What harm was done by Monday's Putin-Trump press conference?

I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not no what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
So...what do the majority of Russians think of Putin..and the summit?
They're celebrating it. They're proud of their leader humiliating us stupid ass westerners.
Are you Russian? No? Then please do not respond since you don't KNOW.

Putin Jet Trespassed in NATO Airspace on Way to Summit, Estonia Says

Russia Liquidates Its US Treasury Holdings

Russia celebrates Vladimir Putin summit with Donald Trump: ‘The West has FAILED’

I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not no what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
So...what do the majority of Russians think of Putin..and the summit?
As far as I can judge, all US media and people are buzzing about the summit. In Russia it is not.
A lot is said about it in media but people do not pay much attention.

We trust Putin. We know he will do the best st this summit. We know that every word he said is true and every his promise will be done. His opinion is common opinion of Putin's Cabinet, Ministry of International Affairs and Duma will agree to 95% of their decisions.
At the same time Trump is less than a half of American authorities. He cannot promise anything for sure, he is afraid to make serious decisions as he would be blamed in betrayal.
So we don't expect much. But at least some subjects will be at last discussed and our authorities will better understand how to act further.

For me it is obvious Russia must spent much more for changing image of Russia. More movies, invite more tourists, get rid of visas, more media sources abroad and all Russian media must have English version...
Again...are YOU RUSSIAN? What part of this do you not understand. I am not being rude. I want a response FROM RUSSIANS.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not no what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
So...what do the majority of Russians think of Putin..and the summit?
As far as I can judge, all US media and people are buzzing about the summit. In Russia it is not.
A lot is said about it in media but people do not pay much attention.

We trust Putin. We know he will do the best st this summit. We know that every word he said is true and every his promise will be done. His opinion is common opinion of Putin's Cabinet, Ministry of International Affairs and Duma will agree to 95% of their decisions.
At the same time Trump is less than a half of American authorities. He cannot promise anything for sure, he is afraid to make serious decisions as he would be blamed in betrayal.
So we don't expect much. But at least some subjects will be at last discussed and our authorities will better understand how to act further.

For me it is obvious Russia must spent much more for changing image of Russia. More movies, invite more tourists, get rid of visas, more media sources abroad and all Russian media must have English version...
Thank you for responding!! That is what I wanted to read...YOUR opinion, since you are Russian.

Yeah..Trump is kinda between a rock and a hard place. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But I still think Putin and Trump are "friendly" businessmen trying to run their countries..which seems to upset quite a few Americans.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not no what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
So...what do the majority of Russians think of Putin..and the summit?
As far as I can judge, all US media and people are buzzing about the summit. In Russia it is not.
A lot is said about it in media but people do not pay much attention.

We trust Putin. We know he will do the best st this summit. We know that every word he said is true and every his promise will be done. His opinion is common opinion of Putin's Cabinet, Ministry of International Affairs and Duma will agree to 95% of their decisions.
At the same time Trump is less than a half of American authorities. He cannot promise anything for sure, he is afraid to make serious decisions as he would be blamed in betrayal.
So we don't expect much. But at least some subjects will be at last discussed and our authorities will better understand how to act further.

For me it is obvious Russia must spent much more for changing image of Russia. More movies, invite more tourists, get rid of visas, more media sources abroad and all Russian media must have English version...
Thank you for responding!! That is what I wanted to read...YOUR opinion, since you are Russian.

Yeah..Trump is kinda between a rock and a hard place. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But I still think Putin and Trump are "friendly" businessmen trying to run their countries..which seems to upset quite a few Americans.
You know, when in 1950s-1980s our countries were opposed by ideology and all that confrontation was understood. But what doesn't allow today to live peacefully?
Russia is typical capitalistic country now which is not good in fact but it is.
And still we can see a lot of idiotic sayings from politicians and fed by them journalists about Russian threat.
That makes me angry with American authorities and suppose them main threat to the earth now.
I found some Russians here at USMB in the Asia forum....which I read but a lot of it didn't make much sense to me since..well...I'm not russian. :desk:
By the way have you seen Putin's interview to your Fox channel?

That Wallace looked funny when he tried to lead the dialogue and interrupted president each time he heard unpleasant answers..
By the way have you seen Putin's interview to your Fox channel?

That Wallace looked funny when he tried to lead the dialogue and interrupted president each time he heard unpleasant answers..

MSFM (main stream fake media) tends to interrupt and blather when they hear something they don't want to hear.
I found some Russians here at USMB in the Asia forum....which I read but a lot of it didn't make much sense to me since..well...I'm not russian. :desk:
People are different and they might have different age, education, backgrounds and points of view.

I don't think clever guy would place post about Russia in Asia forum as Russia is typical European country with mostly European culture.
By the way have you seen Putin's interview to your Fox channel?

That Wallace looked funny when he tried to lead the dialogue and interrupted president each time he heard unpleasant answers..

MSFM (main stream fake media) tends to interrupt and blather when they hear something they don't want to hear.

Looks like they are afraid to find themselves in some American gulag if something wrong will sound in their air.
A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

No one was killed, no one lost any money on Monday, the only "damage" was the fragile egos of the intelligence community. They'll get over it. Maybe the President needs to make the G Men wear dresses if they are going to cry like women.

Yeah, in the US today the Dimocrats can slam on the President and behead him in effigy while he is overseas trying to negotiate better treaties for the American people, but our intel agencies are sacrosanct and never to be criticized by a Republican. Supposedly.

Of course the Truth of the matter is that even if Trump invented a cure for cancer, liberals would complain that they have a right to die by cancer if they want to.

Trump cannot do anything to please the Resist!!!! Dimocrats.

And their hysteria grows louder and more shrill every day.

One day soon their heads are just going to explode.

You would defend Trump no matter what, so your opinion does not really mean anything.
Liberal view of Trump at Helsinki

Let's say it again: "A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage"
A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

No one was killed, no one lost any money on Monday, the only "damage" was the fragile egos of the intelligence community. They'll get over it. Maybe the President needs to make the G Men wear dresses if they are going to cry like women.

Yeah, in the US today the Dimocrats can slam on the President and behead him in effigy while he is overseas trying to negotiate better treaties for the American people, but our intel agencies are sacrosanct and never to be criticized by a Republican. Supposedly.

Of course the Truth of the matter is that even if Trump invented a cure for cancer, liberals would complain that they have a right to die by cancer if they want to.

Trump cannot do anything to please the Resist!!!! Dimocrats.

And their hysteria grows louder and more shrill every day.

One day soon their heads are just going to explode.

You would defend Trump no matter what, so your opinion does not really mean anything.

And you would defend Obama of Hillary, so your opinion doesn't mean diddly squat either. See how that goes?
I liked Trump's reaction on Putin's speach in Russian.
Putin said:"...let's pay attention to the facts of...no any facts..."
In Russian it sounds like "fuck ty"
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Let's see what damage.... Oh I got one. Intelligence agencies of the allies work together. POTUS just took the side of Putin over his own intelligence agencies. What reason does for instance MI6 got to share intelligence they developed, when they know the information will be disregarded by those in power? Even more, the Helsinki meeting was so bizarre that they will fear Trump is so compromised that he will share that information with Putin, something he has done before. This DOES has the potential of costing lives and on a huge scale.
Seems the intelligence communities feelings being hurt is the least of it. He has actively hurt their ability to do the job they are supposed to do.

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