What has happened to us?

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No one is demanding anything special for LGBTs, just the same as everyone else gets
Of course you are. Ask ANYONE 30 years ago or 300 years ago what the definition of marriage is. You've changed that definition to include 2 people of the same sex.

You've demanded that those who oppose YOUR "enlightened" new definition of marriage SUBMIT lose everything.

Leftists are scum.

You don't have to "submit" to anything other than what everyone has to "submit" to. If you don't want to marry a person of the same sex, then don't. We are talking about civil marriage, not some sort of religious thing unless the couple wants it.

You never said who thought up DOMA. Probably some fundie shithead.
Gays deserve absolutely no rights for being gay, our rights as Americans are equal. You are the fucktard who thinks you are special. You are not.

And get your AIDS test
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.
No one is demanding anything special for LGBTs, just the same as everyone else gets
Of course you are. Ask ANYONE 30 years ago or 300 years ago what the definition of marriage is. You've changed that definition to include 2 people of the same sex.

You've demanded that those who oppose YOUR "enlightened" new definition of marriage SUBMIT lose everything.

Leftists are scum.

You don't have to "submit" to anything other than what everyone has to "submit" to. If you don't want to marry a person of the same sex, then don't. We are talking about civil marriage, not some sort of religious thing unless the couple wants it.

You never said who thought up DOMA. Probably some fundie shithead.
I thought it was Bill Clinton actually...
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.

<waving upraised hand WILDLY> I know----they can claim
DISCRMINATION--------like people of "COLOR" ie pull the
Diversity is what is happening. But don’t worry... “It’s our strength”. Lol...
You keep railing against diversity. But we've been a diverse country since our beginning. How do you intend on fixing that?
When diversity was voluntary, and people had freedom of association; we didn’t have these problems on this scale, nor with this frequency...
When have YOU been force to diversify? When have YOU been forced to associate with someone not like you?
In school. In the military. In restaurants. In hiring. In the way my tax dollars are spent.... I could go on forever...
Wait....you want to be protected from different groups when you are out in public? Seriously? What kind of uber snowflake ARE YOU?
Wrong dick breath. I want to hire whomever I like. Rent to whoever I like. Total freedom of association. Get the government out of everyone’s personal, and professional life. But then you already knew that. And the thought of such a thing becoming reality scares the shit out of you. Because then you’d see just how much things haven’t changed.
agree if you are saying that they are claiming that they are a PROTECTED or SPECIAL Group IRosie .
Usually takes three generations for the assimilation to be complete. No more than that and often faster.


With a little violation of rights push...

Alien and Sedition Acts - Wikipedia

...from the federal government.



The Alien and Sedition Acts were unConstitutional.....obviously growing pains for the New Republic...passed by the con-servative party of the time, the Federalists.


Yes they were.

The one's I'm really referring to are those enacted in 1918...

Sedition Act of 1918 - Wikipedia

...by Woodrow Wilson who happened to be a Democrat.

These Sedition Acts were taken so far as to read that any foreign language, but most especially German, could not be spoken or taught prior to college... Along with other human rights violations targeted towards the German-American communities in the United States even though those same German-Americans filled US uniforms and stood beside their fellow "American" countrymen during both those wars.



You know that during times of declared war these laws are legal, right? Like martial law.

It applied only to times "when the United States is in war." The U.S. was in a declared state of war at the time of passage, the First World War.[3] The law was repealed on December 13, 1920.[4]
You keep railing against diversity. But we've been a diverse country since our beginning. How do you intend on fixing that?
When diversity was voluntary, and people had freedom of association; we didn’t have these problems on this scale, nor with this frequency...
When have YOU been force to diversify? When have YOU been forced to associate with someone not like you?
In school. In the military. In restaurants. In hiring. In the way my tax dollars are spent.... I could go on forever...
Wait....you want to be protected from different groups when you are out in public? Seriously? What kind of uber snowflake ARE YOU?
Wrong dick breath. I want to hire whomever I like. Rent to whoever I like. Total freedom of association. Get the government out of everyone’s personal, and professional life. But then you already knew that. And the thought of such a thing becoming reality scares the shit out of you. Because then you’d see just how much things haven’t changed.
More name-calling? However...that IS rather funny, you calling me that. :71:
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

I used to think all of it was hate but last night someone I look up to a great deal told me it's insanity.

I suspect he's correct. Not just one side either....being nuts isnt confined to one faction

Somewhere along the line liberals decided mental hospitals were "mean". They don't understand "unintentional consequences". Having insane people fend for themselves--or loose upon society--can be a lot meaner.

And I have sad news: I love my students, but our special ed professionals have said they often feel like they're running day treatment centers rather than schools, the need is so crushing. I have been teaching for 25 years and have never, ever seen so many students so crippled and needy. It's not going to get better.

PS Kids are still the most superior humans, though. They just are. :)
Gov Reagan approves your message blaming liberals.

Thanks for seriously addressing the point he raised. Not.
Mine was a serious post. Here, read it: U01: Ronald Reagan and the Federal Deinstitutionalization of Mentally Ill Patients | PSY 533: Ethics and Leadership (Wheeler)
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

What happened to us?

Well maybe he did a little history lesson on the Al Gore Unabomber who mailed bombs to CEO's and murdered them cuz they were harming the environment.

Or maybe he did a little digging and found Bill Ayers and how he bombed various places for political gain.

Or maybe he discovered Oscar Lopez Rivera who had murdered people in New York with bombs for political gain. Bill Clinton refused to commute his sentence and release him because he was unrepentant, but Obama had no such moral issues and let him go.

After all, he was a big communist so deep down he meant well.

Thanks for playing.
You had go back pretty far didnt you?

Problem is - Al Gore and political ideology really didn't factor in to his terrorism.

SACRAMENTO - Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski's writings indicate he was motivated to kill by a lifelong rage and hatred of society, not by love of nature nor disdain for technology.

In dozens of personal musings in journals, diaries and a self-styled autobiography released Tuesday, prosecutors used Kaczynski's own words to provide a stark account of his motives during an 18-year bombing spree that killed three and injured 29 others.

"I certainly don't claim to be an altruist or to be acting for the "good' (whatever that is) of the human race," Kaczynski wrote in an April 1971 journal entry. "I act merely from a desire for revenge."

In another entry around the same date, he writes, "I believe in nothing . . . I don't even believe in the cult of nature-worshipers or wilderness-worshipers. (I am perfectly ready to litter in parts of the woods that are of no use to me - I often throw cans in logged-over areas or in places much frequented by people; I don't find wilderness particularly healthy physically; I don't hesitate to poach.)"

The 92 pages of selected writings from 1969 to February 1996 were compiled from evidence seized by authorities from Kaczynski's mountain shack after his arrest in April 1996.

The excerpts included details from decoded diaries showing how his hostility toward others began in childhood, how he taunted his victims with letters and how he designed and constructed homemade bombs. His writings also detail methodical plans to escape detection and deceive authorities.
How about putting forth ideas to advance our nation forward? Not, women are bad unless they are subjugated to someone's sexual whims, people with darker skin are evil, People who practice religions other than fundamentalist Christianity are evil, LGBTs are evil. Dump this shit and get back into society.

How about not raising taxes, killing babies, giving taxpayer money away, and trying to ban guns?

America is being overrun by vermin from white-trash fundie cults.

A.) Why is it surprising that White Fundamentalists have become more prevalent, when they have had more children for a few generations now???

B.) Who's fault is it that the White trash AKA poor White Fundamentalists on welfare get rewarded more welfare for each kid they have????

C.) I don't think it is likely that Rob Bowers was a Fundamentalist, usually they are more the pro-Jewish & anti-Muslim type, so much so they're usually Neocon Zionists.

I don't think they are more prevalent. I think the political atmosphere these days has emboldended them to try and make their ideology "mainstream". You are seeing it in Europe, you are seeing it here.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.

<waving upraised hand WILDLY> I know----they can claim
DISCRMINATION--------like people of "COLOR" ie pull the

What special rights do gays get that heteros don't?
Look, its the bigoted ignorant piece of shit.

Trump is stripping the gay community of equal rights,.
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.
------------------------------------------ I think that IRosie did in her post number 684 Coyote !!
You keep railing against diversity. But we've been a diverse country since our beginning. How do you intend on fixing that?
When diversity was voluntary, and people had freedom of association; we didn’t have these problems on this scale, nor with this frequency...
When have YOU been force to diversify? When have YOU been forced to associate with someone not like you?
In school. In the military. In restaurants. In hiring. In the way my tax dollars are spent.... I could go on forever...
Wait....you want to be protected from different groups when you are out in public? Seriously? What kind of uber snowflake ARE YOU?
Wrong dick breath. I want to hire whomever I like. Rent to whoever I like. Total freedom of association. Get the government out of everyone’s personal, and professional life. But then you already knew that. And the thought of such a thing becoming reality scares the shit out of you. Because then you’d see just how much things haven’t changed.

Problem there is when everyone feels as you do and wide spread discrimmination locks them out of good jobs, housing, education. Just like the good old days eh?
I would disagree. As a child I was a Civil War buff as was my father (a died in the wool conservative). We learned about the Missouri compromise, and other legislative attempts to maintain equal numbers of slave and free states. We went to visit the battlefields and historical sites (where monuments rightfully belong). Never once did he claim it was primarily over states rights or that slavery was only a side issue. What I learned in school echoed that. He was in school in the forties and fifties and I in the sixties and seventies. This attempt to white wash it is relatively recent.

Did you "learn" that Abraham Lincoln was a liberal democrat as the schools (skewls) today teach?


Get real.

Public University’s Plaque Labels President Lincoln A Democrat - The College Fix

Actually this is a great example of how things get deliberately distorted to serve partisan agendas.

From your link.

When a picture of the memorial recently surfaced on social media sites, it quickly went viral, and prompted anger among many Republicans, who called the dedication not only inaccurate but also a prime example of revisionist history. But the university stands by the inscription.

The plaque, located on a historic building that’s part of Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago and installed in 1905, states: “This building is dedicated to public service honoring the memory of Abraham Lincoln Democrat.”

“ According to building archives, the word democrat was used because Lincoln was an advocate for democracy—the political or social equality of all people,” campus officials stated in a press release. “The word was not chosen to reflect a political affiliation. … Northeastern Illinois University recognizes the context that this plaque was created and intends to uphold its integrity.”
Which means....Dems AGAIN made a common word that is supposedly good for the USA into something bad due to their actions.

Any MSM report about the #walkaway gathering today? A buttload showed up, yet..silence. Funny, that. So my question is...why are so many dems walking away? Is it because they don't like what the "democrats" have/are done/doing and what they represent has no bearing on what the term DEMOCRACY means or rather..USED to mean?

Likely because those who showed up were Republicans.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

EVERY TIME, I disagree with a democrat, I am called a vile hateful name of some sort, such as racist or nazis.

That makes me very mad and makes me look at them as the enemy.

You want to stop the hate and division, stop believing that anyone that disagrees with you, has to be Evil.

You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
Case in point, I'm talking about issues, and the liberal in question focuses on the person I am talking to, or about, and decides that that is what I am really about.

And thus, the debate is ended, and the lib in question calls me a name, I call them names back, and the cycle continues.

You mean like this: What has happened to us?
or this: What has happened to us?
or this: What has happened to us?
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.
------------------------------------------ I think that IRosie did in her post number 684 Coyote !!

Let's see...the right to claim discrimmination based on sexual orientation Pis?

What law denies hetros the same right?
Americans all deserve the same rights, gays deserve nothing special for being gay
So why is trump making it OK to discriminate against them?
Trump is not doing that. If gays get any perks for being gay, then non gays are being discriminated against

What "perks" are they getting? Being able to have the legality of marriage is not an "extra." It is what every heterosexual already takes for granted as a right. It is simply an equal rights thing.
No one hasbeen able to come up with a single or perk gays get that does not also apply to heteros.

<waving upraised hand WILDLY> I know----they can claim
DISCRMINATION--------like people of "COLOR" ie pull the
------------------------------------- IRosie post number 684 show Special perks Coyote .
You can begin by stopping attacking other people. It's always African-Americans who are wrong, women are wrong, LGBTs are wrong, Muslims are wrong, Latinos/Latinas are wrong, and all down the line, and YOU have the answer, which is that all of these people have to get with your program. How about cooperating in friendship with all of these people? How about stopping your aggression and pomposity toward others? Why not try shutting your mouth and listening while others speak?
And white trash who are wrong and fundies who are wrong...you gotta reach out from the left too.

That's a start.

But until you give up on calling people "racist", it is small potatoes.

Along with homophobe and bigot.
And babykiller, libtard, and commie.

libtard is perfectly acceptable, if you don't want to be called a baby killer don't kill babies, commie is so 1950's
And there it is, folks.
View attachment 225282

Last week....

A Florida man was arrested after sending mail bombs to prominent Democrats and Trump critics. His online activity was full of hateful rhetoric targeting Democrats and minorities.

A man with a history of violence shot and killed two African-Americans in a Kentucky Kroger store following a failed attempt to barge into a black church.

And Saturday morning, a man shouting anti-Semitic slurs opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people attending Jewish services.

What is happening to us?

The sad truth is that the pernicious effects of liberalism is catching up with us. Years and years of progressives unraveling the fabric of society in their constant arrogance that it both needed fixed and that THEY were put here on Earth to do it! I know you'll disagree, but it really is as simple as that.
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