What happens if the individual mandate is eliminated?

IRS form 8965
Taking an exemption when you qualify is different than lying. I can buy some kid's SS and lie and take the child credits.

You shouldn't be calling other people liars ... if you know what I mean ...

Read the instructions ... see where it says if health insurance premiums exceed 8% of you income, it is defined as unaffordable? ... and are exempt from the mandate ...

File a 1040X for 2018 and include the 8965, maybe get your money back ... before then you're out of luck, "A [blank] and their [blank] are soon [blank]" ... you should at least fill out the worksheet, if you qualify, then take it ... I was honestly surprised I qualified, I think because Bronze Plans are so damn expensive here, an evil of the evil Salem/Sacramento Axis of Evil ... evil bastards ...
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

Depends greatly.

Ultimately if the individual makes it impossible to collect the money, the same person pays for it.... the tax payers.

However, what we know, is that people with no insurance whatsoever, get better quality care, than those on Medicaid.

The reason for this, is that the hospital has a better chance of getting the money back from a person with zero insurance, whereas a person with Medicaid, the hospital is capped by law on how much they are paid for service.

Now as that implies, the person with zero insurance is more likely to pay back the cost of treatment, than a person with Medicaid.

How does that work?

Well there are a number of ways that works.

For one thing, some people actually pay the bill. For example, I myself went to the hospital without insurance. They sent me a bill. At that time, I only earned $20K a year. So what I did was.... I paid $50 to $100 a month for about 3 years. I paid the bill.

Some people pay the bill.

Another way, is they sell the debt to a debt collection company. The hospital recoups most of the cost of treatment, and then it's between the patient and the debt collector.

Another way, is they can get money from tax returns. I knew a lady that had debt from health care bills, and every year she just didn't get a tax return. All the money went to the debt. I don't know exactly how that works, but that's what I was told.

Regardless, there are a number of ways that hospitals can recoup the cost.

Lastly, and this does happen... some people will talk with the hospital administration, and request mercy. Some just have their debts forgiven.

Regardless, we don't live in a dictatorship. The government does not have any enumerated power, to force people to buy insurance, if they don't want to, and nor does the government have the right to provide health care or insurance.

So this is the way it should be.
There were about 6 self exemptions written in the tax code.
Used them for Obama's entire term and never paid the voluntary fine.
Anyone who paid it is a moron as it was always uninforcable and written as such. If one didn't find the exemptions that is their own stupid fault.

See the instructions for IRS form 8965 ... I used exemption A, "unaffordable", no one's ever ask for me to justify that claim ...
Exactly what I did for eight years.
Was never questioned and the current rates at the time were at least 20% of my income, far above the 8.5%. Ironic thing was I made too much to qualify for tax credits.
Basically rolled the dice the entire time and paid out of pocket to local clinics. Saved myself thousands.
Now on my wife's awesome employer based private plan.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
There were about 6 self exemptions written in the tax code.
Used them for Obama's entire term and never paid the voluntary fine.
Anyone who paid it is a moron as it was always uninforcable and written as such. If one didn't find the exemptions that is their own stupid fault.
Forget Obama. Trump says no mandate. No mandate no government help.
It is bullshit people did not buy insurance because of the mandate and many paid the fine.
You are avoiding my question. Should we announce no mandate we should clarify no gov help with healthcare. If you cannot pay for necessary medical procedures, tough even if you die.
There were about 6 self exemptions written in the tax code.
Used them for Obama's entire term and never paid the voluntary fine.
Anyone who paid it is a moron as it was always uninforcable and written as such. If one didn't find the exemptions that is their own stupid fault.

See the instructions for IRS form 8965 ... I used exemption A, "unaffordable", no one's ever ask for me to justify that claim ...
Avoiding the question.
No mandate we need to make sure the government does not help with healthcare you cannot afford even if you die.
Or are you a snowflake who thinks the gov should cover dead beats who choose to not buy insurance.
IRS form 8965

Taking an exemption when you qualify is different than lying. I can buy some kid's SS and lie and take the child credits.
dead beat

Oh my Lord ... it's downright rude what I do on the rest of my taxes ... amazing what you can do with some 4562's and enough 8824's ... and I can run everything through a Schedule E ... [ka'ching] ... the IRS wouldn't print these forms if we weren't supposed to use them, so it's all legal ... read the instructions ...

Sometimes I feel bad about making you pay my fair share of the tax load ... but there it is ... like I told Fort Fun, file a 1040X with a 8965 for 2018 and see if you can get your mandate back ... at least fill out the work sheet ... how hard could it be, it's not rocket science, it's just the US Tax Code ...
IRS form 8965

Taking an exemption when you qualify is different than lying. I can buy some kid's SS and lie and take the child credits.
dead beat

Oh my Lord ... it's downright rude what I do on the rest of my taxes ... amazing what you can do with some 4562's and enough 8824's ... and I can run everything through a Schedule E ... [ka'ching] ... the IRS wouldn't print these forms if we weren't supposed to use them, so it's all legal ... read the instructions ...

Sometimes I feel bad about making you pay my fair share of the tax load ... but there it is ... like I told Fort Fun, file a 1040X with a 8965 for 2018 and see if you can get your mandate back ... at least fill out the work sheet ... how hard could it be, it's not rocket science, it's just the US Tax Code ...
Talking these numb-nuts is like playing whack a mole.
None have the balls to say if we do not have a mandate we have to let people unable to pay face consequences including dieing.
It either that or have the government pay costing huge dollars.
The dumbasses wander in all directions but a direct answer.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?

The best thing to do would be to make people sign a wavier when they turn down health insurance so that anything that happens to them they cannot pay cash for or have the credit for ERs and hospitals can refuse to do to them.
As hard as that sounds, that is what has to happen without an insurance mandate. Many who do not want a mandate do not think about what happens to those who choose to opt out and have a medical cost.
If the patient is treated and does not pay, we all end up paying for it through higher medical costs or taxes.
That is why I support the mandate. It makes dead beats be responsible for themself.

Anchor babies and their healthcare costs along with that of their parents soon followed by the chain migration plays a huge part in healthcare costs and they do not pay a dime as the child is covered by medi-care even though it never paid into the system and then because the parents are also indigent and can't pay? Who ends up footing the bill?. Why would I participate in a system that requires me to pay for dead weight that abuses the citizenship clause? If I pay as I go. If I get cancer, I will forgo the treatment because it's not like living among morons like you is something to be valued. I pay my own way through life and with that comes risks. It's little commie fuckwads like you that desire a nanny state. I blame it on the fact that your testicles never dropped.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
None of that is likely to happen because when he enters the hospital and they learn he has no insurance and is not wealthy enough to pay for his care, they will
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
The patient will pay out of his own pocket if he recovers. Unpaid bills will be turned over to collection agencies who will go to court to seize his assets and garnish his wages if he recovers sufficiently to go back to work.
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
Who pays for all the free health care welfare sponges get?
What happens if the individual mandate in Obama care is eliminated by the Supreme Court or Trump?

Anyone can decide to not buy health insurance.

If an individual decides to not buy health insurance.

The person gets in a car accident and ends up with a $200,000 hospital bill, They cannot pay it.

Who pays it?
My health insurance is none of your business or the government's.

Remember when Democrats said abortion was about a right to medical privacy?
A better question is : How can a car accident be capable of generating a $200,000 hospital bill? Why are we, the patients, disconnected from the actual cost of medical services? If your car breaks down, you know exactly what it costs to replace the tires, transmission, etc....but with health care it's all a fucking mystery? No, it's a corrupt system thanks to government intervention.
I have 25 years vested in UFCW union
I was covered under a BC/BS PPO plan
with a $200 deductible and 0-20% responsibility
My union dues every month....$19.00

I don't remember the year...maybe '91-'92
I paid $200 upfront for a $450 medical procedure
satisfying my deductible and my insurance billed for the remainder
Which should have been $250

A month later I received a statement from the benefits office
detailing the charges/payment they received/paid out

$1,500??? What??? There must be a mistake
So, I call the benefits office regarding the statement

Yes, that is correct, we received a bill for $1,500

Well, how can that be, I ask, the procedure cost $450
That is what I was told before I scheduled

Because your plan covers $1,500 maximum
and that's what they do, they bill us for the maximum


If you would have paid the entire bill
you could have sent us the charges/receipts
and we would have sent you a check for $250
minus the $200 deductible

I went off...they didn't get $1,500 they got $1,700
How the hell can they bill my insurance $1,500
for a $450 procedure I paid $200 towards...

That is not right, they shouldn't be able to do that
I want to dispute the claim

The lady tells me...that is a first...
I wish more people were like you
No one has ever wanted to dispute a claim
they had no liability for because we were overcharged
Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way

I told her I was going to get my $200 back...
Within 2 weeks, I had a check for $200

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