What has happened to us?

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How dare they teach us that homosexuals have rights to.
Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry which fuel reactionaryism – in this case an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and the wrongheaded notion that gay Americans seek ‘more rights.’

The rights gay Americans work to protect concern solely the relationship between government and gay Americans, where the Constitution prohibits government from disadvantaging gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than being gay.

The rights which safeguard gay Americans from government abuse do not apply to private citizens who are at complete liberty to hate gay Americans and refuse to associate with them, however ridiculous and unwarranted – no one can be ‘forced’ to accept gay Americans, and no one advocates ‘forcing’ anyone to accept gay Americans.

Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay

No one is demanding anything special for LGBTs, just the same as everyone else gets.
The same should be true of people of various religions, who are trying to force themselves on American citizens and abridge the rights of others. Who was it that came up with the idea for the ignorantly named piece of legislation known as "The Defense of Marriage Act," which actually enshrined the exact opposite into federal law?
I disagree.

Mass shooting, riots and hate was going on when Obama was President along with the few terrorist attacks, so it is nothing new since Obama days.

We saw an increase during Bill Clinton time but it grew bigger under Obama and I can list the many attacks on society while Obama was President.

So Trump is not the main reasoning at all.

As for Social Media, well when you let the village idiots allow to write and post their view as truth, well ya know it is not going to help at all...
Jesus Fuck yiou people are stupid.

List those attacks and point out where Obama's rhetoric played a part.

1. Where did I say Obama speeches caused the attacks?

I pointed out the fact violence has been going on a lot longer than Trump has been President!

2. Calling someone stupid while you spin the comment of the other poster shows the entire board you are no better than those you cry about daily!

I have read the hate written by you and yes you would use violence against the opposition party!

3. Show where in my response I condone Trump words at any moment and if you fail then maybe Coyote need to help you and if she fails then you need to put a muzzle on because you are as rabid as those you hate!

When you compared these events to today's events. And you must be dumber than shit not to see how Trump has played a part.

I hate the way Trump is getting people killerd
'And you have absolutely no idea that I would commit any violent act against your ilk.

My attack will be my vote. My attack is work in campaigns to get you hate mongering assholes out of power.

Shame on you. Shame Shame Shame Trump spews hate & you soak it up like a dry sponge in a cesspool. You defend that piece of shit & that makes you a piece of shit.

You prove Mac point!

You are nothing but hate and no better than Trump!

From your response you called me an asshole just because I pointed out your spin and lies!

I never voted for Trump and never will but unlike you I did not for Trump friend either.

See you are part of the problem and never the solution.

You support radical hatred as long as your side is doing it.

Not once did I put blame on Obama and if you read my responses I said Trump is not the major part but acknowledged he is part of it.

See that is how I know you are no better than those you wish were killed.

You have made it clear you are unstable and filled with rage!

Now please tell me how I am a Trumpster and show your damn ignorance even more because even those that voted for Trump know I am not a fan of his and have threads to prove it!

The difference between you and I is the fact I am not fill with hate!

You defended the Trump[ rhetoric when you stated that this has been going on under Obama & Clinton.

If you can't see the difference between how Obama spoke & Trump then you must be really fucking stupid.
--------------------------------- silliest thing i have heard when you ask about the Difference between Trump and 'mrobama; speaking RealDave .
Trump sounds like an American , 'mrobama' sounded like a wussy unamerican Globalist RealDave .
Homosexuals do have rights, they do not have however more rights then non homosexuals and heterosexuals do not have to accept homosexuality if they choose not too
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry which fuel reactionaryism – in this case an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and the wrongheaded notion that gay Americans seek ‘more rights.’

The rights gay Americans work to protect concern solely the relationship between government and gay Americans, where the Constitution prohibits government from disadvantaging gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than being gay.

The rights which safeguard gay Americans from government abuse do not apply to private citizens who are at complete liberty to hate gay Americans and refuse to associate with them, however ridiculous and unwarranted – no one can be ‘forced’ to accept gay Americans, and no one advocates ‘forcing’ anyone to accept gay Americans.

Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What has happened to us?

In a nut shell, we no longer instill:
"Thou shalt not kill".
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
"Love thy neighbor."

Peace is an attribute shared with us by way of the Holy Spirit. When we kicked God out, His Spirit went with him.
The void has been filled by Satan.
Are we required to believe in your god, your holy spirit, your satan?

No more than we are required to think your sexual preference is normal, it's not.
No more or less than I think some of the sexual choices heteros make are normal. This marrying people in prison....what's up with not. Not that I would want to hold it against you or anything.....

WTF are you lying about now, Plywood?

Nimble fucks like you are the problem in this nation. You create division, lie and when confronted you double down and lie some more.

You're not normal, your preference and yes it is a preference goes against nature.

That and your redundancy is a clear and present sign of a mental disorder....you're just a hot mess, Plywood
Again....what does your post have to do with the thread topic? You make it all about posters....could that be because you have no valid argument? That personal attacks are all you have left? What next? Guns and bombs?
It wasn't until the advent of social media that average Americans realized just how much they were despised by the left. They were too busy working, raising their families and watching monday night football to pay much heed to politics. Many of them even voted for Democrats because they believed the sappy slogans about tolerance and diversity. But now, when "WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU DEAD" is broadcast 24/7 by massive media corporations it's impossible to ignore.

That's what happened.
--------------------------------------------- 2 things got me interested in Politics . And those couple of things were Guns and immigration or what i like to call importation of third worlders . Anyway , dems are against guns and are for importation of third worlders . And thats just 2 issues . Anyway, with 'dems' being as they are i don't see how i can ever call a 'dem' an American . And its got nothing to do with name calling or anger , insults or anything else . Its simply that 'dems' and most imported third worlders that gravitate to the 'dems' are unAMERICAN .And most imported third worlders do gravitate to the 'dem' party .
"Dems are against guns"....oh really? I'm a Dem and have many guns...and I have Dem friends who have guns. In fact I encourage all my Dem friends, particularly women and minorities to have guns and learn how to use them.
-------------------------------------------- no body believes you , certainly not me Bode . Though there is an uptick in minorities and women owning guns which is good to see . My main problem is any and all RESTRICTIONS and then background check and 'dems 'push for more of them all the time . --- --- and it was 'feinstein' , a 'dem' that did the first 'assault weapons ban' Bode .

And guess how banned open carry in California with the blessing of the IRA? Look up Mulford Act.

------------------------------------ and it wasn't the 'ira' and yes , reagan did that 'mulford act' same as he banned sales of newly manufactured machine guns to Americans , think it was GCA of 84 . And then 'reagan' - bush did 'amnesty' in 86 i think . I haven't supported a repub since 2004 [think it is] . I only support Trump , Cruz and other off kilter Deplorable types if they run as 'repubs' Bode .

Yes...a mistype....I meant the NRA....they fully supported the Mulford Act and we still do not have open carry in CA.
Usually takes three generations for the assimilation to be complete. No more than that and often faster.


With a little violation of rights push...

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia

...from the federal government.



The Alien and Sedition Acts were unConstitutional.....obviously growing pains for the New Republic...passed by the con-servative party of the time, the Federalists.

Passed by Congress, and therefore law. That's how that works. ;)

And allowed to expire by the Democrat President Jefferson. Or else it was guaranteed to be struck down as unConstitutional.
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry which fuel reactionaryism – in this case an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and the wrongheaded notion that gay Americans seek ‘more rights.’

The rights gay Americans work to protect concern solely the relationship between government and gay Americans, where the Constitution prohibits government from disadvantaging gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than being gay.

The rights which safeguard gay Americans from government abuse do not apply to private citizens who are at complete liberty to hate gay Americans and refuse to associate with them, however ridiculous and unwarranted – no one can be ‘forced’ to accept gay Americans, and no one advocates ‘forcing’ anyone to accept gay Americans.

Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

You are quite uninformed.
Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

You are quite uninformed.
And you have no ability to inform me of what is not happening


Now get your AIDS TEST
Trump sounds like an American , 'mrobama' sounded like a wussy unamerican Globalist RealDave .
Only in your America would a President sound like a deranged madman with a ten word vocabulary who lies every day.
I disagree.

Mass shooting, riots and hate was going on when Obama was President along with the few terrorist attacks, so it is nothing new since Obama days.

We saw an increase during Bill Clinton time but it grew bigger under Obama and I can list the many attacks on society while Obama was President.

So Trump is not the main reasoning at all.

As for Social Media, well when you let the village idiots allow to write and post their view as truth, well ya know it is not going to help at all...
Jesus Fuck yiou people are stupid.

List those attacks and point out where Obama's rhetoric played a part.

1. Where did I say Obama speeches caused the attacks?

I pointed out the fact violence has been going on a lot longer than Trump has been President!

2. Calling someone stupid while you spin the comment of the other poster shows the entire board you are no better than those you cry about daily!

I have read the hate written by you and yes you would use violence against the opposition party!

3. Show where in my response I condone Trump words at any moment and if you fail then maybe Coyote need to help you and if she fails then you need to put a muzzle on because you are as rabid as those you hate!

When you compared these events to today's events. And you must be dumber than shit not to see how Trump has played a part.

I hate the way Trump is getting people killerd
'And you have absolutely no idea that I would commit any violent act against your ilk.

My attack will be my vote. My attack is work in campaigns to get you hate mongering assholes out of power.

Shame on you. Shame Shame Shame Trump spews hate & you soak it up like a dry sponge in a cesspool. You defend that piece of shit & that makes you a piece of shit.

You prove Mac point!

You are nothing but hate and no better than Trump!

From your response you called me an asshole just because I pointed out your spin and lies!

I never voted for Trump and never will but unlike you I did not for Trump friend either.

See you are part of the problem and never the solution.

You support radical hatred as long as your side is doing it.

Not once did I put blame on Obama and if you read my responses I said Trump is not the major part but acknowledged he is part of it.

See that is how I know you are no better than those you wish were killed.

You have made it clear you are unstable and filled with rage!

Now please tell me how I am a Trumpster and show your damn ignorance even more because even those that voted for Trump know I am not a fan of his and have threads to prove it!

The difference between you and I is the fact I am not fill with hate!

You defended the Trump[ rhetoric when you stated that this has been going on under Obama & Clinton.

If you can't see the difference between how Obama spoke & Trump then you must be really fucking stupid.

Holy shit you are nothing but a pathetic troll!

I never mentioned Obama speeches and stated violence we see today is no different than it was when Obama was President.

I also stated Trump is part of the issue but he is not the major reasoning!

What part of that are you having a hard time with?

You also claimed I am a Trump voter so before you even utter fucking stupid maybe you should educate yourself and learn I hate Trump but I am not some vile piece of nutter scum twisting the words of others like you are!

I am not defending Trump but you know this and just hate being told Trump is not the major reason for the nomsense you see.

Also the Pittsburgh shooting was by a guy that hate Trump, so he is more like you!
No one is demanding anything special for LGBTs, just the same as everyone else gets
Of course you are. Ask ANYONE 30 years ago or 300 years ago what the definition of marriage is. You've changed that definition to include 2 people of the same sex.

You've demanded that those who oppose YOUR "enlightened" new definition of marriage SUBMIT lose everything.

Leftists are scum.
One side pushed too far.............the other side pushed back........

And some crazies escaped in the process............Will the left stop calling us every name in the book.......will they respect the right of the other side to speak their views publically without being harassed......Will their elected officials stop telling their side to harass and attack our side..................

There are too sides who are becoming highly pissed at each other........did you notice..........We didn't start the fire.

.will they respect the right of the other side to speak their views
Dont count on it..

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I totally disagree with any group that tries to block anyone from speaking......like those groups keeping speakers from going to universities. But remember that the 1st Amendment is about the government shutting people's free speech down. Has that happened?
No one is demanding anything special for LGBTs, just the same as everyone else gets
Of course you are. Ask ANYONE 30 years ago or 300 years ago what the definition of marriage is. You've changed that definition to include 2 people of the same sex.

You've demanded that those who oppose YOUR "enlightened" new definition of marriage SUBMIT lose everything.

Leftists are scum.
The definition of marriage has changed many times.....the thing is....if the government provides marriage licenses to one group of law-abiding, tax-paying adult citizens, they cannot withhold those same licenses with the same governmental protections to another group of law-abiding, tax-paying adult citizens. The 14th Amendment states, in Section 1: "...nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?
Diversity is what is happening. But don’t worry... “It’s our strength”. Lol...
You keep railing against diversity. But we've been a diverse country since our beginning. How do you intend on fixing that?
When diversity was voluntary, and people had freedom of association; we didn’t have these problems on this scale, nor with this frequency...
When have YOU been force to diversify? When have YOU been forced to associate with someone not like you?
In school. In the military. In restaurants. In hiring. In the way my tax dollars are spent.... I could go on forever...
Wait....you want to be protected from different groups when you are out in public? Seriously? What kind of uber snowflake ARE YOU?
The magabomber is a trump "superfan" that isn't all there regardless of his intelligence.

The synagogue shooter is a far right extremist. So far right he did not support trump and considered him a "globalist" likely because his daughter is jewish and he supports israel.

Unfortunately these far right nazis have figured out how the internet can amplify and spread their message of hate. They hide behind the right of free speech to spread the hatred and attack any internet entity that bans their bullshit. They are the cancer of the internet and humanity.

I think it also amplifies conspiracy theories and what passes as truth is becoming very dangerous.

It is this ridiculous conspiracy theory crap promoted by Trump and the Right that prompted the bomber to target Soros and the synagogue shooter to target Jews.

And a gun man to attempt to shoot up a pizza place.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

Are you a racist? A bigot?

Are you trying to be ironic? Or are you just proving my point with your idiocy?
Name calling?
And this is an example of the ignorance, fear, hate, and bigotry which fuel reactionaryism – in this case an unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans and the wrongheaded notion that gay Americans seek ‘more rights.’

The rights gay Americans work to protect concern solely the relationship between government and gay Americans, where the Constitution prohibits government from disadvantaging gay Americans through force of law for no other reason than being gay.

The rights which safeguard gay Americans from government abuse do not apply to private citizens who are at complete liberty to hate gay Americans and refuse to associate with them, however ridiculous and unwarranted – no one can be ‘forced’ to accept gay Americans, and no one advocates ‘forcing’ anyone to accept gay Americans.

Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
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