What has Obama done to help the middle class?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
Their taxes went up due to Obama letting the Bush Tax Cuts end.
If you are a member of a Union, Obamacare is going to have a negative impact on your current Health Care.

Corporate America will not have to adhere to Obamacare for a year. Congress and there staff
as well as appointed officials are exempt from Obamacare.

However, the middle class gets no relief from Obamacare. Are you happy that you voted for Obama? Has your life gotten better? Wake up!
I am middle class and both parties are at fault for not creating a jobs program.
Their taxes went up due to Obama letting the Bush Tax Cuts end.
If you are a member of a Union, Obamacare is going to have a negative impact on your current Health Care.

Corporate America will not have to adhere to Obamacare for a year. Congress and there staff
as well as appointed officials are exempt from Obamacare.

However, the middle class gets no relief from Obamacare. Are you happy that you voted for Obama? Has your life gotten better? Wake up!

Yea, because the Bush tax cuts created so many jobs and didn't add to the deficit, right?:lol:
Q. What has Obama done to help the middle-class?

A. He prevented both McCain and Romney from becoming President!
Q. What has Obama done to help the middle-class?

A. He prevented both McCain and Romney from becoming President!

Thank you. Romney is a "pioneer of outsourcing".

Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act insuring equal pay for women.

He signed Credit Card reform in 2010.

Signed financial reform law allowing shareholders of publicly traded companies to vote on executive pay

Provided $12.2 Billion in new funding for Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

He got 20 Billion from BP when Republicans apologized for Obama getting 20 billion and blocked Obama from investigating BP.

Created more private sector jobs in 2010 than during entire Bush years

Voluntary disclosure of White House visitors for the first time in US history (I remember when male whore for pay Jeff Gannon spent night after night in the Bush White House and no one knows where he "slept" or who signed him in)

Appointed first Latina to the US Supreme Court

Signed the Children's Health Insurance Reauthorization Act, which provides health care to 11 million kids -- 4 million of whom were previously uninsured

and the list goes on and on.

Dishonest fuck.

Where are your links to the dozens of jobs bills passed from the House to the Senate that Reid dumped in the trash?

Dishonest fuck.

Where are your links to the dozens of jobs bills passed from the House to the Senate that Reid dumped in the trash?

I provided links and so I'm dishonest? Where are your links?



Thought so.

Remember, Republicans say government can't create jobs. There are no jobs bills.

Republicans Take Credit For Successful Stimulus Project On House GOP Website

Stimulus watch; 114 GOP Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Dishonest fuck.

Where are your links to the dozens of jobs bills passed from the House to the Senate that Reid dumped in the trash?

I provided links and so I'm dishonest? Where are your links?



Thought so.

Remember, Republicans say government can't create jobs. There are no jobs bills.

Republicans Take Credit For Successful Stimulus Project On House GOP Website

Stimulus watch; 114 GOP Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

"We've passed more than 30 jobs bills -- he should call on Senate Democrats to stop stalling them."
Analysis: Where are the jobs bills? - CNN.com
Well, he raised our taxes, expired the payroll cut and then gave us Obama Tax. That has to count for something. Even if it's a negative result when we say "help" the middle class.
Well, he raised our taxes, expired the payroll cut and then gave us Obama Tax. That has to count for something. Even if it's a negative result when we say "help" the middle class.

You have a link for that? Cuz it sounds like something you pulled out your ass.
Their taxes went up due to Obama letting the Bush Tax Cuts end.
If you are a member of a Union, Obamacare is going to have a negative impact on your current Health Care.

Corporate America will not have to adhere to Obamacare for a year. Congress and there staff
as well as appointed officials are exempt from Obamacare.

However, the middle class gets no relief from Obamacare. Are you happy that you voted for Obama? Has your life gotten better? Wake up!

Obama's kept a republican out of the white house. That's enough for me. Republicans are for the extremely wealthy and large corporations period. They do nothing for us. They're the reason we don't have national healthcare like other modern countries. This latest shutdown was planned months in advice by private citizens and multibillionaires that want to steal what's left of this country. Read the article I posted below, just take a couple minutes.

Well, he raised our taxes, expired the payroll cut and then gave us Obama Tax. That has to count for something. Even if it's a negative result when we say "help" the middle class.

You have a link for that? Cuz it sounds like something you pulled out your ass.

Sure thing, Rderp. Not that I expect you to actually read or anything....

2013 Tax Rate Changes | Income Tax Changes in 2013

13 Tax Increases That Started January 1, 2013
Their taxes went up due to Obama letting the Bush Tax Cuts end.
If you are a member of a Union, Obamacare is going to have a negative impact on your current Health Care.

Corporate America will not have to adhere to Obamacare for a year. Congress and there staff
as well as appointed officials are exempt from Obamacare.

However, the middle class gets no relief from Obamacare. Are you happy that you voted for Obama? Has your life gotten better? Wake up!

Obama's kept a republican out of the white house. That's enough for me. Republicans are for the extremely wealthy and large corporations period. They do nothing for us. They're the reason we don't have national healthcare like other modern countries. This latest shutdown was planned months in advice by private citizens and multibillionaires that want to steal what's left of this country. Read the article I posted below, just take a couple minutes.


Only the republicans, hehe? Is that why lobbyists were the architect for Obama Tax?

You lefties are fuckin' log jammed. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.
Their taxes went up due to Obama letting the Bush Tax Cuts end.
If you are a member of a Union, Obamacare is going to have a negative impact on your current Health Care.

Corporate America will not have to adhere to Obamacare for a year. Congress and there staff
as well as appointed officials are exempt from Obamacare.

However, the middle class gets no relief from Obamacare. Are you happy that you voted for Obama? Has your life gotten better? Wake up!

Obama's kept a republican out of the white house. That's enough for me. Republicans are for the extremely wealthy and large corporations period. They do nothing for us. They're the reason we don't have national healthcare like other modern countries. This latest shutdown was planned months in advice by private citizens and multibillionaires that want to steal what's left of this country. Read the article I posted below, just take a couple minutes.


Only the republicans, hehe? Is that why lobbyists were the architect for Obama Tax?

You lefties are fuckin' log jammed. If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny.
You must have a link. Maybe you just forgot. Here, chew on this one for a minute. May 2011 data. From an impartial link. So, perhaps you have impartial information showing that under the current administration, the taxes paid by citizens has increased so much during the past 2.5 years that your statements make some sort of sense:
The tax burden facing Americans is lower than it has been in more than 50 years, according to an analysis by USA Today.

Bureau of Economic Analysis data shows that Americans are now paying 23.6 percent of their income to cover federal, state and local taxes. In the 1970s through 1990s, they were paying about 27 percent of their income in taxes.
Analysis finds U.S. tax burden lowest since 1958 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
I already provided a link regarding tax increases on the middle class, fella. Your quote and your assertion, like most of the shit you drool out, do not match up.
Their taxes went up due to Obama letting the Bush Tax Cuts end.
If you are a member of a Union, Obamacare is going to have a negative impact on your current Health Care.

Corporate America will not have to adhere to Obamacare for a year. Congress and there staff
as well as appointed officials are exempt from Obamacare.

However, the middle class gets no relief from Obamacare. Are you happy that you voted for Obama? Has your life gotten better? Wake up!

You ask the wrong question.

The real question is why is the GOP preventing Obama from helping the middle class.
I already provided a link regarding tax increases on the middle class, fella. Your quote and your assertion, like most of the shit you drool out, do not match up.
Now, now, now, me boy. Two problems. 1. I suggested that you had not provided an impartial link. As usual, you are off dredging around the right wing nut case sites. The foundry is a blog of the Heritage Foundation. Now, I suspect that you know fully that Heratage, and the Foundry, are FAR, FAR, FAR from impartial. Kinda like a liberal providing you a link to moveon.org. You see, me boy, people with integrity would not do so.
2. The tax increases are twelve NOT ON THE MIDDLE CLASS as you clearly said they were in your post. Another lie by you. If you read your source, you would see that all have a minimum income requirement of between $250K and $450K.

The first of 13 listed by The Foundry was the payroll tax, which did affect the middle class. Unfortunately, me boy, it was not a new tax, but the expiration of a tax decrease put into effect by the Obama administration. And no congressmen, dems or repubs, put up an effort to keep it in place. Though Obama suggested that they should.

But the real issue is that those tax increases were just a small part of the tax burden of the US. Once looked at carefully, you will still see that taxes under this administration are small by comparison to other presidents.

By the way, I thought you were for reducing the deficit, and the national debt. And tax increases are one of a couple of ways to do that. As reagan learned. Do you need that lesson again???

So, where is that impartial link, me boy? Or do you not use those links???
Yeah, yeah. The shoot the messenger fallacy. Now, me fucking retard, crawl back into your hole and dig. Dig like you've never dug before. Because there isn't any such thing as an "impartial link", me dear fuckin' retard.

I provided the information. You can display as many logical fallacies regarding it as you like. But there is nothing within that link that can not be verified elsewhere.

Me fuckin' retard.
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