What happens when there is no 'Gun Grab'??

What happens if there's no gun grab?

We will have the NRA, sensible politicians, and supporters of the 2nd Amendment to thank.
Whats really funny is the gun nuts think the Feds can't or don't monitor internet traffic, looking for potential problem people. Sometimes they call them terrorists. Even domestic terrorists. Ever hear of the Patroit Act? And if they spent any time on a variety of sites, looking for the gun nutters wanting to go to war with the Federal Governmnet, it wouldn't take them long to know who, what, when and they could care less about the number of guns you have. You will be arrested when you go to your car. Or come out of work.

Feds don't have to see a gun registry to know who the gun nutters are. They are all over the 'Net. Bragging about how they will go to war with the USA. Stupid nutters.
If there is no gun grab it means only one thing. After realizing that Americans have armed spectacularly armed themselves he thought better of the idea.
What happen's when there is no 'Gun Grab'??

A year from now, when every law-abiding citizen who owns gun still owns his gun, still purchases ammunition from the same dealer in the same manner, still goes target shooting or hunting with his son, still feels safe with the gun he purchased for self-defense, what happens then??

What happens a year from now when the majority of gun owners still have their carry permits, their concealed weapon permits, or other state and local permits for firearms?

What will the NRA claim then? "It's all-part of Obama's double secret Gun Grab agenda to take place after he leaves office."

What will the paranoid freaks and nutters listening to Drudge, Limbaugh, or Jones say then?... when NO legal guns have been 'grabbed'.

What will be your hyperbolically insane talking point then, when no 'Gun Grab' happens? Will you feel disappointed or let down because the black man didn't try for your guns? Will you feel cheated that there was no civil war, no race riot, no conflict at all between the federal government and law-abiding gun owners?

What happens when congress passes no 'gun grab' legislation, just a bill that promotes a respectful exchange of information between mental health professional and law enforcement?? --a method that does not stigmatize the patient, but keeps potentially dangerous patients safe from harming themselves or others by notifying law enforcement when a serious diagnosis is made?

What happens when the AFT is tasked with working with local law enforcement to better track guns moving from legal ownership to illegal possession? What happens when the focus is on criminals who purchase firearms for the sole purpose of moving them up I-95 and selling specifically on the black market? -- No Gun Grab, just a more focused effort at curbing illegal gun trafficking. (you read about it in the papers, but no one ever comes to your house because you follow the law)

What happens when your neighbor who has a criminal record is arrested for domestic violence and the Sheriff takes all firearms out of his house? Is that a "Gun Grab"!!?? But wait, he wasn't supposed to have them in the first place... hmmm. Still a gun grab??

What happens when the AFT and FBI update their NICS reporting procedures and systems to better facilitate prompt and accurate reporting from the states?? What happens when you're not on this list because you're a law-abiding gun owner and no one ever comes to your house to take your guns??

What happens when your at a gun show and your favorite dealer asks you to fill out a new form or show him your state carry permit (which assumes you've already been cleared). Minutes after filling out the form, you purchase anything you want? What happens then? Will you scream "infringement" after you get to purchase exactly what you came to purchase?

What happens when your daughter gets a restraining order against her ex-husband and the Sheriff is able to quickly check records via a new and improved computer system and see that her ex owns 2 more handguns than he claims and an assault riffle--purchased in another state.... When the Sheriff takes his guns away, will you scream Gun Grab!! -- Not your gun or your daughter's gun, the ex-husband?? Will you bitch about a tiny tax on ammunition to pay for the new computer system that flagged your daughters ex-husband as having purchased guns out of state??

And, oh God no... what if, what if you wanted to sell your AR-15, and in order to do so, you had to ask to see the buyer's state carry permit (or some documentation that he had been cleared by NICS) AND, God forbid, you also had to fill out a transfer of ownership form similar to a pink slip that shows the AR-15 no longer belongs to you???!!! Filling out the form takes 1 minute 46 seconds of your time. He pays you for the AR-15 and leaves. But you'll never get that extra 2 minutes back. Will you scream Infringement of my rights!!!??

What happens when a schizophrenic goes off his meds and attempts to purchase 3000 rounds on the internet, thus setting off a red flag preventing the purchase from going through and notifying local law enforcement and a social worker to pay him a visit? They talk him into entering an inpatient program and getting back on his meds and he never carries out the plan to massacre the shopping mall where your wife and children shop. Your life doesn't change one bit. You enjoy next Christmas with your family while a mentally ill man gets the help he needs.

What happens when laws on the books are enforced in a more intelligent and thoughtful manner, curbing the flow of weapons to the cities?

What happens when your worst fears are not realized? What happens when your erection of paranoia goes flaccid?

What happens when you can't remember where you buried all the extra ammo your bought after Obama was re-elected?

You don't even know what the laws are now. In another thread you made a list of demands and everyone of them is already federal law. How about before you make demands and go off half cocked, you actually learn what is and is not already the law.

As for enforcement.... for some reason career criminals are not prosecuted on gun charges all across this Country. In all spectrum of political leanings.

Be specific.

Be specific about what You deny posting a list of demands for laws in another thread?
Whats really funny is the gun nuts think the Feds can't or don't monitor internet traffic, looking for potential problem people. Sometimes they call them terrorists. Even domestic terrorists. Ever hear of the Patroit Act? And if they spent any time on a variety of sites, looking for the gun nutters wanting to go to war with the Federal Governmnet, it wouldn't take them long to know who, what, when and they could care less about the number of guns you have. You will be arrested when you go to your car. Or come out of work.

Feds don't have to see a gun registry to know who the gun nutters are. They are all over the 'Net. Bragging about how they will go to war with the USA. Stupid nutters.

Your aluminum foil hat is too tight.
Whats really funny is the gun nuts think the Feds can't or don't monitor internet traffic, looking for potential problem people. Sometimes they call them terrorists. Even domestic terrorists. Ever hear of the Patroit Act? And if they spent any time on a variety of sites, looking for the gun nutters wanting to go to war with the Federal Governmnet, it wouldn't take them long to know who, what, when and they could care less about the number of guns you have. You will be arrested when you go to your car. Or come out of work.

Feds don't have to see a gun registry to know who the gun nutters are. They are all over the 'Net. Bragging about how they will go to war with the USA. Stupid nutters.

When Jarrad Laughner spouted his insane bullshit on internet sites, and was reported to law enforcement and the mental health community, they swooped in and arrested him, thereby preventing him from shooting several people, two of which were elected officials.

wait.......nope, that didn't work did it?
^easily manipulated moron and a pathological liar

why Artie?.....there are people right now calling for confiscating......the only way you can even think about it is if everyone with a gun registers them....thats step one.......you get the right people in office and there it is......do you trust the Government enough to say they would never attempt this?......i sure as hell dont....and if Obama was any kind of a leader and does not want to ..."gun grab"....why the hell don't he lead and diffuse this bullshit by getting out there and telling people something.....instead he lets these things build to a boiling point and then its to late.....

Yes, I think the government would not attempt to confiscate our guns. I think the very thought is pants on head retarded, in fact. If you think that's happening or on the verge of happening ... I like ya, Harry but damn ... that's beyond silly.

Obama is a politician and he is using the opportunity to give the right plenty of rope to hang themselves with by looking like a bunch of loons in reaction to the few who are impotently calling for the repealing of the second amendment.

Yes, I think the government would not attempt to confiscate our guns. I think the very thought is pants on head retarded, in fact. If you think that's happening or on the verge of happening ... I like ya, Harry but damn ... that's beyond silly.

Artie im not saying it is going to happen now......but you get enough people who want this in office down the line......they know who has them they give the order to do it.....then what?.....it wont seem so silly will it?....you trust these fuckers i dont.....im sorry power corrupts and some of these people are VERY corrupt.....hence why i believe NO ONE should be a Congress person more than ten years....

Obama is a politician and he is using the opportunity to give the right plenty of rope to hang themselves with by looking like a bunch of loons in reaction to the few who are impotently calling for the repealing of the second amendment

it also shows he aint a leader as i have been saying for quite a while now.....a leader leads Artie.....you dont allow things to fester among your people to prove a point.....some of those die hards on the right might go off on someone because of what they believe about this guy.....a leader diffuses not ignite hostility......maybe Obama should be less of a Politician,and more of a leader.....
Whats really funny is the gun nuts think the Feds can't or don't monitor internet traffic, looking for potential problem people. Sometimes they call them terrorists. Even domestic terrorists. Ever hear of the Patroit Act? And if they spent any time on a variety of sites, looking for the gun nutters wanting to go to war with the Federal Governmnet, it wouldn't take them long to know who, what, when and they could care less about the number of guns you have. You will be arrested when you go to your car. Or come out of work.

Feds don't have to see a gun registry to know who the gun nutters are. They are all over the 'Net. Bragging about how they will go to war with the USA. Stupid nutters.

if they know who they are as you say......when are they going to do something about these people?......how come they dont crush the fucking violent street gangs in the Country?.....they know who they are......these guys will shoot you and laugh about it.....or shoot at each other and hit some kid walking home from school.....these are the real gun nutters.....not your neighbor......when are they going to get serious about the REAL gun violence in this Country?.....how many deadly gang shootings happen around the country as compared to some guy flipping out?...look at those stats....
why Artie?.....there are people right now calling for confiscating......the only way you can even think about it is if everyone with a gun registers them....thats step one.......you get the right people in office and there it is......do you trust the Government enough to say they would never attempt this?......i sure as hell dont....and if Obama was any kind of a leader and does not want to ..."gun grab"....why the hell don't he lead and diffuse this bullshit by getting out there and telling people something.....instead he lets these things build to a boiling point and then its to late.....

Yes, I think the government would not attempt to confiscate our guns. I think the very thought is pants on head retarded, in fact. If you think that's happening or on the verge of happening ... I like ya, Harry but damn ... that's beyond silly.

Obama is a politician and he is using the opportunity to give the right plenty of rope to hang themselves with by looking like a bunch of loons in reaction to the few who are impotently calling for the repealing of the second amendment.

Yes, I think the government would not attempt to confiscate our guns. I think the very thought is pants on head retarded, in fact. If you think that's happening or on the verge of happening ... I like ya, Harry but damn ... that's beyond silly.

Artie im not saying it is going to happen now......but you get enough people who want this in office down the line......they know who has them they give the order to do it.....then what?.....it wont seem so silly will it?....you trust these fuckers i dont.....im sorry power corrupts and some of these people are VERY corrupt.....hence why i believe NO ONE should be a Congress person more than ten years....

Obama is a politician and he is using the opportunity to give the right plenty of rope to hang themselves with by looking like a bunch of loons in reaction to the few who are impotently calling for the repealing of the second amendment

it also shows he aint a leader as i have been saying for quite a while now.....a leader leads Artie.....you dont allow things to fester among your people to prove a point.....some of those die hards on the right might go off on someone because of what they believe about this guy.....a leader diffuses not ignite hostility......maybe Obama should be less of a Politician,and more of a leader.....

A whole lotta ifs there, Harry, and I'm more than fine with Obama exposing the clown shoes party. No matter what he does they will go apeshit over it anyway. Fuck them. Shining a light on them IS leading as far as I'm concerned.
how come they dont crush the fucking violent street gangs in the Country?.....they know who they are......these guys will shoot you and laugh about it.....or shoot at each other and hit some kid walking home from school.....these are the real gun nutters.....not your neighbor......when are they going to get serious about the REAL gun violence in this Country?.....how many deadly gang shootings happen around the country as compared to some guy flipping out?...look at those stats....

Didn't you know? Gangs aren't the problem, with the drive by shootings and spraying bullets everywhere. The problem is the law-abiding citizens who want guns to protect themselves and rarely use them outside of gun range training.
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Yes, I think the government would not attempt to confiscate our guns. I think the very thought is pants on head retarded, in fact. If you think that's happening or on the verge of happening ... I like ya, Harry but damn ... that's beyond silly.

Obama is a politician and he is using the opportunity to give the right plenty of rope to hang themselves with by looking like a bunch of loons in reaction to the few who are impotently calling for the repealing of the second amendment.

Yes, I think the government would not attempt to confiscate our guns. I think the very thought is pants on head retarded, in fact. If you think that's happening or on the verge of happening ... I like ya, Harry but damn ... that's beyond silly.

Artie im not saying it is going to happen now......but you get enough people who want this in office down the line......they know who has them they give the order to do it.....then what?.....it wont seem so silly will it?....you trust these fuckers i dont.....im sorry power corrupts and some of these people are VERY corrupt.....hence why i believe NO ONE should be a Congress person more than ten years....

Obama is a politician and he is using the opportunity to give the right plenty of rope to hang themselves with by looking like a bunch of loons in reaction to the few who are impotently calling for the repealing of the second amendment

it also shows he aint a leader as i have been saying for quite a while now.....a leader leads Artie.....you dont allow things to fester among your people to prove a point.....some of those die hards on the right might go off on someone because of what they believe about this guy.....a leader diffuses not ignite hostility......maybe Obama should be less of a Politician,and more of a leader.....

A whole lotta ifs there, Harry, and I'm more than fine with Obama exposing the clown shoes party. No matter what he does they will go apeshit over it anyway. Fuck them. Shining a light on them IS leading as far as I'm concerned.
No matter what he does they will go apeshit over it anyway

the Far Right yea i agree Artie......they will.....but you have many Moderate and more Liberal Republicans and probably Conservative Democrat GUN owners wondering were this guy stands on this ......and the longer he lets this rhetoric by the people leading this shit get out of hand by not fucking saying something......the worse THIS divide is going to get......if he says something about this,then he has done his part and its up to him to live up to that and it should calm the more reasonable people down.....im sorry i just think if your supposed to be the leader of the Country....LEAD....lots of people on both sides dont trust these fuckers,i sure as hell dont.....and our President is not doing anything to convince me i should....
how come they dont crush the fucking violent street gangs in the Country?.....they know who they are......these guys will shoot you and laugh about it.....or shoot at each other and hit some kid walking home from school.....these are the real gun nutters.....not your neighbor......when are they going to get serious about the REAL gun violence in this Country?.....how many deadly gang shootings happen around the country as compared to some guy flipping out?...look at those stats....

Didn't you know? Gangs aren't the problem, with the drive by shootings and spraying bullets everywhere. The problem is the law-abiding citizens who want guns to protect themselves and rarely use them outside of gun range training.

how come the people you ask questions of never answer?......anyhow i get that feeling Virus listening to a lot of Anti-gun people here.....no one mentions the real gun nutters out there.....its the guy who stands up for the 2nd thats the gun nutter.....not the guys who shoot people every day in every large City in the Country.....
Whats really funny is the gun nuts think the Feds can't or don't monitor internet traffic, looking for potential problem people. Sometimes they call them terrorists. Even domestic terrorists. Ever hear of the Patroit Act? And if they spent any time on a variety of sites, looking for the gun nutters wanting to go to war with the Federal Governmnet, it wouldn't take them long to know who, what, when and they could care less about the number of guns you have. You will be arrested when you go to your car. Or come out of work.

Feds don't have to see a gun registry to know who the gun nutters are. They are all over the 'Net. Bragging about how they will go to war with the USA. Stupid nutters.

Your aluminum foil hat is too tight.

The scary thing is he thinks behavior like that by the government is ok.
What happen's when there is no 'Gun Grab'??

What will the paranoid freaks and nutters listening to Drudge, Limbaugh, or Jones say then?... when NO legal guns have been 'grabbed'.

We won!

All the nutters said he wouldn't try. Including him.

What did the government do with all those brains they stole from the liberals?
Of course there's going to be no gun grab. The only reason we're even still arguing about this is because things are going pretty smoothly in our country right now and there's nothing else really pressing to fight about. Soon some waterheaded conservative will do something stupid that will make national news and we'll all be on to the next political trend.
First, if you buy a gun or a receiver over the internet, current federal law requires it to be shipped to a licensed dealer who can't make delivery without the NICS check. Other parts can be delivered directly.

What about ammo?

What about ammo? What arbitrary number is enough? Who decides?

And the NICS database is not accurate, but needs to be.

The no fly data base isn't accurate either so what's your point?
Just knowing there will be a background check discourages ineligible people from trying to purchase.

Also, what about flagging people like James Holmes who are stockpiling ammo. An FBI computer monitoring all internet sales could do this.

Right, with the left it's always big brother, tracking, monitoring, no thank you. That's not freedom.

Second, where does due process fall in the schemes to intervene in the cases of people being treated medically for these suspect conditions?

A test case for any new law would determine if public safety trumps due process for schizophrenics. You're talking about a day in court for the patient. Look at it this way, police can enter a home without a warrant if they hear screaming. It's called exigent circumstances--a legal exception to the 4th.

Don't you think paranoid schizophrenic hearing voices is an exception to the 2nd and he should lose his right upon diagnosis.

There's no need for a test case, doctors are already required to report a patient who they consider a danger to themselves or others.

Where is the due process for dishonorable discharges?

No military experience I see, a dishonorable can only be issued as the result of a Courts Martial.

Third, what is you don't understand that the federal government is broke, we are borrowing 42% of everything we're spending, so where is all this money going to come from. And don't tell me it will come from people exercising their 2nd amendment rights, unless you are willing to accept a poll tax to pay for elections.

Tax on bullets.

If a poll tax is an infringement of a right, then so is a special tax on guns or ammo. What is it about "Shall not be infringed" do you not understand?

So you're not willing to kick in a little extra for the sake of public safety?? This makes you and your family safer.

How fucking selfish and un-American!!

Oh Boy! The name calling stage, the point where a lib admits defeat? Because he has no more BS in the bag.

The more the gun cult opposes reasonable measures, the more they put their own gun to their head, figuratively.

Right, and some leftist but hole gets to decide what's "reasonable". Because any one who disagrees can't possibly be reasonable, right? And Americans who have different ideas must be cultist, that's the way you leftist alinskites try to marginalize people, but you do that only to make yourself feel superior.

Federal funding to states that move toward the Ca or NY model of gun reg**that's the ticket.

Actually many states are moving away from the CA and NY models just as fast as they can, so keep calling names and try to marginalize and you likely to find out where the real majority of Americans stand on Gun Rights.
Shouldn't voters have the same vetting process as gun owners?

Right now, they pretty much have the same vetting process, no? I'm not opposed to ID requirements for voting. I think it is a pretty reasonable thing to ask.

I think gun owners should have similar vetting to car ownership and driver's licenses. ID, insurance, registration, safety education, periodic renewals, etc. And similar ability to revoke ownership for cause.
Shouldn't voters have the same vetting process as gun owners?

Right now, they pretty much have the same vetting process, no? I'm not opposed to ID requirements for voting. I think it is a pretty reasonable thing to ask.

I think gun owners should have similar vetting to car ownership and driver's licenses. ID, insurance, registration, safety education, periodic renewals, etc. And similar ability to revoke ownership for cause.

Bullshit. There is no right to own a car enshrined in the Constitution. If you need a license to have one, then it isn't a right.
Whats really funny is the gun nuts think the Feds can't or don't monitor internet traffic, looking for potential problem people. Sometimes they call them terrorists. Even domestic terrorists. Ever hear of the Patroit Act? And if they spent any time on a variety of sites, looking for the gun nutters wanting to go to war with the Federal Governmnet, it wouldn't take them long to know who, what, when and they could care less about the number of guns you have. You will be arrested when you go to your car. Or come out of work.

Feds don't have to see a gun registry to know who the gun nutters are. They are all over the 'Net. Bragging about how they will go to war with the USA. Stupid nutters.

Your aluminum foil hat is too tight.

The scary thing is he thinks behavior like that by the government is ok.

All liberals do. They are OK with Gulags and dragging people from their homes in the middle of the night.

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