What harm was done by Monday's Putin-Trump press conference?

I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not know what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
1. I already answered that, but your answer seems twofold. I boil it down to, is their something as an enlightened dictator? My opinion is that living under a dictator if you like that dictator is probably preferable to living under a democratic system. A dictator doesn't need to compromise, and as such can just implement his agenda. As a disadvantage their is room for only opinion which puts no limit on what he can do. Corruption almost inevitably is the result.
2. Putin is a threat, not just to the US but also to the other Western Democracies. As to talking to him, sure, but what Trump did wasn't talking it was capitulating,big difference. What Trump did was giving him a cart blanche to keep on doing what he is doing. On top of weakening NATO. As a Russian this of course seems a good development. I will even agree that expanding NATO to the east wasn't at all smart. On the other hand to broach the subject of war. War usually happens when one country perceives and is willing to exploit weakness from his considered enemy. In this light destabilizing the status quo that is NATO is dangerous.
3. What you are describing is how superpowers sadly behave. You can lament it but it rings hollow when it's clear to me that you applaud when your country behaves that way.
4. Two wrongs don't make something right.
1. What is democratic system? Do you really think you live in democracy? Or you just see the picture of democracy?
How can you judge Russia if you don't know how it lives... visit it first, talk to people, look through Russian media...and you will see there is no difference in how Russia and western countries live. Absolutely the same level of freedom or may be more freedom in Russia as we don't have so many restrictions in ordinary life.
All your thoughts about Russia based on written in western sources is the same as understanding what is red by a blind man who listens people and tries to understand what is red or green...

2. Putin... I'd rather say Russia is not a threat to anyone until you don't try to attack it or make it live journalism rules.

All your answers are too poor. You simply stand on your positions and try to show they are right.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not know what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
1. I already answered that, but your answer seems twofold. I boil it down to, is their something as an enlightened dictator? My opinion is that living under a dictator if you like that dictator is probably preferable to living under a democratic system. A dictator doesn't need to compromise, and as such can just implement his agenda. As a disadvantage their is room for only opinion which puts no limit on what he can do. Corruption almost inevitably is the result.
2. Putin is a threat, not just to the US but also to the other Western Democracies. As to talking to him, sure, but what Trump did wasn't talking it was capitulating,big difference. What Trump did was giving him a cart blanche to keep on doing what he is doing. On top of weakening NATO. As a Russian this of course seems a good development. I will even agree that expanding NATO to the east wasn't at all smart. On the other hand to broach the subject of war. War usually happens when one country perceives and is willing to exploit weakness from his considered enemy. In this light destabilizing the status quo that is NATO is dangerous.
3. What you are describing is how superpowers sadly behave. You can lament it but it rings hollow when it's clear to me that you applaud when your country behaves that way.
4. Two wrongs don't make something right.
1. What is democratic system? Do you really think you live in democracy? Or you just see the picture of democracy?
How can you judge Russia if you don't know how it lives... visit it first, talk to people, look through Russian media...and you will see there is no difference in how Russia and western countries live. Absolutely the same level of freedom or may be more freedom in Russia as we don't have so many restrictions in ordinary life.
All your thoughts about Russia based on written in western sources is the same as understanding what is red by a blind man who listens people and tries to understand what is red or green...

2. Putin... I'd rather say Russia is not a threat to anyone until you don't try to attack it or make it live journalism rules.

All your answers are too poor. You simply stand on your positions and try to show they are right.
If I would just go by the Western media I wouldn't be able to concede that the West has in fact encroached on the Russian sphere of influence. I think you perceive yourself as free but don't know how little actual freedom you have. As to my perception of living in a democracy. I live in a parliamentary Democracy, as such I vote for a party who then has to form a coalition, who then can form a government. It is flawed and nobody ever gets completely what he or she wants. But it does tend to move the conversation to the middle and makes extreme positions very hard to put into law.
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I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
meanwhile we're giving iran strange deals and allowing them to launder money in the US
meanwhile we're working against Israels gov behind closed doors
meanwhile we're making up reasons to spy on our own people
meanwhile we're starting wars we don't need to and never actually finish them yet in the process we overthrow governments and force them to vote for new leadership just like we do.
meanwhile we've got our noses into just about everyones business but our own and have our forces in every major country in the world and use that to our advantge at any opportunity

what exactly are we doing in the global eye that would warrant people trusting us?
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not no what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
So...what do the majority of Russians think of Putin..and the summit?
They're celebrating it. They're proud of their leader humiliating us stupid ass westerners.
Are you Russian? No? Then please do not respond since you don't KNOW.
dayum - we need a "you got bitchslapped" tag here along with "agree" and so on.
Eugene is Russian and forkup is a fascist from Central Europe.
Jake. Sorry to tell you but I'm on your left on most positions. What I'm not is someone who thinks someone's opinion is invalid just because I don't agree with them. It would behoove you to talk to people before judging them, otherwise you are just as guilty as your Republican friends of living in a bubble.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not know what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?

If you like Russia more than there’s no pointing in debating with you.

I don’t need to prove shit. It’s been documented and proven what kind of a leader Putin. If you can’t see that than you’re just another koolaid drinker.
Not a single prove in fact, only hysterical statements in pro western lying propaganda.
But ruined by Americans Yugoslavia, Iraq, Lybia, Syria are the brightest proves of bloody policy provided by the USA!
OK let's see. Putin a has been in power since 2000, I don't consider when Medvedev in power anything but Putin in power since he was obviously still the strong man. Political opposition is a dangerous occupation in Russia since a lot end up death or imprisoned. I consider someone who remains in power basically indefinitely , if not in the post as president then surely the man behind the curtain a de facto dictator. As to your previous post which is interesting I will answer that in a bit.

Putin was not in power between 07~011 Dmitry was president of Russia .. If your going to debate news and politics get your facts straight kid

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not know what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?

If you like Russia more than there’s no pointing in debating with you.

I don’t need to prove shit. It’s been documented and proven what kind of a leader Putin. If you can’t see that than you’re just another koolaid drinker.
Not a single prove in fact, only hysterical statements in pro western lying propaganda.
But ruined by Americans Yugoslavia, Iraq, Lybia, Syria are the brightest proves of bloody policy provided by the USA!
OK let's see. Putin a has been in power since 2000, I don't consider when Medvedev in power anything but Putin in power since he was obviously still the strong man. Political opposition is a dangerous occupation in Russia since a lot end up death or imprisoned. I consider someone who remains in power basically indefinitely , if not in the post as president then surely the man behind the curtain a de facto dictator. As to your previous post which is interesting I will answer that in a bit.

Putin was not in power between 07~011 Dmitry was president of Russia .. If your going to debate news and politics get your facts straight kid

Read my reply again before you embarrass yourself further.
How much process was involved when your retirement age was raised right up to your average life expectancy? Did it involve debates, or even so much as notice that they were going to do it? Or did the government and with the government I mean Putin just decide to do it.
Retirement age was raised to 60 years old for women and 65 for men while in USA it is 65 years old for everyone.
This raising is actual for those who are younger than 45 years old now.

Actually it is not raised yet as president hasn't signed yet. It is just a project of the new law issued by government.
Of course it went through hot debates in all levels - in regional Dumas, in state Duma, discussed by senators...some changes were done and now this law just need to be signed by president.

Among population opinions has separated.

If you want to know my opinion, I agree retirement age should be raised but I am also sure whole pension system in Russia must be changed. It is insane to pay pension to every person...does some government somewhere pays pension to 100% of population older than 65 years old? Only Russia does. And it is very expensive and it should be changed.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Our President surrendered his role as leader of the free world
Nah he did that a long time ago. What he did was so baffling that now the allies fear that Putin is the leader of the free world by proxy.
His foreign policy behavior over the last month has been baffling

Insulting our allies and meekly submitting to our enemies
Eugene is Russian and forkup is a fascist from Central Europe.
Jake. Sorry to tell you but I'm on your left on most positions. What I'm not is someone who thinks someone's opinion is invalid just because I don't agree with them. It would behoove you to talk to people before judging them, otherwise you are just as guilty as your Republican friends of living in a bubble.
What you think or are does not matter. Your political position is fascist, and your location is Central Europe.
A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

No one was killed, no one lost any money on Monday, the only "damage" was the fragile egos of the intelligence community. They'll get over it. Maybe the President needs to make the G Men wear dresses if they are going to cry like women.
You can't possibly be that thick. The *president* of the United States refused to condemn an enemy and even took.his side and backed him up. There is other harm than financial. Wise up.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
If Obama had thrown our intelligence community under the bus in favor of Vladimir Putin, with Putin standing right there, would you be so indifferent?

Your political position is fascist, and your location is Central Europe.
USA's policy is fascist in common. America uber alez is your moto. Your politicians often say about American supremacy and exceptionalism.
America started its history with ethnic cleansing, was built by slaves, even now racism is actual problem in American society.
After ww2 a lot of nazists lived and worked for the USA. While ww2 American business cooperates to Hitler. Some of your oligarchs raised on nazist money, Soros is one of them.

So it is very funny for me to hear you try to blame someone is fascist.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Our President surrendered his role as leader of the free world
Nah he did that a long time ago. What he did was so baffling that now the allies fear that Putin is the leader of the free world by proxy.
His foreign policy behavior over the last month has been baffling

Insulting our allies and meekly submitting to our enemies
well he was going to meekly bow before them all but that was already done.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
If Obama had thrown our intelligence community under the bus in favor of Vladimir Putin, with Putin standing right there, would you be so indifferent?

trump should not be trashing us or the US anywhere. our problems are ours and we need to fix them in house. doing it on a public stage like that is very trump and very "these times" but also very wrong.
Eugene, your comments are worthless in this discussion. You are a Russian fascist, you and Putin are our enemies.
Eugene, your comments are worthless in this discussion. You are a Russian fascist, you and Putin are our enemies.
Russia is a country where more than 200 nations live. Peacefully, with own languages, traditions, sometimes own religion.
How can you imagine fascist ruling such a country? Facsism comes with nazism, nationalism...
So you are stupid, sorry to upset you with that fact.

And you know, Russians do not suppose you enemies. We realize you're fooled...

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