What happens when “settled science,” isn’t?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Dramatic warming may exact a terrible price in terms of human welfare, especially in poorer countries. But cutting emissions enough to put a real dent in warming may also put a real dent in economic growth. This could also exact a terrible humanitarian price, especially in poorer countries.

"Given the so-far unfathomed complexity of global climate and the tenuousness of our grasp on the full set of relevant physical mechanisms, I have favoured waiting a decade or two in order to test and improve the empirical reliability of our climate models, while also allowing the economies of the less-developed parts of the world to grow unhindered, improving their position to adapt to whatever heavy weather may come their way. I have been told repeatedly that “we cannot afford to wait”. More distressingly, my brand of sceptical empiricism has been often met with a bludgeoning dogmatism about the authority of scientific consensus."

"In Europe the other day, President Obama proclaimed that climate change is the “global threat of our time” — which really sounds amazingly out-of-touch with all of the economies of the world struggling to prosper under the weight of so much big government."

Climate change: A cooling consensus | The Economist

Question: What happens when ?settled science,? isn?t? « Hot Air
big government grows crops?I thought was the three elements of Earth, Sun, rain and temperature, no, make that 4 elements Earth, Sun, rain and temperature and fertilization, no, make that 5 elements.....
big government grows crops?I thought was the three elements of Earth, Sun, rain and temperature, no, make that 4 elements Earth, Sun, rain and temperature and fertilization, no, make that 5 elements.....

No, big government doesn't grow crops. It fails miserably any time it tries. That's why allowing government to grow big is a direct threat to all the hungry people in the world.
It should be an easy exercise to determine exactly when the climate break-down. This is all statistical analysis based on the error bars in their original variables. Don't hold your breath for the issue driven model makers to do that themselves...
There's no glory or money in researching the date of the failure of the "settled science"..

Pretty sure that we can say they are not modeling a major component of the temperature rise.

The earth may continue heating as it has been for at least a couple thousand years. But we still don't have a plausible projection or complete theory of why that might be..
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