... now we find out he was homeless, not a penny to his name ... who pays the hospital? ...
who do you think pays for them today?
Still waiting on Trump's promised plan which will provide you "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost".

In the meantime, all this bitching about Obamacare is just a lot of fucking smoke to cover up Trump's massive hoax. And the massive hoax of the GOP's promise to "repeal and replace".

Because of their hoax, and the willful stupidity of the rubes who refuse to hold them accountable, we are going to end up with UHC.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
Didn't Congress get rid of that already by eliminating the monetary punishment from the tax code?
no they don't? how do they pay taxes without a social security card? or tax Id? please enlighten me. Are you saying they submit a form 1040? Come on man, tell me you're not.

Good quality counterfeit SS cards can be made with a litho machine in your bedroom closet ... south of the border we could rent some space and do birth certificates, SS cards ... maybe even a small intaglio press ... employers will hire these people, put them on payroll and withhold taxes ... the employer sends SS taxes in, not the employee ... and yes, SS gets money all the time where the SSN is bogus, there's no account to credit the money to ... the illegal alien will never ask to collect it ... easy to turn a blind eye to free revenue ...

That's one of the illegal parts of being an illegal alien ... they're working on payroll here, that's illegal ...
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
Who pays it now?
no they don't? how do they pay taxes without a social security card? or tax Id? please enlighten me. Are you saying they submit a form 1040? Come on man, tell me you're not.

Good quality counterfeit SS cards can be made with a litho machine in your bedroom closet ... south of the border we could rent some space and do birth certificates, SS cards ... maybe even a small intaglio press ... employers will hire these people, put them on payroll and withhold taxes ... the employer sends SS taxes in, not the employee ... and yes, SS gets money all the time where the SSN is bogus, there's no account to credit the money to ... the illegal alien will never ask to collect it ... easy to turn a blind eye to free revenue ...

That's one of the illegal parts of being an illegal alien ... they're working on payroll here, that's illegal ...
so they don't fill out a 1040 right?

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