What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
I give up...what happens?
Lets see...

When we provoke an international crisis like Iran, we are on our own.

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
US allies distance themselves from Trump decision to assassinate Suleimani
But the response of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was particularly striking, as he has been one of Trump’s staunchest supporters on the world stage.
He told a meeting of his security cabinet on Monday: “The assassination of Suleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”
The US stands alone
Our allies aren't what they used to be. Time to order some Freedom Fries.
Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be

You mean a trusted stooge (as in we could be trusted to play the stooge).

It's great when things change for the better.

I don't like Trump as a person.

As a president....he's doing a good job of letting the rest of the world know that the Obama (pushover) era is over.
Obama worked with international cooperation. He was viewed as a reliable ally whose word could be trusted.

The world is shocked at Trumps inept foreign policy, lying, bullying, constant policy shifts .......we are on our own

You mean the illegal wars of Obama?

Which illegal wars?
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
I give up...what happens?
Lets see...

When we provoke an international crisis like Iran, we are on our own.

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
Our allies aren't what they used to be. Time to order some Freedom Fries.
Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be

You mean a trusted stooge (as in we could be trusted to play the stooge).

It's great when things change for the better.

I don't like Trump as a person.

As a president....he's doing a good job of letting the rest of the world know that the Obama (pushover) era is over.
Obama worked with international cooperation. He was viewed as a reliable ally whose word could be trusted.

The world is shocked at Trumps inept foreign policy, lying, bullying, constant policy shifts .......we are on our own

You mean the illegal wars of Obama?

Which illegal wars?

Thank you for proving that the far left will deny the illegal wars of Obama!
I give up...what happens?
Lets see...

When we provoke an international crisis like Iran, we are on our own.

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.
Lets see...

When we provoke an international crisis like Iran, we are on our own.

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

Cheney simply told Libya to behave or be bombed into the Stone Age.
They behaved.
Bad Republican!
that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

Cheney simply told Libya to behave or be bombed into the Stone Age.
They behaved.
Bad Republican!

lol... whatever you come up to deflect still means you lied.
Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be
Our so-called allies have changed.
We are America. Our military is tops. Engaging our military is how we send warning messages to the rest of the world.

It changed tremendously when Donnie boi dumb foreign policy stepped in.
Maybe you haven’t noticed. Not a single western allies not even Bibi supporting US.
There is no moderate Left. That died with JFK.

2ndly you are a pathological liar like every other Leftist Communist I know.

3rdly, I am confident you criticized Reagan when he went after Qadaffi and cheered when Clinton, Biden, and Obama killed Qaddafi.

Being a hypocrite & a liar is no way to win an already failed argument.

Attacking our President & our country while Defending The Terrorist State of Iran means you already lost before your fingers hit the keyboard.

Now go put on your best Burka, grab a gallon of ice cream, stuff your ugly face and cry!

Soleimani has had a travel ban since 2007 on him from The UN for his involvement in terrorism and with Iran’s illegal Nuclear Weapon’s Program.

So what does he do? He ignores it, repeatedly flies to Russia, visits terrorists in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. He was in violation of that Travel Ban when he was in Iraq.

The only reason this piece of crap lasted this long is that he travels with human shields, innocent citizens he forces to fly with him.

This is why it required a pin point strike to take him out before he got back on that airplane.

He was a coward like Obama Bin Laden and hid behind women and children.

Here it is in plainer words: THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME.

Everything Dumb Donald does something stupid, he tries to claim that it's the same thing Obama did. And every time he says it, he's lying. Obama Bin Laden was a hunted and wanted man with a price on his head. The man Trump had murdered was an legally appointed official in a foreign government.

Obama had permission to kill Bin Laden from the Pakistani government, and Trump didn't even ask the Iraqi's if he could take out the Iranian on Iraqi soil. Trump may start WWIII with his action, Obama did not.

All of the Russian oligarchs have travel bans on them and Trump is inviting these guys to the White House.

Also, being in violation of a travel ban, doesn't give Trump the right to murder him.

See how the far left is for the terrorists and think he was murdered as it was not deserved!

But remember it was ok when Obama was out killing American citizens in Iraq without due process..

First off, I’m a moderate left, and secondly, he was murdered.

Unlike Bin Laden, who the USA were offering $1 million bounty for, were no international warrants outstanding against this man. Trump unilaterally decided to murder him without consulting your allies, over the objections of his generals, and without asking the Iraqis to violate their sovereign laws. That’s murder.

Dude you are very good example of dishonest and prolific liar. Like Donnie boy.

Killing Americans in Iraq with out due process? Bullshit. You are full of cow dung.

^^^ right on cue ^^^


That is a as bad as the stupid hypocritical Moon Bats bitching about Trump but completely ignoring the massive lies of the filthy dishonest Democrats that they vote for, isn't it?

Right wing sites. I especially like the one saying healthcare costs up 15% in 2010 blaming Obama when the ACA was passed in 2010 & took over a year to take effect.

An example of how easily you are duped.
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
I thought Obama stopped Iran's nuclear program. Or was that another Obama lie?

The smoking gun comment was the lie Busjhtold about Iraq you fucking idiot.
Yet God Loves us and blesses us anyways while the Muzzi god Ollie Assburn makes his people live in the desert, plagued by locusts, poverty war and brutality and completely dependent on the generosity and the dollars of Western Nations to survive.

Obama tried to wreck us, and Trump resurrected us. We are better allies than ever before and twice as deadly.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be
Our so-called allies have changed.
We are America. Our military is tops. Engaging our military is how we send warning messages to the rest of the world.

We are America
We have an unstable foreign policy and have implemented questionable decisions in the past including unprovoked invasions, use of torture, political assassination

We are not the ally we once were

You are LYING again. Obama is far better than Trump.

Trump has ruined this country here and overseas. Trump made us look weak, coward, stupid and unreliable ally. That’s a fact.

Twice as deadly? Like Trump abandoning an ally so Syria and Putin can take over? Like pardoning a war criminal then invite him to his New Years party.
I can give you an example where the whole WORLD is watching this dumb fuck president.

How the hell you can say? We are better allies than before. When Trump made us a laughing stock.
Yet God Loves us and blesses us anyways while the Muzzi god Ollie Assburn makes his people live in the desert, plagued by locusts, poverty war and brutality and completely dependent on the generosity and the dollars of Western Nations to survive.

Obama tried to wreck us, and Trump resurrected us. We are better allies than ever before and twice as deadly.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be
Our so-called allies have changed.
We are America. Our military is tops. Engaging our military is how we send warning messages to the rest of the world.

We are America
We have an unstable foreign policy and have implemented questionable decisions in the past including unprovoked invasions, use of torture, political assassination

We are not the ally we once were

And I know you are very SCARED in confronting me.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I never had classified data on my private server"
"she didn't intend to violate federal law"
"I never had sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinski"
"I drew a red line in Syria"

speaking of lying leaders. you dems have us beat.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
I give up...what happens?
Lets see...

When we provoke an international crisis like Iran, we are on our own.

We've always been on our own.

Give an examples or any under Obama that we are alone when engaging international crisis.

Give an example where Donnie get support from ally when creating an international crisis.
Our Congress does not trust what Trump tells them
Our allies do not believe the Trump administration
The American people will not believe our President when he says we have to go to war

only the desperate democrats fit any of those allegations. They know that they have lost and will continue to lose, but yet, they continue the stupidity.

confirming once again that liberalism is a mental disease
Lets see...

When we provoke an international crisis like Iran, we are on our own.

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
US allies distance themselves from Trump decision to assassinate Suleimani
But the response of Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was particularly striking, as he has been one of Trump’s staunchest supporters on the world stage.
He told a meeting of his security cabinet on Monday: “The assassination of Suleimani isn’t an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it.”
The US stands alone
Our allies aren't what they used to be. Time to order some Freedom Fries.
Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be

You mean a trusted stooge (as in we could be trusted to play the stooge).

It's great when things change for the better.

I don't like Trump as a person.

As a president....he's doing a good job of letting the rest of the world know that the Obama (pushover) era is over.
Obama worked with international cooperation. He was trusted as a reliable ally whose word could be trusted.

The world is shocked at Trumps inept foreign policy, lying, bullying, constant policy shifts .......we are on our own

Obama was an ass-kissing doormat. Our allies loved him because he would do whatever they said.

Trump has a backbone.

Your crappy narrative sounds just like the way they spoke about Reagan.

Move to Iran and take some of your left wing pussies with you.

Sorry to say. Trump made us look very weak and stupid around the world. No backbone.

Obama worked with our allies as a team. Trump work with our allies as a worthless bully.

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