What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
Yet God Loves us and blesses us anyways while the Muzzi god Ollie Assburn makes his people live in the desert, plagued by locusts, poverty war and brutality and completely dependent on the generosity and the dollars of Western Nations to survive.

Obama tried to wreck us, and Trump resurrected us. We are better allies than ever before and twice as deadly.

You ain’t seen nothing yet.

We are America
We have an unstable foreign policy and have implemented questionable decisions in the past including unprovoked invasions, use of torture, political assassination

We are not the ally we once were

You are LYING again. Obama is far better than Trump.

Trump has ruined this country here and overseas. Trump made us look weak, coward, stupid and unreliable ally. That’s a fact.

Twice as deadly? Like Trump abandoning an ally so Syria and Putin can take over? Like pardoning a war criminal then invite him to his New Years party.
I can give you an example where the whole WORLD is watching this dumb fuck president.

How the hell you can say? We are better allies than before. When Trump made us a laughing stock.
Divine Judgment is coming upon Iran. They lose 90% of their military in a single day. Remember that I told you that when you see it happen.

WOW....... I thought you were going to hide under your blanket.

They (Iran) lose 90% of their military in a single day...... I’m shocked for you to say that despite with all your post all that crap about Trump....... You are this ignorant.

Dude when we start bombing Iraq it’s a piece of cake with minimum resistance.. Bur it took several months of bombing.

Iran is not a weakling Iraq. They been preparing that a rouge inept US president like Trump will come and messed up ME.....
You are right US has the advantages of military fire power.
You drop one bomb in Iran and the whole Persian gulf kiss good bye affecting world wide economy into crisis. You can kiss Saudi Arabia and other countries nearby. That’s the consequences that idiot Donnie and you don’t understand.
America is NEVER going to war with Iran. God is going to destroy Iran by Supernatural Holy Power. Ezekiel 38-39. He is also going to turn Syria in to a pile of Rubble and several other Syrian Cities with it, and it will be uninhabitable. Isaiah 17.

America does not have to lift a finger to do this. It is done by God.

There is even a passage that talks about Arrows (Missiles) being shot up in to the air, and ALL OF THEM, raining down upon the Iranians, Russians and Turks that fired them at Israel.

Repent. Thy Judgment is at hand. Fear God, or be Forever Condemned.
When Trump is indefensible, blasphemy and use God's name in vain. Donnie's last lame defense.
Our Congress does not trust what Trump tells them
Our allies do not believe the Trump administration
The American people will not believe our President when he says we have to go to war

only the desperate democrats fit any of those allegations. They know that they have lost and will continue to lose, but yet, they continue the stupidity.

confirming once again that liberalism is a mental disease
I know you are, but what am I....is a childish retort

Trump lacks the political capital both at home and abroad to gain support for military action

wrong on all counts. Most americans don't want to be pushed around by radical muslim terrorists and want the US to hit back whenever they attack or kill americans. the only countries that don't support these actions are the ones harboring islamic terrorists.

Trump has plenty of political capital, he will win big in November no matter which clown the dems run. Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler have helped Trump with their foolish impeachment fiasco. Their desperation has made them more stupid than usual.
Now, George Bush was not looked at as a prolific liar. So when he said he needed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the war on terror, we trusted him

We saw where our trust got us

Because our Current President is such a prolific liar, it is unimaginable that the American people or Congress or our allies will trust him.

and when Obama launched 2800 attacks unauthorized by congress????????????????? you are such a fricken hypocrite
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
I thought Obama stopped Iran's nuclear program. Or was that another Obama lie?

According to the Pentagon, Iran was complying with the JCPOA when the Breaker of Deals tore it up. A Trumpkin has to be an idiot to even bring it up. But I repeat myself.
We've always been on our own.

that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.

And when we went to Syria to fight the ISIS a massive international coalition forces created by Obama ......... was there with us along side. The Kurds in the front lines that cost them over 11,000 casualties.

Then coward Donnie abandoned them and feed them to Turkey, Syria and Putin. Now a massive Kurds refugees and humanitarian crisis in the making at the courtesy of our lousy POTUS.
Obama worked with the Kurds to do the fighting against ISIS

Trump threw them under the bus and let them be slaughtered by the Turks

It will take generations to fix all these mess created by unfit president Donnie.
No it won't. When The Messiah Returns, The Entire System of Human Government is Destroyed. All Evil Doers and Followers of The Anti-Christ and his False Prophet are cast in to Hell. Jesus Christ God, The Son of God then becomes The Government, "it rests upon His shoulders, and He rules as The Prince of Peace with a "Rod of Iron" and there will be No Killing or Sin, Nor Death Nor Sickness in All The Earth.

He Destroys Iran, Russia, Turkey and their Allies in a single Day, Destroys all The AntiChrist Armies in a Single Day Destroys Human Government in a Single Day, and Sends Satan and his followers, to Hell.

Then there is finally True Peace on Earth.

It's coming soon. Watch Damascus be turned in to Rubble, and Watch Iran, Turkey & Russia be destroyed as they Attack Iran.

Are you confused or something on meth?

You have zero rebuttal then you gave me your religious belief mixing Trump.

If devil existed as you describe. Trump boi will be a good example of that. You know why I said that?
He just purposely created a humanitarian crisis for the Kurds with hundreds of thousands families being misplaced kids and women in hunger without homes.
You want Trump to bomb Iran will results world wide crisis resulting in a hunger turmoil.

Now, George Bush was not looked at as a prolific liar. So when he said he needed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the war on terror, we trusted him

We saw where our trust got us

Because our Current President is such a prolific liar, it is unimaginable that the American people or Congress or our allies will trust him.
Your Father is The Father of Lies and was a murder from The Beginning.
that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.

And when we went to Syria to fight the ISIS a massive international coalition forces created by Obama ......... was there with us along side. The Kurds in the front lines that cost them over 11,000 casualties.

Then coward Donnie abandoned them and feed them to Turkey, Syria and Putin. Now a massive Kurds refugees and humanitarian crisis in the making at the courtesy of our lousy POTUS.
Obama worked with the Kurds to do the fighting against ISIS

Trump threw them under the bus and let them be slaughtered by the Turks

It will take generations to fix all these mess created by unfit president Donnie.
No it won't. When The Messiah Returns, The Entire System of Human Government is Destroyed. All Evil Doers and Followers of The Anti-Christ and his False Prophet are cast in to Hell. Jesus Christ God, The Son of God then becomes The Government, "it rests upon His shoulders, and He rules as The Prince of Peace with a "Rod of Iron" and there will be No Killing or Sin, Nor Death Nor Sickness in All The Earth.

He Destroys Iran, Russia, Turkey and their Allies in a single Day, Destroys all The AntiChrist Armies in a Single Day Destroys Human Government in a Single Day, and Sends Satan and his followers, to Hell.

Then there is finally True Peace on Earth.

It's coming soon. Watch Damascus be turned in to Rubble, and Watch Iran, Turkey & Russia be destroyed as they Attack Iran.

Are you confused or something on meth?

You have zero rebuttal then you gave me your religious belief mixing Trump.

If devil existed as you describe. Trump boi will be a good example of that. You know why I said that?
He just purposely created a humanitarian crisis for the Kurds with hundreds of thousands families being misplaced kids and women in hunger without homes.
You want Trump to bomb Iran will results world wide crisis resulting in a hunger turmoil.

All of us are born in sin. Trump, you, me. But if you follow The One True God's Will, God will save you. God's promises are true. If president Trump protects Israel, God will protect and bless President Trump and America. It's that simple.

Where was allah when General Soleimani was sent to Hell?

And when we went to Syria to fight the ISIS a massive international coalition forces created by Obama ......... was there with us along side. The Kurds in the front lines that cost them over 11,000 casualties.

Then coward Donnie abandoned them and feed them to Turkey, Syria and Putin. Now a massive Kurds refugees and humanitarian crisis in the making at the courtesy of our lousy POTUS.
Obama worked with the Kurds to do the fighting against ISIS

Trump threw them under the bus and let them be slaughtered by the Turks
Another Liar from a man already Condemned to Hell.

Trump is now lobbying for an Independent State of Kurdistan.
Nothing Trump says can be believed. He lies about anything and everything all the time. The world mocks and laughs at our liar in chief.
Calling a man a liar without proof will condemn your own soul to Hell, but you don't care, because in your arrogance, you think Satan wins the final battle. He loses miserably.

Why do you defend Terrorists, and why are you not speaking out against Iran wanting to interfere in our elections?

One reason not discussed as to why Soleoimani was executed like the cowardly black dog he was, is that Iran was going to attempt to interfere in US and Israel Elections. They also wanted to start forest fires in The US like they have done in Australia, and wanted to engage in skirmishes with Border Patrol. Overseas they planned rocket and knife attacks on Israel, and attacks on Embassies, and planned kidnappings of US Diplomats and Israelis.

Strange, but you had no problem calling me a liar with absolutely no proof of that. I guess YOUR SOUL is now condemned to hell.

Why are YOU not speaking out against Russian actually interfering your elections, not just "wanting to" interfere?

Soleimani was on his way to a PEACE CONFERENCE, and Putin doesn't wan't peace in the ME, he wants the US to be hated and attacked by Muslims. Anything to weaken and destroy the USA.
I call you a liar because you are a liar. I have caught you promoting lies repeatedly on this forum. Most of you trashing America and The President are liars. If I do not call you out on your lies I fail God, and myself, and those listening to you who would believe your lies.

Just on The Russian Collusion Hoax alone is enough to condemn you all to Hell.
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that's a lie. when we went into kuwait during the 1st gulf warthey were there. same with afghanistan - they were there. when we went into iraq - they were there, to name a few instances.
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
Now, George Bush was not looked at as a prolific liar. So when he said he needed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the war on terror, we trusted him

We saw where our trust got us

Because our Current President is such a prolific liar, it is unimaginable that the American people or Congress or our allies will trust him.

and when Obama launched 2800 attacks unauthorized by congress????????????????? you are such a fricken hypocrite

Those attacks were done under the Congressionally approved War on Terror
Yeah, they sent in a few troops.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.

Troops don't grow on trees, and 2000 ain't zip. Credit where due. How hard is that?
Now, they won’t send any in support of Trumps bizarre foreign policy
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.

Don’t embarrass yourself

Operation Telic - Wikipedia

UK sent 46,000 troops
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.

Troops don't grow on trees, and 2000 ain't zip. Credit where due. How hard is that?
2,000 is zip; the US outspends all of our “allies” when it comes to everything.
They didn’t send anyone for Obama.

But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.

Don’t embarrass yourself

Operation Telic - Wikipedia

UK sent 46,000 troops
Cool...Is that the only time?
But they did
Remember Obama’s “Lead from behind” strategy that Conservatives mocked?

Obama got our allies to carry the load in Libya, Egypt, Sudan while we provided mostly air cover

None of our allies would risk their troops to support a Trump initiative

Their citizens would not risk their sons or daughters on behalf of Trump
Look moron...we send 50,000 troops and everyone else sends 2,000.
UK sent a lot of troops to Iraq (suckers)
France, Germany, Russia sent significant on the ground support to Egypt, Libya and Syria

Won’t do it for Trump
2,000 troops is zip compared to what we send; don’t embarrass yourself anymore.

Troops don't grow on trees, and 2000 ain't zip. Credit where due. How hard is that?
2,000 is zip; the US outspends all of our “allies” when it comes to everything.
Still a joke compared to the US.
Our allies aren't what they used to be. Time to order some Freedom Fries.
Actually, we are not a trusted ally like we used to be

You mean a trusted stooge (as in we could be trusted to play the stooge).

It's great when things change for the better.

I don't like Trump as a person.

As a president....he's doing a good job of letting the rest of the world know that the Obama (pushover) era is over.
Obama worked with international cooperation. He was trusted as a reliable ally whose word could be trusted.

The world is shocked at Trumps inept foreign policy, lying, bullying, constant policy shifts .......we are on our own

Obama was an ass-kissing doormat. Our allies loved him because he would do whatever they said.

Trump has a backbone.

Your crappy narrative sounds just like the way they spoke about Reagan.

Move to Iran and take some of your left wing pussies with you.

Sorry to say. Trump made us look very weak and stupid around the world. No backbone.

Obama worked with our allies as a team. Trump work with our allies as a worthless bully.

You bet he worked as a team.

He asked which part of their ass they wanted kissed....and he did just that.
What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics
What happens when your leader is a prolific liar

We call him or her a successful politician or a used car salesman, not that there's much of a difference.
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Now, George Bush was not looked at as a prolific liar. So when he said he needed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq as part of the war on terror, we trusted him

We saw where our trust got us

Because our Current President is such a prolific liar, it is unimaginable that the American people or Congress or our allies will trust him.

and when Obama launched 2800 attacks unauthorized by congress????????????????? you are such a fricken hypocrite

Those attacks were done under the Congressionally approved War on Terror

Let's see the number.

Our allies tend to send expiditionary forces in small numbers so people like you can claim something good happened.

They also tend not to engage.

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