What happens when kids aren't disciplined: teens kill teacher over grades

Two white kids in the middle of a red state, God's just and righteous country? I thought they had rejected Roe v Wade. We were on the path to becoming pure and chaste again.
I wonder what could have happened?
I'll bet if we do research we will find that the parents were Dims
No one is giving them a pass because they are white and what two teenagers do has nothing to do with some Supreme Court decision.
You sound bitter and petty. Obviously you are.
actually, poster doesn't just sound bitter and petty but totally hackish.. you know, has the opinion he should attack Rs at every opportunity, even when it has nothing to do with red / blue state.. All states, obviously, have murders. Dumb
That requires parents who give a shit. There are too many leftist parents who haven't a clue about raising civilized human children. The leftist parents of two generations ago are a very good argument for abortion.
Just talking about jury duty in another forum. This is an example of a jury I'd love to be on.

Leftists is a stupid description. Anyone who drives vehicles in America usually drives on the left side of the vehicle.
Actually, they should both be put to death.
Iowa state law apparently requires juveniles to always have the chance for parole, no matter how vicious or reprehensible the crime was.

Source: CBS News, Left-Center Bias, High Factual Reporting.
Two dipshits now sitting there weighing their bleak futures.
High school students should be taught that they are in their 'stupid years' in regard to judgment at their age (raging hormones and all). Another failure of the educational system.
What surprises me is that the kids cared enough about what their grades were and what they were not.

God bless you and the teacher's family always!!!

Believe It or not there is a Wikipedia article showing the statistics and exact details of hundreds of school attacks and shootings going way back into the 1800s. Granted, today we have sophisticated guns AND a much higher population not to mention a much higher stress level for all people. But a text like that are nothing new and you can find numerous records dating from the 1800s about teenagers bringing a knives or guns to school and attacking either a student or a teacher. However today we find people who are more angry at the system rather than an individual. What does that say about what we have today??? Certainly many conflicts and attacks are still very personal but many of them are also attacks against a system which many perceive has failed us.
Believe It or not there is a Wikipedia article showing the statistics and exact details of hundreds of school attacks and shootings going way back into the 1800s. Granted, today we have sophisticated guns AND a much higher population not to mention a much higher stress level for all people. But a text like that are nothing new and you can find numerous records dating from the 1800s about teenagers bringing a knives or guns to school and attacking either a student or a teacher. However today we find people who are more angry at the system rather than an individual. What does that say about what we have today??? Certainly many conflicts and attacks are still very personal but many of them are also attacks against a system which many perceive has failed us.
well, with all those crazy leftists out in the street destroying everything and say Death to cops and etc.. what do we expect? And I am having a very hard time with the notion that teens did the same level of violence in the 1800s as today.. I know u didn't say that EXACTLY but some posters could read that into your words
well, with all those crazy leftists out in the street destroying everything and say Death to cops and etc.. what do we expect? And I am having a very hard time with the notion that teens did the same level of violence in the 1800s as today.. I know u didn't say that EXACTLY but some posters could read that into your words
Well as I said, those were simpler times. People didn't stress about the things we stressed about today. They stressed about having enough to eat and having decent clothes to wear on a roof over their heads. They stressed about whether their crops were going to grow. There were also far fewer people around to stress about anything and a lower population also put less stress on the individual in terms of crowding and competition. Indeed I agree that leftists have gradually nod away at our Constitution and our Republic and made a horrible mess of things. This also turns people nutty after a while. Nuttiness begets nuttiness. Another thing we didn't have is social media or electronic media of any sort that is a tool for twisting minds and twisting the truth. These things also corrupt people and turn them insane sometimes. If one in students committed an act of violence in school 100 years ago and the proportion basically stays the same, and the population increases several times over then the number of people going around with a chip on their shoulders also going to increase. And it's going to be exponential for the reasons that we stated. But I guarantee you if you go find that article on Wikipedia you will see a list of literally hundreds of recorded incidences of violence going back into the 1800s. It will take you a while to get through it all if you read them one by one like I did. Back then individuals tended to get angry at other individuals not so much an evil system that they perceive is supported by some and not by others. And of course such a system is usually the product of the left. And if it's not a product of the left then it eventually becomes corrupted by the left.

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