What has happened to us?

congress can start a "we'll take care of you fund" for third world countries who wont fight for their own freedom .... how much of your tax dollars are YOU willing to donate to save someone that wouldn't save you ?



adjective: humanitarian
1. concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.
"groups sending humanitarian aid"


noun: charity; plural noun: charities

1. the voluntary giving of help, typically in the form of money, to those in need.

•philanthropy, humanitarianism, humanity, altruism, public-spiritedness, social conscience, benevolence, beneficence, munificence
"his actions are motivated by charity"

•help or money given voluntarily to those in need.
"an unemployed teacher living on charity"

2. an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.

So let all the illegals stay in their own country and let the bleeding heart Americans send them a check each month.

When over 90,000 Iraqi soldiers throw down their weapons and desert.......why should I care anymore.

When they show a back bone, and fight for their country then maybe they'll deserve some back up.

Ahh yes, but then again I remember when our country took the initiative, heard stories of when it didn't always wait for someone else to act.

When over 90,000 Iraqi soldiers throw down their weapons and desert.......why should I care anymore.

When they show a back bone, and fight for their country then maybe they'll deserve some back up.

Ahh yes, but then again I remember when our country took the initiative, heard stories of when it didn't always wait for someone else to act.

Why don't you tell us and what the end result was
Compassion and sacrifice. Those are two aspects of fighting a war that you should explore.

I would feel a whole lot better about you if YOU would make the sacrifice of going to war.

And I would have compassion for those that loved you when you got killed.

If you want to sacrifice YOUR life for the Iraqis you love so much, what the fuck is stopping you from going to Iraq? They accept foreign fighters. Haven't you heard?

What is it you guys have... lens covers on your glasses?

As TK stated:

Let's get one thing straight here: I don't like war. I loathe it. I loathe violence, I don't think killing anyone is the answer to anything. I would much rather we negotiate our way out of our crises. I wish there were no such thing war, violence or killing. But that's not the way life works. War is war, it will never go away. Sometimes you must end life to preserve life.

He is right here. You pay insurance for health, car etc, and rightfully so, with hopes you never have to use it. Same with war. I think he pointed out clearly that war is a last resort, after compromise and negotiations have failed.

My mornings are one of great finds as I scour the threads trying to understand exactly what libs stand for anymore.

Here we find TK has presented his thoughts for us to give pause.

Like the movie Soylent Green- if the left is allowed to continue to lay the stones of despair the only images of Grandma, baseball and apple pie will on the death reels

It's time to right the ship. I want the America back that I experienced and TK dreams of.

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When we elected a black president, that drove the GOP over the edge.
Compassion and sacrifice. Those are two aspects of fighting a war that you should explore.

As TK stated:

Let's get one thing straight here: I don't like war. I loathe it. I loathe violence, I don't think killing anyone is the answer to anything. I would much rather we negotiate our way out of our crises. I wish there were no such thing war, violence or killing. But that's not the way life works. War is war, it will never go away. Sometimes you must end life to preserve life.

He is right here. You pay insurance for health, car etc, and rightfully so, with hopes you never have to use it. Same with war. I think he pointed out clearly that war is a last resort, after compromise and negotiations have failed.

My mornings are one of great finds as I scour the threads trying to understand exactly what libs stand for anymore.

Here we find TK has presented his thoughts for us to give pause.

Like the movie Soylent Green- if the left is allowed to continue to lay the stones of despair the only images of Grandma, baseball and apple pie will on the death reels

It's time to right the ship. I want the America back that I experienced and TK dreams of.


Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

Dwight D. Eisenhower


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