What have Republicans, other than Lincoln and Eisenhower, ever done for America?

Is that you seeking comparative values for the sake of judgement? Hypocrite.
No it’s me asking a guy who claimed Nixon was responsible for putting a man on the moon… what exactly Nixon did. I thought that was pretty self-explanatory.

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!

Reps are stupid fools. But even though they don't do much...that can be a good thing. The dems are very fast acting, unfortunately all their work destroys America. I'd rather have inaction and less genderqueer kids, dope addicts and clan 13 criminals. Plus I get to keep my guns! I would never vote dem. I vote for the scummy reps.

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Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!
We were cool with Calvin.
No it’s me asking a guy who claimed Nixon was responsible for putting a man on the moon… what exactly Nixon did. I thought that was pretty self-explanatory.
Hardly, Nixon need only give the command. Unless of course you are comparing and assessing values of predecessors and the overall contributions to make said command possible. In which case, I am of course correct, you are a hypocrite.
I suppose Red Jen has a point. Democrats brought America the KKK, Jim Crow laws, two World Wars, the welfare state, and the normalization of faggotry. Hard to compete with that.
The Southerners brought you the KKK.
Hardly, Nixon need only give the command. Unless of course you are comparing and assessing values of predecessors and the overall contributions to make said command possible. In which case, I am of course correct, you are a hypocrite.

Who y'a wanna credit ? LBJ? The president takes credit for accomplishments that happen during his administration. Nixon approved the funding and authorized the mission. Unfortunately he wasn't skilled enough in politics at the time and the media hated him.
Hardly, Nixon need only give the command. Unless of course you are comparing and assessing values of predecessors and the overall contributions to make said command possible. In which case, I am of course correct, you are a hypocrite.
If all Nixon did was give the thumbs up then that’s great. Just say so. If he built the program to make it possible then give him credit for that. Why do you keep bringing up comparisons?
If all Nixon did was give the thumbs up then that’s great. Just say so. If he built the program to make it possible then give him credit for that. Why do you keep bringing up comparisons?
All accomplishments are based on comparative values else they would simply be mundane. By framing the argument in a way that rejects comparative values is disingenuous.
George W Bush, Explaining why he did not consult his father, former President George H. W. Bush, on the decision to go to war with Iraq in 2003: "There is a higher father that I appeal to"

W kept us safe!

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!

The sad truth is you’re stupid enough to believe this crap…
All accomplishments are based on comparative values else they would simply be mundane. By framing the argument in a way that rejects comparative values is disingenuous.
You’re trying to hard. There is no need to bring up any comparisons while listing accomplishments. Just list them.
You’re trying to hard. There is no need to bring up any comparisons while listing accomplishments. Just list them.
I listed many Democrat accomplishments to broaden the discussion. Quite frankly the mad ravings of the Ginger Harpy aren't worth discussing.
I listed many Democrat accomplishments to broaden the discussion. Quite frankly the mad ravings of the Ginger Harpy aren't worth discussing.
This isn’t your thread. Why do you feel a need to broaden the discussion? Others could see that as avoiding the topic

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!

They haven’t turned the entire country into San Francisco or Detroit.

Well, lately nothing, other than trying to advance the nefarious interests of Communist Russia lover Donald Trump.

John Durham was an abject failure. What did he prove to help Republicans? They can't get anywhere with their BIG investigations of Hunter and President Biden. Jimbo Jordan is totally lost with his "committee." Marjorie and Lauren are at each other's throats like a couple of alley cats.

And, this is the party that wants to run the country; good luck with that! Bigly!!!
Is it true social security may have to be cut so the government can afford all those adult diapers poor old biden goes through

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