What has happened to us?

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View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
It was a bad week, but the sky isn't falling. Take a pill.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Did you forget about the Sanders radical supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team? What did you think would happen after Hollywood celebs called for the assassination of the President?
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
It was a bad week, but the sky isn't falling. Take a pill.

Hopefully he doesn't 'Anthony Bourdain' himself when the pill wears off.
View attachment 225332

We all need a little fairy dust about now.

It's only politics and if you think any of our crabbing and whining is making a bit of difference where our government is actually run.... you're taking this too seriously.

Will you call out CNN, Colbert, and the rest of the left hate media?


I didn't think you would.

Let's face it, you support and promote violence by the left against the right.

You become outraged if is backfires, but as long as Americans are the victims, you're all for violence.

I'm all for peace and respect for each other's opinions, coexisting with my neighbors regardless of their religion or crazy militia ideas. Just do me the favor of actually replying to my posts instead of spewing stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. Of all the people on this thread, did you really think it was rational to point that at me? No matter how hard you look, you will never find me applauding violence by the left. Ever. Not on my crabbiest day.

Here's what you said just the other day:

I know it's not right of me, but sometimes I hope you morons get blown up by one of your "false flags." Only way to get through your thick skulls that the fake news isn't fake.

Alex Jones predicted false flag attacks to blame patriots

So you wished someone to get blown up by a bomb so morons would learn a lesson about fake news. I want you to understand something. It was not right of me. And it's possible NOT to feel that way. It's possible NOT to wish "morons" would not get blown up just to learn a stupid lesson.
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?
What school/district teaches that Lincoln was a liberal democrat? Link the curriculum.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

I.e. no different than many Muslims. Thanks for the reminder.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdock, rush Limbaugh, those are the things that happened to us. They took terms like "libtard" and "feminazi" and made them ok to say on the air and the street. They made a career of demonizing the other side. They made it ok, even easy, to hate. They mainsteamed conspiracy theories and racism. And mostly, from my point of view, because there was a black man in the white house.

Yes, yes.

There's never been any hate from the American Left. No one ever heard of it.
Who's made that claim?
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

This nonsense is nothing new and has been going on since Cain and Able.

Crimes like this happen when Obama was sitting in the Oval Office, so let not start with how Trump retardation has started this.
What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Humans have never instilled those rules

Yes we did. And they were values that worked. I remember the day my Dad put locks on our doors. A "convict" had escaped from the local jail and was in the woods up on the hill we lived on. Prior to that, no one locked their doors. They didn't have to. There was nothing to fear out there. Kids would be gone playing all day, and no parent worried about them being kidnapped. No one was murdered for their shoes. Fast forward to my daughter's generation...
We are a godless society and it shows.
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I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?


Get real.

Public University’s Plaque Labels President Lincoln A Democrat - The College Fix
That is a plaque....an incorrect plaque. How do you get "as the schools today teach" from that one plaque?
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdock, rush Limbaugh, those are the things that happened to us. They took terms like "libtard" and "feminazi" and made them ok to say on the air and the street. They made a career of demonizing the other side. They made it ok, even easy, to hate. They mainsteamed conspiracy theories and racism. And mostly, from my point of view, because there was a black man in the white house.

Yes, yes.

There's never been any hate from the American Left. No one ever heard of it.
Who's made that claim?

The blue horse guy Crep whatever, he then promptly FORGOT he made it, I quoted him on and it and he disappeared. It's all in this thread, go back and read it.

He and his friend Jake also once claimed that my "syntax and grammar" was indicative that I'm a foreigner. Really, I think it's indicative that they cannot process the writing of people who use words like indicative. Or who knows. But it was stupid.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

stochastic terrorism (uncountable) NOUN

  1. The use of mass, public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random.
  2. All of this fits with what the anonymous blogger G2G had to say in his expanded definition of stochastic terrorism: “you heat up the waters and stir the pot, knowing full well that sooner or later a lone wolf will pop up and do the deed. The fact that it will happen is as predictable as the fact that a heated pot of water will eventually boil. But the exact time and place of each incident will remain as random as the appearance of the first bubbles in the boiling pot."
We were warned . . . but Republicans killed the messenger

There's no high ground to be had here. You either acknowledge what the true problem is, or you deny that the problem exists, as not wanting the appearance of choosing sides.

Which makes you part of the problem.
It isn’t a one sided problem.

Right. Who is it that
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

stochastic terrorism (uncountable) NOUN

  1. The use of mass, public communication, usually against a particular individual or group, which incites or inspires acts of terrorism which are statistically probable but happen seemingly at random.
  2. All of this fits with what the anonymous blogger G2G had to say in his expanded definition of stochastic terrorism: “you heat up the waters and stir the pot, knowing full well that sooner or later a lone wolf will pop up and do the deed. The fact that it will happen is as predictable as the fact that a heated pot of water will eventually boil. But the exact time and place of each incident will remain as random as the appearance of the first bubbles in the boiling pot."
We were warned . . . but Republicans killed the messenger

There's no high ground to be had here. You either acknowledge what the true problem is, or you deny that the problem exists, as not wanting the appearance of choosing sides.

Which makes you part of the problem.
It isn’t a one sided problem.

Right. It's both sides fault the MAGAbomber mailed those packages, and it was both sides fault that white supremicist killed all of those jews in a synagogue yesterday.

Be sure to include that thought in an email to the families of the dead. I'm sure they agree with you.
I love it when people try to copy me.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery you know.

I have no idea of what you speak. Link?
You gotta be fukin' kidding me.

Creepazoid, what do you think is causing this violence?


That is one of the things I really have problems with and I oppose encouraging or supporting harassing people like that. It isn’t right.

So do some Dems.

Top Democrats condemn harassment approach as Waters pushes back

It's not JUST waters, it's the entire DNC leadership.
It is certainly ironic considering how these are not the people who were carrying torches. I wonder why this poster misrepresents so much....
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.
Correll, you know Coyote doesn't believe that.

EVERY TIME. Not one liberal on this site does not play that game.
Well, if you are one of those White Nationalists, the shoe fits. I don't try to keep you folks straight, so I wouldn't dare to guess.

I don't think it's about Nationalism, anti- Semitism, or Authoritarianism.

I just think Anglo- Saxon tribes are nuts.

I made a thead below proving its not the beliefs or government it is the people & their bad genes.

Non-Violent Authoritarian/Anti-Semite regime.

As. I pointed out Poland had the same policies as Nazi's in the 1930s & killed basically none Because Poles are Humans & Germans are something else.


Considering that the United States is about 50% Anglo-Saxon in origin (German) since well before World War I.

I would say that you're wrong.


View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Rupert Murdock, rush Limbaugh, those are the things that happened to us. They took terms like "libtard" and "feminazi" and made them ok to say on the air and the street. They made a career of demonizing the other side. They made it ok, even easy, to hate. They mainsteamed conspiracy theories and racism. And mostly, from my point of view, because there was a black man in the white house.

Yes, yes.

There's never been any hate from the American Left. No one ever heard of it.

More irony considering the mob violence we are seeing from the Far Right these last few months.
Or the McCarthy era...

On the heels of what you did to Kavanagh? :eek:

Blacklisting under McCarthy may never have really happened, but it sure goes on now.

{There has been a rash of stories over the past few weeks about conservatives connected with the film industry suffering various forms of persecution. The most straightforward, and least sinister, of these incidents was actress Maria Conchita Alonso getting kicked out of a Spanish-language production of “The Vagina Monologues” because she appeared in a humorous campaign ad for California gubernatorial candidate Tim Donnelly, who is a Tea Party Republican.}
Hollywood conservatives get a taste of the new blacklist | Human Events
Sorry to hear that Kavanaugh died like all those people in Pittsburgh.
bodecea said:
The MSM, HollyWeird, schools & big GOVT etc. have been shielding Letist scum for 50 years.

Enough People finally saw through it all and we have a slim shot to save America from ruin for future generations. the commeee are being exposed-removed, albeit slowly.

Don't bring a knife to a gun-fight.

Many Thanks to DJT & common horse sense.
"Leftist scum".......and yet...it's the Left that's doing all the name calling....:rolleyes:

Sorry. I forgot HomeO.
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