What happens if the Republican Party nominates an ineligible candidate for the presidency?

The Republican Party may soon nominate an individual for the presidency who is ineligible, under constitutional law, to serve in the presidency. The U.S. needs at least two viable political parties, and one may be about to commit elective seppuku.


We've already got a precedent, dumbfuck. Briben was nominated after taking $50 million in bribes.

6 hours of algorithmic vote switching and a few days to manufacture millions of ballots and the bed-shitting shut-in was installed as a POTUS..... right?

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The Republican Party may soon nominate an individual for the presidency who is ineligible, under constitutional law, to serve in the presidency. The U.S. needs at least two viable political parties, and one may be about to commit elective seppuku.

It would depend on the state law. I doubt there is a state law written for this eventuality in most states though. So each state would send it's electoral votes to Washington to be opened in a joint session. What would happen is that if Trump were to be the nominee and were to win, when it came time to certify him for the election by the joint session of Congress, there would be an objection (as we saw in 2020). The chambers would vote on the objection. This is where it probably gets interesting as for a constitutional crisis. The House and the Senate would both debate this. What should happen is that if Trump is in prison, his name is taken out of consideration. Would it happen? Probably not. The GOP is completely devoid of character, scruples, and is stocked top to bottom with hypocrites who hate babies and are mean to puppies.

But Here is what I think would happen. As the votes for vice President are counted, the vice president, presumably, would get certified as VP. The 25th Amendment would then be twisted and turned to install the VP as President Elect. The 25th only is used for a seated POTUS/VPOTUS however. But I think the Court will extend that to cover the President/VP Elect though. Its a gray area.

I would imagine there is a school of thought as to where the Democrat with the 2nd highest number of electoral votes would get a sniff for President (in this case a 2nd term) but that wouldn't fly (I believe).
States can choose to keep his name off of ballots.

Congress can choose to not count his electors.
Is Trump's subjugation of the GOP so complete that it will nominate a constitutionally-ineligible candidate for the presidency?

No doubt, many in the Democratic Party hope so, but enough damage has been inflicted upon our democracy and upon law an order by a Cry Babe Sore Loser and his groveling cult.
It would depend on the state law. I doubt there is a state law written for this eventuality in most states though. So each state would send it's electoral votes to Washington to be opened in a joint session. What would happen is that if Trump were to be the nominee and were to win, when it came time to certify him for the election by the joint session of Congress, there would be an objection (as we saw in 2020). The chambers would vote on the objection. This is where it probably gets interesting as for a constitutional crisis. The House and the Senate would both debate this. What should happen is that if Trump is in prison, his name is taken out of consideration. Would it happen? Probably not. The GOP is completely devoid of character, scruples, and is stocked top to bottom with hypocrites who hate babies and are mean to puppies.

But Here is what I think would happen. As the votes for vice President are counted, the vice president, presumably, would get certified as VP. The 25th Amendment would then be twisted and turned to install the VP as President Elect. The 25th only is used for a seated POTUS/VPOTUS however. But I think the Court will extend that to cover the President/VP Elect though. Its a gray area.

I would imagine there is a school of thought as to where the Democrat with the 2nd highest number of electoral votes would get a sniff for President (in this case a 2nd term) but that wouldn't fly (I believe).
No doubt other constitutional scholars will by prompted by Luttig and Trine to weigh in on the exigencies.
We've already got a precedent, dumbfuck. Briben was nominated after taking $50 million in bribes.

6 hours of algorithmic vote switching and a few days to manufacture millions of ballots and the bed-shitting shut-in was installed as a POTUS..... right?
Your lies may provide you with pleasure, Sunshine, but are of no value in the realm of reality.
Since when do no name 'scholars' rule the country? If anything it's a matter for the courts, not ignorant pundits. The premise these clowns posit requires nothing more than accusations, which completely contradicts the notion of due process. This is amateur hour nonsense.
The Republican Party may soon nominate an individual for the presidency who is ineligible, under constitutional law, to serve in the presidency. The U.S. needs at least two viable political parties, and one may be about to commit elective seppuku.

If you are allowed to be a nominee then you are allowed to win and become president. Just because some nutjobs say you are not eligible to be president doesn't mean it is so. And, most Democrats expect Trump will be the nominee and therefore eligible to win and be president.
If you are allowed to be a nominee then you are allowed to win and become president. Just because some nutjobs say you are not eligible to be president doesn't mean it is so. And, most Democrats expect Trump will be the nominee and therefore eligible to win and be president.


The Constitution doesn't stipulate who can or cannot run. So anyone can run. Under 35 can run. Non-citizen can run. Two-term president can run. Impeached & convicted individual can run. Violator of 14th Amendment, section 3, can run.

What the above cannot do is become president.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate who can or cannot run. So anyone can run. Under 35 can run. Non-citizen can run. Two-term president can run. Impeached & convicted individual can run. Violator of 14th Amendment, section 3, can run.

What the above cannot do is become president.
Then why are democrats terrified Trump will win?

Then why are democrats terrified Trump will win?

That link doesn't say Democrats are terrified Trump will win.

Regardless, it's not yet been determined Trump is ineligible. That can be determined by a) a conviction of the insurrection act charge; or b) state(s) refusing to put his name on their respective ballots for the general election; or c) Congress refusing to certify him on January 6, 2025.
If you are allowed to be a nominee then you are allowed to win and become president. Just because some nutjobs say you are not eligible to be president doesn't mean it is so. And, most Democrats expect Trump will be the nominee and therefore eligible to win and be president.
I merely cite the shared position of two of the nation's preeminent constitutional scholars.

Democrats obviously hope that the serial loser will qualify as the nominee.

Others have noted that the 22nd Amendment prohibits being elected to the presidency more than twice. Trump insists that he has already been elected twice.
That link doesn't say Democrats are terrified Trump will win.

Regardless, it's not yet been determined Trump is ineligible. That can be determined by a) a conviction of the insurrection act charge; or b) state(s) refusing to put his name on their respective ballots for the general election; or c) Congress refusing to certify him on January 6, 2025.
LOL. Now that's funny. So, you're saying that if Trump wins, Democrats will say election fraud and will make a plan to make sure the election isn't certified. Sounds just like indictment time to me.
I merely cite the shared position of two of the nation's preeminent constitutional scholars.

Democrats obviously hope that the serial loser will qualify as the nominee.

Others have noted that the 22nd Amendment prohibits being elected to the presidency more than twice. Trump insists that he has already been elected twice.
And not even Democrats agree with that BS.
LOL. Now that's funny. So, you're saying that if Trump wins, Democrats will say election fraud and will make a plan to make sure the election isn't certified. Sounds just like indictment time to me.

Not all states are run by Democrats. Neither is Congress.

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