What has happened to us?

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The MSM, HollyWeird, schools & big GOVT etc. have been shielding Letist scum for 50 years.

Enough People finally saw through it all and we have a slim shot to save America from ruin for future generations. the commeee are being exposed-removed, albeit slowly.

Don't bring a knife to a gun-fight.

Many Thanks to DJT & common horse sense.
"Leftist scum".......and yet...it's the Left that's doing all the name calling....:rolleyes:

I'd hush if I were you....Trumpanzees ring a bell?
And you are offended by names? Will we expect another shooting over this now?
You gotta be fukin' kidding me.

Creepazoid, what do you think is causing this violence?

Idiots who try to change my are amusing to me.

Thank you.

So, you're too stupid to understand what the thread is? :thup:

Non sequiter.



Try again creepazoid.

The thread is about the violence and violent rhetoric in America - you're too stupid to grasp it, so I thought I'd help you out, little fella.

The Irony is getting pretty intense here.
Do you think an increasing public tolerance and support for rude, divisive, hateful, even violent rhetoric over the past years (this started before Trump) has a role to play in this?

Do you think that rhetoric from elected officials, devoid of facts, has a role to play in inspiring nutters to go from dormancy to action? For example the guy that tried to shoot up the pizza place?

How do we push back against this and how do we avoid giving these people a platform without infringing free speech?

One push back WE THE PEOPLE have is to refuse to tolerate it from our side. We don’t have to excuse it, justify it, point fingers at the other side. We can decide for ourselves this is leading us to no good place and challenge it.

We can also ask...who benefits from increased tribal divisions and carefully planted distrust of democratic institutions and an erosion of democracy overall.

I'm sure most will disagree.....but I do think Trump did/said the right thing about the bomber.....that it won't be tolerated and he will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And I say that because the 'bomber was a Trump supporter' according to all accounts. Atleast that is a good first step.

But this hate & division has been in the works for years. This country was doing ok under Bush right after 911...…..we all came together as a nation and everyone supported each other......as we should. But that didn't seem to last more than a year or two before things started going haywire. And over the years it's only gotten worse.

Both sides are to blame and it'll take both sides to come together. The question is...…..can it be done?
What happened?


Lefties keep taking and taking and demanding for more.

Enough is enough.
So sending bombs, shooting synagogues and black churches is now “pushback” ?

The synagogue shooting is all yours. A Trump hating Jew hater. Could be 90% of the leftists on this board.
He thought Trump was too liberal and controlled by Jews. I`d say you`re a seriously confused person. Are these people ours too?

If he hated Trump and the Jews, he sound's like the majority of the DNC.
If what you said was true, which it isn't....why do the majority of American Jews vote Democrat?
Is any one justifying it as pushback?

There is no justification for any of this, starting with what the Himmler clones on CNN and MSNBC do every hour of every day. Hatred is bulldozed down the throats of the American people by an out of control media so consumed with their partisan hatred that they can't ever recognize the lines they cross.

"Himmler clones"?
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We all need a little fairy dust about now.

It's only politics and if you think any of our crabbing and whining is making a bit of difference where our government is actually run.... you're taking this too seriously.

Will you call out CNN, Colbert, and the rest of the left hate media?


"You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about," "That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again."


You are comparing this to the Trump hate spewing????
We ARE talking the real snowflakes here.
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Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Don’t forget incessant murder in Chicago, etc., too.
Drug abuse, depleted family structure and alienation exacerbated by social media.
What is the Right's obsession with Chicago?
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
Thus 4Chan and QAnon and Gab.
What do you call putting limits on how much an organization can push rhetoric that glorifies hatred for an entire group of people?

An attack on the 1st amendment.

Look, CNN disgusts me and I agree they glorify and promote hatred, 24/7 - BUT without the freedom to say what we think, then we are slaves. CNN hates white people and Christians and calls for genocide. The response is for good people to respond with condemnation of them. Silencing the opposition is the act of tyrants.
"CNN hates white people and Christians and calls for genocide"......<<<<<this is what is wrong. Right here.
started with talk radio but the hatred bloomed in to fruition with the Internet and Social media, and the spreading of lies created, as truth.

no one is turning their cheek, or walking an extra mile with their adversary, as Christ TAUGHT.

Absolute poppycock. It started with Progressive infiltration into our systems of education and government.
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.
Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry which fuel reactionaryism – in this case an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and the wrongheaded notion that gay Americans seek ‘more rights.’

The rights gay Americans work to protect concern solely the relationship between government and gay Americans, where the Constitution prohibits government from disadvantaging gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than being gay.

The rights which safeguard gay Americans from government abuse do not apply to private citizens who are at complete liberty to hate gay Americans and refuse to associate with them, however ridiculous and unwarranted – no one can be ‘forced’ to accept gay Americans, and no one advocates ‘forcing’ anyone to accept gay Americans.

Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
"and get your AIDS test"......gives it all away, doesn't it?
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.
Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry which fuel reactionaryism – in this case an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and the wrongheaded notion that gay Americans seek ‘more rights.’

The rights gay Americans work to protect concern solely the relationship between government and gay Americans, where the Constitution prohibits government from disadvantaging gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than being gay.

The rights which safeguard gay Americans from government abuse do not apply to private citizens who are at complete liberty to hate gay Americans and refuse to associate with them, however ridiculous and unwarranted – no one can be ‘forced’ to accept gay Americans, and no one advocates ‘forcing’ anyone to accept gay Americans.

Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
What rights are they getting for being gay?
Gays get job preferences, this is wrong. Shit fucktard Liz Warren pretended to be an indian to get a job, if she pretended to be a lezbo indian she could have been the Dean. This is wrong, all people are or should be equal, no exceptions
Oh really? Show us where gays get job preferences.

Seems to me you are personally bitter about something in your job history and blame gays. Am I right?
What is it that can't change?
It’s looking like your brain might be malfunctioning. Try smacking your head against a wall and let us know if it helps.
I have a valid question here....what is it that can't change?
Did I say something can’t change?
"...when the left learns to accept the things they can't change......"

Accept your 4-8 years, yes. Wait your turn as Americans waited under stagnant 8 years BO.

Accept Kavanaugh, appointed under "the system" yes. Change the "system" next chance you get. Wait your turn ....... yes. Of course. Battery going....
You do know that impeachment is part of the process, right? And if someone in office has broken the law, it is in the country's best interest to remove the crook. Don't you agree?
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Diversity is what is happening. But don’t worry... “It’s our strength”. Lol...
You keep railing against diversity. But we've been a diverse country since our beginning. How do you intend on fixing that?
When diversity was voluntary, and people had freedom of association; we didn’t have these problems on this scale, nor with this frequency...
When have YOU been force to diversify? When have YOU been forced to associate with someone not like you?
started with talk radio but the hatred bloomed in to fruition with the Internet and Social media, and the spreading of lies created, as truth.

no one is turning their cheek, or walking an extra mile with their adversary, as Christ TAUGHT.

Absolute poppycock. It started with Progressive infiltration into our systems of education and government.
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.

Well and good but leave the nasty details of it out of curriculums
What "nasty details" are in the curriculum?
None in our children's, we won't allow it

There somebody tossed you a bone now sit down
What "nasty details" are in the curriculum? You mentioned some "nasty details"...what are they? and what curriculum are they in?
started with talk radio but the hatred bloomed in to fruition with the Internet and Social media, and the spreading of lies created, as truth.

no one is turning their cheek, or walking an extra mile with their adversary, as Christ TAUGHT.

Absolute poppycock. It started with Progressive infiltration into our systems of education and government.
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.
Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
I'm glad you agree that we have equal rights.
Everyone's rights are equal, that said gays have no rights to job protections that non gays do not get...……………..
That is correct. What's the problem then?
Laws that force people to provide services which violate their religious beliefs are anti-constitutional. The "aggrieved" gays could easily have purchased flowers and cakes from other businesses. Instead, they used the law to drive people out of business because FEELZ.

If you think that makes people sympathetic to gays, think again. It makes you look like tyrants. Which is quite sad as many gays do not support this tactic.

So, you sit here and BITCH about a demographic of US citizens utilizing attorneys & the courts to fight for a cause, labling them as "tyrants" when they could have just as easily gone out into the public & executed EVERY SINGLE HETERO at their own choosing?

LOL; if you call folks utilizing the LAW as tyrants, when they could have JUST AS EASILY MURDERED YOUR ASS then I guess you are an idiot.

Do gays fight for the rights of heterosexuals?

LOL dream on, and

get your AIDS test
Yes, when the gay person is an attorney and has a litigant that is in a civil rights lawsuit.

Only if the attorney is trying to remove all gay perks. Kid this has never happened
Don't bet on it Granpa...
Don't bet on Julio not having AIDS
What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Humans have never instilled those rules

Yes we did. And they were values that worked. I remember the day my Dad put locks on our doors. A "convict" had escaped from the local jail and was in the woods up on the hill we lived on. Prior to that, no one locked their doors. They didn't have to. There was nothing to fear out there. Kids would be gone playing all day, and no parent worried about them being kidnapped. No one was murdered for their shoes. Fast forward to my daughter's generation...
We are a godless society and it shows.
I don’t know. Love thy neighbor only applied if your neighbor looked and believed as you do. I might be over cynical but that is certainly the way it seems now.
How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.
Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
I'm glad you agree that we have equal rights.
Everyone's rights are equal, that said gays have no rights to job protections that non gays do not get...……………..

Where does it specifically protect only gays?
Right here, see I get nothing for being heterosexual, this is wrong, the law make gays special and they are not.

Protection for LGBT Employees Under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
That is a law that protects people from being fired based on their sexual orientation.....you don't think that kind of protection should exist?
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