What happens when you mix.......


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
What transpires when you mix chlorine and alkylamines with nitrogen oxides, nitrous acid, to nitrate salts? Does anyone know the resulting chemical names?

Can anyone one here answer these questions?
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It depends upon the physical state of the ingredients, and upon the order in which you combine them. The name also depends on the nature of the carbon chain attached to the alkylamine, assuming you are performing organic synthesis.

Also, an amateur attempting to work with diatomic chlorine will likely kill himself.
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It depends upon the physical state of the ingredients, and upon the order in which you combine them. The name also depends on the nature of the carbon chain attached to the alkylamine, assuming you are performing organic synthesis.

Also, an amateur attempting to work with diatomic chlorine will likely kill himself.

The reason the question came to mind was this notice from EPA.


Here in the local town where we live the water treatment superintendent is soon to retire. He has said on several occasions that the water being treated from the lake is full of contaminates. Although there are no manufacturing facilities within miles of this lake which would contribute any industrial pollution to the lake, these pollutants exceed the acceptable limits. It would appear that the source for these contaminants is either agriculturally related due to rain and runoff. It does not appear that they could come from any other source. When the water superintendent was asked the question about the source of the contamination he stated that he felt these chemicals were in the ground water. This would tell me that somewhere North of the dam is a spring which is now covered over by the lake's backwaters. Does this sound feasible?

I'm wondering how much of the farm runoff when it is combined with Chlorine contributes to the N-Nitrosodimethylamine. If 12,000,000 kilograms or 26,455,471.5 pounds of Isopropylamine salt aka Glyphosate is being applied to the farm land in the United States, how much of this is going into the drinking water where Chlorine is added to the water to make it safe for people to drink?

There are ten people we know in the last year that have been diagnosed with cancer here in this small rural area we live. Most of them are in their fifties. I am wondering if there is a feasible means to get this N-Nitrosodimethylamine out of the drinking water?
You are right, NDMA is both a carcinogen and highly toxic to the liver. Worse still, it is resistant to most types of filters (including activate charcoal).

From what I've read, it seems the only way to eliminate it is zapping it with UV radiation, blasting apart of the molecule. Unfortunately, mass UV irradiation is not standard in most American water treatment facilities, as it is expensive.

In lab, we have small UV machines to purify our water for experiments. If you have the money to spend, you could hook up such a machine to your home's water supply. Ebay has both used and new units you could look into.

If you are seriously concerned about NDMA contamination, I think it would be a wise investment.
It took me awhile to find this thread but I wanted to bring it up as a reminder for people.
We have not had Internet for some years now and so I had not been able to keep up with all the new developments on this issue.
The good news is people are now able to get UV water filtration systems at little cost.
The bad news is many people especially the poor do not realize that they are being poisoned by the water that they drink.
My dad passed away several years ago. He had called me and asked to fly me out to see him to say goodbye. He was bleeding to death internally and doctors could not stop the bleeding. He had already been in the hospital bleeding for ten days before he called. The very nice young doctor watching over him told us he would fully bleed out in six to ten days prior to sending him home to die in peace.
Once we got to his house he told me he was not ready to die and asked if I could find a way to stop the bleeding. The short story is by herbal treatments he was blessed with another year to take stock of his life, beliefs and such. Nitrates in the water where they lived thinned his internal organs and skin to the point there just was not a whole lot of him left (other than his spirit and a will to live).
Dad was a thirty year cancer survivor who had been given a five percent chance of survival. The doctors attributed that cancer to when he was working at nuclear facilities for a year or so. He could not overcome the farm chemicals though. He allowed his frame to deteriorate to a point where he could not recover.
I have noticed a lot of propaganda online in the last few days concerning the safety of mixing in Chlorine to effectively disperse Glyphosate. These are nothing more than word games to relax those who are watching.

I am not sure how long we will have Internet but I wanted to say to those of you who inform and watch out for the others may the Lord Bless you All.

Forgot to put in this link... informative water quality review in the UK http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/14557/1/OR11013.pdf
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I also forgot to mention a simple method for UV water treatment for those who cannot afford an expensive UV treament system. The larger glass wine or whiskey bottles, an old glass cider gallon or half gallon jug will also work. Fill your glass containers with tap water and leave them out in the sunshine for six hours- twenty four hours if the weather is mixed with clouds. Nitrates must be steam distilled out of the water. One can use an old crock pot base and a large glass bottle to acomplish steam distillation. Put an old saucer down in the crock pot before putting in the bottle. Get yourself about four feet of clear tubing. Hook the plastic tube onto the glass bottle top using any mickey mouse configuration you can come up with (various sizes of little pieces of clear tubing will work for this). Put the hose up using a hook or wire coat hanger about three feet above the heating bottle. Wrap the tubing over the hook and lead it into a bottle to catch the dripping condensation. Results pure water.

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